• Title/Summary/Keyword: 사슴과

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Inferring Animal Husbandry Practice in the Baekje Period using Stable Isotope Analysis of Animal Bones from the Pungnaptoseong Fortress (풍납토성 출토 동물뼈의 탄소와 질소 안정동위원소 분석을 통해 본 백제시대의 가축사육 양상)

  • Choe, Hyeon Goo;Shin, Ji Young;Han, Ji Sun
    • Journal of Conservation Science
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.179-188
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    • 2016
  • This paper presents a new information on animal husbandry practice in the Baekje period using stable isotope analysis of 17 animal bones excavated from the Pungnaptoseong Fortress. Stable carbon isotope evidence implies that wild animals such as deer and pigs had mainly $C_3$-based diet whereas domestic cattle and horses might have consumed more $C_4$ plants. In addition, we propose one potential that domestic pigs show higher nitrogen isotope values in comparison with wild boar because they were possibly fed by humans.

Quality Comparisons of Canned Deer Meat Produce with BBQ and Jangjorim Sauce (바비큐 및 장조림 소스로 제조한 사슴고기 통조림 제품의 품질특성 비교)

  • Kim Il-Suk;Jin Sang-Keun;Hah Kyung-Hee;Park Ki-Hoon;Jung Gi-Jong;Park Seok-Tae;Kwuak Kyung-Rak;Park Jung-Kwon;Kang Yang-Su
    • Food Science of Animal Resources
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.92-97
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    • 2006
  • The objective of this study was to investigate the quality characteristics of canned deer meat produce with prepared BBQ sauce (T1) and Jangjorim sauce (T2). The mixture were stuffed into cylindrical can (about 150 g each) and thermally processed at $121^{\circ}C$ for 30 min, the sample were stored at $30{\pm}1^{\circ}C$ for 60 days and analyzed with an interval of 30 days. pH, salinity, saccarinity of T1 were significantly lower (p<0.05) than that of T2. TBARS and VBN of T1 were significantly higher (p<0.05) than that of T2. In the result of sensory evaluation, all product obtained good score (p>6.0) in overall acceptability during whole storage at $30{\pm}1^{\circ}C$. Theses result should be useful in developing guidelines for canned deer meat preparation by consumer and processors.

Home Range and Behavioral Characteristics of released the sika deer(Cervus nippon) by using GPS Collar in Songnisan National Park (속리산국립공원에 방사된 꽃사슴(Cervus nippon)의 GPS collar를 이용한 행동권, 서식지 이용특성 분석)

  • Kim, Gyu-Cheol;Lee, Yong-Hak;Jung, Dae-Ho;Kim, Ki-Yoon;Kim, Young-hun;Han, Hye-seong;Son, Jang-Ick;Lee, Ju-hyeong;Lee, Han-ung;Cho, Seon-guk;Cho, Chea-Un
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.30 no.6
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    • pp.962-969
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    • 2016
  • This study assessed the ecological and behavioral characteristics of the sika deer from April 2012 to August 2016. To obtain basic information on the behavioral patterns of the sika deer (Cervus nippon) including their annual home range, sika deer wearing GPS tracking collars were released into 1,385 locations at a different altitude around where they had been captured in Songnisan. The released individuals were studied through home range analysis. According to our observations, annual home ranges of the sika deer (n=6) is seen to be $2.24{\pm}1.50km^2$ (t=3.648, p<0.05) of MCP 95% for the entire area of home range and $0.46{\pm}0.31km^2$ (t=3.666, p<0.05)$km^2$ of FK 50% for the home range core area respectively. The annual home ranges of the sika deers by sex were $2.94km^2$ for female and $1.53km^2$ for male. This study is expected to provide basic data for habitat management and ecological study of sika deer and to contribute to the management of wild animals.

An Economic Analysis of Wildlife Rearing Farmhouses in Korea (Deer, Pheasant, Wild Boar and Fox Rearing Farmhouses) (야생조수(野生鳥獸) 인공사육농가(人工飼育農家)의 경영실태분석(經營實態分析)(사슴, 꿩, 멧돼지와 여우 사육농가(飼育農家)를 중심(中心)으로))

  • Kwak, Kyung Ho;Cho, Eung Hyouk;Kim, Se Bin;Oh, Kyoung Su
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.25-33
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    • 1993
  • This study was conducted to obtain necessary informations for improving of wildlife rearing management. The data was gathered by surveying with questionaire. One hundred and eighty farmers which was 60 of deer and pheasant, 30 of wild boar and fox rearing farmers respectively were investigated during the summer in 1992. The results of this study are as follows : 1. Most of managers considered their rearing as a side job but agriculture was appointed as a main job from most of them except wild boar managers. 2. The major cost items were breeding stock and feeding which occupied over than half. 3. The yearly profit was the highest in deer(25.5%) but the lowest in wild boar(10.3%). 4. The break-even point was the highest in wild boar(24 mil. won) but the lowest in pheasant(7.3 mil. won). 5. The optimum sales scale for a year was deer(11 heads), Pheasant(1,027 heads), Wild boar(69 heads) and Fox (102 heads).

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Assessment of Fence Height to Prevent Roadkill of Water Deer(Hydropotes inermis) (고라니(Hydropotes inermis)의 로드킬(Roadkill) 방지 울타리 적정 높이 평가)

  • Park, Heebok;Woo, Donggul;Song, Eui-Geun;Lim, Anya;Lee, Bae-Keun;Jang, Ji-Deok;Park, Tae-Jin;Choi, Tae-Young
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.232-239
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    • 2018
  • Our study aims to provide a guideline of deer-proof fence heights to prevent roadkill of water deer (Hydropotes inermis), the most frequently killed by a vehicle collision, in South Korea. With 27 water deer in deer ecology center of the National Institute of Ecology, we measured the ability of water deer to jump gradually higher fences from 0.5cm by 10cm until the deterrence rate reached 100%. Ourresultrevealed that the deterrence rate became 96.7% at the fence height of 1.5m and the rate reached 100% at the 1.8m. We believe that our result provides the fundamental information to prepare a standard of deer-proof fence height. This evidence-based standard will contribute to improving the guideline for wildlife crossing construction and management, established by Ministry of Environment Korea.

A Molecular Sex Identification Using Duplex PCR Method for SRY and ZFX-ZFY Genes in Red Deer and Elk (붉은사슴과 엘크에서 SRY와 ZFX-ZFY 유전자의 Duplex PCR기법을 이용한 성 판별)

  • Han, S.H.;Lee, S.S.;Ko, M.S.;Cho, I.C.
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • v.49 no.1
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2007
  • This study was focused on discriminating the molecular sexes of red deer and elk by duplex polymerase chain reaction(PCR) using two primer sets. Sex differentiation of mammals is primarily dependent on the presence or absence of sex determining region Y(SRY) gene encoded on Y chromosome which plays a key role for male development. Zinc finger X-Y(ZFX-ZFY) gene, one of X-Y homology gene group was found on X- and Y- chromosomes, respectively. At first, the nucleotide sequences were characterized for the intron 9 flanking region of ZFX-ZFY genes. The intron 9 of ZFX and ZFY is 529-bp and 665-bp in length, respectively. A transposable element sequence similar to bovine SINE element Bov-tA was detected only in ZFY gene of Cervidae. Sexing analysis was conducted by duplex PCR assay for amplification of SRY and ZFX-ZFY genes. Two differentially amplified patterns were found: one for females has a common band amplified only from ZFX as a template, and another for males had three bands(a common ZFX and two male-specific ZFY and SRY). On the separate tests using each gene, the results was identical to those from duplex PCR assay. Moreover, the results from PCR assays provide also identical information to phenotypic investigation of individuals of red deer, elk as well as their hybridized progenies collected from two isolated farms. These results suggest that it may be a rapid and precise method for determining the sexes by duplex PCR amplification using Y-chromosome specific SRY and X- and Y- homologous ZFX-ZFY genes showing sexual dimorphism in red deer and elk without any other controls.

Effect of the Grazing and Barn Feeding System on Feed Intake, Weight Gain and Velvet Antler Productivity in Elk(Cervus canadensis) (방목 및 사사 사육이 엘크 사슴의 사료섭취량, 증체량 및 녹용 생산성에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Jinwook;Lee, Sung Soo;Yeon, Sung Heum;Cho, Chang Yeon;Kim, Sang Woo;Kim, Kwan Woo
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.37 no.4
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    • pp.345-349
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    • 2017
  • This study was conducted to investigate the effect of pasture grazing and barn feeding system on the growth performance, weight gain and velvet antler productivity in Elk. Twelve 5-year-old elk stags about 273 kg were stratified by weight and randomly assigned by feeding system (a pasture grazing and a barn feeding, n=6). The average feed intake were not signigicant difference between two groups. Average daily gain for grazing and barn feeding group was 0.25 g and 0.29 g respectively, showing no significant difference. Velvet antler yield for grazing and barn feeding group was 7,700 g and 6, 960 g respectively, with no significant difference. In conclusion grazing group was better than barn feeding group in feed intake, body weight gain and velvet antler productivity. However, there were no statistical significant difference between the two group. These results may serve as the basis for further study of deer feeding system in Korea and further study needed to examine the grazing intensity and economic efficiency.

Cases of Hemorrhagic Septicemia in Deer (사슴의 출혈성패혈증예)

  • Lee Chang Woo
    • Journal of the korean veterinary medical association
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.105-111
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    • 1978
  • An outbreak of hemorrhagic septicemia was reported in a herd of 25 Formosan deer and 27 elks, 3 of Formosan deer and 4 of elks died of it. Clinically they were characterized by dullness, anorexia, loss of rumination, bloody and mucous soft feces, and sudd

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