• Title/Summary/Keyword: 배달품질

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User-specific Food Recommended System Using Data Cleaning (데이터 정제를 통한 딥러닝 기반의 유저 맞춤형 음식추천시스템)

  • Kim, Gyun-Yeop;Kang, Sang-Woo
    • Annual Conference on Human and Language Technology
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    • 2020.10a
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    • pp.578-581
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    • 2020
  • 제품을 추천하는 기능은 사용자의 콘텐츠 또는 제품 소비량에 직결되기에 다양한 인터넷 플랫폼에서 많은 관심을 받고 있다. 이러한 제품 추천 시스템의 성능은 다양한 머신러닝 알고리즘과 딥러닝의 발전에 의해 성능을 비약적으로 개선되어왔다. 하지만 여느 딥러닝과 머신러닝 알고리즘과 마찬가지로 추천 시스템들의 성능은 빅데이터의 품질에 따라 매우 민감한 영향을 받는다. 본 논문에서는 모바일 배달 플랫폼에서 사용자들의 리뷰 데이터들을 통해 딥러닝과 빅데이터를 사용하여 음식을 추천하는 방법을 제안한다. 또한 사용자들의 리뷰 데이터들을 정제하여 데이터의 품질을 높이는 과정을 추가하여 그 결과가 성능에 얼마만큼 영향을 미치는 지를 실험을 통하여 분석한다.

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Building Sentiment-Annotated Datasets for Training a FbSA model based on the SSP methodology (반자동 언어데이터 증강 방식에 기반한 FbSA 모델 학습을 위한 감성주석 데이터셋 FeSAD 구축)

  • Yoon, Jeong-Woo;Hwang, Chang-Hoe;Choi, Su-Won;Nam, Jee-Sun
    • Annual Conference on Human and Language Technology
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    • 2021.10a
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    • pp.66-71
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    • 2021
  • 본 연구는 한국어 자질 기반 감성분석(Feature-based Sentiment Analysis: FbSA)을 위한 대규모의 학습데이터 구축에 있어 반자동 언어데이터 증강 기법(SSP: Semi-automatic Symbolic Propagation)에 입각한 자질-감성 주석 데이터셋 FeSAD(Feature-Sentiment-Annotated Dataset)의 개발 과정과 성능 평가를 소개하는 것을 목표로 한다. FeSAD는 언어자원을 활용한 SSP 1단계 주석 이후, 작업자의 주석이 2단계에서 이루어지는 2-STEP 주석 과정을 통해 구축된다. SSP 주석을 위한 언어자원에는 부분 문법 그래프(Local Grammar Graph: LGG) 스키마와 한국어 기계가독형 전자사전 DECO(Dictionnaire Electronique du COréen)가 활용되며, 본 연구에서는 7개의 도메인(코스메틱, IT제품, 패션/의류, 푸드/배달음식, 가구/인테리어, 핀테크앱, KPOP)에 대해, 오피니언 트리플이 주석된 FeSAD 데이터셋을 구축하는 프로세싱을 소개하였다. 코스메틱(COS)과 푸드/배달음식(FOO) 두 도메인에 대해, 언어자원을 활용한 1단계 SSP 주석 성능을 평가한 결과, 각각 F1-score 0.93과 0.90의 성능을 보였으며, 이를 통해 FbSA용 학습데이터 주석을 위한 작업자의 작업이 기존 작업의 10% 이하의 비중으로 감소함으로써, 학습데이터 구축을 위한 프로세싱의 소요시간과 품질이 획기적으로 개선될 수 있음을 확인하였다.

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Evaluation of hazardous factors for the application of HACCP on production and transportation flow in home-delivered meals for the elderly (노인을 위한 가정배달급식의 생산 및 배송단계에 HACCP 적용을 위한 위해요인 분석 1)

  • 김혜영;류시현
    • Korean journal of food and cookery science
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.195-209
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this study was to identify the hazard analysis critical control point on food production and transportation flow, applied to home-delivered meals for the elderly. To carry out this study, 1) pan-fried oak mushroom and meat, soy sauce glazed hair tail, and roasted dodok were selected as high nutrient and preferred foods for the elderly and 2) time, temperature, and microbiological quality(standard plate count, coliform, Salmonella spp, Vibrio parahaemolyticus, Staphylococcus spp., Escherichia coli O157:H7, and Listeria monocytogenes) were measured at various phases of the home-delivered meal production and its transportation flows. The results of this experiments are as follows: The temperature measured at cooling phases during the home-delivered meal production flows was 19.2 ∼ 20.0$^{\circ}C$ for the pan- fried oak mushroom and meat and the roasted dodok and was 24.0 ∼ 25.2$^{\circ}C$ for the soy sauce glazed hair tail. These temperature were in the potentially dangerous zone. Microbiological analysis showed that S. spp. was higher in the raw ingredients, including oak mushroom, hair tail, radish, and dodok, than the standard limit. SPC was lower than the standard limit from cooking to transportation phase, but SPC increased significantly during the cooling and packaging phase. The level of coliform detected was far lower than the standard limit and was not detected at all during the transportation phase. Few S. spp. was detected in the pan-fried oak mushroom and meat, but was found in above standards limit during the wrap packaging phase in the soy sauce glazed hair tail and roasted dodok. The level decreased rapidly during the holding and transportation phase. Sal. spp., V. parahaemolyticus, S. spp., E. coli O157:H7, and L. monocytogenes were not detected. For the pan-fried oak mushroom and meat, the critical control points were during the purchasing and receiving of raw ingredients, cooling, and packaging phases. For the soy sauce glazed hair tail and roasted dodok, the critical control points were during the purchasing and receiving of raw ingredients, preparation, cooling, and packaging phases.

전자상거래업체의 물류아웃소싱 영향요인

  • Park, Yeong-Geun;Kim, Chang-Wan
    • Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science
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    • v.6
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    • pp.69-92
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    • 2000
  • 최근 전자상거래시장에서의 매출이 급속히 늘고 있고, 이를 이용하는 고객들도 단순한 배달서비스에서 고품질의 물류서비스를 요구하는 경향이 늘고 있다. 이러한 전자상거래환경에 맞는 물류전략을 개발함으로써 전자상거래업체들은 기업의 비용절감과 고객서비스부분을 강화하여야 한다. 따라서, 전자상거래업체들은 물류아웃소싱을 통해 기업의 유연성을 높이고, 효율적인 삼자물류업체들의 선택 및 이들의 집중적인 관리체제을 통하여 고객서비스를 높여야한다. 본 연구에서는 물류아웃소싱 및 삼자물류에 대한 선행연구들을 토대로 물류아웃소싱 의사 결정에 영향을 미치는 영향변수들, 삼자물류선택요인들과 물류아웃소싱강도와의 관계들을 연 구한다. 또한, 물류아웃소싱강도와 사이버 물류성과 그리고, 삼자물류선택요인들과 사이버 물 류성과의 관계를 연구하여 전자상거래업체들의 물류효율성을 높이는데 기여하고자 한다. 또한, 전자상거래업체들이 삼자물류를 선택하거나 평가하는 효율적인 수단과 방법들을 연구하여 전자상거래업체의 적극적인 삼자물류 활용의 필요성을 제시하고자 한다.

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Relationships between Delivery Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction in Chicken Delivery Outlets (치킨 전문점의 배달 서비스 품질과 고객 만족간 관계 연구)

  • Kim, Young-Yi;Cha, Suk-Bin
    • Journal of the East Asian Society of Dietary Life
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.138-148
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    • 2010
  • This study was conducted to delineate the dimensions of delivery service quality and to investigate the causal relationships between dimensions of delivery service quality and overall customer satisfaction toward delivery service among chicken outlets. To accomplish this, 235 persons who have experienced the chicken delivery service in Seoul were surveyed. The results revealed that the service quality consisted of six factors, employee service, menu quality, extra service, other menu service, menu development, and payment. In addition, menu quality and menu development factors had a positive(+) effect on customer satisfaction. Moreover, statistical differences between some delivery service quality factors and demographic variables and between usage characteristics and demographic variables were identified. Finally, a discussion of theoretical and managerial implications and future research areas is provided.

The Impact of Perceived Value and Information Quality on Continued Usage of Delivery Apps (배달앱에 대한 지각된 가치와 제공하는 정보의 품질이 지속적 이용의도에 미치는 영향)

  • Cheng, Ao;Koo, Chulmo
    • The Journal of Information Systems
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.129-147
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    • 2018
  • Purpose The purpose of this study is to identify the effects of users' perceived value of food delivery Apps and information quality on acceptance and intention to reuse of food delivery Apps. Design/methodology/approach This study made a design of the research model by integrating the factors of perceived value and information quality with the acceptance and continued usage of delivery Apps on the basis of the TAM (Technology Acceptance Model). Findings The results of this study suggests that perceived emotional value and monetary value, accuracy and timeliness of information have significant positive effects on usefulness and easiness of food delivery Apps. Meanwhile, both usefulness and easiness of food delivery Apps have significant positive influences on users' continually use intention. Furthermore, implications in terms of the findings of this study are discussed.

An Explorative Study of Consumer Response on O2O Service Types: Focusing on Delivery and Car sharing service (O2O(Online to Offline)서비스 사업 형태에 따른 소비자 반응에 관한 탐색적 연구 : 배달 서비스와 카셰어링 서비스 중심으로)

  • Sung, Jungyeon
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.129-135
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    • 2020
  • This study examined the consumer response of the current O2O service between service types. Previous studies mainly focused on the quality factor of O2O service or Technology Acceptance Model or extended TAM, This study is different from the fact that there are differences in factors that consumers consider important and consumer reactions by service type. It is also significant that we compared between representative food delivery services and car sharing services that are actively used among O2O services. As O2O service is closely related to consumer's life, this study chose three factors that the issue of personal information security and trust of intermediary platform companies, and finally subjective norm based on individuals and groups who are aware of new O2O service. To test hypotheses, data were collected and analyzed for 301 samples, focusing on delivery and car sharing service, As a result, the delivery service among the O2O services was more positive to attitude toward service in the consumer group with lower personal information security, trust in platform, and subjective norm than car sharing service. Based on these results, implications and future research directions were presented.

A Study on Customer Dissatisfaction, Complaining Behavior, and Long-Term Orientation of Internet Fashion Shopping Mall (인터넷 패션 쇼핑몰 고객 불만족, 불평행동 및 관계지향성에 관한 연구)

  • Ju, Seong-Rae;Chung, Myung-Sun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.32 no.12
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    • pp.1866-1877
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    • 2008
  • The purposes of this study were to identify the dimensions of perceived dissatisfaction, complaining behavior, and long-term orientation of customers about the Internet fashion shopping mall, and to empirically examine the effects of each dimension of perceived dissatisfaction and complaining behavior on long-term orientation. For this study, questionnaires were administered to 275 Internet shopping mall customer. To analyze collected data, descriptive analysis, factor analysis, Cronbach's $\alpha$, correlation analysis, and regression analysis were used. Major findings were as follows. First, college students were found to mainly complain of dissatisfaction at product quality, refunding/changing/maintenance repair, price, contract, delivery, and payment after transaction with the Internet shopping mall. Second, customer dissatisfaction was found to have high correlation with complaining behavior and partly with customer neglect or exit. Third, higher customer dissatisfaction was found to increase customer complaining behavior in general. Finally, higher complaining behavior was found to have connection with lower customer loyalty and higher customer neglect and exit.

Changes of Chemical and Microbiological Quality of Home-delivered meals for elderly as affected by Packaging methods and Storage conditions 2 (노인을 위한 가정배달급식의 포장방법 및 저장조건에 따른 이화학적ㆍ미생물학적 품질 변화 2)

  • 김혜영;류시현
    • Korean journal of food and cookery science
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.241-253
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    • 2003
  • Changes in chemical, microbiological quality of pan fried oak mushroom and meat, soy sauce glazed hair tail and roasted dodok in wrap packaging, top sealing, vacuum packaging were evaluated during storage 25$^{\circ}C$, 4$^{\circ}C$, -18$^{\circ}C$ for 5 days. The results were as follows: 1) The cases of chilled and frozen storage, there were small increases in the pH from the first day, with no differences between the different packaging methods, with the exception of the vacuum packaging, which was lower. The pH and Aw of the roasted dodok were lower than those of the other foods. The Aw for all three foods at room temperature significantly decreased in the wrap packaging and top sealing on day one, but the rate of reduction was lower when in chilled storage. The VBN increased with increasing length of storage, and temperatures, but the rate of increase was lower in the top sealing and vacuum packaging. The VBN of roasted dodok was considerably lower than with the other foods. The POV increased significantly on the first day or room temperature storage and the rate or increase was low in chilled End frozen storages, and in the vacuum packaging. 2) SPC of the roasted dodok at room temperature increased significantly within five days of storage. but was inhibited within five days in the vacuum packaging with chilled storage. The SPC of the soy sauce glazed hair tail was low in the top sealing and vacuum packaging when in chilled storage. The coliform of the pan fried oak mushroom and meat. on the fifth day of room temperature storage, was close to hazardous conditions for the wrap packaging. From the third day of chilled storage, few coliform were detected in the pan fried oak mushroom and meat, or the soy sauce glazed hair tail, but not in the vacuum packaging, within five days, for all three foods in frozen storage. The S. spp. had exceeded the standard in the wrap packaging and top sealing with the pan fried oak mushroom and meat on the third day at room temperature, but was not detected in the vacuum packaging within five days, and exceeded the standard in the wrap packaging on the fifth day of chilled storage. S. spp. was not detected in the soy sauce glazed hair tail within five days at all storage temperatures. S. spp. was not detected in the roasted dodok within five days of chilled and frozen storage, but was detected from the third day in the wrap packaging. and the fifth in the top sealing, at room temperature, which exceeded the standard. Sal. spp., V parahaemolyticus, E. coli O157:H7, L. monocytogenes were not detected. 3) The Aw was found to be influenced by storage temperature, period and packaging method, while the VBN was significantly influenced by the storage temperature and period. Regarding the SPC, the pan fried oak mushroom and meat was affected by the storage temperature and period, while the soy sauce glazed hair tail was influenced by the packaging method and storage period. The roasted dodok's microbiological quality was influenced by the method of packaging. The chemical, microbiological quality of home-delivered meals were preserved to be five days in the vacuum packaging, at. chilled and frozen storage.

Changes of Physical and Sensory Quality in Home-delivered meals for elderly as affected by Packaging methods and Storage conditions 3 (노인을 위한 가정배달급식의 포장방법 및 저장조건에 따른 물성ㆍ관능적 품질 변화 3)

  • 김혜영;류시현
    • Korean journal of food and cookery science
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.374-389
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    • 2003
  • The Purpose of this study was to propose the most effective packaging method and storage conditions to apply to home-delivered meals for the elderly Changes in the physical and sensory qualities of pan fried oak mushroom and meat, soy sauce glazed hair tail and roasted dodok, in wrap packaging, top sealing and vacuum packaging were evaluated during storage at 25, 4 and -18$^{\circ}C$, for 5 days. The speed of falling-off in the foods qualities, under chilled and frozen storage conditions did not differ much as the 5 day storage period was too short for a proper assessment. The sensory characteristics of taste and texture were better evaluated in the chilled than in the frozen storage. The most effective packaging method at all the storage temperatures was the vacuum packaging, which assured the safety of the foods by the removal of oxygen. The lightness, springiness and hardness were significantly influenced by the storage temperature, period and packaging method, while the sensory characters were affected by storage temperature and the period. In conclusion, the quality of the vacuum packed pan fried oak mushroom and meat and soy sauce glazed hair tail, in frozen storage, were still fresh after the five days of the experiment. The shelf-life of those foods with wrap packaging, in chilled storage, were suggested to be three days. The quality of the roasted dodok, with vacuum packaging in chilled storage, was preserved for five days.