• Title/Summary/Keyword: 사회부담

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An Explorative Study on the Internalization of External Costs and the Strategic Reaction of the European Logistics Service Providers (외부비용의 내부화를 위한 유럽에서의 정책 환경 변화와 유럽물류산업의 대응전략)

  • Nam, Sang-Min;Kim, Chung-Yul
    • Journal of Korea Port Economic Association
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.172-194
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    • 2010
  • External costs emerge as a consequence of negative external effects. The EU commission and national government in Europe made themselves the internalization of external costs and began to make various measures. The traffic sector plays an important role. At the same time, it affects as financial loads to logistics service providers and carriers in Europe. This study examines current development in european logistic market conditions. It describes the reaction of different market players and stakeholders in the logistic value chain in EU, Switzerland and Germany. A portfolio of different strategic answers to the changing market environment is being developed. Therefore, different options for the internalization of external costs are proposed. This study finally derives propositions for future research.

Strategic Approaches for Integrated Water Resources Management (통합수자원관리 추진방안)

  • Kim, Sung;Lee, Mi-Yeon;Jang, Su-Hwan;Lee, Sung-Hack;Kang, Jae-Won
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2007.05a
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    • pp.1650-1654
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    • 2007
  • 홍수와 가뭄의 증가, 수질악화, 물부족 등 물 문제 해결을 위한 대안으로 통합수자원관리에 대한 논의가 국제사회에서 활발하게 진행되고 있다. 국내에서도 많은 학자들이 수자원관리를 위한 새로운 대안으로 통합수자원관리를 주장하고 있지만, 추상적인 설명이 대부분이다. 따라서 본 연구는 통합수자원관리에 대한 정의, 원칙, 추진전략 등을 정리하여 통합수자원관리에 대한 종합적이고 체계적인 정보를 제공하고자 한다. 본 연구는 다음과 같은 흐름을 갖는다. 첫째, 수자원관리를 위한 새로운 대안으로 통합수자원관리가 등장하게 된 배경을 살펴보았다. 물문제를 해결하기 위해서는 연속적이고 상호작용하는 하나의 '시스템(係)'으로 수자원을 인식하고 관리해야 한다는 주장이 확산되고 있으며, 통합수자원관리가 그러한 인식을 갖고 있는 대안으로 등장하였다. 둘째, 통합수자원관리의 정의, 원칙 등을 조사하였다. 통합수자원관리는 자연의 지속가능성을 훼손하지 않으면서 경제적, 사회적 복지를 최대화하기 위하여 물, 토지 및 관련 자원의 조화로운 개발을 위한 과정으로 정의된다. 이러한 통합수자원관리를 위한 원칙으로는 지속가능한 수자원의 개발, 이용 및 관리원칙, 물순환 체계 고려 및 유역관리원칙, 이해당사자 참여 및 조정의 원칙, 비용부담 및 편익 균형배분의 원칙 등이 있다. 셋째, 통합수자원관리를 위한 추진방안을 제시하였다. 법제도 정비 및 부문별 통합관리강화, 수자원 관련 자료의 신뢰도 제고 및 의사결정 체계 구축, 관련계획과의 연계, 계획-실행-평가의 순환구축, 물관리 비용부담체계 구축 등이 통합수자원관리의 실행을 앞당길 수 있을 것이다. 본 연구는 통합수자원관리에 대하여 종합적인 정보를 제공하고 개선을 위한 추진방안을 제시하여 국내 수자원관리의 문제해결을 위한 기반을 구축하는 데에 기여할 것으로 기대된다. 범람범위의 1차적인 정보에서 수립할 수 있었던 계획이 가질 수 있었던 한계점을 좀 더 향상된 정보를 이용하여 극복함으로써 효율적이고 체계적인 치수 방재 계획수립이 가능할 것으로 판단된다.group) 67개, 속(family) 161개로 분류되었으며, 가장 저차단위인 통(series)이 390개 분류되었다. 또한 작물이용측면에서 실용적 분류를 실시하였는데, 논토양의 경우 보통논, 미숙논, 사질논, 습논, 염해논, 특이산성논으로 분류할 경우 각각의 분포면적이 31.9%, 23.0%, 31.9%, 9.1%, 3.9%, 0.2%이었다. 밭토양의 경우에도 보통밭, 사질밭, 미숙밭, 중점밭, 고원밭, 화산회밭으로 6개 유형으로 분류할 경우 각각의 분포면적은 41.9%, 23.3%, 17.5%, 13.9%, 1.1. 2.2% 이었다. 도시화 및 도로확대 등 다양한 토지이용 및 지형개변으로 과거의 토양정보가 많이 변경되었다. 그래서, 앞으로는 인공위성자료 및 항공사진을 이용하여 빠르고 쉽게 활용할 수 있는 토양조사 방법개발과 기 구축된 토양도의 수정, 보완 작업이 필요한 절실히 요구되고 있는 현실이다.브로 출시에 따른 마케팅 및 고객관리와 관련된 시사점을 논의한다.는 교합면에서 2, 3, 4군이 1군에 비해 변연적합도가 높았으며 (p < 0.05), 인접면과 치은면에서는 군간 유의차를 보이지 않았다 이번 연구를 통하여 복합레진을 간헐적 광중합시킴으로써 변연적합도가 향상될 수 있음을 알 수 있었다.시장에 비해 주가가 비교적 안정적인 수준을 유지해 왔다고 볼 수 있다.36.4%)와 외식을 선호(29.1%)${\lrcorner}$ 하기 때문에 패스트푸드를 이용하게 된 것으로 응답 하였으며, 남 여 대학생간에는 유의한 차이(p<0.05)가 인정되었다. 응답자의 체형은 ${\

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Mismatch of Perception and Data: Air Pollution, Medical Expenses, and Consumption in South Korea (관측 자료와 인지의 불일치: 대기 오염에 따른 의료 비용 및 소비 지출에 관한 분석)

  • Yun, Seong Do;Kim, Seung Gyu
    • Environmental and Resource Economics Review
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.113-144
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    • 2020
  • Throughout various data sources, it is widely observed that air quality in South Korea has become improved. Koreans, however, insist that their health status and economic burden due to worsened air quality get degenerated. This study aims to explain the mismatch between perception and measured data, air pollution-led medical expenses, and consumption behaviors in the economics perspectives. First, we demonstrated data-driven evidence of mismatch in the perceived severity of air pollution and its enhancement in measured data. Second, using the health demand model, we theoretically derived and empirically showed a co-rising relation between air pollution severity and medical expenses. Last, we analyzed that the perception led to increased defensive expenditures in consumption. This result implies the possibility of overestimation in air pollution impacts on socioeconomic losses and its possible reverse interpretation from increased social benefit after improved air quality. Our results recommend policy consideration to strengthen air quality standards, to support socially vulnerable groups regarding defensive expenditures, and to improve the accessibility and credibility of air pollution information.

Characteristics of Lifelong Learning Policy and Developmental Tasks of South Korea (한국 평생교육 정책의 유형화와 발전과제)

  • Choi, Don Min;Kim, Hyunsoo
    • Korean Journal of Comparative Education
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    • v.28 no.5
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    • pp.47-69
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to classify the lifelong learning policy implementation process of lifelong learning in Korea according to the policy making decision models and to suggest developmental tasks. Korea's lifelong learning policy came to a full-fledged start with the enactment of the Lifelong Education Act in 2000. The Lifelong Education Act proposed the establishment of an open educational system as a strategy to realize the lifelong learning society. According to the Lifelong Education Act, the Korean government has developed several lifelong education policies such as providing learning opportunity for the underprivileged, facilitating lifelong learning city project, building lifelong learning culture, recognizing of experiential learning result, funding lifelong learning hub university, launching lifelong learning supporting administrative etc. The Korean lifelong system is characterized as Allison's (1971) governmental/bureaucratic, Ziegler and Johnson's (1972) legislative, Griffin's(1987) social control and Green's (2000) state-led models which make policy through the coordination between the government and the parliament and control bureaucratic power and educational qualifications. Lifelong learning policies should be managed in terms of supply and demand at the learning market. In addition, the state has to strengthen lifelong learning through supporting NGOs' activities and adult learners' tuition fee for the disadvantaged group of people.

A Study on the Conservation and culturalization of Archaeological Heritage - On the emphasis of ordering better legitimacy and management system - (고고 유산의 보호 원리와 보존 활용 방안에 대하여 - 법(法)과 제도의 비교 고찰을 중심으로 -)

  • Jang, Ho-su
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.40
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    • pp.5-34
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    • 2007
  • Archaeological Heritage is material testimony of national and regional history, and it is one of the tourist's attractions. So it has very important meaning and identical value for a local residents. Public concern on the heritage site elevate higher day by day. They are willing to use it for a multiful purpose, cultural, educational, and even commercial one. But Archaeological Heritage is fragile, and visitors can impact negatively for protection and management of the authenticity on the heritage site. In this research I try to compare legal and administrative measure for the protection, management, and culturalization of Archaeological Heritage in many countries. And I suppose sustainable and practical strategies for keeping integrity of heritage.

A Study on Typology and the Casual factors of Elderly-abuse (노인학대 유형화 및 유형결정요인 연구)

  • Lee, Yun-Kyung;Kim, Mee-Hye
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.1165-1178
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    • 2008
  • The objectives of this study are developing the new types of elderly abuse and finding the variables affecting the new elderly abuse type. And This is at suggesting the intervention strategies preventing the elderly abuse. The 350 cases of elderly abuse reported in Elder Protection Agency was analysed. Data is analyzed by using statistical techniques including cluster analysis and logit-regression. New type of elderly abuse is "violent elderly abuse" and "avoiding elderly abuse". Violent elderly abuse is very connected with directly violence speech and behavior and avoiding elderly abuse is connected with neglect and abandonment, self-neglect. The elderly's instrumental activity of daily living and education, the offender's sex and education and living together type of the elderly - the offender, and the offender's care burden are the casual factors of the new type of elderly abuse. Based on the results, the various service programmes for the abused elderly is developed and implemented.

A Brief Study on the Scope of National Health Insurance Service's Subrogation to the Insured owing to Claim for Damages (국민건강보험공단의 가입자 손해배상채권 대위 범위에 관한 소고: 대법원 2021. 3. 18. 선고 2018다287935판결 중심)

  • Jeon, Byeong-Joo;Han, Hye-Sook;Park, Mi-Sook
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.21 no.8
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    • pp.305-314
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    • 2021
  • According to the recent judgment of Supreme Court, in case when the National Health Insurance Service pays the insurance to a victim of torts, and then subrogate the victim's claim for damages, the scope of institution's subrogation should be limited to the amount of the assailant's responsibility rate of the institution charge, and the amount of compensation claimed by the victim to the assailant should be calculated in the method of contributory negligence after deduction. The court has judged that the institution could subrogate the whole amount of institution charge in the limit of assailant's damages, and the method of deduction after contributory negligence should be applied when calculating the assailant's damages to the victim. Supreme Court decision is greatly significant in the aspect of harmonizing the nature of health insurance as property right and social insurance as the beneficiaries could get additional supplement, and also seeking the balance between insurer and beneficiary. With the changed legal principles of Supreme Court in the scope of institution subrogation like this, the necessities to complement the litigation relation, legislation, and institution were suggested.

Analysis of Changes in Power Generation of Each Power Generation Company by the Fine-Dust Seasonal Management System (미세먼지 계절관리제로 인한 발전사별 전력생산량 변화 분석)

  • Kim, Bu-Kwon;Won, Doo Hwan
    • Environmental and Resource Economics Review
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.627-648
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    • 2021
  • The fine-dust season management system refers to the policy of implementing enhanced reduction measures in transportation, power, business and living sectors in winter, when fine dust levels are high. The fine dust season management system is a regulatory policy that causes social costs and transfers to various economic players. Equity is an important issue for the cost burden. Therefore, in this study, the cost of each power generator was analyzed using the coal power generation reduction amount of each power generator to verify that the cost of the power sector is evenly distributed. In particular, the effect of the fine dust season management system on coal power generation of power generators was analyzed by applying a synthetic control method that can identify the time-variable effect of the policy. It was confirmed that the fine dust season management system reduced volume of fuel and power generation in coal power plants, resulting in an increase in the cost of the power generation sector, even considering the effect of some power demand due to the COVID-19 crisis. However, it could be seen that these costs were not distributed equally among the generators, and that they were more costly to the specific generators.Social costs incurred by fine dust season management need to be improved so that stakeholders are equally burdened.

The Effects of disability in kind benefit and cash benefit policies on the main carer of a child with a disability service satisfaction (장애아동 현금급여 및 현물급여정책이 장애아동 주양육자의 서비스 만족도에 미치는 영향 연구)

  • Lee, Young-Kwang;Ji, Eun-Gu
    • Asia-pacific Journal of Multimedia Services Convergent with Art, Humanities, and Sociology
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.701-710
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    • 2017
  • This study investigated the effect of cash benefit and in-kind benefit policy supported by disabled children on the satisfaction of service care of main caregiver. The results of this study are as follows. First, the parental stress, parenting burden, and family members' difficulties were investigated. However, the research on the salary policy supported by the handicapped children has been scarce, and it has been found that the research on the service satisfaction of the main caregiver is also insufficient by the type of salary. The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of variables (parents gender, child gender, parents age, child age, disability grade, average income) on service satisfaction. As a result, parents age, child age, and child gender showed statistically significant effects on service satisfaction. This resulted in statistically significant overall effects on the application process, economic burden, support and selection criteria, service volume, and overall satisfaction. Based on the results of the study, the implications for cash benefits and in-kind benefits could be improved by increasing the amount and scope of benefits, and customized services considering the age of the handicapped children, ultimately improving the service satisfaction of the main caregiver.

Development of Driving Evaluation model of a truck for UBI (화물자동차 UBI 도입을 위한 운행 평가 모델 구축)

  • Yoo, GeonGeun;Won, Jong-Un;Lee, Suk;Kwon, YongJang
    • Asia-pacific Journal of Multimedia Services Convergent with Art, Humanities, and Sociology
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    • v.6 no.12
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    • pp.469-481
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    • 2016
  • Freight car accidents occur frequently and have a high mortality. In this reason, freight can insurance fee has been raised drastically. But speeding and overloading of trucks are still not decreased. We need to consider a measure about voluntary safe driving of truck drivers. We select UBI(Usage-Based insurance) as a measure for safe driving of truck drivers. UBI is a car insurance system and insurance fee is flexible. If vehicle drivers drive safely, insurance fee is discounted. The other way, if vehicle drivers drive dangerously, insurance fee is increased. In now, very high insurance fee for truck drivers, UBI is a effective way for leading a truck driver to safe driving. The most important thing in UBI is to evaluate truck driver rationally and accurately. In this paper, we select the reasons of truck accidents and develop driving evaluation model from multiple regression analysis and correlation analysis with accident reasons and truck accidents.