• Title/Summary/Keyword: 분뇨처리시설

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Study on the Utilization of Sawdust Bedding Barn for Dairy Cows II. Comparision of utilization efficiency of the different depth of sawdust bedding for dairy cows (착유우의 톱밥발효우사 이용 연구 제2보 :착유우 톱밥발효우사의 톱밥상 처리방법에 따른 이용효과 비교)

  • 권두중;권응기;정석근;한정대;정석찬;강승원;강상열;정형섭;장학주
    • Journal of Animal Environmental Science
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    • v.1 no.2
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    • pp.117-124
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    • 1995
  • This study was carried out to investigate the effect of depth of sawdust bedding and ground material in dairy cattle barn. Treatment included the concrete floor with a 10cm or 30cm sawdust and the earth floor with a 30cm sawdust. Eighteen cows were assigned to 3 pens with 16.5㎥/head bedding area. The results obtained were as follows : 1. The temperature of sawdust bed was highest in the earth floor with 30cm sawdust, and the moisture content of sawdust bed was highest in the concrete floor with 10cm sawdust bed. 2. Cows defecate feces 9.2, 8.7 and 9.3 times a day in 10cm sawdust on concrete floor(10S+C), 30cm sawdust on concrete floor(30S+C) and 30cm sawdust on non concrete floor(30S+ NC) respectively. In average, they excreta 9.1 times/day(85.8%) in the sawdust beds and 1.5 times/day(14.2%) in the feeding alley. 3. The ratio of daily water amount deposited vapor to total water amount deposited in sawdust beds was 74.0%, 61.5% and 47.1% in 10S+C, 30S+C and 30S+NC respectively. 4. N.P.K contents in the sawdust beds were higher for 10S+C compared with other treatments. 5. When 30cm of sawdust was applied on the earth ground NO$_3$-N contents in the sawdust bed was 37.7, 14.1 and 15.0ppm in depth of 30, 60 and 90cm under the ground, respectively, indicating some possibility of water pollution.

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Field Survey on the Structure and Manure Treatment of Two-Storey and Sawdust Pig Houses in Korea (국내 2층 돈사와 톱밥돈사의 구조 및 분뇨처리 실태조사)

  • Jeong J. W.;Yoo Y. H.;Song J. I.;Kim T. I.;Jeon B. S.;Yang C. B.
    • Journal of Animal Environmental Science
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.169-176
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    • 2005
  • The farm house structure, ventilation system and manure treatment of two-storey buildings and sawdust pig houses were surveyed and analyzed. Based on the data for ten selected farms in five provinces during eight months, the goal is to eventually establish a standard two-storey pig house. Manure treatments were composting, slurry and activated sludge in two-storey pig houses, while fermentation method was done in sawdust pig house. The depth of sawdust as a litter material were 10 to 60cm, with a duration of 1/2, 1, 3 and 6 months, respectively. The ventilation systems were the mechanical type in two-storey pig houses and natural system in the sawdust pig house. Side wall in the two-storey pig house was enclosed with insulation materials such as block, colored metal sheet and sandwich panels. The minimum ceiling height in the first floor of the two-storey pig house was 2.0m and the maximum was 3.0m. On the second floor, ceiling height ranged from 2.0 to 2.7m. The construction cost in the two-storey systems were $700\~140$, and sidewall curtain systems were $30\~40$ thousand Won/pyung.

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Evaluation of Direct Payment Program for Environmentally-Sustainable Livestock Production (친환경축산직접지불제 시범사업 추진성과 분석)

  • Kwon Du-Jung
    • Journal of Animal Environmental Science
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.1-6
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    • 2006
  • 본 연구는 지속 가능한 친환경 축산업의 직접지불제를 도입하는데 농가이행 프로그램 개발과 시범사업의 효과를 분석하기 위하여 전국단위 4대 축종(한우, 젖소, 돼지, 닭)에 대한 2003년도에는 프로그램 개발과 2004년$\sim$2005년(2년간) 시범사업 시행 효과를 분석하기 위하여 각 시 군에 참여한 농가의 현황과 담당 공무원 및 농가에 대한 의향조사를 실시한 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 기본프로그램(2003년)으로 소(한육우 젖소)는 조사료포 확보 및 분뇨 경지환원, 돼지 닭(산란계 육계)는 사육밀도 완화 및 분뇨발생량 감축을 위하여 발생되는 경지확보 비용 그리고 사육밀도 완화에 따른 감소두수의 소득감소분을 농가부담 50%로 설정하였다. 인센티브 프로그램으로 축사 및 분뇨처리시설 주변에 악취, 조경 등 환경개선을 위하여 조경수를 구입 식재하면 비용의 50%를 직불하도록 하였다. 2. 시범사업 참여실적은 2004년에 459호에 비하여 2005년에 653호로 42.3% 증가하였으며 참여비율은 한우 24.4%, 젖소 17.4%, 돼지 40.2%, 닭 18.0% 이었으며 친환경축산 직불금 지급액 비율 한우 16.1%, 젖소 22.0%, 돼지 46.4%, 닭 15.5% 이었으며 농가당 지급액은 한우 3,987천원, 젖소 7,627천원, 돼지 6,965천원, 닭 5,212천원이었고, 인센티브(조경수 식재) 참여는 전체농가 중 20.4%, 호당지급액 1,303천원(4.6%) 이었다. 3. 조사료포 확보 실적은 한우 $1,303m^2$/두('04)에 비하여 $1,639m^2$/두('05)로 26% 증가하였고, 젖소 $1,517m^2$/두('04)에 비하여 $1,561m^2$/두('05)로 3% 증가하였다. 4. 돼지 닭의 사육밀도는 돼지 $1.14m^2$/두('04)에 비하여 $1.27m^2$/두('05)로 11% 넓어졌으며 산란계는 $0.059m^2$/수('04)에 비하여 $0.083m^2$/수('05)로 41% 넓어졌고 육계는 $0.078m^2$/수('04)에 비하여 $0.069m^2$/수('05)로 12% 좁아졌다. 5. 축산환경개선사업에 대한 설문조사 결과 환경개선제 사용이 악취 및 파리 감소에 효과가 크며 지원사업을 계속해야 한다고 답하였다.

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A Survey on Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals in Animal Wastes Treated with Methane Fermentation (메탄발효 처리된 가축분뇨내의 내분비계 장애물질에 대한 조사 연구)

  • Ko, H.J.;Kim, K.Y.;Kim, H.T.;Umeda, M.
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.62-68
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    • 2007
  • Concerns about endocrine disrupting chemicals emitted from humans and animals have been increased because these compounds are detected at very low levels in environment and adversely affect on indigenous fauna. To date, there is little information regarding the concentration of these compounds in animal wastes. In this study, the female hormones, $17\beta-estradiol$ (E2), estrone (E1) and estriol, were measured to provide baseline data in animal wastes. Samples were collected from animal waste storage, methane digester and sludge separated wastewater and analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. To measure the mass ratios of estrogen to macronutrients, nitrogen and phosphorous were also determined. Sample collected from animal waste storage had the highest estrogen concentration (98.7 ${\mu}g/L$), while sludge separated wastewater had the lowest concentration (3.4 ${\mu}g/L$). The mean concentrations of E2 and E1 in waste storage sample were (6.8 ${\mu}g/L$) and (68.7 ${\mu}g/L$), respectively. In sludge separated wastewater, the mean concentration of both E2 and E1 were reduced to (2.6 ${\mu}g/L$) and (1.9 ${\mu}g/L$), respectively. However, estriol was not detected in any of the samples collected. Mean ratios of E2 and E1 to macronutrients were significantly different between the methane wastewater and sludge separated wastewater owing to elimination of solid particles.

Investigation on management conditions for vermicomposting of night soil in Field at N Sewage Water plant (N하수처리장 정화조.분뇨케익의 재활용을 위한 지렁이 사육 조건검토)

  • Kim, K.Y.;Lee, C.B.;Choi, H.G.;Phae, C.G.
    • Journal of the Korea Organic Resources Recycling Association
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.102-113
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    • 2000
  • This study was conducted to investigate the expandibility of sludge treatment by earthworm through real scale experiment and the optimum counter-plan for organic sludge treatment. For the purposes, sludge removal efficienciesof night-soil using earthworm and it's behavior according to the transplanting methods of the earthworm on non-cover worm bed or in the green house worm bed were compared. Sludge uptake rates on non-cover worm bed for 6 months were $0.27{\sim}0.33ton/m^2$ and the excrement of earthworm yields $0.15ton/m^2$(44.1~46.7% of raw night soil sludge dosage). These results were not much different from the worm bed in the green house. The average and maximum earthworm density were about $6.5kg/m^2$ and $7kg/m^2$ respectively on the non-cover worm bed. The density of the worm bed was comparatively higher in spring and fall terms but lower in summer. The amount of old earthworm was much plenty than young earthworm on the non-cover worm bed, resulting in reverse distribution type of pyramid. From the experiments on non-cover worm bed(7,000 pyeong)and in the green house worm bed(1,200 pyeong), it was concluded that landfill and transporting cost could be reduced when the earthworm was applied for the night-soil sludge treatment. Profits from the excrement sale of earthworm was 9,600,000 won. Through this study, it was founded that earthworm treatment method for organic sludge are much more environmentally sound than landfill treatment.

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A Study on the Odor Characteristics and Identification of Microbial in Biological Swine Manure Treatment Process by Bioreactor (생물반응기를 도입한 돈분뇨의 생물학적 처리공정에서 악취발생 특성 및 미생물동정에 관한 연구)

  • Ko, Joon-il;Park, Gui-hwan;Bae, Ju-soon;Oh, Gil-young;Chung, Seon-yong
    • Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers
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    • v.37 no.9
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    • pp.526-532
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    • 2015
  • A bioreactor filling with pellets and stones was equipped to the swine manure treatment system, which is expected to emit high concentration of odor in the process of the organic wastewater treatment system, and in comparison with the activated sludge process as the control process, the reactor operation state, treatment water quality and odor emission concentration were measured. The reactor using the bioreactor proved to be much more stable in the bubble condition, treatment water transparency, etc, and BOD removal efficiency was also much better. The removal efficiency of T-N and T-P, however, showed little difference in the two reactors. Odor, as a result of examining $NH_3-N$, $NH_3$ concentratio, and complex odor, was 4 times to 24 times less emitted in the system using bioreactor than in the activated sludge system. $H_2S$, methyl mercaptan, dimethyl sulfide, and dimethyl disulfide were not found or were found in only 5 ppbs in each reactor and showed little difference between the two reactors. In the bioreactor process, Bacillus sp./ Pseudomonas sp. species were mainly found and in the activated sludge process, acterium sp. Chryseobacterium sp. species were mainly found.

Physicochemical Changes of Swine Manure by the Treatment of Acid and Alkali for Inactivation of Pathogenic Microorganisms (병원성미생물의 불활성화를 위한 산·알칼리처리가 양돈분뇨의 이화학적 성상에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Cho-Long;Kim, Soo-Ryang;Kim, Ha-Je;Jeon, Sang-Joon;Han, Ho;Kim, Dong-Kyun;Lee, Myung-Gyu
    • Journal of Animal Environmental Science
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.229-234
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    • 2012
  • Disinfecting contaminated swine manure with FMD (Foot-and-Mouth Disease) and pathogenic viruses is very important for maintaining sanitized environment. However, very few research reported on this subject, especially post-disinfection to utilize the wastes as a renewable resource. This research is carried out to obtain basic information for chemical treatment in FMD SOP (Standard Operating Procedure, Korea) of contaminated swine manure. Using lime, sodium hydroxide, citric acid and hydrochloric acid, described in FMD SOP, the effects of chemical treatments on livestock manure were compared in this paper. Four combinations of alkali-acid treatments and four kinds of acid-alkali combinations were tested to find out the effective method. Total coliform bacteria in contaminated swine manure, $1.6{\times}10^4$ CFU/100 ml, decreased to the range of 1/1000~1/100 in all treatments. Some specific disinfectants increases BOD (Biochemical Oxygen Demand) and EC(Electric Conductivity), especially, alkaline treatments increases ammonia level than acid treatments. These findings suggest that the treatment methods should be considered as an important environmental factor in post-disinfection of contaminated animal manure with pathogenic microorganisms.

Effect of Application level of Liquid Cattle Manure on the Run-Off Water and Soil Properties in Mixtures Swards (혼파초지에서 우분액비 시용수준이 유거수 및 토양특성에 미치는 영향)

  • 김원호
    • Journal of Animal Environmental Science
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.53-58
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    • 2000
  • A manure management plan is important for all daily operations. This study was conducted to investigate the effect of application level of liquid cattle manure on the soil properties and changes of BOD and COD content in run-off water at the mixtures swards of National Livestock Research Institute RDA Suweon in 1995. The experiment was arranged in a randomized block design with five treatments consisting of no fertilizer chemical fertilizer application of 40, 60 and 80MT/ha as liquid cattle manure. The quantity of run-off for a no fertilizer was the highest of 1,469.4mm but that for a application level of liquid cattle manure of 60MT/ha was the lowest of 1,278.1mm. The change of BOD in run-off for a no fertilizer was the lowest of $19.84m{\ell}/{\;}{\ell}$, but that for a application level of liquid cattle manure of 80MT/ha was the highest of $36.22m{\ell}/{\;}{\ell}$. Change of COD in run-off for a no fertilizer was the lowest of $21.28m{\ell}/{\;}{\ell}$ but that for a application level of liquid cattle manure of 80MT/ha was the highest of $37.51m{\ell}/{\;}{\ell}$. Available phosphorus and total-N content of soil chemical properties was higher at liquid cattle manure than chemical fertilizer.

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A Study on the Environmental Characteristics of a Two-storey Pig House for the Control of Manure (고상식돈사의 분뇨처리에 관한 연구)

  • Jeong, J.W.;Yoo, Y.H.;Park, K.H.;Kam, D.H.;Lee, M.J.
    • Journal of Animal Environmental Science
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.175-182
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    • 2008
  • This research was conducted to examine proper manure treatment methods for a high-rise swine barn with results of the fact-finding survey on manure treatment methods used in high-rise swine barns and sawdust swine barns In Korea. The average temperatures on bedding of control, T1, and T2 were between $25.3{\sim}25.4^{\circ}C$ with little difference. Air flow rate of T2 was slower than those of control and T1. Dust generation in control was 54 cpm which was higher than T1 and T2. The average ammonia concentration in control was highest showing 6.0 ppm, ranged from 0.5 to 14.5 ppm, with statistical difference (p<0.05), compared to T1 (2.8 ppm) and T2 (2.6 ppm). Sawdust spreading used in control and T1 decreased ammonia concentration. T1 showed the lowest concentration of $CO_2$. Water contents of control and T2 were close to the proper water content, 65%. T1 had the highest water content and pH, and the lowest organic matter and C/N ratio. The volumes of sawdust spread per head were 0.26 and $0.27m^3$ in control and T2, respectively, which was less than T1. Operating cost such as an electricity bill for blowers was cheap in T2. Hence, T2 bedding sawdust up to 10 cm thick and periodically spreading additional sawdust from second story was recommended.

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Establishment of Disposing Method for Dairy Cow Manure by Vermiculture (지렁이를 이용한 젖소분뇨 처리에 관한 연구)

  • 나영은;한민수;이상범;김세근;박형만
    • The Korean Journal of Soil Zoology
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.125-131
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    • 2000
  • Disposing technique for dairy cattle manure using earthworms and the possibility of utilizing earthworms in poultry feed were investigated. In addition, chemical properties of manure and cast of earthworms were investigated. Temperature in the vinyl-house for earthworm nursery was able to be maintained above 0$\^{C}$ in winter and 25-28$\^{C}$ in summer. In closed-covering method, the number of escaped earthworms was the highest among three covering methods. The time was longer after manure excretion, the numbers of escaped earthworm were higher. There were some incidences of mortality of earthworm in closed-covering site. The amount of manure ingested by earthworm was increased in order of non-covering, closed-covering and gap-covering method. Fresh manure was more ingested than old one by earthworm. Earthworms reduced manure about 50% on the dry weight base and reduced total amounts of N, P$_2$O$\_$5/ and K$_2$O of manure by 41, 50 and 60%, respectively. Earthworm could be utilized by adult poultry (>60 g) for feeding. However, adverse effect of live earthworm was observed with young poultry (<450 g).

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