• Title/Summary/Keyword: 미국법령

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A Study on the Amendments of the Cathodic Protection Criteria Considering IR Drops (전압강하를 고려한 전기방식 기준 개정에 관한 연구)

  • Ryou, Young-don;Lee, Jin-han;Jo, Young-do;Kim, Jin-Jun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Gas
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.50-57
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    • 2016
  • According to the urban gas business legislation, cathodic protection systems should be applied for buried steel gas pipelines to prevent corrosion. In advanced countries including United States, the criteria for Cathodic Protection Potential is at least -850mV with respect to a saturated copper/copper sulfate electrode(CSE) when the CP applied, and the IR drops must be considered for valid interpretation. However, the IR drop through the pipe to soil boundary has been neglected in Korea. According to KGS code, a reference electrode must be placed in proximity to gas pipelines possible when measuring the CP potential. In this study, we have installed several solid reference electrodes around the buried pipeline(1.2m depth), lower surface(0.5m depth), and the surface individually in order to measure the CP potentials through the each reference electrode and find out the IR drops according to the location of each reference electrode. We have found the IR drop is the greatest when measuring the CP potential through the electrode placed on the ground and the IR drop is the smallest through the electrode installed near pipeline. Therefore, we have suggested the solid reference electrode should be installed as close as possible to buried pipeline in order to measure the correct CP potential without IR drop. We have also suggested the amendment of CP criteria considering IR drop.

Improvement of Fall Prevention Method in Construction Site through Comparison with Advanced Countries' Cases (해외 사례 비교를 통한 건설현장 추락재해 예방기법 개선방안)

  • Kim, Dae Young;Yun, Sungmin;Kim, Ji-Myong;Lee, Sunyong;Son, Kiyoung
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Building Construction
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    • v.20 no.5
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    • pp.471-480
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    • 2020
  • Although the domestic industrial accidents have been decreased gradually, deaths in the construction sites have been occupied 49.9 percent of the total industry and deaths from fall accident have been accounted for 59.7 percent of the construction industry. In order to prevent fall accident, various safety activities and policy have been carried out. However, the impact on the domestic construction industry was inadequate. On the other hand, in advanced countries, such as the United States, Japan, EU, and Singapore Industrial accidents have been lower than domestic industry due to safety activities, the regulations and policies appropriate for each country's situation. In this study, we compare the major points of the Industrial Safety and Health Act in developed countries with those in South Korea to reduce the number of falls, and propose a revision. As a result of conducting research, three revisions have been proposed as 1) Enhance standards for fall height, 2) Improvement of upper safety rail height on guardrail, 3) Revision and research on Horizontal Sarety bar attachment system. This study will be utilized as a basic study for the analysis of cases in advanced countries.

Establishment of Korea National Counter-terrorism System and Development Plan (국가대테러체제의 구축 및 발전방안)

  • Park, Jun-Seok
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.42
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    • pp.229-249
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    • 2015
  • As the post-cold war era and globalization go on, national security problems which were not traditional national security problems such as terrorism, crime, environmental disasters, economic crises, cyber-terrorism, diseases, and energy problems threat humanity and nations and demands changes. Also, with the change, the concept of "big government" has emerged as the role of nation expanded. The modern society sees every country change from small government to big government in order to realize the establishment of welfare state. A comprehensive interpretation of security is needed in order to comprehensive protection of citizens beyond outside invasion such as crime, new disaster, terrorism. In Korea, incidents such as Cheonan-Ham, Yeonpeyong-Do, foot-and-mouth disease, Ddos terrorism, pirates hostages, mad cow disease, AI are happening and the humanitarian support for North Korea and the summit of South and North Korea are at a standstill. Also, National emergency management system, comprehensive emergency management center, countrol tower, national security system, cooperation with citizens, establishment of legal and institutional system are needed. The importance of this research is on the reestablishment of new national security and emergency management system according to the comparison between the national security and counter-terrorism system of Korea and that of the United States which is a leading country in this field. Also, the establishment of national emergency management act is needed as a statute for effective function as currently various laws and administrative organizations are dispersed.

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Analyzing the effect of LID(Low Impact Development) using the CAT(Catchment hydrologic cycle Assessment Tool) (CAT을 이용한 LID(Low Impact Development) 효과 분석)

  • Jang, Cheol-Hee;Kim, Hyeon-Jun
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2012.05a
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    • pp.278-278
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    • 2012
  • 최근 녹색도시를 지향하면서 도시 내에서의 물의 순환에 대한 관심이 높아지고 있으며 도시계획 단계에서부터 물의 순환을 고려하려는 시도가 이루어지고 있다. 국토해양부, 환경부, 소방방재청 및 지방자치단체들은 법령, 기준, 지침 및 조례 등을 제정하여 물순환을 도시개발 이전의 상태가 될 수 있도록 시설 설치를 유도하고 있다. 그러나, 개별시설들의 조합이 유역규모의 물순환에 미치는 영향 평가는 이루어지고 있지 못한 실정이다. 종래에는 홍수저감을 목적으로 홍수저류지와 침투시설에 대하여 설계하고 시공을 하였으나 장기적인 관점에서 LID 시설의 효과를 평가하여 도시 계획 단계에서 반영하지는 못하였다. 그리고 이들 개별 LID 시설(침투, 저류 등)에 대한 단위 시설의 규모 설계에 그치고 있어 개선 시설이 다중으로 조합되어 분산 계획되었을 경우, 유역 규모에서 물순환의 긍정적인 변화를 판단하기는 어려운 형편이다. 도시지역에서의 LID(Low Impact Development) 효과 분석과 연계된 유역 물순환 해석을 위하여 독일, 호주 및 미국에서는 STORM, Urban Developer, SUSTAIN(System for Urban Stromwater Treatment, and Analysis INtegratration) 및 SWMM LID(Storm Wastewater Management Model LID) 등의 모형을 출시하고 실무에 적용하고 있다. 그러나, 해외에서 개발된 기술은 국내의 유역 환경을 충분히 반영하기 어렵다. 저수지 혹은 하천에서의 취수 등과 같이 국내의 복잡한 물순환 형태를 반영하는데 한계가 있으며, 기존의 물순환 해석모형에 의한 LID 시설을 계획하는 방법은 홍수저감에 국한되어 있고, 하천 유량이나 지하수위 측정 자료가 부족한 대상지역에 대한 장기적인 유역 물순환 및 도시 개발과 같은 토지이용 변화가 물순환에 미치는 영향을 해석하는데 있어 제한이 있고, 개별적으로 설치된 LID 시설들이 유역의 물순환을 개선하는 효과를 종합적, 정량적으로 구현하는데 한계가 있다. 본 연구에서는 도시 개발 지역의 장기간에 걸친 물순환의 변화를 예측하고 물순환을 개선시키는 대안 시설의 효과를 사전에 평가하는 것을 목표로 김현준 등(한국건설기술연구원, 2011)이 개발한 유역 물순환 해석 모형인 CAT(Catchment hydrologic cycle Assessment Tool)을 이용하였다. 특히, CAT은 사용자의 목적에 맞는 다양한 물순환 개선시설(침투시설, 저류지, 습지, 빗물저장 시설, 리사이클 및 외부급수 등)의 구현 및 모의가 가능하도록 개발되었다. 대상유역으로는 경기도 Y지구를 선정하였으며 도시개발 시나리오(전원도시 및 산업도시 등)에 따른 LID 효과 분석을 실시하였다. 대상지역에 대한 도시유형별 개발계획에 따른 개발 전 후 물순환 변화량 분석 및 LID 시설 계획에 의한 물순환 개선효과를 살펴보면 1998년부터 2007년까지의 평균 강우량을 1,271mm라고 할 때 산업도시의 경우 도시 개발 전의 증발산, 직접유출 및 기저유출은 각각 53%, 29%, 19%로 나타났으며 도시 개발 후 35%, 54%, 12%로 직접유출이 개발 전에 비해 86%나 증가하여 개발에 따른 영향이 큰 것으로 나타났다. 따라서, 이러한 개발에 따른 영향을 최소화하기 위하여 LID 시설을 계획하여 효과를 분석한 결과 증발산, 직접유출, 기저유출이 44%, 34%, 13%로 나타나 도시 개발 후의 왜곡된 물순환 체계가 개발전의 수준과 근접하게 나타나 LID 시설의 긍정적인 효과를 검토할 수 있었다. 이상에서와 같이 CAT 모형을 사용하여 도시유역의 물순환 체계를 진단하고, LID 시설의 효과를 평가할 수 있게 됨으로써 향후 도시유역에 대한 물순환 정상화를 실현하기 위한 정책 수립에 기초자료를 제공하고, 설계 실무에 활용될 수 있을 것이다.

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Comparison of Medical Technician Organization's Position on the Medical Technician Act and Foreign Cases (의료기사법에 대한 의료기사단체의 입장 및 외국사례 비교)

  • Kim, Jae-Seok;Jeon, Min-Chul;Kim, Seong-Ho;Lee, Won-Jeong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.15 no.5
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    • pp.761-770
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    • 2021
  • In order to establish an independent relationship between occupations in accordance with the abuse of doctor's orders and employment, the position of each physician and medical technician group, and the education system and laws of Japan, the United States, and England To promote the improvement of public health. The main differences in positions among related interest groups were analyzed, and the proposals and precedents of the National Assembly laws that were initiated after 1963 were analyzed and compared with the laws of developed countries. Among the OECD member countries, 26 countries except Korea have enacted a single law for medical technicians, and the meaning of instructions and supervision differs from country to country. The Medical Technician Act, etc., is inappropriate to apply the current and situation of the times as the laws of the 20th century to represent all the laws of the eight medical technicians. It is thought that a change in the word of direction and supervision under the control of the company is inevitable from a future-oriented horizontal perspective.

A study on the guidelines for the Military Continuity of Operations Plan (군 COOP전략 지침 수립을 위한 연구)

  • Park, Chanyoung;Park, Seongsu
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.291-298
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    • 2022
  • Unexpected massive disasters have occurred around the world, causing enormous socio-economic damage. The military has long been enacting laws, organizing organizations and establishing systems for crisis and disaster management, but it did not consider the situation when military essential functions were suspended due to unpredictable and massive disasters. With the September 11 terrorist attacks, the U.S. military has developed COOP strategy aimed at continuing military essential functions in all crisis, and is contributed to national continuity by ensuring uninterrupted national security functions. Korean military has established a crisis and disaster management system, but focuses on managing and controlling disasters and crisis situations. Korean military needs a system to guarantee military essential functions even in national crisis beyond its management capabilities. In this study, We compared and reviewed the U.S. administration and military COOP guidelines and directives, ISO22301 international standards., and developed planning guidelines suitable for the Korean military situation by responding to detailed items based on ISO22301. In particular, the U.S. military(DoD, Army, Navy, Air Force) COOP guidelines were drawn and incorporated into the guidelines(such as protection and succession of command authority, the fulfillment of essential functions and operational security, etc.). The planning guidelines are expected to be used as reference materials for the introduction of COOP systems in the military and the establishment of plans in the future.

A Study on Korea Land Use Information System Zoning Data Maintenance Plan (국토이용정보체계 용도지역지구 데이터 정비방안)

  • Lee, Se-won
    • Journal of Cadastre & Land InformatiX
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    • v.51 no.2
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    • pp.51-72
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study is to explain the types and causes of errors in zoning data that occur in the topographic map notification procedure, and to prepare a data maintenance plan. In Korea, like the United States, law-based land use regulation is dominant. In other words, according to the land use regulation method in the Act, the government designates zoning for all lots in the country, and landowners check the land use regulations of their land through the Korea Land use Information System. The land use plan confirmation document is important land information that affects the results of administrative dispositions such as land transactions between individuals or permission for development activities. However, there are data errors that occur during the current topographic map notification procedure and data construction process. Therefore, four local governments that can verify data by type were selected in consideration of local government conditions. A number of errors are first, errors in data construction and management in the Korea Land use Information System, and second, errors in lack of expertise that occur while the local government officials maintain data. Third, it was analyzed as an error from the relationship between the serial cadastral map and the zoning DB. Based on the above results, it is hoped that the results of this study will be reflected in the establishment of the KLIP and the reform of the legal system, which is currently underway after the establishment of the 「3rd the Korea Land use Information System Construction Plan」.

A Study on Korea Coast Guard Intelligence Centered on legal and Institutional comparison to other organizations, domestic and international (해양경비안전본부 정보활동의 법적·제도적 측면의 문제점 분석 및 개선방안 연구)

  • Soon, Gil-Tae
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.44
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    • pp.85-116
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    • 2015
  • Found in 23 Dec 1953 to cope with illegal fishing of foreign ships and coastal guard duty, Korea Coast Guard was re-organized as an office under Ministry of Public Safety since the outbreak of sinking of passenger ship "Sewolho". In the course of re-organization, intelligence and investigation duty were transferred to Police Department except "Cases happened on the sea". But the definition of intelligence duty is vague and there are lots of disputes over the jurisdiction and range of activities. With this situation in consideration, the object of this study is to analyse legal and institutional characteristic of KCG Intelligence, to compare them to that of Police Department, foreign agencies like Japan Coast Guard and US Coast Guard, to expose the limit and to suggest solution. To summarize the conclusion, firstly, in the legal side, there is no legal basis on intelligence in [The Government Organization Act], no regulation for mission, weak basis in application act. Secondly, in the institutional side, stated in the minor chapter of [The Government Organization Act], 'the cases happened on sea' is a quite vague definition, while guard, safety, maritime pollution duty falls under 'on the sea' category, intelligence fell to 'Cases happened on the sea' causing coast guard duty and intelligence have different range. In addition, reduced organization and it's manpower led to ineffective intelligence activities. In the case of Police Department, there is definite lines on 'administration concerning public security' in [The Government Organization Act], specified the range of intelligence activities as 'collect, make and distribute information concerning public security' which made the range of main duty and intelligence identical. Japanese and US coast guards also have intelligence branch and performing activities appropriate for the main missions of the organizations. To have superiority in the regional sea, neighboring countries Japan and China are strengthening on maritime power, China has launched new coast guard bureau, Japan has given the coast guard officers to have police authority in the regional islands, and to support the objectives, specialized intelligence is organized and under development. To secure maritime sovereignty and enhance mission capability in maritime safety duty, it is strongly recommended that the KCG intelligence should have concrete legal basis, strengthen the organization and mission, reinforce manpower, and ensure specialized training administrative system.

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Historical Observation and the Characteristics of the Records and Archives Management in Korea (한국 기록관리의 사적 고찰과 그 특징)

  • Lee, Young-Hak
    • The Korean Journal of Archival Studies
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    • no.34
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    • pp.221-250
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    • 2012
  • This paper introduces the characteristics of the records and archives management of Korea from Joseon dynasty to now. This paper also explains historical background of making the records and archives management in Joseon dynasty. This paper introduces the process of establishment of modern records management system by adopting records management system and public administration of USA after liberation in 1945. The Joseon bureaucrats established systematic methodologies for managing and arranging the records. Jeseon dynasty managed its records systematically since it was a bureaucratic regime. It is also noticeable that the famous Joseonwangjosilrok(Annals of Joseon dynasty) came out of the power struggles for the control of the national affairs between the king and the nobility during the time of establishment of the dynasty. Another noticeable feature of the records tradition in Joseon dynasty was that the nobility recorded their experience and allowed future generations use and refer their experiences and examples when they performed similar business. The records of Joseon period are the historical records which recorded contemporary incidents and the compilers expected the future historians evaluate the incidents they recorded. In 1894, the reformation policy of Gaboh governments changed society into modernity. The policy of Gaboh governments prescribed archive management process through 'Regulation(命令頒布式)'. They revised the form of official documents entirely. They changed a name of an era from Chinese to unique style of Korean, and changed original Chinese into Korean or Korean-Chinese together. Also, instead of a blank sheet of paper they used printed paper to print the name of each office. Korea was liberated from Japanese Imperialism in 1945 and the government of Republic of Korea was established in 1948. In 1950s Republic of Korea used the records management system of the Government-General of Joseon without any alteration. In the late of 1950's Republic of Korea constructed the new records management system by adopting records management system and public administration of USA. However, understanding of records management was scarce, so records and archives management was not accomplished. Consequently, many important records like presidential archives were deserted or destroyed. A period that made the biggest difference on National Records Management System was from 1999 when was enacted. Especially, it was the period of President Roh's five-year tenure called Participation Government (2003-2008). The first distinctive characteristic of Participation Government's records management is that it implemented governance actively. Another remarkable feature is a nomination of records management specialists at public institutions. The Participation Government also legislated (completely revised) . It led to a beginning of developing records management in Republic of Korea.

Environmental Pollution in Korea and Its Control (우리나라의 환경오염 현황과 그 대책)

  • 윤명조
    • Proceedings of the KOR-BRONCHOESO Conference
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    • 1972.03a
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    • pp.5-6
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    • 1972
  • Noise and air pollution, which accompany the development of industry and the increase of population, contribute to the deterioration of urban environment. The air pollution level of Seoul has gradually increased and the city residents are suffering from a high pollution of noise. If no measures were taken against pollution, the amount of emission of pollutant into air would be 36.7 thousand tons per year per square kilometer in 1975, three times more than that of 1970, and it would be the same level as that of United States in 1968. The main sources of air pollution in Seoul are the exhaust has from vehicles and the combustion of bunker-C oil for heating purpose. Thus, it is urgent that an exhaust gas cleaner should be instaled to every car and the fuel substituted by less sulfur-contained-oil to prevent the pollution. Transportation noise (vehicular noise and train noise) is the main component of urban noise problem. The average noise level in downtown area is about 75㏈ with maximum of 85㏈ and the vehicular homing was checked 100㏈ up and down. Therefore, the reduction of the number of bus-stop the strict regulation of homing in downtown area and a better maintenance of car should be an effective measures against noise pollution in urban areas. Within the distance of 200 metres from railroad, the train noise exceeds the limit specified by the pollution control law in Korea. Especially, the level of noise and steam-whistle of train as measured by the ISO evaluation can adversely affect the community activities of residents. To prevent environmental destruction, many developed countries have taken more positive action against worsening pollution and such an action is now urgently required in this country.

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