• Title/Summary/Keyword: 비정상 정성 유동

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Prediction of Isothermal and Reacting Flows in Widely-Spaced Coaxial Jet, Diffusion-Flame Combustor (큰 지름비를 가지는 동축제트 확산화염 연소기내의 등온 및 연소 유동장의 예측)

  • O, Gun-Seop;An, Guk-Yeong;Kim, Yong-Mo;Lee, Chang-Sik
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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    • v.20 no.7
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    • pp.2386-2396
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    • 1996
  • A numerical simulation has been performed for isothermal and reacting flows in an exisymmetric, bluff-body research combustor. The present formulation is based on the density-weighted averaged Navier-Stokes equations together with a k-epsilon. turbulence model and a modified eddy-breakup combustion model. The PISO algorithm is employed for solution of thel Navier-Stokes system. Comparison between measurements and predictions are made for a centerline axial velocities, location of stagnation points, strength of recirculation zone, and temperature profile. Even though the numerical simulation gives acceptable agreement with experimental data in many respects, the present model is defictient in predicting the recoveryt rate of a central near-wake region, the non-isotropic turbulence effects, and variation of turbulent Schmidt number. Several possible explanations for these discrepancies have been discussed.

The Throughflow Effects on Natural Convection in Horizontal Porous Layer (수평 다공층에서 수직 관통류가 자연대류 열전달에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • 서석진
    • Journal of Energy Engineering
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.209-215
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    • 1998
  • This paper investigated the vertical throughflow effects on natural convection due to heating from below in horizontal porous layer. The motion of the fluid in the porous layer is governed by Brinkman-Darcy equation. And compared Critical Rayleigh number in case of throughflow with no throughflow. Investigated Nusslet number, isothermalline and flow with the variation of the strength of throughflow in a constant Rayleigh number. In the numerical analysis, flow is assumed to be two-dimensional and unsteady. The numerical scheme used is a finite-difference method. In the experimental study, Temperature distribution was measured by use of Liquid Crystal film. As a results, indicated that throughflow influences largely on the temperature field and as the strength of throughflow increased, unstability of natural convection decreased. Also it could predict the strength of natural convection with the measured Nusselt number.

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Analysis of Density Wave Oscillation in Boiler Furnace Wall Tubes with Parallel Channel Modeling (평행관 모델링을 통한 보일러 화로벽관 내 밀도파 불안정의 해석)

  • Kim, Jinil;Choi, Sangmin
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.187-196
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    • 2013
  • A numerical model was developed to predict the density wave oscillation (DWO) in the furnace wall tubes of a fossil-fired once-through boiler. The transient flow fields in the tubes were obtained using a 1D finite volume method in the time domain. A header model was also implemented to simulate the parallel tube connection of the wall tubes. The inlet and outlet mass flow variation in one of the parallel tubes was examined after a heat perturbation to find the DWO. After successful verification with experimental results reported in literature, the developed model was applied to the wall tubes of a 700-MW boiler furnace. In contrast to the simulation of Takitani's experiment, in which the unstable power thresholds tended to rise in the reduced bypass channel flow, no remarkable changes were observed in the power thresholds in the parallel channel modeling of the wall tubes of the boiler furnace.

Research Studies of Impingement Characteristics for Hypergolic Propellant (접촉 점화성 추진제의 충돌형 혼합 특성 연구 사례)

  • Kim, Kyu-Seop;Kim, Yehyun;Jung, Sangwoo;Jeong, Junyeong;Kwon, Sejin
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers
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    • v.23 no.5
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    • pp.90-100
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    • 2019
  • Hypergolic thrusters have been extensively researched and applied to spacecraft propulsion based on their simplicity and high reliability of ignition. Research on the impingement characteristics of $N_2O_4$/amine has been profoundly carried out since the 1960s in advanced countries, especially the United States. Recently, enhancements to advanced hypergolic thrusters using MON/MMH have been planned by NASA to improve compactness and high performance. In this work, technical studies were investigated on the mixing of hypergolic propellant and its combustion instabilities such as reactive separation flow and popping.

Airloads and Structural Loads Analysis of LCH Rotor Using a Loose CFD/CSD Coupling (유체-구조 연계해석을 통한 소형민수헬기(LCH) 공력 및 구조하중 해석)

  • Lee, Da-Woon;Kim, Kiro;Yee, Kwan-Jung;Jung, Sung-Nam
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences
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    • v.47 no.7
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    • pp.489-498
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    • 2019
  • The airloads and structural loads of Light Civil Helicopter (LCH) rotor are investigated using a loose CFD/CSD coupling. The structural dynamics model for LCH 5-bladed rotor cwith elastomeric bearing and inter-bladed damper is constructed using CAMRAD-II. Either isolated rotor or rotor-fuselage model is used to identify the effect of the fuselage on the aeromechanics behavior at a cruise speed of 0.28. The fuselage effect is shown to be marginal on the aeromechanics predictions of LCH rotor, though the effect can be non-negligible for the tail structure due to the prevailing root vortices strengthened by the fuselage upwash. A lifting-line based comprehensive analysis is also conducted to verify the CFD/CSD coupled analysis. The comparison study shows that the comprehensive analysis predictions are generally in good agreements with CFD/CSD coupled results. However, the predicted comprehensive analysis results underestimate peak-to-peak values of blade section airloads and elastic motions due to the limitation of unsteady aerodynamic predictions. Particularly, significant discrepancies appear in the structural loads with apparent phase differences.