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Relationship between the Progression of Kyphosis in Thoracolumbar Osteoporotic Vertebral Compression Fractures and Magnetic Resonance Imaging Findings (흉요추 골다공증성 압박 골절에서의 후만 변형의 진행과 자기공명영상 소견 사이의 관계)

  • Jun, Deuk Soo;Baik, Jong-Min;Kwon, Hyuk Min
    • Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association
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    • v.54 no.4
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    • pp.336-342
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    • 2019
  • Purpose: To examine the relationship between the progression of a kyphotic deformity and the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings in conservatively treated osteoporotic thoracolumbar compression fracture patients. Materials and Methods: This study categorized the patients who underwent conservative treatment among those patients who underwent treatment under the suspicion of a thoracolumbar compression fracture from January 2007 to March 2016. Among them, this retrospective study included eighty-nine patients with osteoporosis and osteopenia with a bone density of less than -2.0 and single vertebral body fracture. This study examined the MRI of anterior longitudinal ligament or posterior longitudinal ligament injury, superior or inferior endplate disruption, superior of inferior intravertebral disc injury, the presence of low signal intensity on T2-weighted images, and bone edema of intravertebral bodies in fractured intravertebral bodies. Results: In cases where the superior endplate was disrupted or the level of bone edema of the intravertebral bodies was high, the kyphotic angle, wedge angle, and anterior vertebral compression showed remarkably progression. In the case of damage to the anterior longitudinal ligament or the superior disc, only the kyphotic angle was markedly prominent. On the T2-weighted images, low signal intensity lesions showed a high wedge angle and high anterior vertebral compression. On the other hand, there were no significant correlations among the posterior longitudinal ligament injury, inferior endplate disruption, inferior disc injury, and the progression of kyphotic deformity and vertebral compression. The risk factors that increase the kyphotic angle by more than 5° include the presence of injuries to the anterior longitudinal ligament, superior endplate disruption, and superior disc injury, and the risk factors were 21.3, 5.1, and 8.5 times higher than those of the uninjured case, and the risk differed according to the level of bone edema. Conclusion: An osteoporotic thoracolumbar compression fracture in osteoporotic or osteopenic patients, anterior longitudinal ligament injury, superior endplate and intravertebral disc injury, and high level of edema in the MRI were critical factors that increases the risk of kyphotic deformity.

Clinical Results of Anterolateral Thigh Perforator Flap for Soft Tissue Reconstruction of the Foot and Ankle (족부 및 족관절부 연부조직 재건을 위한 전외측 대퇴 천공지 피판술의 임상결과)

  • Han, Soo-Hong;Hong, In Tae;Lee, Yohan;Jo, Yong-Gil;Kwon, Young Woo
    • Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association
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    • v.52 no.1
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    • pp.40-48
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    • 2017
  • Purpose: Soft tissue reconstruction of a defect around the foot and ankle is a particularly challenging procedure due to the anatomical and functional characteristics of this area. Hence, only a limited number of treatment options are available. Moreover, if patients wish to avoid additional scars on the ipsilateral lower leg for cosmetic reasons, even fewer options are available for treatment. The authors used an anterolateral thigh perforator flap for soft tissue defects in this area, when other surgical options were inadequate. The aim of this study was to report the clinical results and the efficacy of this procedure. Materials and Methods: Sixteen cases of soft tissue defects around the foot and ankle were included. Participants included 12 male and 4 female subjects, and the mean age was 34 years. The most common cause of defect was acute trauma, and the average follow-up period was 33 months. Flap survival time, surgical complications, and ambulation status at the final follow-up stage were evaluated. Results: All 16 flaps successfully survived, except for one case with partial flap necrosis that was thought to be due to weight bearing earlier than scheduled. All patients were able to walk independently without any aid at the final follow-up stage. No patients showed other significant surgical complications. Conclusion: The anterolateral thigh perforator flap is a good alternative for soft tissue defects of the foot and ankle, when other options are not applicable. This study also demonstrated that surgery using an anterolateral thigh perforator flap is safe and highly reliable.

An Oral History Study of Overseas Korean Astronomer: John D. R. Bahng's Case (한국천문연구원 원외 원로 구술사연구 - 방득룡 전임 노스웨스턴 대학교 천문학 교수 사례 -)

  • Choi, Youngsil;Seo, Yoon Kyung;Lee, Hyung Mok
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.46 no.2
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    • pp.73.4-74
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    • 2021
  • 한국천문연구원은 2017년 제1차 구술채록사업에 이어 2020년 제2차 사업을 진행하면서 최초로 원외 원로에 대한 구술채록을 시도하였다. 국가 대표 천문연구의 산실로서 연구원 존재 의의를 확립하기 위하여 원내 원로에 국한되었던 구술자 대상을 확장한 것이다. 그 첫 외부 구술 대상자로 방득룡 전임 노스웨스턴 천문학과 교수를 선정하여 2020년 7월부터 준비단계에 들어갔다. 방득룡 전(前)교수가 첫 번째 한국천문연구원 원외 인사 구술자로 선정된 이유는, 그가 우리나라 천문대1호 망원경 구매 선정에 개입한 서신(1972년)이 자료로 남아있었기 때문이다. 한국천문연구원에서 2017년에 수행한 제1차 구술채록사업에서 구술자로 참여한 오병렬 한국천문연구원 원로가 기증한 사료들은 대부분 연구원 태동기 국립천문대 구축과 망원경 구매 관련 자료였으며 이 가운데 1972년 당시 과학기술처 김선길 진흥국장에게 Boller and Chivesns(사(社))의 반사경을 추천한 방득룡 전(前)교수의 서신은 한국 천문학 발전사에서 중요한 사료였다. 연구진은 이 자료를 시작으로, 방득룡 전(前)교수의 생존 여부와 문서고의 공기록물들에서 그의 흔적을 찾아가기 시작했다. 놀랍게도 그는 실제 세계와 한국천문연구원 문서고 깊숙이 기록물들 모두에서 상존하고 있었다. 1927년생인 방득룡 전(前)교수, Dr. John D. R.은 미국 플로리다 한 실버타운에서 건강한 정신으로 생존하여 있었고 연구진의 인터뷰에 흔쾌히 응했다. 2020년 9월 16일에 한국천문연구원 본원 세종홀 2층 회의실에서 영상통신회의로 그와의 구술인터뷰가 진행되었다. 이 구술인터뷰는 원외 인사가 대상이란 점 외에도 방법적으로는 전형적인 대면 방식이 아닌 영상 인터뷰였다는 점에서 코로나 시대의 대안이 되는 실험적 시도였다. 현대 한국천문학 발전사의 재조명 측면에서도 의미가 있었다. 1960년대 초반부터 1992년 정년퇴임까지 30년을 미국 유수 대학교 천문학과 교수로 재직하며 활발한 활동을 해 온 한국계 천문학자가 우리나라 최초 반사망원경 구매 선정에 적극 개입하였던 역사는, 공문서 자료들과 서신 사료들에 이어 그의 육성으로 나머지 의구심의 간극이 채워졌다. 또 구술자 개인이 주관적으로 중요하다고 여기는 '기억'이 중요한 아카이빙 콘텐츠 확장의 단초가 될 수 있다는 것을 보여줌으로써 구술사 연구에 있어서도 중요한 관점을 주었다. 애초 연구진이 방득룡 전(前)교수의 공식 기록에서 아카이빙의 큰 줄기로 잡았던 것은 1948년 도미, 1957년 위스콘신 대학교 천문학 박사학위 취득, 1962년부터 노스웨스턴 대학(일리노이주 에반스턴)의 천문학 교수진, 1992년 은퇴로 이어진 생애였다. 그러나 그와의 구술 준비 서신 왕래와 구술을 통하여 알게 된 그가 인생에서 중요시 여겼던 지점은, 1948년 도미 무렵 한국의 전쟁 전 상황과 당시 비슷한 시기에 유학한 한국 천문학자들의 동태, 그리고 1957년부터 1962년까지 프린스턴 대학교에서 M. Schwarzschild 교수와 L. Spitzer 교수를 보조하며 Stratoscope Project를 연구하였던 경험이었다. 기록학적 의미에서도, 전자를 통해서 그와 함께 동시대 한국 천문학을 이끌었던 인재들의 맥락정보를 얻을 수 있었으며, 후자를 통해서는 세계 천문학사에 큰 영향을 미친 석학에 대한 아카이브 정보와의 연계 지점과 방득룡 전(前)교수의 연구 근원을 찾을 수 있었다. 이들은 추후 방득룡 콘텐츠 서비스 시에 AIP, NASM, Lyman Spitzer 콘텐츠, 평양천문대, 화천조경천문대, 서울대와 연세대, 그리고 한국천문연구원까지 연계되어 전 세계 폭넓은 이용자들의 유입을 유도할 수 있는 검색 도구가 될 수 있다. 이번 방득룡 구술사 연구에서 구술자 개인의 주관적인 소회가 공식 기록이 다가갈 수 없는 역사적 실체에 일정 부분 가까울 수 있다는 것, 그리고 이를 통하여 개인의 역사는 공동체의 역사로 확장될 수 있다는 사실을 발견할 수 있었다. 또 연구진은 방득룡 전(前)교수의 회상을 통하여 구술자 개인의 시각으로 한국과 미국 천문학계의 공동체 역사를 재조명할 수 있었고, 이것을 아카이브 콘텐츠 확장 서비스에 반영할 수 있다는 기대를 가지게 되었다. 무엇보다 이 연구를 통하여 다양한 주제의 아카이브로 연동될 수 있는 주제어와 검색도구를 구술자 개인의 회상으로부터 유효하게 도출할 수 있다는 것을 확인하였다. 그리고 향후 한국천문 구술아카이브의 확장을 통하여 보다 다양한 활용과 연구 재활용의 선순환이 가능하다는 것도 알 수 있었다. 이는 최근 기록학계에서 대두되고 있는 LOD(Linked Open Data)의 방향성과도 흡사하여 한국천문학 구술사연구의 차세대 통합형 기록관리의 미래모형을 기대케 하는 대목이다.

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Difference of perception of the duties of dental hygienist between dentists and dental hygiene students in an area (일개 지역 치과의사와 치위생학과 학생 간 치과위생사의 업무에 대한 인식의 차이)

  • Hwang, Soo-Jeong;Koong, Hwa-Soo;Lee, Sang-Hoon
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Dental Administration
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2017
  • Although dental hygienists have performed chair-side assisting and other dental cares as well as preventive dental cares in Korea, medical technician law confines duties of dental hygienists as closed narrative. The aim of this study was to investigate difference in perception of duties of dental hygienists in dental clinic between dentists and dental hygiene students. A total of 245 copies of questionnaires were distributed to dentists and students by post-mail. Only 42 dentists and 30 students in an area replied these questionnaires about the present and future duties of dental hygienists after providing written consent. Both groups agreed that intra and extra oral X-ray taking, education about oral health behavior, instruction after dental treatment, chair-side assisting, consulting for patients, scaling, initial impression taking, management of dental materials and equipment, sterilization of equipment, and receiving dental bills are duties of dental hygienists. However, they had different perceptions about various dental treatments as duties of dental hygienists even if they were under instructions of a dentist, including infiltration anesthesia, filling in cavity, intramuscular injection, FC change, canal irrigation, orthodontic treatment including separating, ligature bracket bonding and removing, setting crown and bridge, making individual, removing implant screw, and so on. These findings demonstrated that there were different perceptions about duties of dental hygienists between dentists and dental hygiene students, especially on dental treatment.

Effects of Group Art Therapy to Improve Self-esteem and Enhance Self-integrity of Rural Elderly Women (농촌여성노인의 자아존중감 향상 및 자아통합감 증진을 위한 집단미술치료 프로그램 효과)

  • Kim, Jong Hee
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.259-275
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study is to check if group art therapy is effective in improving self esteem and self integrity of rural elderly women. Study subjects are forty seven rural elderly women in A-city who have participated in producing specialized products in their rural area. They are divided into experimental group (EG, n=25) who wish to participate in the group art therapy program, a part of the A-city sponsored program named 'Making the Rural Elderly Happy', to improve and enhance the elderly's self esteem and self integrity, and control group (CG, n=22) with no wish to participate. However, only forty four elderly women are selected as the final study subjects for data analysis, due to those who either missed the program session more than once or died of old age during the program period. The group art therapy program was given from March 16 to May 18 of 2010, every Tuesday between 1pm through 3pm for a total of 12 sessions, with the help of two college student assistants in the region and one staff member for the city program. SPSS WIN version 12.0 is adopted to evaluate and analyze the effects of the therapy program, independent t-test for equivalence check of pretests, and frequency check for general characteristics of each group. The study results are obtained by the mean and standard deviation to grasp the changes between pretest and post-test on both groups, together with ANCOVA to evaluate effects of the therapy program with the pre-test as covariant. The results are as follows. First, self esteem of EG is significantly improved than that of CG after intervention of group art therapy. Second, self integrity is significantly higher in EG than CG after the group art therapy intervention. Therefore, it can be claimed that group art therapy is effective in improving and enhancing self esteem and self integrity of the rural elderly women.

Comparative Analysis of the Poverty-Mitigating Effects Originated from Transfer Income Systems among Single-Elderly-Households (이전소득의 독거노인가구 빈곤경감 효과 비교)

  • Kim, Sooyoung;Lee, Kanghoon
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.1559-1575
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    • 2009
  • As the basic old-age pension system was enforced in 2008, the base for old-age income security was founded. However, due to the basic old-age pension played a minor role as assistant allowance, it did not reach to sufficient level to cover full income security system. It is estimated that the dependency on private transfer income among the elderly who are difficult to be economically independent is still high. Therefore the poverty rate of the elderly households, who are not economically active or who are not protected by old-age income security system, is more likely to be higher than that of non-elderly households. Based on the assumption that public transfer income system should become a central means of old-age life guarantee, this study examined the poverty mitigation effects among the elderly households by comparing the private transfer income and the public transfer income. For this purpose, we selected single-elderly-households who have been considered the most vulnerable to poverty. We used 2006- 2008 Household Income and Expenditure Survey dataset that contained single-elderly who were older than 65 years old. To understand the conditions of poverty among single-elderly-households and the degree of poverty-reducing effect originated from income transfer system, we compared the poverty rates of total households and the whole elderly households. Next, we analysed the poverty of the single-elderly-households by social demographic factors such as gender, age, and economic activity. Our major findings are as follows: First, the poverty rate of the whole elderly households were not reduced, even though the basic old-age pension and long-term care management system were enforced in 2008. Second, half of the elderly households including single-elderly-households belonged to the absolute poverty line. Relatively higher level of poverty among the single-elderly-households was found especially those who were female, unemployed, low-educated, older, and rural single-elderly-households. Third, the effect of the public transfer income on mitigating the single-elderly-households poverty showed a little progress. However, even greater poverty reducing effect was found by the private transfer income system. Fourth, in a group of the public transfer systems, the public assistance such as supporting living costs contributed more to reduce poverty of the elderly population than the public pension system did.

Observation of Methane Flux in Rice Paddies Using a Portable Gas Analyzer and an Automatic Opening/Closing Chamber (휴대용 기체분석기와 자동 개폐 챔버를 활용한 벼논에서의 메탄 플럭스 관측)

  • Sung-Won Choi;Minseok Kang;Jongho Kim;Seungwon Sohn;Sungsik Cho;Juhan Park
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.436-445
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    • 2023
  • Methane (CH4) emissions from rice paddies are mainly observed using the closed chamber method or the eddy covariance method. In this study, a new observation technique combining a portable gas analyzer (Model LI-7810, LI-COR, Inc., USA) and an automatic opening/closing chamber (Model Smart Chamber, LI-COR, Inc., USA) was introduced based on the strengths and weaknesses of the existing measurement methods. A cylindrical collar was manufactured according to the maximum growth height of rice and used as an auxiliary measurement tool. All types of measured data can be monitored in real time, and CH4 flux is also calculated simultaneously during the measurement. After the measurement is completed, all the related data can be checked using the software called 'SoilFluxPro'. The biggest advantage of the new observation technique is that time-series changes in greenhouse gas concentrations can be immediately confirmed in the field. It can also be applied to small areas with various treatment conditions, and it is simpler to use and requires less effort for installation and maintenance than the eddy covariance system. However, there are also disadvantages in that the observation system is still expensive, requires specialized knowledge to operate, and requires a lot of manpower to install multiple collars in various observation areas and travel around them to take measurements. It is expected that the new observation technique can make a significant contribution to understanding the CH4 emission pathways from rice paddies and quantifying the emissions from those pathways.

Effects of Changes in Collimation Size and the sub ROI on Exposure Index of Hand Radiography (손 방사선검사에서 조사야 크기와 보조관심영역 변화가 노출지수 값에 미치는 영향)

  • Young-Cheol Joo;Dong-Hee Hong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.17 no.6
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    • pp.851-857
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    • 2023
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of changes in collimation size and sub ROI on exposure index(EI) in hand radiography, present collimation size and EI suitable for average hand size of Koreans, and present the effect of changes in sub ROI on EI. The subjects of this study were hand-wrist phantom, and the exposure conditions were set to 55 kVp, 125, mA, and 6.25 mAs, and source to image receptor distance was applied to 110 cm. Based on the vendor recommended sub-ROI (18.7" × 18.7", 8" × 10", 8" × 7.4", 6" × 7.4")and the textbook's recommended sub-ROI 8" × 10", each obtaining 30 images, and comparing the EI shown in the equipment. The EI according to the change in the size of the collimation were 1663.7±4.52, 8"×10" is 1489.1±4.49, 8"×7.4" is 1716.9±3.00, 6"×7.4" is 168.7±3.66 for each EI, and the average value of each value was statistically significant. The average EI according to the sub ROI change was 1489.1±4.49 for SS, LS was 1694.8±5.19 for AEC, 2052.9±5.96, VR was 1548.3±3.20, and HR was 1663.2±4.33. The appropriate field size considering the hand size of Koreans was found to be 8"×7.4". In addition, when the field size increases based on the generally known field size (8"×10") during hand radiography, the EI value changes from a maximum of 15% to a minimum of 11%, and the sub ROI shape based on sub ROI 'SS' Depending on the change, the EI value increased from a maximum of 37% to a minimum of 3%.

Analyze Technologies and Trends in Commercialized Radiology Artificial Intelligence Medical Device (상용화된 영상의학 인공지능 의료기기의 기술 및 동향 분석)

  • Chang-Hwa Han
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.17 no.6
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    • pp.881-887
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    • 2023
  • This study aims to analyze the development and current trends of AI-based medical imaging devices commercialized in South Korea. As of September 30, 2023, there were a total of 186 AI-based medical devices licensed, certified, and reported to the Korean Ministry of Food and Drug Safety, of which 138 were related to imaging. The study comprehensively examined the yearly approval trends, equipment types, application areas, and key functions from 2018 to 2023. The study found that the number of AI medical devices started from four products in 2018 and grew steadily until 2023, with a sharp increase after 2020. This can be attributed to the interaction between the advancement of AI technology and the increasing demand in the medical field. By equipment, AI medical devices were developed in the order of CT, X-ray, and MR, which reflects the characteristics and clinical importance of the images of each equipment. This study found that the development of AI medical devices for specific areas such as the thorax, cranial nerves, and musculoskeletal system is active, and the main functions are medical image analysis, detection and diagnosis assistance, and image transmission. These results suggest that AI's pattern recognition and data analysis capabilities are playing an important role in the medical imaging field. In addition, this study examined the number of Korean products that have received international certifications, particularly the US FDA and European CE. The results show that many products have been certified by both organizations, indicating that Korean AI medical devices are in line with international standards and are competitive in the global market. By analyzing the impact of AI technology on medical imaging and its potential for development, this study provides important implications for future research and development directions. However, challenges such as regulatory aspects, data quality and accessibility, and clinical validity are also pointed out, requiring continued research and improvement on these issues.

A Study on Estimation of Forest Burn Severity Using Kompsat-3A Images (Kompsat-3A호 영상을 활용한 산불피해 강도 산정에 관한 연구)

  • Minsun Yang;Min-A Kim
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.39 no.6_1
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    • pp.1299-1308
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    • 2023
  • Forest fires are becoming more frequent and larger around the world due to climate change. Remote sensing such as satellite images can be used as an alternative or assistance data because it reduces various difficulties of field survey. Forest burn severity (differenced normalized burn ratio, dNBR) is calculated through the difference in normalized burn ratio (NBR) before and after a forest fire. The images used in the NBR formula are based on Landsat's near-infrared (NIR) and short-wavelength infrared (SWIR) bands. South Korea's satellite images don't have a SWIR band. So domestic studies related to forest burn severity calculated dNBR using overseas images or indirectly using the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) using South Korea's satellite images. Therefore, in this study, dNBR was calculated by substituting the mid-wavelength infrared (MWIR) band of Kompsat-3A (K3A) instead of the SWIR band in the NBR formula. The results were compared with the dNBR results obtained through Landsat which is the standard for dNBR formula. As a result, it was shown that dNBR using K3A's MWIR band has a wider range of values and can be expressed in more detail than dNBR using Landsat's SWIR band. Therefore, it is considered that K3A images will be highly useful in surveying burn areas and severity affected by forest fires. In addition, this study used the K3A's MWIR band images degraded to 30 m. It is considered that much better results will be obtained if a higher-resolution MWIR band is used.