• Title/Summary/Keyword: 미국 공보원

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Locality of the Cultural Cold War : Focusing on the activities of Daejeon Culture Center (문화냉전의 지역성-대전문화원의 활동을 중심으로-)

  • 위경혜
    • 한국학연구
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    • no.49
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    • pp.123-154
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    • 2018
  • 이 글은 해방 이후 강화문화관을 시작으로 전국에 걸쳐 등장한 문화원의 사회사적 성격을 문화냉전의 맥락에서 규명한 것이다. 문화원은 미국의 해외 공보 업무를 담당한 미국 공보원(United States Information Service, Korea)의 적극적인 지원으로 개관했으며 한국전쟁을 계기로 급격히 증가하였다. 문화원은 미국 공보원이 지향한 '자유 동아시아' 국가 형성을 목표로 미국적 가치와 문화를 전파했지만, 해당 지역 공동체의 현실적인 이해관계를 반영하면서 문화원 사업의 방점에 차이를 두었다. 1962년 설립된 한국문화원연합회는 전국적인 연결망을 형성하고 미국식 민주주의와 공산주의 이념의 강화 그리고 박정희 주도의 산업화와 근대화의 선전과 홍보에 앞장섰다. 1960년대 중후반 대전문화원의 활동에 관한 사례 분석을 통해 확인한 바와 같이, 문화원은 지역의 행정과 경찰 및 교육 그리고 흥행업자와 긴밀한 관계를 형성하면서 지역의 모든 문화 관련 활동을 수렴하는 기관으로서 위상을 지녔다. 또한, 냉전 시기 후방 군사도시이자 대규모 노동자 집결 도시인 대전의 문화원은 미군의 주둔과 연관된 사업을 수행하는 한편으로 베트남전쟁 참전과 관련된 정치적 긴장에 적극적으로 대응하는 모습을 보였다. 대전문화원 강당에서의 상설 영화 상영을 비롯해 대전 시내와 충남 일대 지역에서 조직적으로 전개한 이동영화 상영은 이를 보여준다. 따라서 1947년 한국사회 최초로 등장한 강화문화관이 과거 일본 제국과의 단절을 강조했다면, 1960년대 중후반 대전문화원은 동아시아 지역의 문화냉전 벨트의 형성을 위하여 '새로운 일본'을 소개하는 데 적극적이었다. 이는 일국 차원에서 전개된 대전문화원 활동이 동아시아 국가의 문화냉전의 형성과 중첩되었음을 증명하였다.

The U.S. Government's Book Translation Program in Korea in the 1950s (1950년대 한국에서의 미국 도서번역 사업의 전개와 의미)

  • Cha, Jae Young
    • Korean journal of communication and information
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    • v.78
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    • pp.206-242
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    • 2016
  • This study dealt with the U.S. government's book translation project as a part of its public diplomacy to gain the Korean people's 'minds and thoughts' in the midst of cultural Cold War from the end of World War II to the late 1950s. It was found that the U.S. book translation project was begun during the U.S. military occupation of South Korea, though with minimum efforts, and reached its peak in the late 1950s, In general, the purposes of the U.S. book translation project in South Korea was as follows: to emphasize the supremacy of American political and economic systems; to criticize the irrationality of communism and conflicts in the communist societies; to increase the Korean people's understanding of the U.S. foreign policies; to publicize the achievement of the U.S. people in the areas of arts, literature, and sciences. In the selection of books for translation, any ones were excluded which might contradict to U.S. foreign policy or impair U.S. images abroad. It must be noted that publications of a few Korean writers' books were supported by the project, if they were thought to be in service for its purposes. Even some Japanese books, which were produced by the U.S. book translation project in Japan, were utilized for the best effects of the project in South Korea. It may be conceded that the U.S. book translation project contributed a little bit to the compensation for the dearth of knowledge and information in South Korea at that time. However, the project may have distorted the Korean people's perspectives toward the U.S. and world, owing to the book selection in accordance with the U.S. government's policy guidance.

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Hospice System Improvement Measures to Increase the Accessibility of Voluntary Home Death: A Comparison of the South Korean and American Hospice Systems (자택임종 증가를 위한 호스피스제도 개선 방안: 한국과 미국의 호스피스제도 비교를 중심으로)

  • Han, Da-Jeong;Choi, Young-Soon;Lee, Dong-Hyun
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.567-579
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study is to find a way to improve the hospice system to increase comfortable home death, which people prefer, by understanding the factors affecting the difference in the rate of home death between South Korea and America within the hospice system. This study employs the Most Similar Systems Design, which is a case study approach. The result of this study is that both countries have public health insurance systems that are identical in terms of the appropriate time for the receipt of hospice services and the application procedure, which requires that two doctors confirm the patient's hospice eligibility. The main difference is that in South Korea, inpatient hospice is prevalent, whereas routine home care is predominant in the United States. Furthermore, in the United States, hospice assistants and housekeepers support at-home daily living care. Additionally, the United States provides inpatient respite care to allow care-giver, such as family to rest and there is no restriction on hospice-eligible diseases. To increase the accessibility of voluntary home death in South Korea, it is necessary to activate and expand the home type hospice service range and provide at-home daily living care, care-giver support services. Furthermore, there should be no restrictions on hospice-eligible diseases.

Professionalism raising of the escort which leads an instance analysis (사례분석을 통한 경호 전문성 제고)

  • Yu, Hyung-Chang
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.18
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    • pp.73-99
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    • 2009
  • There are three assassination and treatening cases in this thesis introduced as analysis data. They are shooting accidents of the U.S.A's President Reagun (1981,3.30), and the President Park Jeong Hee of South Korea(1974.8.15), assassination of the Prime Minister Lavin of Israel (1995.11.4) In March 30, 1981, there was an accident where criminal, Hinckley, fired ball cartridges right before the President Reagan got into the car to move to White House after completing the announcement of Hilton Hotel of Washington. As a result, the chest of president was shot and public information secretary and safeguard were wounded. In August, 15, pm 10:23, where the 29th 8.15 independent anniversay event was being celebrated by the people at the National theater in Jangchungdong, Seoul, the criminal Moon Sekwang fired ball cartridges, he failed to assassinate the President Park Jeong Hee of Korea, but shot the First lady Yuk Young Soo. She was wounded right part of head and died. In November 4, Saturday, pm 22:00 the Prime Minster Lavin had finished the supporting event of Middle Asia's Peace project and was taking on the car when he was killed by the criminal Amir's shooting, The accidents left very important lesson from the aspect of security analysis and it has been frequently used as a material for the education and training of safeguard organization. In Korea, as well as Presidential Security Service, national security departments have selected it as an important model for the subjects such as 'Security Analysis, 'Security Practice' and 'Security Methodology'. In the performance of security duty, security skill is the most important matter. Moreover, it has a close relationship with politics, society and culture. The purpose of this study is to analyze and reevaluate the case, which has been treated as a usual model from the aspect of security analysis, beyond its introduction. Attempted assassination of President Reagan was evaluated as a positive success example because of its rapid response of adjacent guards to evacuate Reagan, who is a guard target, within 10 seconds after the shot. When comparing it to President Kennedy Assassination of 1963, it was evaluated that guards were significantly specialized. In the study, however, it was possible to found many problems such as carelessness of guard, who is in charge of external area of event place, idle attitude for frequently used event place, confusion of wireless communication, risk of wireless security disclose, insufficient provision of compulsory record file, insufficient profiling of dangerous person and unsecured hospital and first-aid room.

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