• Title/Summary/Keyword: 미국법령

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Public Records Disposition Oversight Program : A Case Study of the NARA's Records Management Oversight and Reporting Program (공공기록물의 평가·폐기에 대한 감독제도 연구 미국의 기록관리 감독·보고 프로그램을 중심으로)

  • Seol, Moon-won;Park, In-seon
    • The Korean Journal of Archival Studies
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    • no.62
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    • pp.41-75
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    • 2019
  • Although we expect the Records Freezing system to be introduced through the revision of the Public Records Management Act, the system alone has limitations in preventing illegal disposal of records. If some records have already been destroyed illegally, the agency should identify the reason and prepare corrective action and improvement measures to prevent the repetition of such a wrongful disposal. The purpose of this study is to analyze the NARA's inspection program for unauthorized disposal based on the "Records Management Oversight and Reporting Program" and to find implications for improving the control system of public records disposal. NARA's program is particularly effective in the prevention and post-processing of unauthorized disposal. In this study, firstly, the federal records management oversight and reporting program in the United States was investigated in the legal system. Secondly, the status of NARA's control of unauthorized disposal cases was reviewed and a case of SEC's MUI records was analyzed for showing the systematic procedure of NARA's inspection. Finally, we have summed up the implications of this program for improving NAK's control system of illegal disposal of public records.

Review of the Natural Park Act for the Pro-environ-mental Improvement of Park Facilities (공원시설의 친환경성 증진을 위한 자연공원법제 고찰)

  • 신익순
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.139-153
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    • 2000
  • 자연공원시설의 정의와 친환경성의 개념을 정립하고 자연공원내 시설과 관련된 기본법인 자연공원법과 기타공원시설물의 관련법규들 중에서 용도지구 내 시설설치 허용기준과 공원시설의 정의 시설물의 종류 및 시설물의 설치.관리 등 관련 법제도를 친환경성 측면에서 검토하여으며 미국, 일본 및 대만 등에서의 친환경적인 자연공원시설물 관련법규를 살펴보고 국내.외 법제를 비교분석하였다 친환경적 측면에서의 자연공원시설의 설치 및 관리상의 문제점을 종합해 보고 이에 따른 친환경성을 고려한 자연공원시설의 법.제도와 관련하여 공원 시설종류의 일부 삭제 및 추가와 시설기능 변경안이 포함된 공원시설물의 친환경성 증진을 위한 현행 자연공원 법령(법.시행령.시행규칙)의 개정안과 자연보존지구, 자연환경지구, 취락지구 등의 용도지구 내에서의 허용행위기준과 집단시설지구 내 녹지기준의 개정안을 제시하고 시행규칙상 시설물의 신설을 권고하였다.

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CM으로 효율적인 건설안전관리 체계구축 방안에 관한 연구

  • 김영수;안병수;강경식
    • Proceedings of the Safety Management and Science Conference
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    • 2002.05a
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    • pp.23-30
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    • 2002
  • 최근 우리나라의 건설산업은 Project의 규모가 대형화됨에 따라 기계화 시공 신공법 도입등 공정작업이 다양해지고 새로운 방법들이 많이 시도되고 있으며 건설산업도 기획, 설계, 발주, 시공, 유지관리라는 연속적 단계를 통하여 각 단계가 상호 유기적 연관성을 가지므로 건설현장의 근원적 안전성 확보를 위해서 건설 시설물의 Life cycle 전 단계를 걸쳐 안전관리 개념과 기법이 도입되어야 한다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 CM에 의한 단계로 안전성 확보에 주력하고 미국 CMAA의 단계별 기능별(phase, 6Function) 업무내용에서와 같이 Safety Management를 한다. 또한 CM제도 정착에 따른 초기단계를 규정하는 안전관리 법령 재정을 하여 단계적으로 자율적 안전 관리를 유도하여 재해예방을 하도록 해야한다.

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Effective Safety Management by the Classification of Safety Standard (안전기준 분류에 따른 효과적 안전관리)

  • Lee, Hyun Woo;Lee, Young Jai
    • Journal of Korean Society of Disaster and Security
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.35-42
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this research is to systematize safety management for practical application through analysis and review of several safety standards currently in force among the statutes and rules regarding various safety accidents. Accordingly, the safety standard systems of Japan, US, and Germany were examined and a KOSAM entity relationship diagram (ERD) was drawn based on the ontology system. The ERD consists of the safety standard scope, safety management statute, safety management standard, safety management subjects, causes of safety accidents, and safety management organization entities. Next, each entity was assigned a code and finally a KOSAM safety management condition search screen was designed based on the ERD. This research is expected to bring an overall improvement in safety standard management and operation through safety standard DB construction and the execution of safety management system development.

A Study on the issues and measures of the China's Anti-dumping law (중국의 반덤핑 제도 과제와 대응방안)

  • Oh, Moon-Kap
    • International Commerce and Information Review
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.117-142
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    • 2014
  • China having largest market in the world, has been criticized by its trading partner countries due to its unfair trade practices, particularly in the field of anti-dumping regulation. The main reasons for such criticism seem to come from the incomplete anti-dumping law as instrument to protect the industry concerned. In 2001, though new anti-dumping law was established to replace the former one by revising it to meet the needs for economic development which should be secured for china to take part in the competition world as the new member of WTO. The provisions concerned have been evaluated not to be sufficient and efficient from the viewpoint of the safeguard mechanism, while are required to be modified to meet the real world of international trade law. I consider that as the biggest partner of chinese trade activity, we will need to maintain a well understanding of the Chinese anti-dumping regulations. So this report conducts the Chinese anti-dumping regulations, compares between the chinese regulations and the WTO agreement, and studies deeply in to the problems and the improvements of the Chinese anti-dumping regulations.

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A Study on Legal Prospects of Digital Collections' Fair Use: Focused on the Article 31 of Copyright Act (도서관 디지털 장서의 공정이용에 관한 법제도적 고찰 - 「저작권법」 제31조를 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Su-jin;Kim, You-seung
    • Journal of the Korean BIBLIA Society for library and Information Science
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.151-175
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    • 2015
  • The study aims to discuss on legal prospects of digital collections' fair use through an analysis of treaties and legislations domestic and international. Based on analysis of leading researches and literature, it discusses legal principles of fair use and defines digital collections' concept and types. For understanding the actual legal system on fair use, limitations and exceptions of copyrights which are presented in treaties, such as 'Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works' and'Copyright Convention', each nation's laws, and judicial precedents. Especially, a legal dispute between 'Technische $Universit{\ddot{a}}t$ Darmstadt' and Eugen Ulmer KG, which debates on library's rights for digitizing their collections without the rightholder's permission, is analyzed. As a result, this study analyzes its implications for the improvement of the existing copyright system in Korea.

A Study on the Improvement of Regulations on Economic Counterintelligence (경제방첩 법제의 개선에 관한 소고)

  • Kim, Ho
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.323-329
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    • 2022
  • Although the National Intelligence Service Act has been amended considering the growing importance of economic counterintelligence, a clear interpretation of certain provisions and improvement of the effectiveness of economic counterintelligence are required. This article presents some suggestions for regulations on economic counterintelligence. Firstly, the meaning of the term "disturbance of economic order in connection with foreign powers" will become clear by interpreting it with the terms of the Counterintelligence Duty Regulation and by setting categories referring to the U. S. regulations. Secondly, counterintelligence authorities' request for cooperation may be reinforced by amending relevant regulations or by applying a special procedure for the acquisition of data. Finally, strengthened punishment for activities in connection with foreign powers may improve the efficiency of counterintelligence.

A Study on Development Proposals for Korea's Export Control System (우리나라 수출통제 법제의 발전방안에 관한 연구)

  • Kang, Ho
    • Korea Trade Review
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    • v.43 no.3
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    • pp.75-100
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    • 2018
  • This study is designed to examine international export control norms, analyze current national export control system and identify the problems thereof, presenting several proposals for development in the system. The Republic of Korea, as a signatory of non-proliferation treaties and multilateral export control regimes, is obligated to comply with the international non-proliferation and export control norms, irregardless of hard or soft laws. Korea's export control system has been implemented in earnest since 2005; however, it contains serious problems in terms of the legal system and objectives of relevant laws and regulations, terms and definitions of the items subject to export controls, catch-all requirements, brokering license, response to the U.S. re-export controls, and so on. Proposals for development in the system include (i) enacting an independent law integrating the current dual-use items export control law and regulations, (ii) making use of the term of "strategic items" as a uniform terminology replacing 'goods etc.', 'strategic goods(inclusive of technology)', 'strategic goods, etc.', 'WMD, etc.' so as to preclude any possibility of misunderstanding, (iii) rewriting the catch-all control requirements, (iv) introducing registration system of brokering firms, (v) including provisions to comply with U.S. reexport controls, and (vi) providing stakeholder with correct and full information on export controls.

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Fire Protection Regulations for Ensuring Fire Safety during Decommissioning Nuclear Power Plants in Korea (해체원전 화재안전 확보를 위한 화재방호 규정 고찰)

  • Kim, Jung-Wun;Park, Chan-Geun
    • Fire Science and Engineering
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.134-140
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    • 2020
  • Nuclear power plants (NPPs) in Korea are required to be maintained using a defense in-depth approach to prevent leakage of radioactive substances outside the plant and allow safe shutdown in the event of a fire. Periodic testing must be conducted to ensure that the fire protection facilities perform as required by the laws for various nuclear reactor types. In June 2017, for the first time in Korea, a nuclear plant, Kori Unit 1, was permanently shut down. It was prepared for decommissioning in accordance with the fire protection regulations imposed by the regulatory body. However, a standard protocol is necessary for systematically establishing the fire protection program for decommissioning of NPPs in the future. Therefore, the nuclear legal systems of countries with many operating nuclear power plants, such as the United States, Japan, Canada, and various European countries, were reviewed and guidelines for establishing a fire protection program for decommissioning NPPs was suggested; the fire protection requirements stated by Reg Guide 1.191 (Decommissioning fire protection program for NPPs during decommissioning and permanent shutdown) were used as a model. Suggestions for establishing legal regulations to optimize fire protection programs and secure basic technology for decommissioning NPPs were also made.

School-to-Work Transition in the United States (미국의 학교-노동 이행에 관한 연구)

  • 은기수;김병관
    • Korea journal of population studies
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.231-270
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    • 2002
  • US government and leaders in education have deeply paid an attention to the transition from school to work as we live in an era of globalization and fierce competion between countries. Industrial leaders, on the one hand, stress that schools should be reformed to adapt to changing technical environment. On the other hand, general educators still maintain that school education should strive to educate people to be a good citizen. However, fierce competition between countries under the remarkable development of computer and information technique has led the US government to create new programs of the transition from school to work. However, parents as well as students are still suspicious that diplom of high school with stress in skills is enough to keep a stable job, guarantee a satisfactory salary, and mai lain a social status. Accordingly they are more likely to use the school-to-work program as a supplement to the transition to college than to participate in the program to get a good job after high school. Each state in the US prepares its own program of the school-to-work transition with financial supports from the federal government. But the prospect of the programs in each state is not optimistic as financial supports from the federal government have decreased. The school-to-work transition program is strongly needed not only for those half who do not go to college but also for the US government that requires workers with a high level of skills. Nonetheless, the program is not firmly established in the US yet.