• Title/Summary/Keyword: 부화

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Effect of Temperature, Salinity and Preservation Method on Hatching Rate of Resting Egg of Korean Rotifer, Brachionus plicatilis (S-type) (수온, 염분 및 보관방법에 따른 한국산 Rotifer, Brachionus plicatilis (S-type) 내구란의 부화율)

  • Park, Heum-Gi;Hur, Sung-Bum
    • Journal of Aquaculture
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.339-344
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    • 1996
  • The effect of temperature ($24\~36^{\circ}C$ and salinities ($5\~30$ ppt) on hatching rate of the resting egg of the Korean rotifer, Brachionus plicatilis was investigated. The highest hatching rate of the resting egg was $85.7\%$ at $28^{\circ}C$ and 15 ppt. The hatching rates of the resting eggs with salinities were not significant at $326{\circ}C$ and $36^{\circ}C$. Hatching was faster at higher temperature. The resting eggs stored at $5^{\circ}C$ in dark hatched simultaneously within two days, however, those at $28^{\circ}C$ in dark hatched intermittently within 14 days. But, final hatching rate of the resting egg at $28^{\circ}C$ was higher at $28^{\circ}C$ than that at $5^{\circ}C$. With regard to drying temperature and time of resting egg, the resting egg dried at $30^{\circ}C$ for 1 hour showed the highest hatching rate ($46.4\%$).

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Perinatal Nutrition, Post-Hatch Holding Time and In Ovo Feeding (부화 전후 영양, 부화 후 유지시간, 그리고 In Ovo Feeding)

  • Moon, Yang Soo
    • Korean Journal of Poultry Science
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    • v.46 no.1
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2019
  • The most important times during the development of young chicks are the days immediately prior to hatching and the days immediately after hatching, known as the perinatal period. A sufficient supply of nutrients during the perinatal period is a crucial during the late stage of embryonic development and the starvation period of the young chicks. The delayed post-hatch holding time can restrict the development of the gastrointestinal tract, reduce final body weight, impair muscle development, and change immunological capacities. These symptoms are deleterious to the development of young chicks. Therefore, the post-hatch holding time and its influence on the fitness of young chicks are major concerns to the poultry industry. The in ovo feeding is a practical technology for perinatal nutrition to optimize poultry production and for attenuating the stress experienced by fasting young chicks. This study will discuss in ovo feeding and its effect on the development of the chick embryo, the establishment of a healthy microbiota, and the improving immune response.

Natural Background and Enrichment Characteristics of the Stream Sediments from the Hamyang-Sancheong Area (함양-산청지역 하상퇴적물의 자연배경치 및 부화특성)

  • Park, Young-Seog;Park, Dae-Woo;Kim, Jong-Kyun
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.42 no.3
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    • pp.195-206
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    • 2009
  • We investigated natural background and enrichment characteristics and predicted geochemical disaster for stream sediments in the Hamyang-Sancheong area. Stream sediments samples were collected 95 ea in study area. The stream sediments were well known that had not possibility of contamination effect and represented drainage basins. We got the major and hazardous elements concentrations by XRF, ICP-AES and NAA analysis methods. Acid decomposition for the ICP-AES has been used $HClO_4$ and HF with $200^{\circ}C$ heating at 1st and after that $HClO_4$ HF and HCl with $200^{\circ}C$ heating at 2nd stage. We could know the characteristics that concentration of Cu and Co decreased when concentration of $SiO_2$ increased in correlation analysis. The enrichment factor of the stream sediments was below 2 in study area. This result indicated that study area belonged to moderate enrichment. The stream sediments of Hamyang area were enriched in order of Pb>Th>Cr>V>Co>Cu and those of Sancheong area were enriched in order of Pb>Th>Cr>Co>V>Cu. The enrichment factor(E.F.) of the Pb, Cr, Co and V was similar between Hamyang and Sancheong area. The enrichment factor of the Th was higher in Hamyang area and that of the Cu was higher in Sancheong area. The enrichment factor of the Pb was highly enriched in all study area than earth crust mean. But we could know that study area was not exposed to the pollution of the Pb through the tolerable level.

Inhibition of Meloidogyne incognita Egg Hatching by Herbal Extracts (식물체 추출물이 뿌리혹선충(Meloidogyne incognita)의 부화에 미치는 영향)

  • Elbadri, G.A.A.;Lee, Dong-Woon;Park, Jung-Chan;Choo, Ho-Yul;Kim, Hyeong-Hwan
    • The Korean Journal of Pesticide Science
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.155-161
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    • 2008
  • The inhibitory effect of herbal extracts using methanol and hexane collected from Sudan and Korea was evaluated on egg hatching of Meloidogyne incognita. The concentration of herbal extracts were 10,000, 1,000 and 100 ppm, respectively. They were treated to Meloidogyne incognita eggs after 3, 7, and 21 days of hatching. All herbal extracts inhibited egg hatching significantly compared to the control. The degree of inhibition was directly related to the concentration of the extracts. At 10,000 ppm, very fewer individuals were hatched at all the periods of exposure with the exception of the extract of fruits of Quisqalis indica which gave 84.4 and 54.5% at 7 and 21 days, respectively. Egg hatching was completely ceased, especially after 7 days for most of the extracts. While at 1,000 ppm relatively high numbers of eggs were hatched compared to the higher concentration, as well the extracts Q. indica reported many number of hatched eggs compared to others, especially at 21 days. On the other hand, the extract from pods of Cucumis mello var agrestis gave the least hatching number of eggs at all periods of exposure which gave 2, 8, and 3% at 3, 7, and 21 days, respectively in comparison to the control. Whereas at 100 ppm, inhibition increased with exposure time. However, the extract leaf of Desmodium caudatum represented the fewer hatching eggs at 3 and 7 days.

Efficient Integer pel and Fractional pel Motion Estimation on H.264/AVC (H.264/AVC에서 효율적인 정화소.부화소 움직임 추정)

  • Yoon, Hyo-Sun;Kim, Hye-Suk;Jung, Mi-Gyoung;Kim, Mi-Young;Cho, Young-Joo;Kim, Gi-Hong;Lee, Guee-Sang
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartB
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    • v.16B no.2
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    • pp.123-130
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    • 2009
  • Motion estimation (ME) plays an important role in digital video compression. But it limits the performance of image quality and encoding speed and is computational demanding part of the encoder. To reduce computational time and maintain the image quality, integer pel and fractional pel ME methods are proposed in this paper. The proposed method for integer pel ME uses a hierarchical search strategy. This strategy method consists of symmetrical cross-X pattern, multi square grid pattern, diamond patterns. These search patterns places search points symmetrically and evenly that can cover the overall search area not to fall into the local minimum and to reduce the computational time. The proposed method for fractional pel uses full search pattern, center biased fractional pel search pattern and the proposed search pattern. According to block sizes, the proposed method for fractional pel decides the search pattern adaptively. Experiment results show that the speedup improvement of the proposed method over Unsymmetrical cross Multi Hexagon grid Search (UMHexagonS) and Full Search (FS) can be up to around $1.2{\sim}5.2$ times faster. Compared to image quality of FS, the proposed method shows an average PSNR drop of 0.01 dB while showing an average PSNR gain of 0.02 dB in comparison to that of UMHexagonS.

Control of the Rice Stem Borer(Chilo suppressalis) with the new Insecticides

  • Paik Woon Hah;Choi Seung Yoon;Yun Soon Ki;Im Moon Soon
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.1
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    • pp.51-53
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    • 1962
  • 1. 본시험은 이화곤충방제에 유효하다고 인정된 신살충제를 선정하여 이화곤충에 대한 살충효과의 재확인 및 살포적기를 구명코저 시행하였다. 2. 제일화기에 있어서 Diazinon, Lebaycild, Endrin 및 Folidol은 부화 14일전 처리로서도 부화유충의 식입제로서 유효하였고, 부화유충 식입후일처리구에 있어서도 무처리구에 비하여 유효하였다. 3. 제2화기에 있어 부화 21일전 처리구의 유효성은 Detron=Folidol>$\gamma$-dol>Endrin>Dimecron의 순이었다. 그리고 부화 14일 및 17일전과 부화 2일 및 7일후 처리에 있어서도 $\gamma-dol$을 제한 다음 약제들은 고도의 유효성을 나타내었다. 4. 그러나 약제처리시기 사이에는 유의성이 없었다. 5. 본시험은 1회의 시험성적임으로 동일시험이 수회반복되어 살충효과 및 살포적기가 완전히 구명되었으면 한다.

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Contents Adaptive 2D FIR Filters Design for Subpixel Rendering (부화소 랜더링을 위한 내용적응형 2 차원 필터 설계)

  • Nam, Yeon Oh;Choi, Dong Yoon;Song, Byung Cheol
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Broadcast Engineers Conference
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    • 2014.06a
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    • pp.107-108
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    • 2014
  • 부화소 기반 영상 축소기법은 각각의 부화소를 조절함으로써 픽셀 기반 영상 축소기법보다 해상도를 향상시킬 수 있는 방법이다. 그러나 부화소에 의한 해상도의 증가는 종종 색상정보의 왜곡을 발생시킨다. 부화소 랜더링의 주요과제는 선명도를 유지함과 동시에 색조왜곡현상을 억제하는 것이다. 선행연구들은 부화소랜더링을 위해 1 차원 혹은 2 차원 필터를 최적화 하였지만, 지역적인 특성을 고려하지 않았기 때문에 출력영상의 화질이 저하되는 현상이 발생한다. 본 논문은 위와 같은 문제를 해결하기 위해 내용적응형 2D FIR 필터를 제작방법을 제안한다. 제안필터는 충분한 수의 저해상도 패치와 고해상도 패치 쌍을 이용하여 임의의 고해상도 패치로부터 고화질의 저해상도 패치를 만들기 위한 최적의 내용적응형 2D FIR 필터를 학습한다. 학습된 필터에 의한 실험결과 제안하는 필터가 종례기법들 보다 색조왜곡현상이 현저히 줄어들고, 출력영상의 선명도를 유지함을 보여준다.

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Enhanced Hatching Rate of Bovine IVM/IVF/IVC Blastocyst by Laser Drilling (Laser Drilling 처리를 받은 체외생산된 소 배반포기배의 부화율 제고)

  • 김은영;이봉경;남화경;이금실;윤산현;박세필;정길생;임진호
    • Korean Journal of Animal Reproduction
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.163-169
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    • 1998
  • 본 실험은 체외 생산된 소 배반포기배에 대한 laser drilling 처리가 배의 부화율에 미치는 영향을 조사하고자 실시하였다. 그 결과는 다음과 같다. 소 수정란의 체외 발달율을 조사하였던 바, 82.3%의 난할율( 2-세포기)과 체외수정 후 배양 7일째에 32.6%의 배반포 발달율을 나타내었다. 이렇게 생산된 배반포기배에 laser drilling 효과를 조사하였던 바, 처리 후 24시간째의 부화진행율(90.0%)은 대조군(44.4%)보다 유의하게 높게 나타났다(p<0.0001). 또한, 처리 후 48시간째의 부화율(68.0%)도 대조군(33.3%)보다 유의하게 높게 나타났다. 이러한 결과는 laser drilling이 체외 생산된 소 배반포기배의 부화진행율과 부화율을 유의하게 증가시킬 수 있다는 것을 알 수 있었다(p<0.001).

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부화의 위생관리

  • 오무제
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    • v.19 no.10 s.216
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    • pp.53-55
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    • 1987
  • 종란이 건강한 모계로부터 생산되고 또 위생적으로 처리되었다 할지라도 부화과정이 좋지않거나 비위생적일 경우 건강한 병아리는 기대할 수 없다. 더우기 부화기 내부는 온도와 습도가 미생물 발육에 적합한 환경이기 때문에 청결과 소독은 더욱 중요시되어야 한다.

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Effect on Egg Hatch Inhibition of Benzoylphenylureas Treated to Different Aged House Fly, Musca Domestica L. (발육시기가 다른 집파리 성충에 처리한 BPUs계 살충제의 알에 대한 부화억제 효과)

  • 박정규;강창헌;김경옥;강창훈
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.39 no.2
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    • pp.117-122
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    • 2000
  • The chemosterilizing effects of 4 benzoylphenylureas (BPUs), were tested on the adult house fly at different developmental stages. The male and female flies before insemination (I-day-old) or with fully developed ovaries (5-day-old) were exposed to the flask surface coated with BPUs solution (300 ppm) for 24 hrs. None of the eggs layed by the 5-day-old flies on the next day of exposure to either flufenoxuron or teflubenzuron hatched to larvae. The eggs layed by the 5-day-old flies exposed to either triflumuron or diflubenzuron also showed a significantly reduced hatchability of 23%. The first egg batches layed by 1-day-old flies exposed to flufenoxuron showed hatchability of only 1%. These results indicate that the BPUs applied were effective in egg sterilization irrespective of developmental stage of house fly. The effect of flufenoxuron was the most pronounced and lasted for 5 days after exposure.

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