• 제목/요약/키워드: 북경

검색결과 281건 처리시간 0.028초

Gifted Education in China in a non-coginitive factors centered (중국의 영재교육 -비지적 요인을 중심으로 한 북경팔중의 사례-)

  • 고효단;심재영;김언주
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for the Gifted Conference
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    • 한국영재학회 2003년도 추계학술대회
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    • pp.133-163
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of the present study is (1) to examine chinese gifted education type, growth factors of the gifted children, and non-coginitive factors, (2) to analysis gifted education strategy of Peking eighth middle school, (3) to investigate gifted education method of Peking eighth middle school, (4) to study practical effects of gifted education method of Peking eighth middle school, (5) to study of the application for the gifted education in Korea. The results of the present study were as follows: (1) The types of the gifted education in China are advanced placement, skipping the coursework, extracurriculawork, individual guidence, and gifted education for the disable gifted. (2) Gifted education strategy of Peking eighth middle school was analysed. It is forming a Trinity of science research, education, and teacher. A teacher is generally observing and students are mainly one's own man of education. (3) Gifted education method of Peking eighth middle school was investigated. There are eight non-cognitive education principles: a personal character, emotion, supporting of family education, physical education, and encouragement. (4) Practical effects of gifted education method of Peking eighth middle school was studied. The school had a good reputation evaluation. (5) The application for the gifted education in Korea was studied. The eight non-cognitive education principles is able to apply for the gifted education in Korea.

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Spatial Variation Analysis of Beijing Siheyuan - Comparison of the Beijing Traditional Housing in ancient and modern China - (북경사합원의 공간 변화 분석 - 중국 북경 고대와 근대시기 전통주택의 비교를 중심으로 -)

  • Jin, Zi-Run;Zo, Hangman
    • Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea Planning & Design
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    • 제35권12호
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    • pp.75-82
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    • 2019
  • After 1840 the first opium war, that changed the social nature and living habitats in China. The purpose of this study is to observe the influence of the war on the plan layout of traditional Chinese residential houses in Beijing Siheyuan. To find out the changes that were made after 1840, and reservation of the past, the space syntax model is used to analyze different social contexts and also compare the ancient and modern residential buildings. The result of the study indicate the following: Before the war, the ancient Siheyuan people's way of life strictly abide by the hierarchy system; External emphasis shows the host's status. However, in modern times, the social status became equal, efficient and harmonious relationship internally, while externally, it arranged the orientation and position of buildings to adapt to the natural environment. However, the boundaries between family members and visitors the emphasis on the courtyard and respect for private life remain unchanged.

The Performing Arts of Beijing in Pre Qing Dynasty Era through the Perspective of Palace Drama, Jie Jie Hao Yin 『節節好音』 (청 궁정희 『절절호음(節節好音)』을 통해 본 청(淸) 전기 북경(北京)의 공연 예술)

  • Im, Mi-Ju
    • (The) Research of the performance art and culture
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    • 제38호
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    • pp.297-347
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    • 2019
  • Jie Jie Hao Yin 『절절호음(節節好音)』 is a script collection produced during the Qianlong's ruling Period which had one of the most flourished period of Qing Dynasty's Palace Drama. This script collection is consisted of 86 scripts of 6 Festival Court Plays: New year's day (元旦), Lantern festival(上元), Yanjiu festival(燕九), Snow appreciation(賞雪), Day of Kitchen god worshipping(祀竈), New year's eve(除夕). These scripts are effective records to study the New Year's Eve Drama of Qianlong Period. Jie Jie Hao Yin carry out the performances not only through Kunqiang (崑腔), and Yiyang Tune (弋腔), but also through various types of entertaining performances such as dance, masque play, puppet show, and story telling. Most of the songs were sung by various gods praising the era of peace as the holiday approaches. In the contents of revealing the luck to be brought by the holidays, it sought for the colorful transformations of stages through adding humoristique short stories or various feast genres in between the performance. It also tries to seek for diversities of stages through active application of acrobatics. It also portrays folk customs from BaiYunGuan's temple fair, Yanjiu Festival in YanBin, the Lantern Fair of Lantern Festival, and various activities of wet markets from New Year's Eve from diverse points of views. Especially through various shows and Chinese folk-art forms, the popular folk activities and entertainments near Beijing in the beginning era of Qing Dynasty can be observed. Jie Jie Hao Yin is a very important resource to look at the popular art activities of Beijing during Qianlong Period, and how the Palace culture accepted the folk cultures and applied to its own advancements.