• Title/Summary/Keyword: 방형구

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19 years of change in community structure of Quercus acutissima dominant stand on Mt. Danseok-san in Gyeongju national park, South Korea (경주 단석산 상수리나무 우점식분 군집구조의 19년간의 변화)

  • Ko, Jae Ki
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.243-248
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    • 2018
  • This study was carried out to clarify changes in community structure of Quercus acutissima dominant stand on the south slope of Mt. Danseok-san with fixed twenty quadrates. Five field surveys were conducted from Aug. 1999 to May 2018. During the period, the density lessened to 0.20 in 2012 comparing with 0.33 in 1999. However recent field study in 2018 showed moderate rising to 0.24. In 1999, the DBH class distribution of all trees formed reverse J curve. However, the reverse J curve was torn down, forming bell curve. In 2018, the curve showed similar shape of reverse J shape on the group of young trees, forming bell shape on the group of mature trees. It reveals that DBH 13cm is on the threshold of trees competition trend where the downtrend in the trees are on uptrend. The most dominant Q. acutissima formed bell curve. The peak of the curve shows the shift to the right of the graph as it gets lower by year.In case of Q. mongolica, shows a change in the shape of a low bell as the distribution curve increases. The oak stand in this study is in the process of changing from the initial stage of the secondary forest succession to the intermediate stage. The most dominant tree is Q. acutissima, and the sub-dominant tree is Q. mongolica in present. Considering the age distribution of the two competing tree species, the succession of this stand is expected to transfer to the Q. mongolica-dominant community.

Environmental Characteristics and Vegetation of Hanabusaya asiatica Habitats (금강초롱꽃 자생지의 환경특성과 식생)

  • Jang, Su-Kil;Cheon, Kyeong-Sik;Jeong, Ji-Hee;Kim, Zin-Suh;Yoo, Ki-Oug
    • Horticultural Science & Technology
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.497-506
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    • 2010
  • This study intended to investigate the environmental factors including soil and vegetation in order to better understand the environmental and ecological characteristics of ten different habitats of $Hanabusaya$ $asiatica$. These habitats, according to investigations, are mostly located on the slopes of mountains facing north at an altitude of 580 m to 1,396 m above sea level with angles of inclination ranging from 5 degrees to 80 degrees. A total of 146 vascular plant taxa are identified in 32 quadrates of the ten habitats. The importance value of $H.$ $asiatica$ is 8.87%, and 5 highly ranked species such as $Carex$ $siderosticta$ (8.67%), $Ainsliaea$ $acerifolia$ var. $subapoda$ (7.10%), $Calamagrostis$ $arundinacea$ (6.79%), $Athyrium$ $yokoscense$ (5.33%), $Astilbe$ $rubra$ (3.11%) are considered to be an affinity with $H.$ $asiatica$ in their habitats. Dominant species of woody plants in ten habitats are represented as $Quercus$ $mongolica$ in tree layer (T1), $Acer$ $pseudo$-$sieboldianum$ in subtree layer (T2), $Rhododendron$ $schlippenbachii$ and $Tripterygium$ $regelii$ in shrub layer (S). The degree of their average species diversity is 1.30, and that of dominance and evenness are 0.08 and 0.88, respectively. The type of soil is sandy loam, loam and loamy sand, and the average field capacity of soil is 23.95%. Their average organic matter is 12.28%, soil pH 5.79, and available phosphorus is 25.48%. Correlation coefficients analysis based on environmental factors, vegetation and soil analysis shows that the coverage of tree layers is correlated with richness, diversity, dominance, evenness and coverage of $H.$ $asiatica$.

The Structure of Plant Community in Kwangnung Forest(I) -Analysis on the Forest Community of Soribong Area by the Classification and Ordination Techniques- (광릉(光陵) 삼림(森林)의 식물군집구조(植物群集構造)(I) -Classification 및 Ordination 방법에 의한 소리봉(蘇利峯)지역의 식생분석(植生分析)-)

  • Lee, Kyong Jae;Jo, Jae Chang;Lee, Bong Su;Lee, Do Suck
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.79 no.2
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    • pp.173-186
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    • 1990
  • To investigate the structure of the plant community of Soribong area in Kwangnung forest, forty-six plots were set up by the clumped sampling method. The classification by TWINSPAN and four kinds of multivariate ordination(PO, PCA, RA, DCA) were applied to the study area in order to classify them into several groups based on woody plants and environmental variables. The classification had been successfully overlayed on an ordination of the same data using DCA. The plots can be classified into four groups by TWINSPAN and DCA. The successional trends of tree species by both techniques seem to be from Pinus densiflora through Quercus mongolica, Q. serrata, Q. aliena, Carpinus laxiflora, Sorbus alnifolia to C. cordata, Fraxinus rhynchophylla, Cornus controversa in the canopy layer, and from Rhododendron mucronulatum, Rhus triohocarpa, Lespeoleza cyrtobotrya, Weigela subsessilis through Corylus sieboldiana, Lindera obtusiloba to Slaphylea bumalda, Callicarpa japonica, Lonicera maackii in the understory layer. As a result of the analysis for the relationship between the stand scores of DCA and environmental variables, they had a tendancy to increase significantly from the P. densiflora community to C. cordata community that was soil pH and the amount of humus, total nitrogen and exchangeable cations.

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Environmental Characteristics of Exochorda serratifolia S.Moore Habitats (가침박달 자생지의 환경특성)

  • Kim, Kyung-Ah;Cheon, Kyeong-Sik;Yoo, Ki-Oug
    • Korean Journal of Plant Resources
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.155-173
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    • 2014
  • The habitats characteristics of Exochorda serratifolia were investigated to compile basic data for conservation and restoration. Natural habitats were located at an altitude of 1 m to 624 m above sea level with angles of inclination ranging from 2 degrees to 81 degrees. A total of 248 vascular plant taxa were identified from 37 quadrats in 16 habitats. The importance value of Exochorda serratifolia is 18.70%, and 5 highly ranked species such as Rhododendron mucronulatum (3.79%), Abelia tyaihyoni (3.27%), Euonymus alatus for. ciliatodentatus, Quercus mongolica (3.23%), and Indigofera kirilowii (2.97%) are considered to be an affinity with Exochorda serratifolia in their habitats. Species diversity was 1.03, dominance and evenness were found to be 0.15 and 0.85, respectively. Average field capacity was 24.19%, the organic matter was 8.21%, pH was 5.52, and available phosphorus was $7.71{\mu}g/g$. Correlation coefficients analysis based on environmental factors, vegetation, and soil analysis shows that the coverage of Exochorda serratifolia is correlated with field capacity and available phosphorus.

Plant Diversity and Density, Driving Forces of the Feeding Activity of Herbivores in a Temperate Forest of Southern South Korea (한국 남부 온대림 초식 곤충 식흔량에 영향을 주는 식물 다양성과 밀도)

  • Kim, Nang-Hee;Choi, Sei-Woong
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.51 no.4
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    • pp.322-330
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    • 2018
  • Herbivory is a major functional component of forest ecosystems, and herbivorous insects comprise about 25% of all insect species. Increasing plant diversity is related to herbivore abundance and diversity, which affects the level of leaf damage caused by insects. This study was conducted to identify plant-related variables such as plant diversity and number of leaves and density-related variables, basal area, and diameter at breast height (DBH) in a temperate forest of southern South Korea. To assess the level of leaf damage caused by leaf chewing insects, we set up two 0.1 ha plots in a temperate deciduous forest on Mt. Jirisan National Park. Plant richness differed between two sites: 16 species in 14 families(site 1) and 19 species in 15 families (site 2). Fisher's alpha index based on plant species richness and abundance resulted in 4.41 (site 1) and 6.57 (site 2). However, the sum of basal area of each site was higher in site 1 ($6.6m^2$) than site 2 ($3.7m^2$). The total surveyed leaves at two sites were 3,832 and 4,691, respectively and the damage leaves were 1,544 and 2,136, respectively. The mean leaf damage level was 11.2% (${\pm}1.76%$) in two study sites: the leaf damage level of the site 1 (11.99%) was significantly higher than site 2 (10.59%). Stepwise regression analysis showed that species diversity and evenness were the significant variables for leaf damages by chewing herbivores. NMDS ordination also identified that high tree density and low species diversity were the significant variables. This suggested that the level of damage was significantly higher in plots with low plant diversity and high tree density. In the future, we will investigate other guilds of herbivores such as sap-suckers, miners and gallers in temperate deciduous forests.

Forest Vegetation Structure of Kongju National University Forests(Seokjangri-dong) (공주대학교 학술림(석장리동 일대)의 산림식생구조)

  • Kim, Ho-Jin;Song, Ju-Hyeon;Lee, Jung-Eun;Yun, I-Seul;Yun, Chung-Weon
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.34 no.6
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    • pp.573-588
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    • 2020
  • The study investigated the forest vegetation structure of Kongju National University Forests in the vicinity of Seokjangri-dong to provide the information needed for efficient use and management. It conducted a Z-M phytosociological vegetation survey in 60 quadrate plots in August 2019 and generated the actual vegetation map by analyzing the physiognomic community classification and mean importance value. The physiognomic community classification showed five vegetation community types: Quercus acutissima community, Pinus densiflora community, Quercus variabilis community, Pinus rigida community, and Quercus serrata community. The relative importance value in the Q. acutissima community was 31.4% for Q. acutissima, 9.6% for Prunus spp., and 9.0% for Q. variabilis. In the P. densiflora community, it was 24.9% for P. densiflora, 12.4% for Q. acutissima, and 11.5% for Q. serrata. In the Q. variabilis community, it was 25.3% for Q. variabilis, 9.8% for Prunus spp., and 8.5% for Q. acutissima. In the P. rigida community, it was 28.4% for P. rigida 28.4%, 10.0% for Q. acutissima, and 9.3% for P. densiflora. In the Q. serrata community, it was 27.0% for Q. serrata, 11.3% for Q. aliena, and 11.5% for Styrax japonica. The actual vegetation map based on the uppermost dominant species to identify the forest vegetation's spatial distribution characteristics indicated that the natural vegetation covered the most with 87.5%, the number of vegetation patches was 87, and the average area per patch was 1.46ha.

Structure and Understory Species Diversity of Pinus parviflora - Tsuga sieboldii Forest in Ulleung Island (울릉도 섬잣나무-솔송나무림의 구조 및 하층식생의 종 다양성)

  • Cho, Yong Chan;Hong, Jin Ki;Cho, Hyun Je;Bae, Kwan Ho;Kim, Jun Soo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.100 no.1
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    • pp.34-41
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    • 2011
  • Vegetation structure, composition and diversity were quantified for 10 samples ($10m{\times}10m$) representing woody vegetation and for 30 samples ($1m {\times}3m$) representing understory vegetation in Pinus parviflora and Tsuga sieboldii forest of Taeharyeong, Ulleung-gun (Gyeongsangbuk-do). P. parviflora was limitedly advanced to sapling layer from seedling stage, and based on Mantel tests, composition of canopy layer was not established in ground woody vegetation. Non-metric multidimensional scaling revealed influence of biotic and abiotic factors in species composition of woody and understory vegetation. In the result of multiple regression model, abundance of P. parviflora (density and breast height area) and percent cover of woody debris were significant predict variables for understory diversity. These results suggest that relatively large disturbance is required for regeneration of P. parviflora and T. sieboldii forest, and control of expansion of monocultural understory species that monopolize resources such as Carex blepharicarpa and Maianthemum dilatatum, is necessary for maintenance of diversity.

The Research on the Phytosociological Characteristics of Abies nephrolepis Maxim. Community in Mt. Seorak, Korea (설악산 분비나무군락의 식물사회학적 특성)

  • Lee, Ho-Young;Chung, Bo-Kwang;Chun, Young-Moon;Oh, Choong-Hyeon
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.35 no.1
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    • pp.37-47
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    • 2021
  • This study carried out the plant sociological survey of Abies nephrolepis forest in Mt. Seorak, which is in danger of deterioration due to the accelerated climate change. We examined seventy quadrats obtained from the survey and used the TWINSPAN technique to classify communities. We then performed the DCA method for the sequence analysis and analyzed the characteristics of each community. A. nephrolepis forest of Mt. Seorak is composed of four communities (A. nephrolepis-Lonicera caerulea var. edulis community, A. nephrolepis-Acer komarovii community, A. nephrolepis-Ac. pseudosieboldianum community, and A. nephrolepis-Betula costata community). Each community showed a different distribution according to location because different microenvironments are formed depending on location such as altitude and slope direction, resulting in different species composition. Each community showed differences in environmental characteristics such as altitude, rock ratio, soil characteristics, and litter layer thickness. As a result, there were significant differences between communities in the number of species and individuals, coverage, tree size, and species diversity, as well as differences in species composition. The A. nephrolepis-L. caerulea var. edulis and A. nephrolepis-Ac. komarovii communities were located in high altitude with high rock ratios and had little development of tree layer. On the other hand, the A. nephrolepis-Ac. pseudosieboldianum and A. nephrolepis-B. costata communities were relatively in low altitude with high soil ratio and had the development of tree layer with high species diversity.

Ecological Characteristic of Warm Temperate Vegetation Distributed around Hakdong and Haegeumgang at Geojae Island (거제도 학동 및 해금강 일대에 분포하는 난대림 식생의 생태적 특성 연구)

  • Lee, Soo-Dong
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.36 no.1
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    • pp.72-86
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    • 2022
  • This study was conducted to identify structural characteristics of the evergreen broad-leaved forests distributed in Hak-dong, Geojae island. For a survey, 52 sites were set up in areas with changes in the vegetation community or location environment where Cinnamomum yabunikkei, Neolitsea sericea, and Machilus thunbergii dominated or appeared in the canopy, sub-canopy, or shrub layer. The community classification with TWINSPAN identified the following communities: N. sericea-C. yabunikkei, C. yabunikkei-Camellia japonica, Ca. japonica, Quercus variabilis-Ca. japonica, Pinus thunbergii-Ca. japonica, Castanopsis sieboldii, P. thunbergii, and Platycarya strobilacea-Mallotus japonicus. Considering the result of the study that succession series of warm-temperate forest reflecting the latent natural vegetation is the transition of conifers and deciduous broad-leaved forest to evergreen broad-leaved forest, the communities predominated by the communities predominated by the communities predominated by P. thunbergii, Q. variabilis, and Pl. strobilacea are likely to transform into the evergreen forest predominated by N. sericea and C. yabunikkei. The sites where C. yabunikkei, N. sericea, and Castanopsis sieboldii are dominant in the canopy and sub-canopy layers are likely to maintain the status quo if there is no artificial disturbance. The relationship between the impact of the environmental factors and the vegetation distribution showed silt among the physical properties of the soil directly or indirectly affected it, which was judged to be due to the fact that it was located on a steep slope. The soil acidity (pH) was 5-5.84, electrical conductivity 0.047-0.139 dS/m, and organic matter content was 3.32-12.06%. Although there were differences by the colony, they were generally low.

Spatial Distribution Pattern of Patches of Erythronium japonicum at Mt. Geumjeong in Korea (한국 금정산에 븐포하고 있는 얼레지의 공간적 분포 양상과 집단 구조)

  • Man Kyu Huh
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.33 no.3
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    • pp.227-233
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    • 2023
  • The purpose of this paper was to describe a statistical analysis for the spatial distribution of geographical distances of Erythronium japonicum at Mt. Geumjeong in Korea. The spatial pattern of E. japonicum was analyzed according to the nearest neighbor rule, population aggregation under different plot sizes by dispersion indices, and spatial autocorrelation. Most natural plots of E. japonicum were uniformly distributed in the forest community. Disturbed plots were aggregately distributed within 5 m × 5 m of one another. Neighboring patches of E. japonicum were predominantly 7.5~10 m apart on average. If the natural populations of E. japonicum were disturbed by human activities, then the aggregation occurred in a shorter distance than the 7.5~10 m distance scale. The Morisita index (IM) is related to the patchiness index (PAI) that showed the 2.5 m × 5 m plot had an overly steep slope at the west and south areas when the area was smaller than 5 m × 5 m. When the patch size was one 2.5 m × 5 m quadrat at the west distributed area of Mt. Geumjeong, the cluster was determined by both species characteristics and environmental factors. The comparison of Moran's I values to a logistic regression indicated that individuals in E. japonicum populations at Mt. Geumjeong could be explained by isolation by distance.