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On the Spatio-temporal Distributions of Nutrients and Chlorophyll a Concentration, and the Environmental Factors on the Variation of Phytoplankton Biomass in the Shiahae, Southwestern Part of Korean Peninsula (시아해의 수질환경과 식물플랑크톤 생물량의 시ㆍ공간적 분포특성과 기초생물량변동에 영향을 미치는 환경특성)

  • 윤양호
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Biology
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.77-93
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    • 2000
  • Field survey on the spatio-temporal distribution of water quality and chlorophyll a concentration, and the environmental factors on the variation of phytoplankton biomass were carried out at the 23 stations for four seasons in the Shiahae, southwestern coast of Korean Peninsula from February to October in 1995. I made an analysis on biological factor as chlorophyll a concentration as well as environmental factors such as water temperature, salinity and nutrients; ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, dissolved inorganic nitrogen, phosphate, N/P ratio, silicate and Si/P ratio. The waters in the Shiahae were not stratified due to the tidal mixing and high velocity of tidal current. And the high productivity in photic layer were supported by high nutrients concentration from freshwater on lands and bottom waters The low depth of transparency in the Shiahae had a bad influence upon primary production and marine biology. In Shiahae had a sufficient nutrients for primary production during a year. Especially dissolved inorganic nitrogen and silicate were high, the other side, phosphate was low. The source of nutrients in summer and silicate supply depend on input of freshwater from lands, the other side, dissolved inorganic nitrogen and phosphate were depend on rather supplied from bottom layer by the mixing and input of seawater from outside than input of freshwater from lands. Phosphate seemed to become a limiting nutrient for the primary production at all area of Shiahae in winter and at the northern parts in other seasons. However, dissolved inorganic nitrogen seemed to do it at the southern parts in other seasons except winter. Silicate didn't become a limiting nutrient for diatoms in Shiahae. Phytoplankton biomass as measured by chlorophyll a concentration was very high all the year round, it was controlled by the combination of the several environmental factors, especially of nitrogen, phosphorus and the physical factors such as light intensity. [Spatio-temporal distribution, Seasonal fluctuation, Nnutrients, Chlorophyll a, Environmental factors, Nutrient source, Limiting Nutrient, Light, Shiahae] .

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Occurrence and Cenesis of Perlite from the Beomgockri Group in Janggi Area (장기지역 범곡리층군에 부존되는 진주암의 산출상태와 생성관계)

  • Noh Jin Hwan;Hong Jin-Sung
    • Journal of the Mineralogical Society of Korea
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    • v.18 no.4 s.46
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    • pp.277-288
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    • 2005
  • Perlite, a hydrated volcanic glass, occurs mainly as a bed-like body, and is distributed intermittently along the unconformity surface between the Beomgockri Group and its lower formations, viz. Janggi Group. The perlite is intimately associated with surrounding pumiceous welded tuff and rhyodacites in space and time. Compared to the typical perlite, the perlite is rather silica-poor and impure, and thus, includes lots of phenocrysts and rock fragments. Nearly the perlite is compositionally rather close to a pitchstone than a perlite in water contents. Petrographic comparison between perlite and associated volcanic to volcaniclastic rocks indicates that pumiceous welded tuff and rhyodacite seem to be Protolith of the Perlite. A Zr/$TiO_{2}$-Nb/Y diagram and field occurrence of perlite and their protolithic rocks also conforms the above interpretation. Kn addition, remnant vesicles in perlite strongly reflect that the precursor of perlitic glass appeared to be pumice fragment as well as volcanic glass. The perlite was diagenetically formed by way of a pervasive water-rock interaction at the deposition of the Manghaesan Formation in lacustrine environment. During perlitization, $SiO_{2}$ and alkali tend to be consistently depleted. Preexisting system of the Beomgockri Group based on the perlite formation should be corrected, because the perlite was formed diagenetically without lateral persistence in its occurrence.

Evaluation of Alternative Habitat Patches for the Endangered Parnassius bremer (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae) in Korea - Evaluation of Ansa-myeon, Uiseong-gun, Gyeongsangbuk-do, Korea - (멸종위기종 붉은점모시나비의 대체서식지 위치 선정 - 경북 의성군 안사면 일원에서 -)

  • Kim, Do-Sung;Kwon, Yong-Jung;Kim, Dong-Hyuk;Kim, Chang-Hwan;Suh, Min-Hwan;Park, Seong-Joon;Yeon, Myung-Hun;Lee, Doo-Beom
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.39 no.4
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    • pp.98-106
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    • 2011
  • Establishing conservation programs to protect and maintain populations of endangered species are not only a global trend, but also a pursuit endorsed by the Korean Environmental Conservation Act. This study evaluates the feasibility of alternative habitat patches for the endangered butterfly Parnassius bremeri. A portion of habitat of P. bremeri is expected to be fragmented and damaged due to the scheduled construction of the Sangju-Yongduk Highway. A trans fer of the habitat patches of P. bremeri is also scheduled. In order to select an alternative habitat patch, the Mark-Release-Recapture (MRR) method was used to simulate a patch transfer model. The connectedness between habitat are as and the survival of local populations were evaluated for each candidate habitat. It was found that metapopulations with patch distances of <250m showed a 50% connectedness and survival rate in local populations. P. bremeri were expected to migrate at an average distance of 300m. In addition, P. bremeri formed a metapopulation that exhibited intimate patch dynamics that promoted persistence among these patches. Possible candidate habitats including those recommended by local governing bodies were evaluated along with habitats that may counter problems arising from the damage done to the original habitat and habitats that may have a compensatory value equal to that of the original habitat. Based on these criteria, Ansa-myeon township office was selected due to its high scores. This scoring was based on a consideration of a wide range of variables that mark a successful transfer of habitat. These include the amount of funding available, the governing bodies of the possible alternative habitat, and the Expected collaborative effort of local citizens. This decision was collaborated on by incorporating the expertise of various fields of study including biology, ecology, biogeography, ecological engineering, landscape architecture, and social sciences. Therefore, it is suggested that in order to evaluate an alternative habitat for organisms, many social issues as well as ecological issues must be considered.

Retrieval of High Resolution Surface Net Radiation for Urban Area Using Satellite and CFD Model Data Fusion (위성 및 CFD모델 자료의 융합을 통한 도시지역에서의 고해상도 지표 순복사 산출)

  • Kim, Honghee;Lee, Darae;Choi, Sungwon;Jin, Donghyun;Her, Morang;Kim, Jajin;Hong, Jinkyu;Hong, Je-Woo;Lee, Keunmin;Han, Kyung-Soo
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.34 no.2_1
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    • pp.295-300
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    • 2018
  • Net radiation is the total amount of radiation energy used as a heat flux for the Earth's energy cycle, and net radiation from the surface is an important factor in areas such as hydrology, climate, meteorological studies and agriculture. It is very important to monitoring the net radiation through remote sensing to be able to understand the trend of heat island and urbanization phenomenon. However, net radiation estimation using only remote sensing data is generally causes difference in accuracy depending on cloud. Therefore, in this paper, we retrieved and monitored high resolution surface net radiation at 1 hour interval in Eunpyeong New Town where urbanization using Communication, Ocean and Meteorological Satellite (COMS), Landsat-8 satellite and Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) model data reflecting the difference in building height. We compared the observed and estimated net radiation at the flux tower. As a result, estimated net radiation was similar trend to the observed net radiation as a whole and it had the accuracy of RMSE $54.29Wm^{-2}$ and Bias $27.42Wm^{-2}$. In addition, the calculated net radiation showed well the meteorological conditions such as precipitation, and showed the characteristics of net radiation for the vegetation and artificial area in the spatial distribution.

Hydrological Drought Assessment and Monitoring Based on Remote Sensing for Ungauged Areas (미계측 유역의 수문학적 가뭄 평가 및 감시를 위한 원격탐사의 활용)

  • Rhee, Jinyoung;Im, Jungho;Kim, Jongpil
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.525-536
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    • 2014
  • In this study, a method to assess and monitor hydrological drought using remote sensing was investigated for use in regions with limited observation data, and was applied to the Upper Namhangang basin in South Korea, which was seriously affected by the 2008-2009 drought. Drought information may be obtained more easily from meteorological data based on water balance than hydrological data that are hard to estimate. Air temperature data at 2 m above ground level (AGL) were estimated using remotely sensed data, evapotranspiration was estimated from the air temperature, and the correlations between precipitation minus evapotranspiration (P-PET) and streamflow percentiles were examined. Land Surface Temperature data with $1{\times}1km$ spatial resolution as well as Atmospheric Profile data with $5{\times}5km$ spatial resolution from MODIS sensor on board Aqua satellite were used to estimate monthly maximum and minimum air temperature in South Korea. Evapotranspiration was estimated from the maximum and minimum air temperature using the Hargreaves method and the estimates were compared to existing data of the University of Montana based on Penman-Monteith method showing smaller coefficient of determination values but smaller error values. Precipitation was obtained from TRMM monthly rainfall data, and the correlations of 1-, 3-, 6-, and 12-month P-PET percentiles with streamflow percentiles were analyzed for the Upper Namhan-gang basin in South Korea. The 1-month P-PET percentile during JJA (r = 0.89, tau = 0.71) and SON (r = 0.63, tau = 0.47) in the Upper Namhan-gang basin are highly correlated with the streamflow percentile with 95% confidence level. Since the effect of precipitation in the basin is especially high, the correlation between evapotranspiration percentile and streamflow percentile is positive. These results indicate that remote sensing-based P-PET estimates can be used for the assessment and monitoring of hydrological drought. The high spatial resolution estimates can be used in the decision-making process to minimize the adverse impacts of hydrological drought and to establish differentiated measures coping with drought.

Warm Season Hydro-Meteorological Variability in South Korea Due to SSTA Pattern Changes in the Tropical Pacific Ocean Region (열대 태평양 SSTA 패턴 변화에 따른 우리나라 여름철 수문 변동 분석)

  • Yoon, Sun-kwon;Kim, Jong-Suk;Lee, Tae-Sam;Moon, Young-IL
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.36 no.1
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    • pp.49-63
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    • 2016
  • In this study, we analyzed the effects of regional hydrologic variability during warm season (June-September) in South Korea due to ENSO (El $Ni{\tilde{n}}o$-Southern Oscillation) pattern changes over the Tropical Pacific Ocean (TPO). We performed composite analysis (CA) and statistical significance test by Student's t-test using observed hydrologic data (such as, precipitation and streamflow) in the 113 sub-watershed areas over the 5-Major River basin, in South Korea. As a result of this study, during the warm-pool (WP) El $Ni{\tilde{n}}o$ year shows a significant increasing tendency than normal years. Particularly, during the cold-tongue (CT) El $Ni{\tilde{n}}o$ decaying years clearly decreasing tendency compared to the normal years was appeared. In addition, the La $Ni{\tilde{n}}a$ years tended to show a slightly increasing tendency and maintain the average year state. In addition, from the result of scatter plot of the percentage anomaly of hydrologic variables during warm season, it is possible to identify the linear increasing tendency. Also the center of the scatter plot shows during the WP El $Ni{\tilde{n}}o$ year (+17.93%, +26.99%), the CT El $Ni{\tilde{n}}a$ year (-8.20%, -15.73%), and the La $Ni{\tilde{n}}a$ year (+8.89%, +15.85%), respectively. This result shows a methodology of the tele-connection based long-range water resources prediction for reducing climate forecasting uncertainty, when occurs the abnormal SSTA (such as, El $Ni{\tilde{n}}o$ and La $Ni{\tilde{n}}a$) phenomenon in the TPO region. Furthermore, it can be a useful data for water managers and end-users to support long-range water-related policy making.

Movement of Applied Nutrients through Soils by Irrigation -III. Effect of Soil Water on the Movement of Nitrogen (관수(灌水)에 의(依)한 시비양분(施肥養分)의 토양중(土壤中) 이동(移動)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) -III. 토양수분(土壤水分) 조건(條件)에 따른 질소(窒素)의 이동(移動))

  • Ryu, Kwan-Shig;Yoo, Sun-Ho;Song, Kwan-Cheol
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.232-237
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    • 1994
  • Field microplot(D 20cm, 1 85cm) experiment filled with Bonryang sandy loam soil(Typic Udifluvents) was conducted to obtain quantitative information on the movement of applied nitrogen under different soil moisture regimes and ladino clover cultivation. Urea applied to the soil was quickly transformed into $NH_4$-N which was slowly to $NO_3$-N which governed the downward movement of inorganic N applied in the soil. Downward movement of inorganic nitrogen was relatively slow in the early growing stages of ladino clover when $NH_4$-N form was the major inorganic nitrogen in the soil. In the later growing stages when $NO_3$-N was the major form, inorganic nitrogen moved rapidly with soil water. Favorable soil moisture condition increased downward movement and plant uptake of inorganic nitrogen. In the non irrigated bare soil 92% of applied nitrogen was leached downwards out of the microplots at the final harvest. Under the non-irrigated condition 57% of applied nitrogen was taken up by plants and 37% of nitrogen remained in the soil 5.5 months after sowing. Nitrogen uptake by plants in the microplots irrigated at 0.2 bar was 4.03g/microplot at the final harvest, which was more than the amount of nitrogen applied.

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Environmental Assessment for Acid Mine Drainage by Past Coal Mining Activities in the Youngwol, Jungseon and Pyungchang areas, Korea (영월, 정선 및 평창지역 폐 석탄광 산성광산배수의 환경오염 평가)

  • 정명채
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.111-121
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    • 2003
  • The objective of this study is to investigate the physical and chemical properties for environmental assessment of water system affected by acid mine drainage (AMD) from coal mining activities in the Youngwol, Jungseon and Pyungchang areas in Korea. During November 2000 to July 2002, 6 times of water samples were collected season-ally from acid mine drainage and nearby streams at 13 coal mines in the study area. The physical and chemical properties including pH, Eh, TDS, salinity, bicarbonates and DO were measured in the field. Eighteen cations includ-ing Al, Ca, Fe, Mg, Mn and Zn, and 6 anions including nitrates and sulfates were also analyzed by ICP-AES and If, respectively. Acid water from the Jungam coal mine has typical characteristics of AMD with very low pH(3∼4) and high TDS(1,000∼5,000 mg/1). Relatively high concentrations(mg/kg) of heavy meals, especially for Al(380), Fe(80), Mn(44) and Zn(8), were found in water samples from the Jungam coal mine area. Water samples from the Seojin, Sebang and Sungjin coal mines also contained over 50 mg/l of Al, >100 mg/1 of Fe and )10 mg/1 of Mn. In addition to anioins, over 1,000 mg/l of sulfate was found in several water samples. Seasonally, the concentrations of metals and sulfates varied; wet season samples were relatively higher in metals and sulfates than dry season samples. It is needed to establish the proper remediation and environmental monitoring of the AMD continuously.

Genetic Environments of Hydrothermal Vein Deposits in the Pacitan District, East Java, Indonesia (인도네시아 동부자바 빠찌딴(Pacitan) 광화대 열수 맥상 광상의 성인 연구)

  • Choi, Seon-Gyu;So, Chil-Sup;Choi, Sang-Hoon;Han, Jin-Kyun
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.109-121
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    • 1995
  • The hydrothermal vein type deposits which comprise the Kasihan, Jompong and Gempol mineralized areas are primarily copper and zinc deposits, but they are also associated with lead and/or gold mineralization. The deposits occur within the Tertiary sedimentary and volcanic rocks in the Southern Mountain zone of the eastern Java island, Indonesia. Mineralization can be separated into two or three distinct stages (pre-and/or post- ore mineralization stages and main ore mineralization stage) which took place mainly along pre-existing fault breccia zones. The main phase of mineralization (the main ore stage) can be usually classified into three substages (early, middle and late) according to ore mineral assemblages, paragenesis, textures and their chemical compositions. Ore mineralogy and paragenesis of the three areas in the district are different from each other. Pyrite, pyrrhotite (/arsenopyrite), iron-rich (up to 20.5 mole % FeS) sphalerite and (Cu-)Pb-Bi sulfosalts are characteristic of the deposits in the Kasihan (/Jompong) area. On the other hand, pyrite + hematite + magnetite + iron-poor (2.7 to 3.6 mole % FeS) sphalerite assemblage is restricted to the Gempol area. Fluid inclusion data suggest that fluids of the main ore stage evolved from initial high temperatures (near $350^{\circ}C$) to later lower temperatures (near $200^{\circ}C$) with salinities ranging from 0.8 to 10.1 equiv. wt. percent NaCl. Each area represents a separate hydrothermal system: the mineralization at Kasihan and Jompong were largely due to early fluid boiling coupled with later cooling and dilution, whereas the mineralization at Gempol was mainly resulted from cooling and dilution by an influx of cooler meteoric waters. Fluid inclusion evidence of boiling indicates that pressures of ${\geq}95$ to 255 bars (${\geq}95$ bars for the Gempol area: $\approx$ 120 to 170 bars for the Jompong area: $\approx$ 140 to 255 bars for the Kasihan area) during portions of main ore stage mineralization. Equilibrium thermodynamic interpretation indicates that the evolution trends of the temperature versus fS2 variation of ore stage fluids in the Pacitan district follow two fashions: ore fluids at Kasihan and Jompong changed from the pyrite-pyrrhotite sulfidation stage towards pyritehematite- magnetite state, whereas those at Gempol evolved nearly along pyrite-hematite-magnetite reaction curve with decreasing temperature. The sulfur isotope compositions of sulfide minerals are consistent with an igneous source of sulfur with a ${\delta}^{34}S_{{\Sigma}s}$ value of about 3.3 per mil. The oxygen and hydrogen isotopic compositions of the fluids in each area indicate a progressive shift from the dominance of highly exchanged meteoric water at early hydrothermal systems towards an un- or less-exchanged meteoric water at later hydrothermal systems.

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Flora and Life Form of Habitats for Nannophya pygmaea Rambur (꼬마잠자리 서식지의 식물상과 생활형)

  • Kim, Myung-Hyun;Han, Min-Su;Choi, Chul-Mann;Pang, Hye-Sun;Jung, Myung-Pyo;Na, Young-Eun;Kang, Kee-Kyung
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.206-213
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    • 2010
  • The aim of this study was to provide basic informations for restoring a habitat of Nannophy pygmaea Rambur. Environments and flora of the habitats were investigated in Youngdong, Sanbuk, and Nongam South Korea. The habitats were abandoned paddy fields with tree-unshaded space and with the water depths of about 2 - 10 cm all the year round. The water quality was recorded 5.44 - 7.33 in pH, 0.017 - 0.480 dS/m in EC, 1.34 - 4.94 mg/L in T-N and 0.06 - 0.46 mg/L in T-P. The pH and EC showed a wide range values, and T-N and T-P showed a high values comparatively. This result implies that a water quality does not important as the condition for a habitat of the species. A total of 86 vascular plant taxa belonging to 35 families, 60 genera, 67 species, 2 subspecies, 14 varieties and 3 forma were recognized in the habitats. Twenty two species (25.6%) overlapped among the habitats; Equisetum arvense, Salix koreensis, Persicaria thunbergii, Stellaria alsine var. undulata, Hypericum laxum, Kummerowia striata, Epilobium pyrricholophum, Oenanthe javanica, Mosla dianthera, Utricularia vulgaris var. japonica, Plantago asiatica, Eupatorium lindleyanum, Juncus diastrophanthus, J. effusus var. decipiens, J. papillosus, Aneilema keisak, Alopecurus aequalis, Arthraxon hispidus, Carex dickinsii, Cyperus sanguinolentus, Eleocharis acicularis for. longiseta and E. congesta. Biological type was determined to be HH-R5-D4-e(t) type; HH 39 taxa (45.3%), R5 42 taxa (48.8%), D4 59 taxa (68.6%) and e (or t) 23 taxa (26.7%).