• Title/Summary/Keyword: 복숭아굴나방

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Effects of Orchard Environments and Landscape Features on the Population Occurrence of Major Lepidopteran Pests in Apple Orchards (과원 환경과 경관 요소가 사과원 주요 나방류 해충 발생에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Hyangmi;Jung, Chuleui
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.60 no.1
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    • pp.79-90
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    • 2021
  • Landscape composition and structure are important factors determining biological diversity including pests and natural enemires in agricultural ecosystem. This study was conducted to indentify effect of landscape composition on occurrence of lepidopteran pest population in Geochang, Gyoungdnam. For this, orchard characteristics and management practices were surveyed in 80 conventional apple orchards in Geochang, Korea, along with the monitoring of pest population densities. The landscape features of each surveyed orchard also obtained by extracting information from the public-service map. Grapholita molesta was the most dominat and damaging pest followed by Phyllonorycter ringoniella and Carposina sasakii in trap catches. Adoxophyes paraorana occurrences were low. Farmers spray insecticides and fungicides ap. 12.4 times per year respectively while acaricides were sprayed 2.4 times. Major landscape features such as surrounding apple orchard or paddy field did not influence the pest populations but presence of plum, peach, wild peach, graph, and even abandoned orchards significantly resulted in higher pest population mostly on G. molesta. C. sasakii population was higher in orchards with grape, peach, and P. ringoniella with peach, grape, abandoned orchards and jujube. Results highlight the need of landscape management not only for the rural amenity but also for increasing functional diversity of agroecosystem as well as reducing pest population.

Sex Pheromone and Seasonal Occurrence of the peach leafminer, Lyonetia clerkella Linne (복숭아굴나방의 성페로몬과 성충 발생소장)

  • Yang Chang-Yeol;Jeon Heung-Yong;Kim Dae-Young;Kim Hyeong-Hwan
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.45 no.1 s.142
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    • pp.25-30
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    • 2006
  • The female sex pheromone of the peach leafminer, Lyonetia clerkella Linne (Lepidoptera: Lyonetiidae), was analyzed by coupled gas chromatographic-electroantennographic detector (GC-EAD). GC-EAD analyses of pheromone gland extract revealed a single compound that elicited responses from male antennae. Retention time on DB-1 column of EAD-active compound was identical to that of synthetic (145)-14-Methyl-1-octadecene (14Sme-1-18Hy). In field tests, sticky traps baited with synthetic 14Sme-1-18Hy alone were highly attractive to male. Traps with 0.1 mg dose showed the lowest catches, but there were no significant difference in the numbers of moth caught in traps baited with doses of 0.5 and 1.0 mg. The results of the field assays for longevity of pheromone traps showed that effectiveness of lures maintained for at least 8 weeks under field condition. The attractiveness of 14Sme-1-18Hy was not affected by the addition of butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) in lures as an antioxidant. Traps baited with 0.5 mg 14Sme-1-18Hy were successfully used to monitor L. clerkella male flights. Analysis of seasonal trap catches over two years showed that moth flight activity in peach orchards occurred over a period of seven months with six generations in Suwon.

'사과탄저병이 가장 문제됐다' ='85 과수 병해충발생 및 방제의 총결산=

  • 김성봉
    • The Bimonthly Magazine for Agrochemicals and Plant Protection
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    • v.6 no.11
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    • pp.2-11
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    • 1985
  • 과수농사를 짓는데 있어서 어느 해이던 간에 병해충의 발생이 없는 해는 없다. 올해 역시 예년과 마찬가지로 각종 병해충이 발생되었던 한해였다. ''70년도부터 ''85년도까지의 주요 병해충 발생양상을 보면, 점차 증가하고 있는 병해로 사과반점낙엽병과 부패병이 있는데, 이들 병은 ''70년대초에는 거의 무시할 정도의 발생을 보인 병들로 ''78년이후 급증하는 병이며, 해충은 점박이응애, 사과굴나방, 조팝나무진딧물, 포도호랑하늘소 같은 것들로 이들 해충은 현재 농약만으로의 방제가 어려운 상태에 있다. 이와는 반대로 점차 그 발생이 감소하고 있는 병해충은 ''70년초 심하였던 배나무적성병, 복숭아축엽병으로 ''75$\~$''80년도에 와서 거의 미미한 발생을 보이고 있다. 반면 예나 지금이나 지속적인 발생으로 과수재배농가에 피해를 주고 있는 것으로 사과부란병, 복숭아세균성천공병, 심식충류, 잎말이나방류, 깍지벌레류 등이 있다. 이들중 올해 가장 문제가 되었던 것은 사과탄저병으로 금년도의 기상조건이 발병에 좋은 조건이었고, 방제시기에 일기가 불순하여 충실한 방제를 하지 못한 관계로 더욱 심하였다.

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여름철 과수해충 관리 "포인트" -그 생태를 중심으로-

  • 박규택
    • The Bimonthly Magazine for Agrochemicals and Plant Protection
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    • v.6 no.6
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    • pp.51-62
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    • 1985
  • 일반적으로 과수라 하면 사과, 배, 포도, 감, 밤 등 많은 종류가 포함되며 그들을 함께 묶어 해충관리에 대한 얘기를 하기는 어려움으로 여기서는 주로 사과, 배, 복숭아를 중심으로 많이 발생되는 주요 해충들에 대해서만 언급하기로 한다. 과수의 전 생육기간을 통하여 잎, 줄기, 뿌리, 과실 등을 가해하는 해충들을 대별하여 보면 나방류 해충으로 잎을 말고 가해하는 심식충류, 잎의 조직속으로 굴을 파고 들어가는 굴나방류, 성숙한 과실로부터 당분을 흡즙함으로서 피해를 입히는 과실 흡아류를 비롯하여 줄기속을 가해하는 유리나방, 하늘소 등의 줄기식입해충, 진딧물을 비롯한 각종의 잎 가해해충 그리고 곤충은 아니지만 일반적으로 편의상 곤충에 포함되어 취급되고 있는 응애류 등 각양각색이다. 우리나라에서는 이들 과수해충들에 대한 조사연구가 극히 미비한 상태로 주로 일본의 연구결과를 토대로 모든 방제대책을 적용하고 있는 실정이다. 특히 이들 과수해충들에 대해 연구하는 전문가가 국내에는 몇사람 되지않는 것이 심히 유감스러운 일이다. 본호에서는 이들 해충들중 여름철에 문제되는 종류들을 중심으로 그들의 개략적인 생태와 방제요령을 알아본다.

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Adhesion Amount of Acetamipride on Plant and the Pest Control Effect According to the Reduced Application Amount (살포량 감소에 의한 살충제 Acetamipride의 작물 부착량과 나방류 방제효과)

  • Kim, Young-Shin;Jang, Ji-Woong;Jin, Na-Young;Yu, Yong-Man;Youn, Young-Nam;Lim, Chi-Hwan
    • The Korean Journal of Pesticide Science
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.317-322
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    • 2015
  • This study was conducted to obtain basic data for deriving the appropriate application amount of insecticide for effective pest control. We have investigated the correlation among the application amount of insecticide, the adhesion amount of active ingredient and the pest control effect. The linear standard curve of acetamiprid was $R^2=0.9994$, and the scope of the recovery factor was between 71% and 93% with less than 6% of the coefficient of variation. During the test conducted in 2015, the application amount was reduced to 302 L/10a which was 70 L less than the previous year and the spraying pressure was reduced as well. After analyzing the adhesion amount of active ingredient, it was found that a correlation coefficient of adhesion amount of the active ingredients became lower from 82% to 69%, that indicated insecticide liquid was evenly distributed compared to 2014. Also more than 95% of control effect was displayed, thereby indicating that there is a close relation with the correlation coefficient of the adhesion amount of active ingredient. It also presented that the adhesion amount of active ingredient on the ground was 2.2 times more than that on the leaves of apple trees.