• Title/Summary/Keyword: 보증보험

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An Analysis of a Reverse Mortgage using a Multiple Life Model (연생모형을 이용한 역모기지의 분석)

  • Baek, HyeYoun;Lee, SeonJu;Lee, Hangsuck
    • The Korean Journal of Applied Statistics
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.531-547
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    • 2013
  • Multiple life models are useful in multiple life insurance and multiple life annuities when the payment times of benets in these insurance products are contingent on the future life times of at least two people. A reverse mortgage is an annuity whose monthly payments terminate at the death time of the last survivor; however, actuaries have used female life table to calculate monthly payments of a reverse mortgage. This approach may overestimate monthly payments. This paper suggests a last-survivor life table rather than a female life table to avoid the overestimation of monthly payments. Next, this paper derives the distribution of the future life time of last survivor, and calculates the expected life times of male, female and last survivor. This paper calculates principal limits and monthly payments in cases of male life table, female life table and last-survivor life table, respectively. Some numerical examples are discussed.

Construction of MATLAB API for Fuzzy Expert System Determining Automobile Warranty Coverage (자동차 보증수리 기간 결정을 위한 퍼지 전문가 시스템용 MATLAB API의 구축)

  • Lee, Sang-Hyoun;Kim, Chul-Min;Kim, Byung-Ki
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartD
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    • v.12D no.6 s.102
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    • pp.869-874
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    • 2005
  • In the recent years there has been an increase of service competition in the activity of product selling, especially in the extension of warranty coverage and qualify. The variables in connection with the service competition are not crisp, and required the expertise of the production line. It thus becomes all the more necessary to use subtler tools as decision supports. These problems are typical not only of product companies but also of financial organizations, credit institutions, insurance, which need predictions of credibility for firms or persons in which they have any kind of interest. A suitable approach for minimizing the risk is to use a knowledge-based system. Most often expert systems are not standalone programs, but are embedded into a larger application. The aim of this paper is to discuss an approach for developing an embedded fuzzy expert system with respect to the product selling policy, especially to present the decision system of automobile selling activity around the extension of warranty coverage and quality. We use the MATLAB tools which integrates computation, visualization, and programming in an easy-to-use environment where problems and solutions are expressed in familiar mathematical notation. Also, we present the API functions embedding into the existing application.

미국의 지방채시장 활성화와 지방자치제 발전에 관한 연구 - 우리 나라에 주는 시사점을 중심으로 -

  • Kim, Gyu-Yeong
    • The Korean Journal of Financial Studies
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.75-103
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    • 1999
  • 미국의 지방자치제 발전의 재정적인 견인차 역할을 하고 있는 지방채 시장의 활성화로부터 우리가 얻을 수 있는 시사점은 다음과 같이 요약될 수 있다. 첫째, 주 헌법에 명시된 법률상의 통제 외에는 지방채의 기채제한이 없으므로, 지방자치단체의 자율적인 의사결정에 따라 지방채 발행이 활성화되어 있다. 둘째, 대부분의 지방채가 이자소득에 대하여 연방소득세가 면제되는 면세채권의 형태로 발행되고 있는데, 이는 지방자치단체의 재정부담을 경감시켜 줄 뿐 아니라, 투자자들에게 세금우위라는 투자유인을 제공하고 있다. 셋째, 지방채 발행이 활성화됨에 따라 필연적으로 나타나게 되는 채무불이행 상태에 대비하기 위한 제도적 장치로서 신용평가제도와 지방채 보험 및 보증제도가 확립되어 있다. 넷째, 발행된 지방채의 인수단에 의한 인수제도가 확립되어 있으며, 인수자들간의 역할 분담이 잘 이루어지고 있다.

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이슈 & 이슈 - 건설산업 불공정 거래관행 뿌리 뽑는다

  • 대한설비건설협회
    • 월간 기계설비
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    • s.276
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    • pp.56-62
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    • 2013
  • 정부는 건설현장에서 발생하는 다양한 형태의 불공정 관행을 개선하고 공정한 건설환경을 조성하기 위해 지난 6월 14일 '건설산업 불공정 거래관행 개선방안'을 발표했다. 개선방안은 하도급계약의 공정성을 높이기 위해 불공정 하도급계약을 무효화하고 발주자가 하도급계약을 의무적으로 점검토록 했다. 또한 건설하도급 외상매출채권 담보대출로 인한 하도급업체의 피해를 줄이기 위해 보험 보증 등을 통한 보호를 강화하는 방안도 담겼다. 이와함께 주계약자 공동도급 발주공사를 적극 발굴하여 원 하도급업체 간 수평적 협력관계 정착을 유도키로 했다. 정부의 이같은 개선방안은 그동안 대한설비건설협회가 정홍원 국무총리를 비롯하여 서승환 국토부 장관 등 관계부처와의 간담회와 관계요로에 수시로 건의한 결과 정부가 이를 적극 수용하여 마련된 것이다. 이로써 설비건설업계는 공공공사 분리발주 법제화와 함께 적극 추진하였던 주계약자 공동도급 활성화, 불공정하도급 관련 제도의 대폭적인 개선으로 경영환경이 크게 개선될 것으로 기대된다. 대한설비건설협회 김경회 총괄본부장은 "협회의 건의사항이 대폭 반영된 만큼 개선방안이 실효를 거둘 수 있도록 더욱 노력할 계획"이라고 밝혔다.

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Privacy Assurance and Consumer Behaviors in e-Business Environments (e-비즈니스 환경에서 기업의 개인정보보호 활동이 소비자 행위에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, JaeYoung;Jung, Woo-Jin;Lee, SangKeun;Kim, Beomsoo
    • The Journal of Society for e-Business Studies
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.1-17
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    • 2018
  • Recently, most online firms are trying to provide personalized services based on customer's data. However, customers are reluctant to give their information to online firm because of concerns about data breach. Online firms are seeking to increase their trust by ensuring the protection of personal information for customers through privacy seal (e.g. e-privacy) or data breach insurance. This research examines the effects of privacy assurance(i.e. privacy seal, data breach insurance) on consumer behavior in online environment. An experiment based on the hypothetical scenario was conducted using a between-subjects 2 (type of privacy assurance) + 1 (control) design. We found that both privacy seal and data breach insurance increased perceived privacy trust. In addition, privacy seal has a positive effect on the intention to provide personal information through perceived privacy trust. Finally, in the case of the group with a high (low) disposition to trust, higher perceived privacy trust is formed through privacy seal (data breach insurance). Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.

A Study on Export Bond Insurance as a Security for Independent Bank Guarantee in International Transactions (국제거래에서 독립적 은행보증서에 대한 담보장치로서의 수출보증보험에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Sang-Man
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    • v.39
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    • pp.59-85
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    • 2008
  • An independent bank guarantee(aka an independent guarantee) is provided as an security on a principal obligor's performance of his obligation, and a guarantor should pay the guaranteed amount only upon a beneficiary's written demand. A standby letter of credit has been used in the United States, since it was construed that a bank should not issue a guarantee. There was wide misunderstanding that a standby letter of credit differs from an independent bank guarantee. However, a standby letter of credit is the same security as an independent bank guarantee, and in international business a standby letter of credit is not differentiated from a independent bank guarantee. An independent bank guarantee are independent from the underlying contract, unconditional, and irrevocable. And a guarantor should pay upon written demand without proving a principal obligor breaches the underlying contract. These features of an independent bank guarantee has been abused in international transactions. Thus it has been proposed that some exceptions to the features of an independent bank guarantee should be allowed. United Nations Convention on Independent Guarantees and Standby Letter of Credit(1995) stipulates some exceptions to payment obligation. Export bond insurance, a part of export insurances, operated by the Korea Export Insurance Corporation under the Export Insurance Act, is used as a security for unfair calling by a beneficiary under an independent bank guarantee. Most of the export subsides by the government are prohibited under WTO's Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures. However, as export insurance is allowed under the WTO, it operates a significant role in enhancing the export. In the event that export bond insurance is provided for a guarantor, an obligor who is subject to recourse by a guarantor, can be exempt from the recourse in case of unfair calling. The Korea Export Insurance Corporation, an insurer, bears unfair calling risk by a beneficiary. Generally it is understood that a demand shall be made before the expiry of an independent bank guarantee. However this is not absolutely true, it shall be decided by URDG, ISP98, the governing law.

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A Study on the Protection for Consumer on Expending Overseas Direct Purchase -Focus on Guarantee System- (해외직접구매 증가에 따른 소비자보호 연구 -보증제도 중심으로-)

  • Park, Jong Hyun
    • International Commerce and Information Review
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.173-197
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    • 2015
  • The development of IT expanded the scale of e-commerce, and grew large Internet shopping malls. As having raised the consumers' interest in overseas direct purchase(ODP) recently, the number and purchasing amount of ODP are constantly increasing. However, consumers need to pay attention to the potential problems which might happen by consumer's damage and conflict, as increasing the consumption through ODP. Because consumer's damages on utilizing ODP happen to the reason such as the trust problem between business and consumer due to the way which traded non face to face, non-compliance of goods delivery, returns, and refunds, and information asymmetry of items, a large number of consumer's damages in a wide range are much more likely to occur nowadays. The purpose of this study is to analyze the current state of ODP, and propose consumer damage's reduction and policy of the government through pre or post scheme for consumer damage's relief and consumer protection. As the compensation for consumer damages is actually inadequate, this study proposed a feasible alternative to the adoption of e-commerce insurance for both aggressive compensation and protection for consumer's damages and risk transfer and sustainable development of e-commerce.

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Supporting Reality and Support System Improvement for the Small and Medium Size Enterprises (중소기업 지원실태와 지원체계 개선방안)

  • Lee, Jae-Hyun;Ko, Seung-Hee
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.9 no.7
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    • pp.333-341
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    • 2009
  • This study was undertaken for Korean small and medium size enterprises(SME) support policy that conduct to 10 supporting sector. As a result of analysis, this study found out similarity and duplication for SME support policy under the influence of that support system and supporting body had a problem with complexity and multi-function. Therefore, the implication of this study is that typology analysis of supporting reality and support system improvement for the SME

A Study on Forest Insurance (산림보험(山林保險)에 관한 연구(硏究))

  • Park, Tai Sik
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.1-38
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    • 1972
  • 1. Objective of the Study The objective of the study was to make fundamental suggestions for drawing a forest insurance system applicable in Korea by investigating forest insurance systems undertaken in foreign countries, analyzing the forest hazards occurred in entire forests of Korea in the past, and hearing the opinions of people engaged in forestry. 2. Methods of the Study First, reference studies on insurance at large as well as on forest insurance were intensively made to draw the characteristics of forest insurance practiced in main forestry countries, Second, the investigations of forest hazards in Korea for the past ten years were made with the help of the Office of Forestry. Third, the questionnaires concerning forest insurance were prepared and delivered at random to 533 personnel who are working at different administrative offices of forestry, forest stations, forest cooperatives, colleges and universities, research institutes, and fire insurance companies. Fourth, fifty three representative forest owners in the area of three forest types (coniferous, hardwood, and mixed forest), a representative region in Kyonggi Province out of fourteen collective forest development programs in Korea, were directly interviewed with the writer. 3. Results of the Study The rate of response to the questionnaire was 74.40% as shown in the table 3, and the results of the questionaire were as follows: (% in the parenthes shows the rates of response; shortages in amount to 100% were due to the facts of excluding the rates of response of minor respondents). 1) Necessity of forest insurance The respondents expressed their opinions that forest insurance must be undertaken to assure forest financing (5.65%); for receiving the reimbursement of replanting costs in case of damages done (35.87%); and to protect silvicultural investments (46.74%). 2) Law of forest insurance Few respondents showed their views in favor of applying the general insurance regulations to forest insurance practice (9.35%), but the majority of respondents were in favor of passing a special forest insurance law in the light of forest characteristics (88.26%). 3) Sorts of institutes to undertake forest insurance A few respondents believed that insurance companies at large could take care of forest insurance (17.42%); forest owner's mutual associations would manage the forest insurance more effectively (23.53%); but the more than half of the respondents were in favor of establishing public or national forest insurance institutes (56.18%). 4) Kinds of risks to be undertaken in forest insurance It would be desirable that the risks to be undertaken in forest insurance be limited: To forest fire hazards only (23.38%); to forest fire hazards plus damages made by weather (14.32%); to forest fire hazards, weather damages, and insect damages (60.68%). 5) Objectives to be insured It was responded that the objectives to be included in forest insurance should be limited: (1) To artificial coniferous forest only (13.47%); (2) to both coniferous and broad-leaved artificial forests (23.74%); (3) but the more than half of the respondents showed their desire that all the forests regardless of species and the methods of establishment should be insured (61.64%). 6) Range of risks in age of trees to be included in forest insurance The opinions of the respondents showed that it might be enough to insure the trees less than ten years of age (15.23%); but it would be more desirous of taking up forest trees under twenty years of age (32.95%); nevertheless, a large number of respondents were in favor of underwriting all the forest trees less than fourty years of age (46.37%). 7) Term of a forest insurance contract Quite a few respondents favored a contract made on one year basis (31.74%), but the more than half of the respondents favored the contract made on five year bases (58.68%). 8) Limitation in a forest insurance contract The respondents indicated that it would be desirable in a forest insurance contract to exclude forests less than five hectars (20.78%), but more than half of the respondents expressed their opinions that forests above a minimum volume or number of trees per unit area should be included in a forest insurance contract regardless of the area of forest lands (63.77%). 9) Methods of contract Some responded that it would be good to let the forest owners choose their forests in making a forest insurance contract (32.13%); others inclined to think that it would be desirable to include all the forests that owners hold whenerver they decide to make a forest insurance contract (33.48%); the rest responded in favor of forcing the owners to buy insurance policy if they own the forests that were established with subsidy or own highly vauable growing stock (31.92%) 10) Rate of premium The responses were divided into three categories: (1) The rate of primium is to be decided according to the regional degree of risks(27.72%); (2) to be decided by taking consideration both regional degree of risks and insurable values(31.59%); (3) and to be decided according to the rate of risks for the entire country and the insurable values (39.55%). 11) Payment of Premium Although a few respondents wished to make a payment of premium at once for a short term forest insurance contract, and an annual payment for a long term contract (13.80%); the majority of the respondents wished to pay the premium annually regardless of the term of contract, by employing a high rate of premium on a short term contract, but a low rate on a long term contract (83.71%). 12) Institutes in charge of forest insurance business A few respondents showed their desire that forest insurance be taken care of at the government forest administrative offices (18.75%); others at insurance companies (35.76%); but the rest, the largest number of the respondents, favored forest associations in the county. They also wanted to pay a certain rate of premium to the forest associations that issue the insurance (44.22%). 13) Limitation on indemnity for damages done In limitation on indemnity for damages done, the respondents showed a quite different views. Some desired compesation to cover replanting costs when young stands suffered damages and to be paid at the rate of eighty percent to the losses received when matured timber stands suffered damages(29.70%); others desired to receive compensation of the actual total loss valued at present market prices (31.07%); but the rest responded in favor of compensation at the present value figured out by applying a certain rate of prolongation factors to the establishment costs(36.99%). 14) Raising of funds for forest insurance A few respondents hoped to raise the fund for forest insurance by setting aside certain amount of money from the indemnity paid (15.65%); others wished to raise the fund by levying new forest land taxes(33.79%); but the rest expressed their hope to raise the fund by reserving certain amount of money from the surplus money that was saved due to the non-risks (44.81%). 15) Causes of fires The main causes of forest fires 6gured out by the respondents experience turned out to be (1) an accidental fire, (2) cigarettes, (3) shifting cultivation. The reponses were coincided with the forest fire analysis made by the Office of Forestry. 16) Fire prevention The respondents suggested that the most important and practical three kinds of forest fire prevention measures would be (1) providing a fire-break, (2) keeping passers-by out during the drought seasons, (3) enlightenment through mass communication systems. 4. Suggestions The writer wishes to present some suggestions that seemed helpful in drawing up a forest insurance system by reviewing the findings in the questionaire analysis and the results of investigations on forest insurance undertaken in foreign countries. 1) A forest insurance system designed to compensate the loss figured out on the basis of replanting cost when young forest stands suffered damages, and to strengthen credit rating by relieving of risks of damages, must be put in practice as soon as possible with the enactment of a specifically drawn forest insurance law. And the committee of forest insurance should be organized to make a full study of forest insurance system. 2) Two kinds of forest insurance organizations furnishing forest insurance, publicly-owned insurance organizations and privately-owned, are desirable in order to handle forest risks properly. The privately-owned forest insurance organizations should take up forest fire insurance only, and the publicly-owned ought to write insurance for forest fires and insect damages. 3) The privately-owned organizations furnishing forest insurance are desired to take up all the forest stands older than twenty years; whereas, the publicly-owned should sell forest insurance on artificially planted stands younger than twenty years with emphasis on compensating replanting costs of forest stands when they suffer damages. 4) Small forest stands, less than one hectare holding volume or stocked at smaller than standard per unit area are not to be included in a forest insurance writing, and the minimum term of insuring should not be longer than one year in the privately-owned forest insurance organizations although insuring period could be extended more than one year; whereas, consecutive five year term of insurance periods should be set as a mimimum period of insuring forest in the publicly-owned forest insurance organizations. 5) The forest owners should be free in selecting their forests in insuring; whereas, forest owners of the stands that were established with subsidy should be required to insure their forests at publicly-owned forest insurance organizations. 6) Annual insurance premiums for both publicly-owned and privately-owned forest insurance organizations ought to be figured out in proportion to the amount of insurance in accordance with the degree of risks which are grouped into three categories on the basis of the rate of risks throughout the country. 7) Annual premium should be paid at the beginning of forest insurance contract, but reduction must be made if the insuring periods extend longer than a minimum period of forest insurance set by the law. 8) The compensation for damages, the reimbursement, should be figured out on the basis of the ratio between the amount of insurance and insurable value. In the publicly-owned forest insurance system, the standard amount of insurance should be set on the basis of establishment costs in order to prevent over-compensation. 9) Forest insurance business is to be taken care of at the window of insurance com pnies when forest owners buy the privately-owned forest insurance, but the business of writing the publicly-owned forest insurance should be done through the forest cooperatives and certain portions of the premium be reimbursed to the forest cooperatives. 10) Forest insurance funds ought to be reserved by levying a property tax on forest lands. 11) In order to prevent forest damages, the forest owners should be required to report forest hazards immediately to the forest insurance organizations and the latter should bear the responsibility of taking preventive measures.

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A Study on Risk Analysis and Relevant Measures for the Successful Performance in Overseas Construction Projects - Including Case Analysis on A Overseas Construction Project - (해외건설 프로젝트의 성공적 수행을 위한 위험요소 및 대처방안에 대한 연구 - 해외건설 사례분석을 포함하여 -)

  • Kim, Sang-Man
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    • v.50
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    • pp.215-250
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    • 2011
  • Korean won overseas construction projects worth 71.6 billion US Dollars in 2010, which exceeded that of 2009 by 45.6%. An overseas construction project is a transaction of large scale, long term project, many parties participating, deferred payment, and of high-technology. It contributes to foreign currency earning, and also leads the nation's export restructuring work towards high value-added one. There are various kinds of risks towards the relevant parties respectively, which are key elements in successfully performing the overseas construction project. There are completion risk, financing risk, operating risk, revenue risk etc, in an employer's place. A contractor may be confronted with payment risk, issuance risk of performance bond, financing risk, performance risk of sub-contractors, and exchange rate risk. In lenders place there are repayment risk, completion risk, and political risk in the host country. In order to mitigate risks, the parties shall take relevant measures or require relevant securities. A contractor needs to evaluate the credibility of an employer in respect of payment risk, and can also request export insurance cover by the Korea Trade Insurance Corporation(the former 'Korea Export Insurance Corporation"). An employer can require a contractor to provide performance bond in respect of completion risk, and employ a well-known first class bank as a mandated arranger to arrange financing with regard to completion risk. Lenders needs to evaluate the credibility of an employer and accomplish feasibility study of the project. Lenders can request insurance cover from export credit agency. Once the parties assess the respective risks and obtain relevant securities, the project will be successfully completed. The success of the project will be sure to bring the parties involved enormous profits and another opportunity to participate in overseas construction project afterwards.

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