• Title/Summary/Keyword: 상시관리

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Real-time Health Monitoring of Pipeline Structures (배관 구조물의 상시 건전성 모니터링)

  • Kim, Ju-Won;Kim, Tae-Heon;Lee, Chang-Gil;Park, Seung-Hee
    • Proceedings of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute Conference
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    • 2010.04a
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    • pp.666-669
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    • 2010
  • 여러 가지 지하시설물 중 국가 주요 자원의 수송망을 책임지는 주요구조물인 수도관, 가스관등의 배관구조물은 접근이 쉽지 않은 지하공간에 복잡하게 연결되어 있어 그 중요성에 비해 유지, 관리, 보수가 쉽지 않았다. 이러한 배관구조물을 균열, 조인트 풀림 등의 손상으로부터 보다 안전하고 효율적으로 관리하기 위하여 상시적 배관구조물 손상진단기법을 연구하였다. 이를 위해 배관 구조물 시험체에 볼트풀림, notch 등과 같은 손상에 대하여 대표적인 압전센서인 PZT와 MFC를 부착하고 임피던스기법 및 유도 초음파기법을 적용하여 볼트풀림개수, notch 손상개수 증가에 따른 출력신호를 반복 계측하였다. 객관적인 평가를 위해 계측된 신호를 신호처리기법인 웨이블렛 변환을 수행하고, RMSD 및 1-CC의 손상지수를 사용하여 구조물손상을 정량화 시켰으며 이를 토대로 구조물의 건전성의 기준이 되는 임계값을 설정함으로서 임피던스와 유도초음파 두 검색기법을 이용한 상시적 배관구조물 건전성 모니터링의 가능성을 살펴보았다.

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YOLO models based Bounding-Box Ensemble Method for Patient Detection In Homecare Place Images (조호환경 내 환자 탐지를 위한 YOLO 모델 기반 바운딩 박스 앙상블 기법)

  • Park, Junhwi;Kim, Beomjun;Kim, Inki;Gwak, Jeonghwan
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2022.11a
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    • pp.562-564
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    • 2022
  • 조호환경이란 환자의 지속적인 추적 및 관찰이 필요한 환경으로써, 병원 입원실, 요양원 등을 의미한다. 조호환경 내 환자의 이상 증세가 발생하는 시간 및 이상 증세의 종류는 예측할 수 없기에 인력을 통한 상시 관리는 필수적이다. 또한, 환자의 이상 증세 발견 시간은 발병 시점부터의 소요 시간이 생사와 즉결되기에 빠른 발견이 매우 중요하다. 하지만, 인력을 통한 상시 관리는 많은 경제적 비용을 수반하기에 독거 노인, 빈민층 등 요양 비용을 충당하지 못하는 환자들이 수혜받는 것은 어려우며, 인력을 통해 이루어지기 때문에 이상 증세 발병 즉시 발견에 한계를 가진다. 즉, 기존까지 조호환경 내 환자 관리 방식은 경제적 비용과 이상 증세 발병 즉시 발견에 한계를 가진다는 문제점을 가진다. 따라서 본 논문은 YOLO 모델의 조호환경 내 환자 탐지 성능 비교 및 바운딩 박스 앙상블 기법을 제안한다. 이를 통해, 딥러닝 모델을 통한 환자 상시 관리가 이루어지기에 높은 경제적 비용문제를 해소할 수 있다. 또한, YOLO 모델 바운딩 박스 앙상블 기법 WBF를 통해 폐색이 짙은 조호환경 영상 데이터 내에 객체 탐지 영역 정확도 향상 방법을 연구하였다.

Standardization of Data Quality and Management Regulation for Korean CORS (국내 GNSS 상시관측소 데이터 품질 및 관리규정 표준화에 관한 연구)

  • Jin Sang, Hwang;Hyuk Gil, Kim;Hong Sik, Yun;Jae Myoung, Cho
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.245-258
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    • 2015
  • This study aimed to conduct the standardization of various specifications for determining the proper construction and operation of domestic CORS (Continuously Operating Reference Station). To achieve the plan, the standardization was proposed for various compositions of CORS, such as the data quality, structure, and equipment. Also, we have studied the method for empirically determining the reference values of QC (Quality Check) of CORS data. Those large amounts of samples for each QC index values were built to approach in empirical and statistical methods. In fact, those general and recommended reference values were determined from analyzing the sample distributions, using the empirical and statistical approaches. The result is expected to be utilized for a variety of research fields for standardization, accurate data acquisitions and service operations for the domestic CORS

Implementation of the Voice and Data Communication-based Remote Monitoring System (음성 및 데이터 통신을 이용한 엘리베이터 원격감시 시스템 구현)

  • Lee, Wang-Hee;Song, Jae-Hong;Kim, Hyong-Suk
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2000.07d
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    • pp.3198-3200
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    • 2000
  • 엘리베이터의 고장 상태를 원격지에서도 상시 감시할 수 있는 시스템을 구현하였다 엘리베이터에 고장이 발생하는 경우에는 신속한 수리가 매우 중요하지만, 엘리베이터마다 전문 기술 인을 상시 근무시키는 일은 쉽지 않다. 본 논문은 최근 발달한 컴퓨터와 통신망 기술을 이용하여 대량의 엘리베이터를 원격지에서 전문적으로 감시하게 하여 엘리베이터 이용자에게는 보다 안전한 운전과 신속한 수리를 보장받게 하고 엘리베이터 관리회사는 신용과 효율성을 확보할 수 있게 하기 위한 것이다. 이 시스템은 엘리베이터 상태 감시 모듈, 비상사태 상태감시 모듈, 음성 및 데이터 통신망 및 원격 모니터링 시스템으로 구성된다. 상태 감시모듈은 엘리베이터의 비정상적인 동작을 상시 감시하여 이상 발생 시 엘리베이터의 관리회사에 즉시 통보하며, 비상사태 감시 모듈은 엘리베이터 내부의 소음 상태를 측정하여 강도나 엘리베이터의 갇힘 상태 등을 감시한다. 또, 음성 및 데이터 통신망은 기존의 전화 연결 망에 모뎀을 통하여 연결되게 함으로써 저렴한 가격으로 구성이 가능하게 하며, 원격 모니터링 시스템은 관리회사에 보고된 엘리베이터의 이상 상태를 그래픽을 통하여 적절히 표시하고 응급 조치 연락망에 연락하거나 수리에 필요한 기구나 부품들을 제시한다.

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The effect that Preventive Safety Guidance from the relevant administrative agency relevant to apartment house have on fire correspondence (공동주택의 관계기관 예방안전지도가 화재대응에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Jong-Nam;Kong, Ha-Sung
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.369-386
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study is to examine causality closely about the mediating effect of management entity's self-checking between effects that not only mobilization for regular patrol of the relevant administrative agency, but also checking for Preventive Safety Guidance have on fire correspondence. The results of the analysis are as follows: First, not only mobilization for regular patrol of the relevant administrative agency, but also preventive safety guidance all together have been revealed to have an positive effect on management entity's self-checking. Results of these analysis have been revealed that the more not only the number of mobilization for regular patrol of the relevant administrative agency, but also the numbers of preventive safety guidance and fire fighting safety supervisor's self-checking are many, the more capability of not only management entity, but also fire fighting safety supervisor's self checking heighten. Second, not only mobilization for regular patrol of the relevant administrative agency, but also checking investigation for preventive safety guidance have been revealed to have an positive effect on fire correspondence. Results of these analysis have been revealed that the more not only the number for regular patrol of the relevant administrative agency, but also the number of fire fighting safety supervisor's checking times for preventive safety guidance are many, the more fire correspondence for the apartment house are being fulfilled much better. Finally, it has been found that both mobilization for regular patrol of the relevant administrative agency and management entity's self-checking have an effect on fire correspondence. Therefore, the effect that the relevant administrative agency's mobilization for regular patrols and preventive safety guidance, and management entity's self-checking have on fire correspondence was analyzed into what the relevant administrative agency's mobilization for regular patrols and preventive safety guidance is not only significant to do self-checking of management entity at the first stage, but also the relevant administrative agency's mobilization for regular patrols, and preventive safety guidance, and management entity's self-checking have an mediating effect in the relation between influences that have on fire correspondence.

Emission Characteristics of Methane and Nitrous Oxide by Management of Water and Nutrient in a Rice Paddy Soil (논에서 물과 양분관리에 따른 메탄CH4), 아산화질소(N2O)배출 특성)

  • Kim, Gun-Yeob;Park, Sang-Il;Song, Beom-Heon;Shin, Yong-Kwang
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.136-143
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    • 2002
  • Emission of methane and nitrous oxide affected by nitrogen fertilizer materials were measured simultaneously in rice paddy fields under flooding and intermittent irrigation in 2000. Studies focused on mitigating $CH_4$ emission from rice paddy fields are summarized and the possibilities and limits applied to world's rice cultivation are discussed. The mitigation options are water management, soil amendments, organic matter management, different tillage, rotation, and cultivar selection. Altering water management, in particular promoting midseason aeration by short-term drainage, is one of the most promising strategies, although these practices may be limited to the rice paddy fields where the irrigation system is well prepared. The test site was divided into two water managements: a continuously flooded plot which was maintained flooded by constant irrigation from May to September, and an intermittently drained plot in which short-term (20days) draining practices were performed one times during the flooding period. By total emission of GHGs converted by global warming potential (GWP), flooding plots were higher 170$\sim$208% than interimittent irrigation plots. For emission of GHGs in fertilizer materials, it was high in the order of Swine slurry>Urea+Rice straw>Urea>LCU. Basing on GHGs emission of urea fertilization under flooding as baseline GWP of urea fertilization and Latex-coated urea under intermittent irrigation showed lower GHGs emission by 41.4% and 55.8 respectively. In this case fertilizer use efficiency (kg unhulled rice/ of applied N) were 18.2$\sim$20.2 and 18.7$\sim$19.0 and 9.3 and 5.8$\sim$6.6 for Swine slurry and LCU and Urea+Rice straw and Urea in the continuously flooded and intermittently drained plot.

A Bridge Management System Using Wireless Sensor Networks (무선 센서망을 이용한 교량 관리 시스템)

  • Park, Chan-Heum;Kim, Young-Rag;Kim, Geum-Deok;Park, Hee-Joo;Kim, Chong-Gun
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.35 no.5B
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    • pp.824-832
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    • 2010
  • In construction structure management, the effects of investigation by the professional manager is dependent on the cost, the inspection periods and methods. Therefore, effective and automated maintenance system for the target structure is required. Although some bridge monitoring systems are operating using wire based networks, the performance is not good enough to show sufficient ability as integrated bridge management system. In this paper, we design and implement an integrated bridge management system based on sensor networks. Two expert modules for bridge management and the integrated system management are provided. Moreover, web-based monitoring system is also designed for users at anywhere. The results show that the system is effective and readily available.

Benefit Analysis of the Economic DR program in Cost Based Pool (상시 부하관리 효과분석에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, Jun-Ho;Yoon, Yong-Beum;Lee, Kyung-Kuk;Jung, Young-Beom;Kim, Hae-In;Park, Jong-Hyun;Lim, Ji-Hoon
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2008.07a
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    • pp.544-545
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    • 2008
  • 본 논문에서는 전력 도매요금(현 전력거래제도에서의 시간대별 계통한계가격) 상승시, 고객의 부하절감을 유도함으로써 사회적 후생을 최대화 할 수 있는 상시부하관리 개념을 제안하였다. 2007년 계통을 대상으로 전력거래 모의프로그램인 P-POOL를 이용하여 경제적 측면에서의 효과를 분석하고 그 결과를 제시하였으며 본 결과는 향후 우리나라에서의 가격기반 부하관리 메카니즘 도입의 기초자료로 활용이 기대된다.

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Implementation and Verification of User Centric Constant Measurement for Pre-management of IPTV Service Quality (IPTV 서비스 품질의 사전 관리를 위한 서비스 이용자 중심의 상시 측정 방안 구현과 검증)

  • Kim, Beom-Joon;Kim, Chin-Chol;Park, Jae-Sung
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartC
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    • v.18C no.1
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    • pp.23-30
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    • 2011
  • Recently internet protocol television (IPTV) service is becoming a typical emerging service enabled on broadband networks. Through the Internet which cannot support quality of service (QoS) beyond best-effort (BE) policy, how to manage and maintain its service quality is an important and essential issue for successful deployment and settlement of IPTV service. In particular, the current measurement scheme that mostly depends on specific equipments should be replaced with one that supports realtime and constant measurement achieved on a user's own will. Therefore, this paper proposes a scheme so-called 'user centric realtime measurement' of IPTV service. The developed software, which is installed in a set-top box (STB) at a user's premise, measures and reports the quality of IPTV service in realtime. In order to verify the performance and accuracy of the developed software, a number of tests are performed comparing to the measurement values from two major measurement equipments. The result of the tests shows that the measurement by the implemented software is significantly reliable.

고속철도용 터널의 상시계측 시스템 구축에 관하여

  • 이준석;최일윤;문도영;이희현
    • Magazine of korean Tunnelling and Underground Space Association
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.63-67
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    • 2001
  • 최근 구조물의 안전과 관련하여 계측기술에 대한 관심이 고조되고 있으며, 시공중 계측 뿐 아니라 시공후 유지관리를 위한 구조물의 계측 사례가 증대되고 있다. 본 고에서는 영구계측을 위하여 고속철도용 터널에 적용된 유지관리 계측시스템을 소개함으로써 추후 터널의 유지관리 계측시스템을 구축하는데에 기초적인 자료를 제시하고자한다.

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