• Title/Summary/Keyword: 사회기술망

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Mapping the Knowledge on Socio-nuclear Studies in Korea through Keyword Network Analysis (키워드 네트워크 분석을 통한 원자력 관련 사회과학 연구경향 분석)

  • Kim, Young June;Wang, Young Min
    • Journal of Korea Technology Innovation Society
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.1057-1088
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    • 2017
  • This research has attempted to conduct meta-analysis on 605 published papers in the field of socio-nuclear studies from 1957 to 2016 in Korea through network analysis of author-provided keywords. The findings lead to several straightforward conclusions. First, socio-nuclear studies including policy research have mostly been conducted by universities, while technology developments have been led by public organizations. Second, it is apparent that the Fukushima accident has provoked major engagement among social scientists in nuclear issues as the remarkable growth of the knowledge network after 2011 signify. Third, the research topics have been diversified as a result of growing multi-disciplinary research projects. Finally, there is between sub communities in the socio-nuclear knowledge network in terms of network properties. This article provides a stepping stone for future researchers with a wealth of information concerning the status of socio-nuclear studies. For policy makers, this meta-analysis is likely to provide guidance on what we need and do not need. It remains to be seen whether the socio-nuclear knowledge network in Korea is well-structured or not. provide an impetus for comparative studies with overseas cases in order to evaluate the network and its soundness.

Rank Correlation Coefficient of Energy Data for Identification of Abnormal Sensors in Buildings (에너지 데이터의 순위상관계수 기반 건물 내 오작동 기기 탐지)

  • Kim, Naeon;Jeong, Sihyun;Jang, Boyeon;Kim, Chong-Kwon
    • Journal of KIISE
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    • v.44 no.4
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    • pp.417-422
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    • 2017
  • Anomaly detection is the identification of data that do not conform to a normal pattern or behavior model in a dataset. It can be utilized for detecting errors among data generated by devices or user behavior change in a social network data set. In this study, we proposed a new approach using rank correlation coefficient to efficiently detect abnormal data in devices of a building. With the increased push for energy conservation, many energy efficiency solutions have been proposed over the years. HVAC (Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning) system monitors and manages thousands of sensors such as thermostats, air conditioners, and lighting in large buildings. Currently, operators use the building's HVAC system for controlling efficient energy consumption. By using the proposed approach, it is possible to observe changes of ranking relationship between the devices in HVAC system and identify abnormal behavior in social network.

Exploratory Research on the Collaboration Patterns between Construction Firms using Social Network Analysis (사회연결망분석을 활용한 국내기업의 해외건설시장 공동진출 양상의 특성 분석에 관한 탐색연구)

  • Park, Hee-Dae;Jeong, Woo-Yong;Han, Seung-Heon
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute Of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • 2008.11a
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    • pp.382-387
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    • 2008
  • Current global construction market has grown at a dramatic expansion rate every year in connection with more market accessibility by foreign contractors. The market openness is largely due to globalization of world construction markets, rapid development of world-wide telecommunication technologies, the formation of collaborative acquisitions and joint ventures among contractors, development of regional Free Trade Blocks, and just name a few. This paper focuses on the formation of collaborative networks when expanding into new foreign markets. The social network analysis (SNA) is introduced to investigate a variety of the collaboration patterns and also their impacts on the performance. To this end, the collaboration cases of 600 international construction projects performed by Korean contractors since 1990 were collected and classified into firm's size, project types, collaboration modes, and performance levels using social network analysis. The results showed a direction in establishing business strategy associated with experienced or inexperienced contractors in international construction projects.

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Assessment of Climate Chanage Effect on Temperature and Drought in Seoul : Based on the AR4 SRES A2 Senario (기후변화가 서울지역의 기온 및 가뭄에 미치는 영향 평가 : AR4 SRES A2 시나리오를 기반으로)

  • Kyoung, Minsoo;Lee, Yongwon;Kim, Hungsoo;Kim, Byungsik
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.29 no.2B
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    • pp.181-191
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    • 2009
  • This study suggests the assessment technique for climate change effect on drought in Korea based on the AR4 SRES A2 scenario reported in IPCC fourth assessment report in 2007. IPCC provides monthly outputs of 24 climate models through the DDC. One of the models is BCM2 model which was developed at BCCR in Norway and NCEP data is used for downscaling. The K-NN(K-Nearest Neighbor) and ANN(Artificial Neural Network) are selected as downscaling technique to downscale the temperature and precipitation at Seoul station in Korea. K-NN could downscale both temperature and precipitation well. ANN made a good result for temperature, but it gave a divergence result in precipitation. Finally, SPI of Seoul station is computed to evaluate the effect of climate change on drought. BCM2 predicted that temperature will increase and drought severity will increase because of the increased drought spell at Seoul station.

Fatigue Classification Model Using Speech Signals Based On Deep Neural Networks (심층 신경망 기반 음성신호를 이용한 피로도 분류 모델)

  • Chul Hong Kwon
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.683-689
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    • 2025
  • This study aims to develop a classifier that objectively assesses workers' fatigue using Deep Neural Networks(DNN) models. As the demands of modern work environments increase, workers are experiencing significant physical and mental stress, leading to a higher risk of fatigue-related accidents. While existing methods can assess fatigue both subjectively and objectively, they require expert intervention and are time-consuming, making them impractical for everyday use. To overcome these limitations, this study proposes a DNN model based on speech signals that can evaluate fatigue in real-time. The study involved collecting speech data from participants and classifying fatigue levels into five categories. Using features extracted from the speech signals, the DNN model is trained, and cross-validation is employed to select the optimal model and hyperparameters. The experimental results showed that the selected DNN model could predict the 5-level fatigue states with a high accuracy of 85.39%. This model can be used as a real-time assessment tool applicable to various high-risk occupations. This system not only enhances workplace safety and prevents accidents but also plays an important role in reducing social costs by ensuring individual safety.

A Study on the regional cluster of munition industry by Social Network Analysis (사회연결망분석을 통한 군수품 산업의 지역별 클러스터 관계에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Dongsoo;Kim, JeongHwan;Lee, Donghun
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.19 no.10
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    • pp.386-393
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    • 2018
  • The Korean military supplies industry tends to become limited in terms of its development to specific areas in line with strategic promotion policies of the local private direct industrial site. However, the relation between base and small cluster is getting lower of the local industrial site. In this study, information related to authorized test reports for munitions was collected through the military quality information system and subjected to social network analysis(SNA). SNA was performed through the relationships among defense quality assurance agencies, test institutions, contracts and cooperative firms through UCINET's Two-Mode Network. In the field of weapon systems, the median technology industry, and the test analysis dependent are high in Seoul, so the analysis revealed that strengthening the infrastructure for test analysis is needed. Also, it was deemed necessary for government-driven political support. Besides, the field support system was efficiently utilizing a relatively local test analysis. It was analyzed that they are overcoming the regional boundaries of small clusters by strategically changing their contract and cooperative firms' status. The research found some spatial inconsistencies between base and small clusters in the military supplies industry, and it was judged that a political suggestion was needed.

Appropriate Technology, Responding to the COVID-19 Pandemic - Redefined Roles in a Public Health Crisis (Part I) (COVID-19 대유행에 대응하는 적정기술 : 보건 위기에서 재정의된 역할 - 파트 1)

  • Lee, Sungwoo;Suh, Jungwoo;Kim, Jaeeun;Jang, Dongyoon;Pyun, Nayoon;Shin, Kwanwoo
    • Journal of Appropriate Technology
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.238-255
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    • 2020
  • As COVID-19, which occurred at the end of 2019, has become a global pandemic, it has emerged as an unprecedented event that quickly destroys a nation's medical and healthcare system in both developed and developing countries. In the 21st century, most of the civil society that aimed for hyperconnected society is facing a new crisis that has not been experienced so far. Indeed, lack of personal protective equipment, isolation of clustered communities, disruption of medical systems necessary for diagnosis and treatment, and disruption of educational and economic activities due to social isolation are emerging. Since the COVID-19 has occurred, many of the difficulties that have occurred in the past six months indicate the basic infrastructure a society should have particularly in a pandemic. These include personal protective equipment (PPE), decontamination and quarantine tools essential for effective response, rapid and precise large-scale diagnosis, medical devices required for patient care, and identification and fast and wide on-line networks that can be used in social isolation. In this first part, we would like to introduce some representative examples of 1) personal protective equipment, 2) prevention of personal and community health, 3) social response through big data and networks within the framework of appropriate technology.

Key Word Network Analysis to Identify the Trends of Research in Social Welfare for Disabled People (장애인복지연구의 동향에 관한 주제어 연결망 분석)

  • Kam, Jeong Ki;Oh, Bong Hee
    • 재활복지
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.1-26
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    • 2017
  • The main purpose of this paper is identifying the trends of researches in the realm of social welfare for disabled people. It tries to introduce an alternative analytic approach - key word network analysis - that might surpass the shortage of analysis methods of existing studies which have mainly relied on descriptive analysis. For this purpose the authors constructed a database composed of key words and informations about research methods of the data sources of this study. The sources are such researches as doctoral theses and the papers of Korean Journal of Social Welfare and Journal of Rehabilitation Research which were published during the 20 years from 1996 to 2015. Total numbers of the thesis or papers analysed at this study are 1,034. The results are shown in three ways as follows: First, the method trends of selected researches. Second the lists of interested types and population groups of the disabled persons and interested issues. Third, the intellectual structure of the research. Based on the findings of this study, some suggestions are given considering desirable directions of future researches in relation to perspectives, methods, targets and subjects of them.

Analyses of Requirement of Security based on Gateway Architecture for Secure Internet (사물인터넷망의 보안 및 프라이버시 문제 해결을 위한 게이트웨이 보안 구조 분석)

  • Kim, Jung Tae
    • Asia-pacific Journal of Multimedia Services Convergent with Art, Humanities, and Sociology
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.461-470
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    • 2016
  • As IoT is broadly used in many fields, the security of IoT is becoming especially important and critical issues. Security and privacy are the key issues for IoT applications, and still faced with some enormous challenges. Sensor has limited resources such as computing power, memory, battery. By means of deeply analyzing the security architecture and features in security framework. While a number of researchers have explored such security challenges and open problems in IoT, there is an unfortunate lack of a systematic study of the security challenges in the IoT landscape. This special issue features recent and emerging advances IoT architecture, protocols, services and applications. The alternative method is IoT security gateway. In this paper, we surveyed the demands and requirements. By means of deeply analyzing the security architecture and features, we analyzed the demands and requirements for security based on gateway application.

Effects of Nutritional Status, Activities Daily Living, Instruments Activities Daily Living, and Social Network on the Life Satisfaction of the Elderly in Home (재가노인의 영양상태, 일상생활 수행능력, 도구적 일상생활 수행능력 및 사회적 연결망이 삶의 만족도에 미치는 영향)

  • Yang, Kyoung Mi
    • Journal of the Korean Applied Science and Technology
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    • v.36 no.4
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    • pp.1472-1484
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    • 2019
  • This study aimed to verify the effects of nutritional status, K-ADL, K-IADL, and social network on the life satisfaction of the elderly in home. Total 213 research subjects participated in this study, and their average age was 71.38±5.59. As the methods of analysis, using the SPSS 21.0, this study examined the differences between variables in accordance with the general characteristics, and then verified the correlations between independent variables of nutritional status, K-ADL, K-IADL, social network(family networks, friends networks), and life satisfaction. In order to verify the factors having effects on the life satisfaction of the elderly in home, the stepwise multiple regression analysis was conducted. In the results of this study, in the general characteristics, the life satisfaction showed statistically significant differences in accordance with education(F=5.280, p=.002), economic condition(F=22.407, p<.001), monthly income(F=3.181, p=.015), and subjective health status(F=14.933, p<.001). In the results of verifying the correlation between independent variables, the life satisfaction showed positive correlations with family networks(r=268, p<.001) and friends networks(r=.286, p<.001) while the nutritional status(r=-.222, p=.001), K-IADL(r=-.235, p=.001), and interdependent social support(r=-.283, p<.001) showed negative correlations. The predictive factors on the life satisfaction of the elderly in home included the economic condition(β=.358, p<.001), subjective health status(β=.245, p<.001), interdependent social support(β=-.158, p=.009), and K-IADL(β=-.153, p=.012), and the explanatory power was 30.1%. The regression model was statistically significant(F=23.778, p<.001). Based on such results of this study, it would be necessary to develop programs that could maintain and improve the health of the elderly, and also provide financial support to the elderly suffering from economic hardship, in order to improve the life satisfaction of the elderly in home. Moreover, there should be the concrete measures for vitalizing the community-connected activities for interdependent social support.