• Title/Summary/Keyword: 부착량

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Quality Characteristics of Instant Rice Noodles Manufactured with Broken Rice Flour (파쇄미 쌀가루를 이용한 즉석 쌀국수의 품질특성)

  • Choi, Eun-Ji;Kim, Chang-Hee;Kim, Young-Boong;Kum, Jun-Seok;Jeong, Yoonhwa;Park, Jong-Dae
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.43 no.8
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    • pp.1270-1277
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    • 2014
  • This study investigated the quality characteristics of instant rice noodles manufactured with broken rice flour as an application of rice-processed products. We examined the physicochemical characteristics of common rice flour (CRF), broken rice flour (BRF), and CRF mixed with BRF (CBRF). Futhermore, instant rice noodles were manufactured with these three types of rice flour, and their quality and sensory characteristics were also investigated. Damaged starch content and water-binding capacity of rice flour were highest in BRF. Particle size of rice flour was significantly different among the three types. RVA pasting viscosities of BRF and CBRF were higher than that of CRF. Volume after cooking of instant rice noodles increased in rice noodles made with broken rice flour (BRN). Turbidity and cooking loss of BRN were higher than those of common rice noodles (CON). For texture properties, CON displayed the highest hardness, adhesiveness, and chewiness. In the sensory evaluation, springiness and overall acceptability values of CON were significantly higher than those of other rice noodle types (BRN and CBRN). In conclusion, BRN showed increased cooking loss and turbidity with reduced texture and overall acceptability values. The results of this study suggest that added amount of CRF may significantly increase the overall quality of instant rice noodles prepared with BRF.

Effect of freezing and thawing on the drainage system for leakage treatment (유도배수공법에서 동결융해의 영향)

  • Kim, Dong-Gyou;Yim, Min-Jin
    • Journal of Korean Tunnelling and Underground Space Association
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.1059-1075
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    • 2017
  • The objective of this study was to evaluate the freezing and thawing resistance of the existing drainage system for leakage treatment of underground concrete structures operating in cold regions. The freezing and thawing test was conducted on 4 types of drainage system specimens to evaluate the freezing and thawing resistance of the drainage system. The freezing and thawing resistance was evaluated on 4 types of Hotty-gel, as a waterproofing material, connection methods and on two methods to fix the drainage board with Hotty-gel on the surface of cement concrete specimen. One cycle of the freeze-thaw testing was 48 hours (24 hours of freezing and 24 hours of thawing), and the temperatures of freezing and thawing were at $-18^{\circ}C$ and $10^{\circ}C$, respectively. Among the 4 types of Hotty-gel connection methods, leakage occurred after 28 cycles (8 weeks) of freeze-thawing only in the Hotty-gel connection method with the 'V' groove applied to the corner of the drainage board. No leakage occurred in the 3 types of Hotty-gel connection methods. In two fixing methods, leakage occurred in the method of fixing the drainage board on the cement concrete specimen using the washer, screw and plastic wall plug. Leakage occurred at one point after 10 cycles (3 weeks) of freezing and thawing. After 28 cycles (8 weeks) of freezing and thawing, leakage point increased to 5 points. As time passed, the leak point was not increased, but the amount of leakage was increased at each leak point. The Hotty-gel connection method with cross-sectional diagonal shape was evaluated to be the highest in the production efficiency considering the production time and manufacturing method of the Hotty-gel connection shape. In the construction efficiency considering the construction time and construction method, the fixing method of air nailer, fixed nail and washer was superior to that of the washer, screw and plastic wall plug.

Superoxide Dismutase Gene Expression Induced by Lipopolysaccharide in Alveolar Macrophage of Rat (폐포대식세포에서 내독소 자극에 의한 Superoxide Dismutase 유전자발현의 조절 기전)

  • Park, Kye-Young;Yoo, Chul-Gyu;Kim, Young-Whan;Han, Sung-Koo;Shim, Young-Soo;Hyun, In-Gyu
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.42 no.4
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    • pp.522-534
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    • 1995
  • Background: In the pathogenesis of acute lung injury induced by lipopolysaccharide(LPS), oxygen radiclls are known to be involved in one part. Superoxide dismutase(SOD) protects oxygen radical-induced tissue damage by dismutating superoxide to hydrogen peroxide. In eukaryotic cells, two forms of SOD exist intracellularly as a cytosolic, dimeric copper/zinc-containing SOD(CuZnSOD) and a mitochondrial, tetrameric manganese-containing SOD(MnSOD). But there has been little information about SOD gene expression and its regulation in pulmonary alveolar macrophages(PAMs). The objective of this study is to evaluate the SOD gene expression induced by LPS and its regulation in PAMs of rat. Method: In Sprague-Dawley rats, PAMs obtained by broncholaveolar lavage were purified by adherence to plastic plate. To study the effect of LPS on the SOD gene expression of PAMs, they were stimulated with different doses of LPS($0.01{\mu}g/ml{\sim}10{\mu}g/ml$) and for different intervals(0, 2, 4, 8, 24hrs). Also for evaluating the level of SOD gene regulation actinomycin D(AD) or cycloheximide(CHX) were added respectively. To assess whether LPS altered SOD mRNA stability, the rate of mRNA decay was determined in control group and LPS-treated group. Total cellular RNA extraction by guanidinium thiocyanate/phenolfchlorofonn method and Northern blot analysis by using a $^{32}P$-labelled rat MnSOD and CuZnSOD cDNAs were performed. Results: The expression of mRNA in MnSOD increased dose-dependently, but not in CuZnSOD. MnSOD mRNA expression peaked at 8 hours after LPS treatment. Upregulation of MnSOD mRNA expression induced by LPS was suppressed by adding AD or CHX respectively. MnSOD mRNA stability was not altered by LPS. Conclusion: These findings show that PAMs of rat could be an important source of SOD in response to LPS, and suggest that their MnSOD mRNA expression may be regulated transcriptionally and require de novo protein synthesis without affecting mRNA stability.

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In vitro study of Polymerization shrinkage-strain kinetics of dental resin cements (치과용 레진 시멘트의 중합 수축률 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Tae-Hoon;Yang, Jae-Ho;Lee, Jai-Bong;Han, Jung-Suk;Kim, Sung-Hun
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics
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    • v.48 no.1
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    • pp.55-60
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    • 2010
  • Purpose: The shrinkage of dental resin cement may cause several clinical problems such as distortion that may jeopardize the accurate fit to the prepared tooth and internal stress within the restorations. It is important to know the polymerization shrinkage-strain of dental resin cement to reduce clinical complications. The purpose of this study was to investigate the polymerization shrinkage-strain kinetics of six commercially available dental resin cements. Material and methods: Three self-cure resin cements (Fujicem, Superbond, M-bond) and three dual-cure resin cements (Maxcem, Panavia-F, Variolink II) were investigated. Time dependent polymerization shrinkage-strain kinetics of the materials were measured by the Bonded-disk method as a function of time at $23^{\circ}C$, with values particularly noted at 1, 5, 10, 30, 60, 120 min after mixing. Five recordings were taken for each materials. The data were analyzed with one-way ANOVA and Scheffe post hoc test at the significance level of 0.05. Results: Polymerization shrinkage-strain values were 3.72%, 4.19%, 4.13%, 2.44%, 7.57%, 2.90% for Fujicem, Maxcem, M bond, Panavia F, Superbond, Variolink II, respectively at 120 minutes after the start of mixing. Panavia F exhibited maximum polymerization shrinkage-strain values, but Superbond showed minimum polymerization shrinkage-strain values among the investigated materials (P < .05). There was no significant differences of shrinkage-strain value between Maxcem and M bond at 120 minutes after the start of mixing (P > .05). Most shrinkage of the resin cement materials investigated occurred in the first 30 minutes after the start of mixing. Conclusion: The onset of polymerization shrinkage of self-cure resin cements was slower than that of dual-cure resin cements after mixing, but the net shrinkage strain values of self-cure resin cements was higher than that of dual-cure resin cements at 120 minutes after mixing. Most shrinkage of the dental resin cements occurred in the first 30 minutes after mixing.

Synthesis of Ceramic Support for Immobilization of Microorganisms Using Fly Ash (석탄회를 이용한 미생물 고정화 세라믹 담체 제조)

  • Shin, Dae-Yong;Han, Sang-Mok;Choi, Shin-Geon
    • Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society
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    • v.39 no.9
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    • pp.857-862
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    • 2002
  • Porous ceramic supports with immobilized microorganisms for the water purifier were synthesized by firing green compacts of mixed powder comprising of fly ash, bentonite and an additive of yeast powder at 800∼1,000$^{\circ}C$ for 1h and the pore and mechanical properties of specimens were investigated. The compressive strength was increased in FB (Fly Ash + Bentonite) specimens while pore properties was decreased with increasing the bentonite content and sintering temperature. The compressive strength, bulk density, apparent density, porosity, mean pore size, pore volume and specific surface area of FB specimens at 800∼1,000$^{\circ}C$ were 89.6∼128.9 kgf/$cm^2$, 1.25∼1.43, 1.61∼1.78, 27.2∼62.2%, 7.9∼25.6 ${\mu}m$, 8.9∼$22.2{\times}10^{-5}\;cm^3/g$ and 35.2∼134.3 $m^2/g$, respectively. The pore properties of FBY (FB+yeast powder) specimens were superior to that of FB specimens, however compressive strength was decreased with increasing yeast powder content. The overall properties of 9F1B1Y (9F1B+10% of yeast powder) specimens at 900$^{\circ}C$ for 1 h were 98.7 kgf/$cm^2$, 1.20, 1.67, 68.1%, 48.9 ${\mu}m$, $29.5{\times}10^{-5}\;cm^3/g$ and 152.2 $m^2/g$, respectively. In this study, it was revealed that 9F1B1Y specimen demonstrated better S. saprophyticus adherence properties n their surface pores. Consequently, the microorganisms immobilized on porous ceramic supports showed better water purifying performance with many pores and adequate strength.

Usefuless of Multi-functional Gastroduodenal Coil Catheter with Phantom (팬텀을 이용한 다기능 위.십이지장관 코일 카테타의 유용성 평가)

  • Lim, Jin-Oh;Kim, Tae-Hyung;Jung, Yang-Hwa;Choi, Won-Chan;Shin, Ji-Hoon;Song, Ho-Young
    • Journal of radiological science and technology
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.21-26
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    • 2003
  • To evaluate the newly designed gastroduodenal coil catheter:in-vitro test. The coil catheter that we made in our laboratory was 150 cm. The coil that is made of stainless steel wire was composed 1.3 mm inner diameter and this coil spring was covered with heat-shrinkable polyethylene tube. To measure the length under fluorocopy, 8 radiopaque marks were attached at 5 cm, 10 cm, 11 cm, 12 cm, 13 cm, 14 cm, 15 cm, 20 cm apart from distal end of the catheter and 6, 2, 1 pores were made at 7 cm, 13 cm, 19 cm apart from the distal end. Radio-opacity and the amount of injected contrast was investigated in formerly used 5 Fr. vessel catheter, which is possible in measuring length, and newly designed coil catheter. Film density was tested for radio-opacity with autodensitometer. For measuring the volume of injected salin, the catheter was located in the acryl box(26 cm, 3 cm, 16 cm) that divided into 4 chambers. After injection 50 cc of contrast with autoinjector, the contrast's quantity in each chamber was measured with and without over the guide wire. Radio-opacity was 0.51 in 5 Fr. vessel catheter, 0.31 in newly made catheter. The amount of injected contrast was measured. In case of 5 Fr. vessel catheter, the amount was 99.5% from the distal part, there was no difference between with and without the guide wire. Otherwise, using a coil catheter, the pacentage the ejected saline was 1.17%, 18.8%, 41.8%, 38.2% from the distal part with the guide wire, 19.5%, 32.6%, 27.7%, 20.3% without the guide wire. Compare with formerly established catheter, this new coil catheter is easy to measure the length thanks to easy confirming under fluoroscopy and excellent in injecting contrast. Therefore, newly designed gastrointestinal catheter seems to be useful in gastrointestinal intervention procedure.

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A Study on Livestock Odor Reduction Using Water Washing System (수세탈취시스템을 이용한 축산악취저감에 관한 연구)

  • Jeon, Kyoung-Ho;Choi, Dong-Yoon;Song, Jun-Ik;Park, Kyu-Hyun;Kim, Jae-Hwan;Kwag, Jung-Hoon;Kang, Hee-Sul;Jeong, Jong-Won
    • Journal of Animal Environmental Science
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.21-28
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    • 2010
  • The odor problem in the livestock is increasing by 7% annually. Most importantly, the livestock odor problem in swinery accounts for the maximum ratio (54%). In this study, we reviewed the possibility of deodorizing swinery using an odor reduction device that can be used with the water washing system. First, the study confirmed that the solubility of odor gas, which was hydrogen sulfide, was very low regardless of the contact time with solvent, but the solubility of methyl mercaptan was found to increase along with the increase in time. The solubility of other odor gases, such as dimethyl sulfide, dimethyl disulfide and ammonia, was considerably high. Consequently, it is considered that if the odor reduction device for the water washing system deodorization is used in a swinery, the time during which the exhaust gas is in contact with usable water must be extended, or solvent quantity must be expanded. However, it is predicted that although hydrogen sulfide is easily generated in the anaerobic condition, it is difficult to expect high odor reduction efficiency because this gas has low solubility in water, especially in case it is used in the deodorization of the water washing system. The result of the solubility experiment using the bench-scale device practically manufactured represented the higher odor reduction ratio than expected. This result was possible because the removal efficiency of dust particles could be reached up to 93%. Therefore, it is judged that also the odor gas absorbed on dust particles could be removed by removal of dust. Consequently, it is expected that the higher order reduction ratio will be possible by structural improvement for increasing contact with water and odor gas.

Growth Responses of Potted Gerbera 'Sunny Lemon' under Non-Nutrient Solution Recycling System by Media and Nutrient Contents (비순환식 분화 양액재배시 배지와 양액함량에 따른 거베라 'Sunny Lemon'의 생육반응)

  • Kil, Mi-Jung;Shim, Myung-Sun;Park, Sang-Kun;Shin, Hak-Gi;Jung, Jae-A;Kwon, Young-Soon
    • Journal of agriculture & life science
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    • v.45 no.6
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    • pp.73-80
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    • 2011
  • To investigate the characteristics of plant growth and flower quality of gerbera 'Sunny Lemon' by amount of nutrient solution, young seedling plants, 'Sunny Lemon' were transplanted to rock-wool and medium of peat moss and perlite mixed with 1 to 2 and they were acclimatized in greenhouse during about 1 month. Nutrient solution supplied to the plants is sonneveld solution of 1/2 concentration and treatments launched June 24, 2010 when average plant height was $20{\pm}1cm$. Nutrient contents as a standard for starting point of irrigation by time domain reflectometry (TDR) were determined with 60-65%, 70-75%, and 80-85%. Results of growth during vegetative growth, plant height, leaf width and leaf number increased by 10% in rockwool, but they were not significantly different. As for plant growth depending on nutrient content, 80-85% treatment showed the highest values. Leaf number increased by 60%, and leaf width and plant height had a about 40% increase than initial growth. Effectiveness for flower quality, yield and days to flowering were superior when nutrient content of media was higher than in the others. Especially, average days to flowering in 80-85% content was advanced by 7-10 days compared to the day in 60-65% treatment. The total amount of nutrient supply per plant was higher in mixed medium than in rockwool, but change patterns of EC and pH were enhanced in rockwool. Based on our results, we recommended that growth, cut flower, and yield of gerbera 'Sunny Lemon' were more effective when nutrient content of mixed medium was maintained at 80-85%.

Mechanism of steel pipe reinforcement grouting based on tunnel field measurement results (터널 현장 계측결과를 통한 강관보강 그라우팅의 거동 메커니즘)

  • Shin, Hyunkang;Jung, Hyuksang;Lee, Yong-joo;Kim, Nag-young;Ko, Sungil
    • Journal of Korean Tunnelling and Underground Space Association
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.133-149
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    • 2021
  • This study aims to report the behavioral mechanism of steel pipe reinforcement grouting, which is being actively used to ensure the stability of the excavation surface during tunnel excavation, based on measurements taken at the actual site. After using a 12 m steel pipe attached with a shape displacement meter and a strain gauge to reinforce the actual tunnel surface, behavioral characteristics were identified by analyzing the measured deformation and stress of the steel pipe. Taking into account that the steel pipes were overlapped every 6 m, the measured data up to 7 m of excavation were used. In addition, the behavioral characteristics of the steel pipe reinforcement according to the difference in strength were also examined by applying steel pipes with different allowable stresses (SGT275 and SGT550). As a result of analyzing the behavior of steel pipes for 7 hours after the first excavation for 1 m and before proceeding with the next excavation, the stress redistribution due to the arching effect caused by the excavation relaxation load was observed. As excavation proceeded by 1 m, the excavated section exhibited the greatest deformation during excavation of 4 to 6 m due to the stress distribution of the three-dimensional relaxation load, and deformation and stress were generated in the steel pipe installed in the ground ahead of the tunnel face. As a result of comparing the behavior of SGT275 steel pipe (yield strength 275 MPa) and SGT550 steel pipe (yield strength 550 MPa), the difference in the amount of deformation was up to 18 times and the stress was up to 12 times; the stronger the steel pipe, the better it was at responding to the relaxation load. In this study, the behavior mechanism of steel pipe reinforcement grouting in response to the arching effect due to the relaxation load was identified based on the measured data during the actual tunnel excavation, and the results were reported.

Stress Variation Characteristics of Temporary Fixed Steel Rod in FCM Bridge Construction Method (FCM 교량 가설 공법에서 임시 고정 강봉의 응력 변화 특성 )

  • Hyun-Euk Kang;Wan-Shin Park;Young-Il Jang;Sun-Woo Kim;Hyun-Do Yun
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.21-29
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    • 2023
  • In this study, the stress characteristics of temporary fixed steel rods were analyzed in the "temporary fixing system using internal prestressing tension", which is mainly applied to the construction of superstructures by FCM. It was difficult to confirm the changes in initial tensile force in this system because the steel rod was internally connected to the pier and the PSC BOX. Therefore, measurement was performed before and after the completion of each segment using an FBG sensor to measure the change in the micro length of the steel rod. The results of the analysis showed that 75% to 90% of the maximum vertical contraction of the steel rod that occurred until the completion of the cantilever segment occurred in the fixing ~ 1segment, and the maximum loss of initial prestressing force was 39%. Such excessive loss of tension force to 1 segment means that tension is needed to improve the precision of construction during the fixation, and re-tension is needed to secure stability for conduction of cantilever segments after the completion of 1segment. In the 2 ~ last segment, the stress of the steel rod decreased gradually, and in the summer, the decrease in stress tended to partially recover due to the increase in the length of the steel rod corresponding to the increase in the vertical volume of PSC BOX. The dominant factor in the stress change in 2~ last segment in this phenomenon is judged to be the change in the length of the steel rod according to the temperature. Unlike the change in length, the relaxation was 1.2-2.7%, which was mostly offset by the opposite stress corresponding to the temperature stress. Therefore, a plan was proposed to improve the internal stress, such as adjusting the fixation time.