• 제목/요약/키워드: 부피분율

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Wear Characteristics of Particulate Reinforced Metal Matrix Composites Fabricated by Pressureless Metal Infiltration Process (무가압함침법으로 제조된 입자강화 금속복합재료의 마모특성)

  • Kim, Jae-Dong;Jung, Sun-Uk;Kim, Hyung-Jin
    • Proceedings of the Korea Committee for Ocean Resources and Engineering Conference
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    • 2002.10a
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    • pp.379-384
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    • 2002
  • The effect of size and volume fraction of ceramic particles with sliding velocity on the wear properties were investigated for the metal matrix composites fabricated by pressureless infiltration process. The particulate metal matrix composites exhibited about 5.5 - 6 times of excellent wear resistance compared with AC8A alloy at high sliding velocity, and as increasing the particle size and decreasing the volume fraction the wear resistance was improved. The wear resistance of metal matrix composites and AC8A alloy exhibited different aspects. Wear loss of AC8A alloy increased with sliding velocity linearly. whereas metal matrix composites indicated more wear loss than AC8A alloy at slow velocity region, however a transition point of wear loss was found at middle velocity region which show the minimum wear loss, and wear loss at high velocity region exhibited nearly same value with slow velocity region. In terms of wear mechanism, the metal matrix composites exhibited the abrasive wear at slow to high sliding velocity generally, however AC8A alloy showed abrasive wear at low sliding velocity and adhesive and melt wear at high sliding velocity.

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Effects of Volume Fraction & Particle Size of Alumina on Sintering Behaviors of the Glass-Alumina Composites for Low Firing Temperature (저온 소성용 유리-알루미나 복합체에서 알루미나의 부피분율과 입자크기에 따른 소결 거동)

  • 박덕훈;김봉철;김정주;박이순
    • Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society
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    • v.37 no.7
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    • pp.638-644
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    • 2000
  • The sintering behaviors of the glass-alumina composites for low firing temperature were investigated as functiions of the volume fraction of alumina powder and the particle size with respect to porosity and pore shape. As the volume fraction of alumina powder was increased or the particle size of it was decreased, the sintering temperature of open pore-closing was raised. When the volume fractions of alumina which had 2.19$\mu\textrm{m}$ median diameter were increased with 20, 30, 40, and 50%, the sintering temperatures of open pore-closing were 425, 450, 475, and 500$^{\circ}C$. And when the median particle size of alumina was diminished from 2.19$\mu\textrm{m}$ to 0.38$\mu\textrm{m}$, the sintering temperature of open pore-closing was increased from 450$^{\circ}C$ to 475$^{\circ}C$. Especially, the sintering temperature, which showed maximum density, was corresponded with the stage of open pore-closing and after achieving maximum density over heating resulted in dedensification of specimen, so called, over-firing behavior.

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Prediction of Microstructure and Hardness of the Ductile Cast Iron Heat-treated at the Intercritical Temperatures (임계간 온도에서 열처리한 구상흑연주철의 미세조직 및 경도 예측)

  • Nam-Hyuk Seo;Jun-Hyub Jeon;Soo-Yeong Song;Jong-Soo Kim;Min-Su Kim
    • Journal of Korea Foundry Society
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    • v.43 no.6
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    • pp.279-285
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    • 2023
  • In order to predict the mechanical properties of ductile cast iron heat treated in an intercritical temperature range, samples machined from cast iron with a tensile strength of 450 MPa were heat-treated at various intercritical temperatures and air-cooled, after which a microstructural analysis and Brinell hardness test were conducted. As the heat treatment temperature was increased in the intercritical temperature range, the ferrite fraction in the ductile cast iron decreased and the pearlite fraction increased, whereas the nodularity and nodule count did not change considerably from the corresponding values in the as-cast condition. The Brinell hardness values of the heat-treated ductile cast iron increased gradually as the heat treatment temperature was increased. Based on the measured alloy composition, the fraction of each stable phase and the hardness model from the literature, the hardness of the ductile cast iron heat treated in the intercritical temperature range was calculated, showing values very similar to the measured hardness data. In order to check whether it is possible to predict the hardness of heat-treated ductile cast iron by using the phase fraction obtained from thermodynamic calculations, the volumes of graphite, ferrite, and austenite in the alloy were calculated for each temperature condition. Those volume fractions were then converted into areas of each phase for hardness prediction of the heat-treated ductile cast iron. The hardness values of the cast iron samples based on thermodynamic calculations and on the hardness prediction model were similar within an error range up to 27 compared to the measured hardness data.

Dynamic Mechanical Properties of the Symmetric Laminated high Strength Carbon Fiber Epoxy Composite Thin Beams (대칭 적층한 얇은 고강도 탄소섬유 에폭시 복합재 보의 기계적 동특성)

  • 정광섭;이대길;곽윤근
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers
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    • v.18 no.8
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    • pp.2123-2138
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    • 1994
  • A study on the dynamic mechanical properties of the high strength carbon fiber epoxy composite beam was carried out. The macromechanical model was used for the theoretical analysis of the symmetric laminated composite beam. The anisotropic plate theory and Bernoulli-Euler beam theory were used to predict the effective flexural elastic modulus and the specific damping capacity of laminated composite beam. The free flexural vibration and torsional vibration tests were carried out to determine the specific damping capacities of the unidirectional laminated composite beam. The vibration tests were performed in a vacuum chamber with laser vibrometer system and electromagnetic hammer to obtain accurate experimental data. From the computational and experimental results, it was found that the theoretical values with the macromechanical analysis and the experimental data of symmetric laminated composite beam were in good agreement.

Coupled Analysis of Injection Molding Filling and Fiber Orientation including In-Plane Velocity Gradient Effect (평면 속도구배 효과를 포함한 사출성형 충전유동과 섬유배향의 연계 해석)

  • 권태헌
    • The Korean Journal of Rheology
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.104-118
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    • 1994
  • 단섬유 보강 플래스틱 재료의 사출성형 충전공정에서 금형재의 유동장이 섬유 배향 상태를 형성하는데 중요한 역할을 할 뿐만 아니라 섬유의 배향상태가 역으로 유동장에 영향 을 미친다. 충전유동과 섬유 배향의 연계해석을 위하여 단섬유에 의한 추가적인 응력을 포 함하는 Dinh과 Armstrong의 이방성 구성방정식을 충전유동의 해석에 도입하였다. 평명방향 으로의 속도구배에 의한 응력을 고려하여 새롭게 유도된 압력 지배방정식과 에너지방정식을 유한요소법과 유한차분법을 이용하여 풀고 동시에 2차배향텐서의 변화방정식을 4차 Runge-kutta 방법을 이용하여 풀었다. 절점 게이트 주변의 확장유동영역과 라인게이트를 통한 수축유동영역에서 평면방향으로의 속도구배에 의한 응력이 유동장에 미치는 영향을 고 찰하였다. 확장유동영역에서는 평면방향으로의 속도구배에 의한 영향이 추가적인 유량으로 나타나면서 주어진 유량조건하에서 평면방향으로의 속도구배에 의한 응력을 고려하지 않은 경우보다 작은 압력구배를 나타냈다. 수축유동영역에서는 위와 반대의 결과를 보였다. 이러 한 경향은 섬유의 부피분율이증가하거나 모양비가 커짐에 따라 증가한다.

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Characterization of Soot Particles Generated in Non-sooting and Sooting Normal Diffusion Flames (Sooting 및 Non-Sooting 정상 확산 화염에서 생성되는 매연 입자의 특성에 대한 연구)

  • Choi, In-Chul;Lee, Jae-Bok;Hwang, Jung-Ho
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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    • v.24 no.7
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    • pp.984-993
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    • 2000
  • Characteristics of carbon soot particles generated in diffusion flames were studied. Non-sooting and sooting normal diffusion flames using propane or ethylene as fuel were selected. In the flames, soot volume fraction was measured by a thermocouple, and primary particle diameter and cluster size were analyzed by TEM photographs. The characteristics of soot particles depended on flame(non-sooting or sooting) and fuel(propane or ethylene) type. Unlike the sooting diffusion flames, particle growth and oxidation processes were clearly observed in the non-sooting diffusion flames. In the sooting diffusion flames, soot particle size was slightly changed at the flame tip.

Dielectric Properties with Filler Heat Treatment in PCB for Embedded Capacitor (Embedded Capacitor용 PCB에서 filler 열처리에 따른 유전특성)

  • Lee, Ji-Ae;Shin, Hyo-Soon;Yeo, Dong-Hun;Kim, Jong-Hee;Yoon, Ho-Gyu
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers Conference
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    • 2007.06a
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    • pp.270-270
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    • 2007
  • 전자 산업의 발달로 인해 전자기기에 소형화, 경량화 및 다기능화가 요구되면서 민쇄회로기판(PCB)에도 고밀도화, 고집적회가 필요하게 되었다. 이에 따라 embedded passive 기술을 이용하여 기판 내부에 가능한 많은 수동소자들을 실장시키려는 노력이 진행되어지고 있다. 가장 수요가 많은 capacitor의 경우 부피와 전기적 특성 측면에서 내장 효과가 가장 큰 passive 소자에 해당한다. 본 연구에서는 내장형 capacitor의 유전재료로서 중요한 $BaTiO_3$ powder를 filler로 사용하여 epoxy/BT 복합체에서 filler의 분율에 따른 유전상수률 측정하고, filler의 열처리에 따른 유전상수의 변화를 관찰하였다. 그러고 이들 복합체의 mixing rule과 미세구조 관찰을 통하여 기판용 RCC 소재로서의 적용성을 평가하고자 하였다.

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The Morphology of Faceted Primary Cu Dendrites in Pv-Cu Alloys (납이 주성분인 Pb-Cu 합금에서의 각형의 초정 구리 수지상 결정의 형태)

  • Kim, Sin-U
    • Korean Journal of Materials Research
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.412-420
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    • 1996
  • 상업용 자동차 축전지 극판재료로 각형의 초정 Pb 재료에 적은 부피 분율의 Cu상을 가지는 Pb-Cu 합금을 응고시킬 때 각형의 초정 Cu 수지상이 석출되었다. 중요한 응고변수인 냉각속도와 Cu조성의양에 따른 각형의 Cu상의 형태변화를 조사하기 위하여 Pb-1wt%Cu, pb-3wt%Cu, Pb-5wt%Cu, Pb-9wt%Cu, Pb-12wt%Cu, 등의 5가지 합금이 선택되어 노냉, 공냉, 금형냉, 수냉의 4가지 냉각방법을 이용하여 실험하였다. 일반적으로 냉각속도와 Cu성분이 증가함에 따라 Cu상의 각형정도가 감소하였으며 결국 가장 빠른 냉각인 수냉각시에는 수지상 형태가 정출되지 않고 구형의 형태가 정출 되었다.

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Effects of CO Addition on Soot Formation in the Well Stirred Reactor (WSR에서 매연 생성에 관한 CO 첨가 효과)

  • Jeong, Tae-Hee;Lee, Eui-Ju
    • Fire Science and Engineering
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    • v.26 no.5
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    • pp.35-40
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    • 2012
  • Numerical investigation was performed to study on the soot formation characteristics in the WSR according to the CO addition. Ethylene and pure air were used as a fuel and an oxidizer, respectively, and three different equivalence ratios (2.0, 2.5, 3.0) were used in the calculation. The resulted CO mole fraction of 10 % CO addition showed the maximum value in spite of the least CO supply. This means that the conversion of CO to soot and other carbon compounds is weakened under incipient soot formation. The soot volume fraction was decreased with increasing the CO addition because the important species for soot formation such as pyrene and acetylene, were decreased with the addition of CO. When the equivalence ratio was 2.5, the soot volume fraction shows the highest value, which results from the contribution of fuel rich condition and reacting temperature. Furthermore, surface growth rate and species concentrations justified the HACA mechanism for soot formation.

3D Numerical Study of Horizontal Falling Film Evaporator in Multi Effect Distillation (MED) Plant (MED 담수기내 수평관 강하막식 증발기의 3D 수치해석적 연구)

  • Kim, Soo Jae;Je, Junho;Kim, Moo Hwan
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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    • v.37 no.5
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    • pp.513-522
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    • 2013
  • In the present work, a numerical study of a horizontal falling film evaporator in a multi-effect distillation (MED) plant is performed. Tube bundles in the evaporator are described as porous media, and a volume-averaged method is applied. To calculate the fluid flow and phase change in the evaporator due to heat transfer in the system, FLUENT and user-defined functions (UDF) are used. To observe the performance of the evaporator under different operational conditions, tests are conducted for a steam mass flux ranging from 0.5 to 2.5 $kg/m^2s$ in the horizontal tube, for mass fraction of the noncondensable gas in the tube inlet ranging from 0% to 1%, and for film Reynolds numbers ranging from 100 to 1,000 for the falling film. The evaporation rate increases with the steam mass flux and Reynolds number. In contrast, the evaporation rate decreases by 0.87% with a 1% increase in the mass fraction of the noncondensable gas in the tube.