• Title/Summary/Keyword: 불포화 함수특성

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Digital Image Analysis (DIA) for Estimating the Degree of Saturation of The Soil-Water Characteristic Curves (SWCC) (SWCC의 포화도를 구하기 위한 DIA 적용)

  • Min, Tuk-Ki;Huy, Phan Thieu
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.53-63
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    • 2008
  • The aim of this study was to validate the suitability of an digital image analysis (DIA) method to measure the degree of saturation in the unsaturated conditions. This study was carried out on the Joo-Mun-Jin standard sand. A one-dimensional sand column test was used in the constant water level condition to get the correlation equation between the color number ($C_n$) and the measured degree of saturation (5). In addition, the hanging wale. column technique to determine the soil-water charactenstic curve (SWCC) was performed in a Buchner funnel. The average degree of saturation ($S_{ave}$) in the SWCC could be obtained by substituting average color number at each suction head value with the $C_n\;-\;S$ correlation equation. Comparisons were made between the measured results by the hanging water column test and those obtained from DIA method. Results showed that the DIA method tested here provided fairly good saturation distribution values in the drying and wetting processes.

Application of Analysis Models on Soil Water Retention Characteristics in Anthropogenic Soil (인위적으로 변경된 토양에서의 수분보유특성 해석 모형의 적용)

  • Hur, Seung-Oh;Jeon, Sang-Ho;Han, Kyung-Hwa;Jo, Hee-Rae;Sonn, Yeon-Kyu;Ha, Sang-Keun;Kim, Jeong-Gyu;Kim, Nam-Won
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.43 no.6
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    • pp.823-827
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    • 2010
  • This study was conducted to assess the propriety of models for soil water characteristics estimation in anthropogenic soil through the measurement of soil water content and soil water matric potential. Soil profile was characterized with four different soil layers. Soil texture was loamy sand for the first soil layer (from soil surface to 30 cm soil depth), sand for the second (30~70 cm soil depth) and the third soil layers (70~120 cm soil depth), and sandy loam for the fourth soil layer (120 cm < soil depth). Soil water retention curve (SWRC), the relation between soil water content and soil water matric potential, took a similar trend between different layers except the layer of below 120 cm soil depth. The estimation of SWRC and air entry value was better in van Genuchten model by analytical method than in Brooks-Corey model with power function. Therefore, it could be concluded that van Genuchten model is more desirable than Brook-Corey model for estimating soil water characteristics of anthropogenic soil accumulated with saprolite.

Evaluation of Oil Infiltration Behavior in Porous Media Using Dielectric Response (유전율에 의한 지반 매질내 유류침투거동 분석)

  • Kim Man-Il;Jeong Gyo-Cheol
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.29-39
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    • 2005
  • For detecting a ground contamination survey, soil sampling method have been used a drilling or coring technique in general. However these methods are very difficult to systematically real-time monitoring of variation of contamination degree in field. ]'n this research frequency Domain Reflectometry (FDR) system was suggested and carried out to experimental approaches for determination of oil contamination on surface and underground. Experimental method using FDR method was discussed with feasibility of measurement in the laboratory column test. It is determined to degree of oil contamination due to response of dielectric constant re-lated with volumetric water content(θ/sub w/) and volumetric oil content( θ/sub al/ ) of saturated and unsaturated soil media. And physical properties such as effective porosity and oil residual ratio of saturated soil media were also measured through real-time monitoring works using installed FDR measurement sensors, which are defected characteristics of oil movement in the saturated soil media under the soil column tests. In the results of these experiments, a range of effective porosity was estimated to about 0.35 compared with initial porosity 0.40 of manufactured saturated soil media, which is also calculated to about 87.5% to the ratio of initial porosity to effective porosity. Finally oil residual ratio which is compared with volumetric water content and volumetric oil content was calculated about 62.5%.

Development of VPPE-BE Testing System to Evaluate Modulus under Post-Compaction Variation in Matric Suction for Unsaturated Compacted Soils (다짐지반의 모관흡수력 변화에 따른 탄성계수 평가를 위한 VPPE-BE 시험 시스템 개발)

  • Lee, Sei-Hyun;Seo, Won-Seok;Choo, Yun-Wook;Kim, Dong-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.24 no.5
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    • pp.117-127
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    • 2008
  • The volumetric pressure plate extractor (VPPE) was modified for the measurement of shear wave velocity ($V_s$) at various levels of matric suction as well as soil water characteristic curve (SWCC). A non-destructive technique with a pair of bender element (BE) was employed in order to measure the $V_s$ and the corresponding maximum shear modulus ($G_{max}$) of unsaturated soil specimens. Three types of soil were collected from different road construction sites in Korea. For all test soils, the variations in $G_{max}$ with the various levels of water content and matric suction were investigated using the developed apparatus. Compared with the preceding results from the suction-controlled torsional shear (TS) testing system and in-situ seismic tests, the feasibility fur evaluating modulus characteristics of unsaturated compacted soils with the developed VPPE-BE system was assessed. It was confirmed that the newly developed system would be potentially helpful in modeling seasonal variation of modulus.

Petrology of the Syenites in Sancheong, Korea (경남 산청 지역의 섬장암에 관한 암석학적 연구)

  • Ok, Eun-Young;Kim, Jong-Sun;Lee, Sang-Won;Kang, Hee-Cheol
    • The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.25-54
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    • 2015
  • Syenite is not a common rock, unlike granitic rocks formed the major component of the continental crust. The aim of this study is to decipher the occurrences and detailed descriptive characteristics of the syenite distributed in Sancheong area, and to investigate the petrogenesis of the syenitic magma based on geochemical study. The dominant minerals in syenite are alkali feldspar (usually orthoclase and rarely microcline), plagioclase, amphibole, biotite, and quartz. Syenites are found in a wide variety of colors. The anhedral hornblende and biotite filling the boundary of feldspar and quartz indicate that the hydrous minerals were crystallized lately, and that water was insufficient at the beginning of crystallization in magma. According to the analysis of mineral composition, amphibole in syenite is mostly ferro-edenite, and the pressure is calculated as 3.3~4.9 kb with 11.9~17.3 km of emplacement depth. Biotite and pyroxene are plotted in the region of annite and hedenbergite, respectively. Based on petrochemical studies of major elements, syenite belongs to alkaline series, metaluminous, and I-type. On the other hand, the variation patterns of trace and rare earth elements of syenite differ from the patterns of diorite and granite. In the geochemical characteristics, syenite is different from gabbro-diorite spatially adjacent to syenite, as well as granite. These results suggest that each rock has been generated from the different sources of magma. Additionally, based on the experimental data, the syenitic magma can be formed (1) by the partial melting at a high pressure and dry system, (2) when the initial crystallization minerals to be residue with migration of the residual melts separated from the ascending cotectic magma (3) when fluorine compositions to be plentiful in the protolith and/or at depth of the magma. Based on the petrographic characteristics of the syenite, Sancheong syenitic magma may have been formed by partial melting in a dry system.

Estimation of Groundwater Table using Ground Penetration Radar (GPR) in a Sand Tank Model and at an Alluvial Field Site (실내 모형과 현장 충적층에서 지하투과레이더를 이용한 지하수면 추정)

  • Kim, Byung-Woo;Kim, Hyoung-Soo;Choi, Doo-Houng;Koh, Yong-Kwon
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.201-216
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    • 2013
  • Ground penetrating radar (GPR) surveys were conducted in a sand tank model in a laboratory and at an alluvial field site to detect the groundwater table and to investigate the influence of saturation on GPR response in the unsaturated zone. In the sand tank model, the groundwater table and saturation in the sand layer were altered by injecting water, which was then drained by a valve inserted into the bottom of the tank. GPR vertical reflection profile (VRP) data were obtained in the sand tank model for rising and lowering of the groundwater table to estimate the groundwater table and saturation. Results of the lab-scale model provide information on the sensitivity of GPR signals to changes in the water content and in the groundwater table. GPR wave velocities in the vadose zone are controlled mainly by variations in water content (increased travel time is interpreted as an increase in saturation). At the field site, VRP data were collected to a depth of 220 m to estimate the groundwater table at an alluvial site near the Nakdong river at Iryong-ri, Haman-gun, South Korea. Results of the field survey indicate that under saturated conditions, the first reflector of the GPR is indicative of the capillary fringe and not the actual groundwater table. To measure the groundwater table more accurately, we performed a GPR survey using the common mid-point (CMP) method in the vicinity of well-3, and sunk a well to check the groundwater table. The resultant CMP data revealed reflective events from the capillary fringe and groundwater table showing hyperbolic patterns. The normal moveout correction was applied to evaluate the velocity of the GPR, which improved the accuracy of saturation and groundwater table information at depth. The GPR results show that the saturation information, including the groundwater table, is useful in assessing the hydrogeologic properties of the vadose zone in the field.

Soil Water and Nutrient Movement Model Under Different Soil Water Conditions -I. Determination of Retardation and Hydrodynamic Dispersion Coefficient of Solute of an Unsaturated Sandy Loam Soil (토양수분(土壤水分) 분포(分布)에 따른 토양내(土壤內) 양수분(養水分) 이동(移動) 모형(模型) -I. 불포화(不飽和) 토양(土壤)에서 용질(溶質)의 이동지연(移動遲延)과 수리동적(水理動的) 분산계수(分散係數)의 측정(測定))

  • Jung, Yeong-Sang;Woo, Deog-Ki;Lim, Hyung-Sik
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.8-14
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    • 1990
  • Retardation and hydrodynamic dispersion coefficient necessary for model of water and solute movement in a soil were determined for horizontal soil column with different initial soil water conditions. The soil columns were compacted with sandy loam soil. The bulk density was $1,350+50kg/m^3$, and initial water contents were 0.05, 0.08 and 0.14. Advancement of 0.05% $CaSO_4$ solution was used as the standard and advancements of 0.5% KCl, $CaCl_2$ and $KH_2PO_4$ were compared. Retardation of non-reactive $Cl^-$ was related with the initial soil water content, ${\theta}n$, as ${\theta}/({\theta}-{\theta}n)$, and anion exclusion was ignored. Retardations of active $K^+$, $Ca^{{+}{+}}$ and $H_2PO_4{^-}$ were related as 1/(R+1) $^*{\theta}/({\theta}-{\theta}n)$, in which R was retardation coefficient. Measured R was 0.64 for $K^+$, 0.80 for $Ca^{{+}{+}}$ and 2.6 for $H_2PO_4{^-}$, respectively. Calculated R using Langmuir adsorption isotherm showed fair degree of applicability. Soil water diffusivity, $D({\theta}),m^2/sec$, calculated for different initial water content showed unique function as $$log(D({\theta}))=13.448{\theta}-9.288$$ Hydrodynamic dispersion coefficient of $Cl^-$ above soil water content 0.36 was similar to soil water diffusivity and decreased to near self diffusion coefficient at soil water content near 0.2. Those of $K^+$, $Ca^{{+}{+}}$ $H_2PO_4{^-}$ at soil water content of 0.38 were $5.5{\times}10^{-6}$, $2.4{\times}10^{-6}$ and $7.1{\times}10^{-7}m^2/sec$ and decreased rapidly with decreasing soil water content lower than 0.36.

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Assessment of Viral Attenuation in Soil Using Probabilistic Quantitative Model (확률적 정량모델을 이용한 토양에서의 바이러스 저감 평가)

  • Park, Jeong-Ann;Kim, Jae-Hyun;Lee, In;Kim, Song-Bae
    • Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers
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    • v.33 no.7
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    • pp.544-551
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    • 2011
  • The objective of this study was to analyze VIRULO model, a probabilistic quantitative model, which had been developed by US Environmental Protection Agency. The model could assess the viral attenuation capacity of soil as hydrogeologic barrier using Monte Carlo simulation. The governing equations used in the model were composed of unsaturated flow equations and viral transport equations. Among the model parameters, those related to water flow for 11 soil types were from UNDODA data, and those related to 5 virus species were from the literatures. The model compared the attenuation factor with threshold of attenuation to determine the probability of failure and presented the exceedances and Monte Carlo runs as output. The analysis indicated that among 11 USDA soil types, the viral attenuation capacity of loamy sand and sand were far lower than those of clay and silt soils. Also, there were differences in the attenuation in soil among 5 viruses with poliovirus showing the highest attenuation. The viral attenuation capacity of soil decreased sharply with increasing soil water content and increased nonlinearly with increasing soil barrier length. This study indicates that VIRULO model could be considered as a useful screening tool for viral risk assessment in subsurface environment.

A Study on Clogging and Water Quality Improvement in Floodplain Filtration with Flood/rest Raw-water Supply (범람/휴지식 홍수터여과에서 폐색현상 및 수질개선도 연구)

  • Kim, Hoh-Seok;Kim, Seung-Hyun
    • Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.120-131
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    • 2011
  • A pilot-scale experiment of floodplain filtration with a filtration depth of 3.6m was performed employing flood/rest type raw-water supply system in an effort to find ways to improve river water quality by additional treatments of discharged effluent from sewage treatment plant. Soil samples were taken from 3 sites including Gumi, Daegu and Gimhae along the Nakdong river. Reductions of infiltration rates following increases in operating time was investigated in each soil sample, along with the analysis of removal efficiencies of various pollutants according to different depths and infiltration rates. The results show incremental development of clogging on the soil surface with increases in operation time, and illustrate exponential decrease in the infiltration rate. The time required for the removal of the clog from the soil surface was longer than 2 weeks for all soil samples analyzed. The stable infiltration rates for soils were 5 m/day for Gumi and for Daegu and Gimhae was 1 m/day. In unsaturated soils dissolved oxygen levels increased following the increase of filtration depth, suggesting that alternating application of flood and rest for raw-water supply effectively keeps the soil environment aerobic. For all soils, the nature of pollutant removal depending on the depth of filtration remained the same regardless of the infiltration rate. Most of the BOD and turbidity were removed within 1.2 m, about 30% of COD was removed within 3.6m and was expected to be removed further with increases in filtration depth. Nitrification occurred near the surface of all soils; however there was no significant removal of nitrogen in the filtration depths tested in this study. Although removal rate of phosphorus was low for Gumi's soil, it was high enough for other soils, suggesting that the method developed in this study could significantly improve river water quality.

Estimates of Basin-Specific Oxygen Utilization Rates (OURs) in the East Sea (Sea of Japan) (동해 각 분지의 수층내 산소 소모율 추정)

  • Kim, Il-Nam;Min, Dong-Ha;Lee, Tong-Sup
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.86-96
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    • 2010
  • The oxygen utilization rate (OUR) is one of the crucial parameters for ocean carbon cycling and climate models. However, parameterization of OUR in the East Sea (Sea of Japan) is yet to be established. We estimated the basin-specific OURs in the East Sea and fitted them with exponential functions with depth by using pCFC- 12 age and apparent oxygen utilization (AOU) measured in summer 1999. The estimated OURs are higher in the upper water column and decrease with depth, in general. The vertical distributions of the estimated OURs in the Western and Eastern Japan Basins (WJB & EJB) are very similar. The OURs in the Ulleung Basin (UB) varied greatly depending on whether the surface layer (0~200 m) data are included in the OUR estimate or not. Apparently, weaker oxygen consumption occurs in the deep layer of Yamato Basin (YB). The ranges of the OURs between 200 m and 2000 m at WJB, EJB, UB, and YB are 8.15~0.83, 8.11~0.68, 5.29~0.73, and 7.31~0.06 ${\mu}mol$ $kg^{-1}$ $yr^{-1}$, respectively. Consideration of the wintertime surface water oxygen disequilibrium condition in estimating the OUR will be necessary in the future study.