• Title/Summary/Keyword: 사회운동의 공간성

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Towards the Spatiality of Social Movements: Exploring Geographical Contributions to the Study of Social Movements (사회운동의 공간성: 사회운동연구에 있어서 지리학적 기여에 대한 탐색)

  • Jung Hyun-Joo
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.41 no.4 s.115
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    • pp.470-490
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    • 2006
  • The paper critically examines resource mobilization theories, frame theory, and new social movement theories, and proposes studies on the spatiality of the social movements as one potential to mitigate the limitation in these theories. The resource mobilization theories and the frame theory, the strategy-oriented approaches, lack contextual understandings of the origin of social movements. While new social movement theories provide macro-scale analysis and the structural explanations of the origins of social movements, they have covered limited geographical areas. The spatiality of social movements promotes deep understandings of local differences, and contexts in and through which grievances are constructed and collective actions are organized. Physical structures and symbolic representations of places are often created and utilized as social movement strategies. The spatiality of social movements can be a useful conceptual tool to explain the diversity and the dynamics of social movements.

서울의 젠트리피케이션과 대안적 도시운동의 부상

  • Lee, Gi-Ung
    • Korean Journal of Social Issues
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.127-156
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    • 2017
  • 최근 몇 년 동안 서울에서는 도시공간에 관한 권리를 둘러싼 격렬한 투쟁이 이어져왔다. 급작스러운 임대료 상승과 그에 뒤따르는 폭력적 전치는 이제 도시생활의 일상적 의례의 하나로 자리잡은 듯하다. 흔히 '젠트리피케이션'으로 명명되는 도시공간의 자본화는 한편으로 도시 내 계급지배가 관철되는 대표적 양상이지만, 다른 한편으로는 다양한 형태의 도시운동이 발생하는 조건과 배경으로도 작용한다. 이 논문에서는 최근 서울의 도시공간에서 발견되는 도시운동의 새로운 형태들을 2010년 이후 등장한 세 개의 도시 운동 집단, '맘편히장사하고픈상인모임(맘상모),' 리슨투더시티, 비빌기지에 초점을 맞춰 검토한다. 구체적으로 이 글에서는 도시공간에 대한 이들의 대안적 상상과 실천의 형성 과정을 서울의 젠트리피케이션이라는 맥락에서 살펴보고, 이들이 제시하는 도시운동의 '새로움'을 과거의 도시운동과 비교 분석하며, 도시운동으로서 이들의 실천이 지닌 함의를 도시권의 관점에서 고찰한다. 내용과 형식의 다양성에도 불구하고 이들 집단의 행동은 몇몇 핵심적 특성을 공유한다. 첫째, 이들은 공동재(commons)로서의 도시공간을 추구한다. 둘째, 이들은 느슨하고 유연하며 소규모의 조직을 지향한다. 셋째, 이들은 예술과 문화를 주체형성에 적극적으로 동원한다. 이러한 특성들은 철거민운동으로 대표되는 전통적 계급 기반 도시운동과 뚜렷한 차이를 나타내며, 계급 이후(post-class) 도시권의 전망을 선취한다.

Bringing the Multiscalar Approach into Feminist Spatial Studies: On the Study of Women's Movement (페미니스트 공간연구에 다중스케일적 접근 접목하기: 여성운동연구를 중심으로)

  • Hwang, Jin-Tae;Jung, Hyunjoo
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.50 no.1
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    • pp.123-139
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    • 2015
  • This paper attempts to complement the methodological and conceptual lack of spatial thinking in Korean women's movement research and to facilitate further discussion on this field of research, by drawing on recent academic discussion on scale developed particularly among the Western critical and feminist geographers. The purposes of the paper are following. First, it addresses the need to utilize the concept of scale in women's movement research. Numerous spatial metaphors often proliferated with indiscretion in the feminist approach have rather tended to hinder fully understanding the spatiality of social movements. In order to examine the spatiality of social movements as both conceptual tool and praxis, not merely as metaphor, the paper incorporates main issues in recent scale discourses with particular attention to the debate between Marston and Brenner, and explores their implications for women's movement research in Korea. Second, it emphasizes the multi-scalar approach by highlighting the role of micro-scale, the less studied side in social movement literature. The public and the private divide, the long time battle ground in feminist research, is often intermingled with the hierarchical scalar understanding which considers the global as more powerful and important than the local. The reproductive realm, however, is indispensably related to production and political economic realm. The paper explores the very site where both the public/private divide and the hierarchical scalar understanding can be dismantled. It is the site where the private becomes public and the local becomes the global (and vice versa). Drawing on a brief example of an anti-FTA movement of women with strollers in Korea, it examines the way the multi-scalar approach advances the understanding of Korean women's movement.

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메이커운동(Maker Movement)과 메이커스페이스(Makerspace) 연구의 시각 : 창업경영의 관점으로 바라본 비판적 평가

  • Seo, Jin-Won;Choe, Jong-In
    • 한국벤처창업학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2019.04a
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    • pp.13-21
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    • 2019
  • "4차 산업 혁명"으로 대변되는 사회전반에 걸친 변화는 일상에서의 혁신과 일상적인 혁신을 필요로 하고 있다. 또한 국가차원에서 가능한 모든 혁신자산을 효율적으로 관리 운영하고 지속적으로 새로운 혁신자산을 확보하는 것이 국가경쟁력 향상의 제일목표가 되가고 있다. 이러한 시대 요구속에서 "메이커 운동(maker movement)"은 변화요구에 대응할 수 있는 대중(grassroot)혁신활동으로 주목받고 있다. 특히 메이커운동의 주요 활동공간인 '메이커 스페이스(makerspace)'는 메이커들이 서로의 지식을 나누고 자원과 결과물을 공유, 협업하는 장소로 최근에는 (예비)창업자를 위한 창업준비공간으로 기능을 확장하고 있다. 우리나라의 경우에도 2010년 이후 다양한 형태의 '메이커 스페이스'를 혁신기반육성을 위한 정책차원에서 지원하고 있다. 중소벤처기업부는 "메이커 스페이스" 확대 사업을 2018년부터 추진 중이며 '일반랩'과 '전문랩'으로 세분화 하여 '일반랩'은 메이커 입문과 기본단계에 있는 초보 메이커들을 위한 'Zero to Maker' 공간으로, '전문랩'은 전문가(창업가)들을 위한 'Maker to Maker(Market)' 공간으로 역할을 분할하여 지원하고 있다. 본 연구는 주목받고 있는 사회문화 현상이며 변화환경에 대응하기 위한 정책수단으로 활용되고 있는 메이커 관련 주제 중 메이커들이 활동하는 공간(메이커스페이스)에 대한 연구이다. 지금까지 메이커스페이스들 관한 국내외 주요 연구에 대하여 조사하고 최근 메이커스페이스에 요구되고 있는 기능적 확장을 위한 연구필요성 및 연구방향에 대해 논하고자 한다. 특히 창업 경영학적 관점에서 메이커스페이스 관련 연구의 필요성과 구체적인 연구 분야를 제시한다.

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Sign Language Generation with Animation by Adverbial Phrase Analysis (부사어를 활용한 수화 애니메이션 생성)

  • Kim, Sang-Ha;Park, Jong-C.
    • 한국HCI학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2008.02a
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    • pp.27-32
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    • 2008
  • Sign languages, commonly used in aurally challenged communities, are a kind of visual language expressing sign words with motion. Spatiality and motility of a sign language are conveyed mainly via sign words as predicates. A predicate is modified by an adverbial phrase with an accompanying change in its semantics so that the adverbial phrase can also affect the overall spatiality and motility of expressions of a sign language. In this paper, we analyze the semantic features of adverbial phrases which may affect the motion-related semantics of a predicate in converting expressions in Korean into those in a sign language and propose a system that generates corresponding animation by utilizing these features.

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The Trend and Issues of Sociological Studies of Social Network Service (SNS에 관한 사회학 연구의 동향과 쟁점)

  • Lee, Myoung-Jin;Park, Hyun-Ju
    • Informatization Policy
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.3-20
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    • 2012
  • This study examines the trend and issues of sociological studies of social network service(SNS). For this purpose, the studies were classified into three types. The first type of study concerns spatial characteristics of SNS. It deals with the impact of such SNS usage on individual attitudes and behaviors. The second type of the study focuses on the formation process of interrelationship among users. It is based on sociological concepts such as trust and social capital. The last type of study emphasizes the impact of SNS on society. The study includes the issues of social movement and political participation. In the future study of SNS, more diverse sociological subjects, such as social integration, exclusion, public welfare, and affective support need to be dealt with.

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Understanding the Roles and Limitations of SNS for Network Social Movements: A Case Study of "Save Jeju Island" Movement in South Korea (네트워크 사회운동과 SNS: Save Jeju Island (SJI) 운동 사례)

  • Chae, Younggil
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.89-102
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    • 2014
  • Since the Arab spring in 2010, SNS prompted discussions about the roles to organize collective actions. First of all, mobile media and SNS help to mobilize both on and offline social movement, second, to create new forms of collective actions, third, to organize social movement organizations across the world, fourth, to empower movement participants to develop new collective identities. On the other hand, the same technologies also hinder social movements from developing continuity and dedication. In addition, the problems of digital divide might aggravate the divisive process to organize collective actions across the world. This research is built on these ongoing arguments about the potentials and limitations of new media technologies. In particular, this research tries to move beyond the confrontational approaches to the media through the case study of Save The Jeju Island social movements on Facebook. The movement SNS on Facebook aims to provide as well as organize international SMOs and activists that might help deeper understandings on the potentials and limitations of online communication strategies for global social movements.

Possibilities and Limitations of Media Representation as the Historical Communication -Focusing on Korea Films of Gwangju Democratization Movement in 2000s- (역사적 소통 공간으로써 미디어 재현의 가능성과 한계 -2000년대 한국 영화 속 광주 민주화 운동을 중심으로-)

  • Kim, Mi-Sun;Kim, Yu-Rye
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.15 no.7
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    • pp.157-169
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    • 2015
  • This study focuses on Korea films of historical communication. Narrative analysis was conducted on the films in 2000s including , and <26 Years> that mainly have dealt with the 'Gwangju Democratization Movement'. As a result of the syntagmatic analysis, these films try to stabilize 'social imbalances' in the aspect of individuals and conceals issues of social structure. In addition, the result of paradigmatic analysis reveals that textual factors of 'active involvement of female characters', 'continuity of history through the survivors' demonstrate its strategies to publicize the historical truth. Consequently these films show its limitations that weakens historical meaning by placing unsolved problems of social structure as well as the love story. But rather than describing it as a history of the past, these films act as a catalyst to bring thins specific historical issue to our present lives and publicize it as a current issue. Therefore, the historical film not only allows current generation to remind to history but also to provide an opportunity to publicize the important issues of social structure in the present society.

Mathematical Modelling and Behavior Analysis of Addiction of Physical Exercise (운동 중독의 수학적 모델링과 거동 해석)

  • Bae, Young-Chul
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems
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    • v.24 no.6
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    • pp.615-621
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    • 2014
  • The Addiction problems have been became a social problem; the social efforts continue to solve these problems. One of those efforts, we need to establish a mathematical modeling for an addictive model to perform analysis of behavior by using this modeling. We need to process the research that can be judged before and after addictive status with result of the behavior analysis. We have to process an observation of transition from before to after addictive status. According to those necessary, this paper proposed the physical exercise model that is composed by novel second order system, which consisted of Spring-Damper-Mass system with equivalence in order to evolve an addictive equation for physical exercise. This paper also is analyzed by the behaviors for those the addictive equation of physical exercise.

A Study on Makerspace: Focusing on Its Urbanism and Placeness (산업공간으로서 메이커스페이스의 도시성(urbanism)과 장소성(placeness))

  • Jeong Seok Ha
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.547-567
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    • 2022
  • In this study, I focus on makerspaces, which have rapidly spread since the late 2000s in the world's major cities. Makerspaces, born amid great social change, reflect the core characteristics of industrial space. I analyze the makerspace based on the theoretical perspectives of urbanism in the macroscopic aspect and placeness in the microscopic aspect. The urbanism of makerspaces is manifested through entry into the inner cities and their connections with urban capabilities. This means that convergence with innovation factors is becoming more important than optimization of factor costs and agglomeration economies in the locational determinants of industrial space. The placeness of makerspaces is being re-formed through an emphasis on taste, the expansion of autonomy, and the strengthening of connections. This reveals how the value creation process within the industrial space is changing, from forming-placelessness through standardization, uniformity, and compartmentalization to forming-placeness through restoration of individual humanity and interaction. The results of the urbanism and placenesss analysis carry implications for the present moment, when it is necessary to diversify the spatial planning of industrial spaces.