• Title/Summary/Keyword: 미분근사

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Multi-Objective Optimization of Steel Frames For Standardized Steel Profiles Under Seismic Loads (지진하중을 받는 강뼈대구조물의 표준단면에 대한 다목적 최적설계)

  • Cho, Hyo Nam;Min, Dae Hong;Jeong, Bong Gyo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Steel Construction
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    • v.14 no.6
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    • pp.783-791
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    • 2002
  • An improved formulation for multi-objective optimization was proposed. This formulation was applied to steel seismic loads. The multi-objective optimization problem was formulated with minimum structural weight, maximum strstability. The global criterion method was employed to find a rational solution closest to the ideal solution for the optimization problem using standard steel profile, To efficiently solve the optimization problem, the decomposition meth both system-level and element-level was used. In addition, various techniques including efficient reanalysis technique intermediate variables and sensitivity analysis using an automatic differentiation(AD) were incorporated. Moreover the reamong section properties fitted to the section profile used in order to link the system level and the element level. From numerical investigation, it could be stated that the proposed method will lead to the more rational design compared with one.

Experimental and Theoretical Study on Silica Gel Regeneration (실리카 젤의 재생에 관한 실험적 및 이론적 연구)

  • 고학균;정도섭
    • Journal of Biosystems Engineering
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.1-14
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    • 1977
  • 현재 선진국에서 널리 이용되고있는 곡물의 화력건조는 곡물의 품질을 손상시킬 뿐만 아니라 손실을 증가시키고 있다. 화력에 의한 건조는 또한 연료의 절약면에서 볼 때 역시 문제점을 내포하고있다.l 이러한 문제점들을 해결하기 위하여 근래에는 실리카 젤과 같은 흡습성의 건조제를 사용한 곡물의 건조 실험이 진행 중에 있으며 좋은 결과를 보여주고 있다. 실리카겔은 그 자체무게의 40% 까지 동적 및 정적하에서 수분을 흡수하는 성질을 가지고 있으며 일단 포화상태가 되면 수천번 재생이 가능하다. 본 연구에서는 이와같은 실리카텍의 재생실험을 일차적으로 실내에서 공기의 온도를 일정하게 한 상태에서 실시하였으며 일반적으로 실리카 젤은 $300^{\circ}F$에서 완전재생이 가능하나 본 실험에서 사용된 재생온도는 평면식 태양열 집열기로부터 얻을 수 있는 $150^{\circ}F$ 내외에서 시도하였다. 본실험과 병행하여 건조중 공기와 실리카 젤의 에너지 및 질량변화에 따른 이론식을 만들어 주어진 여러 가지 조건에 대하여 4개의 미분방정식을 컴퓨터에 의하여 해결하였으며 건조(재생) 시간에 따른 공기의 온도와 흡습 및 실리카 젤의 함수량을 구하였다. 위의 이론적인 분석결과는 후에 태양열집열기를 이용한 재생실험을 분석하는데 적용될 것이다. 본 연구결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 본 연구에서 유도한 이론식은 실리카 젤의 재생온도를 만족스럽게 표시하였으며 재생시간에 따른 공기의 온도와 흡습 및 실리카 젤의 함수량변화의 이론치는 실험치와 근사하였다. 2. 이론치와 실험치를 일치시키기위하여 흡착온도에서 산출된 열 및 질량 전달계수를 1/5로 조정 사용하였다. 3. 실리카 젤은 $120^{\circ}F$에서 9 %, $180^{\circ}F$에서 1% 내외로 재생이 가능하였다. 4. 본 연구에서 유도된 이론적 분석방법은 다른 여러 가지 형태의 물질 및 건조 또는 냉각 과정을 분석하는데 사용될 수 있다.

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A Numerical Analysis of the Shallow Water Equations Using the Multi-slope MUSCL (다중 경사 MUSCL을 이용한 천수방정식의 수치해석)

  • Hwang, Seung-Yong;Lee, Sam-Hee
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2011.05a
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    • pp.158-158
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    • 2011
  • 천수방정식과 같은 쌍곡선형 미분방정식의 불연속 해에 대한 Riemann 해법은, 1950년대 말 공기동역학 분야에서 S. K. Godunov의 선구적인 시도 이후, 다양한 영역에서 성공적으로 적용되고 있다. 당초 제안된 해법은 공간에 대해 1차 정도였으나, 2차의 정도를 얻을 수 있는 기법이 1970년대 말 B. van Leer에 의해 제안되었으며, MUSCL로 불린다. 서로 인접한 격자의 보존변수가 고려된 경사가 도입되어 두 격자에 의해 공유되는 변의 좌 우에서 선형으로 보존변수가 재구축되는 MUSCL은 제한자와 함께 이용될 때, 구조 격자 체계에서 비교적 단순하면서도 효과적인 적용성이 입증되었다. 그런데, 이 기법을 2차원의 비구조 격자 체계에 적용하는 경우, 인접한 모든 격자의 보존변수를 고려한 평면의 경사를 결정해야 하는 어려움이 따른다. 특히, 삼각형 비구조 격자에 적용할 경우 최적의 평면을 결정하기 위해 Green-Gauss 적분식이나 최소-자승법 등을 이용하게 된다. 이에 비해, 2010년 T. Buffard와 S. Clain이 제안한 다중경사 기법은 격자의 각 변에서 경사가 각각 결정되는 방법으로 계산량이 많은 Green-Gauss 적분식이나 최소자승법을 피할 수 있는 장점이 있는 것으로 알려져 있다. 정확해가 알려진 두 경우에 대해 몇 가지 제한자를 적용한 결과를 1차 정도의 해와 함께 비교하였으며, superbee 제한자에 의한 결과가 우수하였으나, 희유파와 충격파가 맞닿는 곳에서 수치 분산이 나타났다. minmod 제한자의 결과가 대체로 무난하였으며, 이를 2차원 댐 붕괴 문제에 적용하여 1차 정도의 해와 비교하였다. 마찰이 없고 초기 수심이 댐 상류에서 10 m, 하류에서 5 m로서 물이 차 있는 경우, 1차 정도의 해에서 나타나는 수치 소산이 2차 정도에서는 발생되지 않았다. 댐 하류에서 초기에 수심이 영으로 바닥이 드러난 경우에서 마찰의 영향을 검토하였다. 마찰이 있는 경우, 마찰 경사 항의 Manning 계수를 0.04로 두었으며, 마찰에 의한 영향이 잘 드러났다. 수심이 50 mm 보다 작은 경우에는 마찰을 적용하지 않았다. 이 연구는 환경부 '차세대 핵심환경기술개발 사업'의 지원에 의한 것이다.

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An Efficient Method for Estimating Optimal Path of Secondary Variable Calculation on CFD Applications (전산유체역학 응용에서의 효율적인 최적 2차 변수 계산 경로 추정 기법)

  • Lee, Joong-Youn;Kim, Min Ah;Hur, Youngju
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.16 no.12
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2016
  • Computational Fluid Dynamics(CFD) is a branch of fluid mechanics that solves partial differential equations which represent fluid flows by a set of algebraic equations using computers. Even though it requires multifarious variables, only selected ones are stored because of the lack of storage capacity. It causes the requirement of secondary variable calculations at analyzing time. In this paper, we suggest an efficient method to estimate optimal calculation paths for secondary variables. First, we suggest a converting technique from a dependency graph to a ordinary directed graph. We also suggest a technique to find the shortest path from any initial variables to target variables. We applied our method to a tool for data analysis and visualization to evaluate the efficiency of the proposed method.

The Direct TM01-TE11 Mode Converter Using Circular Waveguide for High Power Applications (원형 도파관을 이용한 초고출력용 TM01-TE11 직접 모드 변환기)

  • Lee Byoung-Moo;Lee Sang-Heun;Yoon Young-Joong;Yang Gi-Joo
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science
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    • v.17 no.4 s.107
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    • pp.351-357
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    • 2006
  • In this paper, a direct $TM_{01}-TE_{11}$ mode converter of circular waveguide which is used the approximated design method of mode conversion between $TM_{01}$ and $TE_{11}$ modes is designed for radiation with the maximum directivity of high power energy into air (rom high power microwave antenna system. The proposed direct $TM_{01}-TE_{11}$ mode converter is calculated and designed with an approximated method for non-linear function about an extended non-constant serpentine type of circular waveguide. Then, the designed mode converter is optimized by length of 200 mm and efficiency above 95% by FIM simulation and achieved short length and high efficiency of the antenna by results of fabricated and measured characteristics.

Comparisons of Parallel Preconditioners for the Computation of Interior Eigenvalues by the Minimization of Rayleigh Quotient (레이레이 계수의 최소화에 의한 내부고유치 계산을 위한 병렬준비행렬들의 비교)

  • Ma, Sang-back;Jang, Ho-Jong
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartA
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    • v.10A no.2
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    • pp.137-140
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    • 2003
  • Recently, CG (Conjugate Gradient) scheme for the optimization of the Rayleigh quotient has been proven a very attractive and promising technique for interior eigenvalues for the following eigenvalue problem, Ax=λx (1) The given matrix A is assummed to be large and sparse, and symmetric. Also, the method is very amenable to parallel computations. A proper choice of the preconditioner significantly improves the convergence of the CG scheme. We compare the parallel preconditioners for the computation of the interior eigenvalues of a symmetric matrix by CG-type method. The considered preconditioners are Point-SSOR, ILU (0) in the multi-coloring order, and Multi-Color Block SSOR (Symmetric Succesive OverRelaxation). We conducted our experiments on the CRAY­T3E with 128 nodes. The MPI (Message Passing Interface) library was adopted for the interprocessor communications. The test matrices are up to $512{\times}512$ in dimensions and were created from the discretizations of the elliptic PDE. All things considered the MC-BSSOR seems to be most robust preconditioner.

Analysis of Dynamic Crack Propagation using MLS Difference Method (MLS 차분법을 이용한 동적균열전파 해석)

  • Yoon, Young-Cheol;Kim, Kyeong-Hwan;Lee, Sang-Ho
    • Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.17-26
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    • 2014
  • This paper presents a dynamic crack propagation algorithm based on the Moving Least Squares(MLS) difference method. The derivative approximation for the MLS difference method is derived by Taylor expansion and moving least squares procedure. The method can analyze dynamic crack problems using only node model, which is completely free from the constraint of grid or mesh structure. The dynamic equilibrium equation is integrated by the Newmark method. When a crack propagates, the MLS difference method does not need the reconstruction of mode model at every time step, instead, partial revision of nodal arrangement near the new crack tip is carried out. A crack is modeled by the visibility criterion and dynamic energy release rate is evaluated to decide the onset of crack growth together with the corresponding growth angle. Mode I and mixed mode crack propagation problems are numerically simulated and the accuracy and stability of the proposed algorithm are successfully verified through the comparison with the analytical solutions and the Element-Free Galerkin method results.

Moving Least Squares Difference Method for the Analysis of 2-D Melting Problem (2차원 융해문제의 해석을 위한 이동최소제곱 차분법)

  • Yoon, Young-Cheol
    • Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.39-48
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    • 2013
  • This paper develops a 2-D moving least squares(MLS) difference method for Stefan problem by extending the 1-D version of the conventional method. Unlike to 1-D interfacial modeling, the complex topology change in 2-D domain due to arbitrarily moving boundary is successfully modelled. The MLS derivative approximation that drives the kinetics of moving boundary is derived while the strong merit of MLS Difference Method that utilizes only nodal computation is effectively conserved. The governing equations are differentiated by an implicit scheme for achieving numerical stability and the moving boundary is updated by an explicit scheme for maximizing numerical efficiency. Numerical experiments prove that the MLS Difference Method shows very good accuracy and efficiency in solving complex 2-D Stefan problems.

Solver for the Wavier-Stokes Equations by using Initial Guess Velocity (속도의 초기간 추정을 사용한 Navier-Stokes방정식 풀이 기법)

  • Kim, Young-Hee;Lee, Sung-Kee
    • Journal of KIISE:Computer Systems and Theory
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    • v.32 no.9
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    • pp.445-456
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    • 2005
  • We propose a fast and accurate fluid solver of the Wavier-Stokes equations for the physics-based fluid simulations. Our method utilizes the solution of the Stokes equation as an initial guess for the velocity of the nonlinear term in the Wavier-Stokes equations. By guessing the initial velocity close to the exact solution of the given nonlinear differential equations, we can develop remarkably accurate and stable fluid solver. Our solver is based on the implicit scheme of finite difference methods, that makes it work well for large time steps. Since we employ the ADI method, our solver is also fast and has a uniform computation time. The experimental results show that our solver is excellent for fluids with high Reynolds numbers such as smoke and clouds.

Closed-form Expressions of Vector Magnetic and Magnetic Gradient Tensor due to a Line Segment (선형 이상체에 의한 벡터 자력 및 자력 변화율 텐서 반응식)

  • Rim, Hyoungrea
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.85-92
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    • 2022
  • An elongated object in one direction can be approximated as a line segment. Here, the closed-form expressions of a line segment's vector magnetic and magnetic gradient tensor are required to interpret responses by a line segment. Therefore, the analytical expressions of the vector magnetic and magnetic gradient tensor are derived. The vector magnetic is converted from the existing gravity gradient tensor using Poisson's relation where the gravity gradient tensor caused by a line segment can be transformed into a vector magnetic. Then, the magnetic gradient tensor is derived by differentiating the vector magnetic with respect to each axis in the Cartesian coordinate system. The synthetic total magnetic data simulated by an iron pile on boreholes are inverted by a nonlinear inversion process so that the physical parameters of the iron pile, including the beginning point, the length, orientation, and magnetization vector are successfully estimated.