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Various Possibilities of Dispositif Film (디스포지티프 영화의 다양한 가능성)

  • KIM, Chaehee
    • Trans-
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    • v.3
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    • pp.55-86
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    • 2017
  • This study begins with the necessity of the concept of reincarnation of film media and the inclusion of specific tendencies of contemporary films as post - cinema comes. Variable movements around recent films Challenging and experimental films show aesthetics that are difficult to approach with the analysis of classical mise en scene and montage. In this way, I review the dispositif proposed by Martin in films that are puzzling to criticize with the classical conceptual framework. This is because the concept of dispositive is a conceptual pile that extends more than a mise en scene and a montage. Dispositif films tend to be non-reproducible and non-narrative, but not all non-narrativef tendencies are dispositif films. Only the dispositif film is included in the flow. Dispositif movement has increased dramatically in the modern environment on which digital technology is based, but it is not a tendency to be found in any particular age. The movement has been detected in classical films, and the dispositif tendency has continued to exist in avant-garde films in the 1920s and some modernist films. First, for clear conceptualization of cinematic dispositif, this study examines the sources of dispositif debates that are being introduced into film theory today. In this process, the theory of Jean Louis Baudry, Michel Foucault, Agamben, Flusser, and Deleuze will help. The concept of dispositif was discussed by several scholars, including Baudry and Foucault, and today the notion of dispositif is defined across all these definitions. However, these various discussions are distinctly different from the cinematic dispositif or dispositif films that Martin advocates. Martin's proposed concept reminds us of the fundamentals of cinematic aesthetics that have distinguished between the mise-en-scene and the montage. And it will be able to reconsider those concepts and make it possible to view a thing a new light or create new films. The basic implications of dispositif are apparatus as devices, disposition and arrangement, the combination of heterogeneity. Thus, if you define a dispositif film in a word, it is a new 'constraint' consisting of rearrangement and arrangement of the heterogeneous elements that make up the conditions of the classical film. In order for something to become a new design, changes must be made in the arrangement and arrangement of the elements, forces, and forces that make up it. Naturally, the elements encompass both internal and external factors. These dispositif films have a variety of possibilities, such as reflection on the archival possibilities and the role of supervision, the reestablishment of active and creative audience, the reason for the film medium, and the ideological reflection. films can also 'network' quickly and easily with other media faster than any medium and create a new 'devised' aesthetic style. And the dispositif film that makes use of this will be a key keyword in reading the films that present the new trend of modern film. Because dispositif are so comprehensive and have a broad implication, there are certainly areas that are difficult to sophisticate. However this will have a positive effect on the future activation of dispositif studies end for end. Dispositif is difficult to elaborate the concept clearly, so it can be accessed from a wide range of dimensions and has theoretically infinite extensibility. At the beginning and end of the 21st century film, the concept of cinematic dispositif will become a decisive factor to dismantle old film aesthetics.

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Study on the Bijombon Haerampeon Written by Eonjin Lee (우상 이언진의 비점본 「해람편」 연구)

  • Kang, Soon-Ae
    • Journal of Korean Society of Archives and Records Management
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.83-109
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    • 2007
  • This paper focuses on the Bijombon Haerampeon written by Lee Eonjin The analysis of the paper is associated with the following: i) the career of Lee Eonjin ; ii) the manuscripts and collected works of Lee Eonjin ; iii) Haerampeon ; iv) Lee Yeonghyu and Nam Ok ; v) and the comparison of the Bijombon Haerampeon and Haerampeon carried in Songmokkwanjip and Songmokkwansinyeogo. Lee Eonjin(1740-1766) was a great poet and better known as one of the four great interpreters in Chosun dynasty. Woosangingbok was the only manuscripts handed down up to now among the works of Lee Eonjin. Woosangingbok ran the Bijombon Haerampeon, 6 pieces of itinery, 3 pieces of poem, 5 pieces of letter. Lee Eonjin visited Japan from the 6th of October, 1763 to the 20th of June in 1764 as a member of Tongsinsa in attendance upon Cho Om. He wrote Haerampeon vividly with five characters what he observed during his stay in Japan. It was composed on board of Ilkido from the 28th of May to the 8th of June in 1746. After Lee Yeonghyu and Nam Ok reviewed Haerampeon, Lee Yeonghyu placed a blue point and circle and Nam Ok placed a red point and circle. Ultimately the result raised the value of Haerampeon. Haerampeon is to be divide into four parts. Four parts are described below: the first part, the geographic features and products of Japan; the second part, the grow of Osaka city and the cityward tendency of world products; the third part, the racial prejudice, religion, and life; and the fourth part, the good neighborly relations with Japan. Finally, as compared with the proofing and difference of three kinds of text, namely, the Bijombon Haerampeon and Haerampeon carried in Songmokkwanjip and Songmokkwansinyeogo, it is approved that the Bijombon Haerampeon is the most correct text and has the value of cultural properties as a national treasure. The Result of this research will be contributed for research Lee Eonjin and utilized as information resources in the field of bibliographic science, Korean language and literature, and historical studies, etc.

An Analysis of the Visual Characteristics and Preference Factors of Traditional Landscape of Rivers in Kangnam Region of China - With a Case of River in Zhouzhuang, Jiangsu Province of China - (중국 강남 전통 수향(水鄕) 하천 경관의 시각적 특성 및 선호요인 분석 - 중국 강수성 주장(周莊) 하천경관을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Dong-Chan;Song, Mei-Jie
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.122-130
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    • 2010
  • The Study takes the rivers in Zhouzhuang - traditional Chinese Kangnam watery landscape as the object. The purpose of this study is to grasp the relationships between visual characteristics and the preference. The following is the research process: Firstly, the theoretical study of Zhouzhuang, the traditional Kangnam region in China, is conducted, the watery landscape is taken pictures, and 22 photos are selected. Secondly, in order to grasp the visual preference and landscape characteristics of the watery landscape in Zhouzhuang, 22 pictures and 25 pairs of adjectives are adopted for the questionnaire survey. Thirdly, in order to have a better understanding on the physical properties and effects of physical quantity on the preference, the occupation ratios of buildings and sculptures, natural elements, footpaths, bank revetments and other landscape elements are calculated, and the mean analysis, dispersion analysis and regression analysis are conducted. In order to grasp the landscape characteristics and preference factors, 25 pairs of adjectives are used to conduct the factor analysis. In order to grasp the effects of characteristics of visual factors on the preference, the dispersion analysis and regression analysis are carried out. The results are as follows: From the results of the landscape preference analysis, in the No.22 photo with the top preference, 11 pairs of adjectives, namely, "harmonious-disharmonious", "beautiful-ugly", "rural-urban", "soft-rough", "stable-instable", "romantic-realistic", "cheerful-gloomy", "brilliant-simple", "natural-artificial", "familiar-strange", and "clean-dirty" have positive effects on watery landscape. It can be viewed as the relatively important factor in the visual preference. In terms of the results of visual physical quantity analysis of traditional Chinese Kangnam watery landscape, the landscape with high occupation ratio of buildings and sculptures has positive effects on visual preference. The results of analysis of visual physical quantity and preference show that the preference degree increases as the occupation ratio of footpath area increases. The analysis results of visual characteristics of traditional Chinese Kangnam watery landscape identify four factors, namely psychological factor, cultural factor, condition factor and physical factor. It can be concluded from the results of analysis of the relationships between visual preference and visual characteristics that the return coefficient B of the psychological factor is +0.936. It can significantly affect the watery landscape, so it can be identified as the most important factor among the visual preference factors of Chinese Kangnam watery landscape.

A Study of Sound Expression in Webtoon (웹툰의 사운드 표현에 관한 연구)

  • Mok, Hae Jung
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.36
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    • pp.469-491
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    • 2014
  • Webtoon has developed the method that makes it possible to express sound visually. Also we can also hear sound in webtoon through the development of web technology. It is natural that we analyze the sound that we can hear, but we can also analyze the sound that we can not hear. This study is based on 'dual code' in cognitive psychology. Cartoonists can make visual expression on the basis of auditive impression and memory, and readers can recall the sound through the process of memory and memory-retrieval. This study analyzes both audible sound and inaudable sound. Concise analysis owes the method to film sound theory. Three main factor, Volume, pitch, and tone are recognized by frequency in acoustics. On the other hand they are expressed by the thickness and site of line and image of sound source. The visual expression of in screen sound and off screen sound is related to the frame of comics. Generally the outside of frame means off sound, but some off sound is in the frame. In addition, horror comics use much sound for the effect of genre like horror film. When analyzing comics sound using this kinds of the method film sound analysis, we can find that webtoon has developed creative expression method comparing with simple ones of early comics. Especially arranging frames and expressing sound following and vertical moving are new ones in webtoon. Also types and arrangement of frame has been varied. BGM is the first in using audible sound and recently BGM composed mixing sound effect is being used. In addition, the program which makes it possible for readers to hear sound according to scroll moving. Especially horror genre raise the genre effects using this technology. Various methods of visualizing sound are being created, and the change shows that webtoon could be the model of convergence in contents.

The Modes of Place Rootedness on Geochang Mohyeonjeong and Supodae (거창 모현정과 수포대의 장소착근(場所着根) 방식)

  • Rho, Jae-Hyun;Kim, Hong-Gyun;Lee, Hyun-Woo
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.87-96
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    • 2012
  • This study aimed at empirically identifying how the cultural phenomena of localisation and attachment are implemented through Mohyeonjeong and Supodae at Gajo-myeon, Geochang-gun, Gyeongnam. 'Daehakdong', the name of the place where the Mohyeon-jeong and Supodae is located, has a meaning of the place where Geong-Pil Kim(金宏弼) the Hanhwondang(寒暄堂), one of the 5 eastern sages, and Yeo-Chang Jeong(鄭汝昌) the Ildu tought Neo-Confucianism. In addition, in case of Mt. Odo(1,134m) embracing the garden, the meaning of Odo is the five virtues in Confucianism, so we can see that Confucianism was strong in that area. The meaning of 'Mohyeon(慕賢)', "missing and thinking of sages", reflects the emotion of attachment to the place where people pay a tribute to the memory of Seon-Saeng Yang the Hwondu, one of the 5 eastern sages and the creator of Neo-Confucianism in Kyeongnam, and Suk-Ryang Choi(崔淑梁) the ancestors Pyeongchon. In addition, Odojae(吾道齋), Kijeok monument to pay a tribute to the memory of Pyeongchon, the persimmon tree symbolizing Hanhwondang, and Jidongam(志同巖) standing in front of Mohyeon pavillion represent the united wills of the above 3 people to show their Dohak(道學) spirit by practicing it, and also a reiterated expression of attachment to the place. 'Hwonduyangseonsaeng janggujiso' and 'Pyeongchonchoigong ganghakjiso(坪村崔公講學地所)' engraved on the rock of Myeongso Supodae where they gave a lecture of Neo-Confucianism to local Confucianists for many years and enjoyed nature make us to identify the intrinsic meaning of the location that was inherited in the memory of people. Along with this, most of the content of poetry, restoration records, and Sangryang articles are filled with the content reminding of the historical meaning and origin of Mohyeon-jeong and Supodae, so we can see from this that the place had the spatial meaning of Jangsujiso(藏修之所), 'the place of lecturing and communicating' and respecting ancient sages. This spatial tradition is the result of positive attachment to the place, and Mohyeon-jeong and Supodae is the place where the attachment to the place was made spontaneously througth the localisation. To sum it up, Mohyeon-jeong and Supodae was the place of attachment where one paid a tribute to the memory of ancient sages, and Mohyeonjeong and Supodae rocks were the representative examples of the localisation to show the meaning of the place by implication. Studying the process of attachment and localisation of the place does not only enable us to infer the genuine form of the traditional memorial space and park, but also to reproduce the place with the modern concept.

A Study on the Preference Analysis of the Traditional Design Elements Emerging in the Contemporary City Park of China - with Special Reference to Beijing Olympic Forest Park - (중국 현대 도시공원에 나타난 전통원림 요소에 대한 선호도 분석 - 베이징 올림픽산림공원을 사례로 -)

  • Liu, Il-Hong;Cho, Se-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.109-117
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    • 2010
  • This study conducts a case analysis based on the Olympic Forest Park in Beijing, which is specially designed for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. The construction of the Olympic Forest Park not only comprises the design philosophy of city parks and forest parks, but also applies Chinese traditional design elements. This study, first, researches on the design concepts of city parks in the context of traditional landscape architecture elements from both physical and cultural perspectives. The author studies the related materials including the"General Introduction of the Beijing Olympic Forest Park Landscape Plan", and employs the approaches of site investigation and user survey and interview, to analyze the cognition and preference degree of the various traditional design elements displayed in the Olympic Forest Park. To quantize the survey data on the Olympic Forest Park, this study uses the spss(v17.0) software to run a frequency analysis and presents detailed demographic, frequencies and means analyses. The author then reaches the conclusion on the preference degree of the various Chinese traditional design elements in the Olympic Forest Park. According to the analysis result, the elements that appear with the highest frequencies are mountains and waters, traditional garden plants and artistic conception. The most favorable elements are in sequence traditional garden architecture, traditional garden philosophical thinking and artistic conception. The Olympic Forest Park in Beijing is constructed on the basis of multiple design elements, comprising Chinese traditional design elements and the historical axis. As an exemplification of contemporary city park that reflects the variation of age and development of society, the Olympic Forest Park offers the reference for the selection of traditional design elements in the future schemes of city parks. However, due to the difficulty in gathering materials about the Forest Park and the limitations on the location and time constrain of the survey, there exists lack of sufficiency that could be improved in the future.

Workplace Friendship and Organizational Effectiveness of Dental Hygienists (치과의료기관 근무자들의 프렌드십과 조직효과성 관계 연구)

  • Yoo, Youngsuk;Seo, Youngjoon;Kim, Sungho
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.12 no.6
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    • pp.644-651
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    • 2012
  • This study purports to measure the level of work friendship in dental clinic and examines the friendship's effect on the organizational effectiveness. Data were collected from workers who worked in dental clinic located in Seoul and Gyeonggi areas by self-administered questionnaires from early in October till lately in September, 2009 through direct interview and e-mail. Among 250 questionnaires, 240 responses were returned, and 17 copies with an inaccurate answer were excluded. Finally 223 responses were analyzed through SPSS program. The study revealed that the work friendship in dental clinic has enormous influence on job satisfaction, occupational commitment, intent to leave, stress etc. The results imply that the managers of the dental clinics need to create an organizational climate which emphasizes on a good relationship among members and have them take part in various committees or informal activities.

Forming and Developing Rural Neo-Confucian Literati after Gweon, Sangha's Move to Hwang-gang (권상하(權尙夏)의 황강(黃江) 이주를 계기로 한 재지사족(在地士族)의 형성과 발전)

  • Ku, Wanhoe
    • The Journal of Korean Philosophical History
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    • no.35
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    • pp.43-71
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    • 2012
  • Rural Neo-Confucian Literati were major governing elite in Joseon Dynasty. They were small and medium-sized landowners all over the country and elite having Confucian knowledge. They formed villages of the same family name and exerted their influence on the community showing off their successful ancestors. Therefore, there were lots of examples that they took the actual leadership in local communities. In this sense, the Hwacheon-gun pa family line of the Andong Kweon clan were the representative rural neo-Confucian literati of Hwang-gang and Shindong areas in Jecheon. This group was formed after Kweon Sangha and his brothers' movement in 1675. Kweon was the best pupil of Song Siyeol, a prominent scholar and man of power. Although facing away the government examination, he was respected as sallim, rustic literati, on account of his teaching and writing activities and later called to High State Councillor. After his death, memorial halls and facilities to worship him, including Hwang-gang Sowon Academy, were built in the place he taught students. These facilities contributed to his descendants' acquiring his life values. They also made a contribution to the settlement of reject-heterodoxy sentiments based on their loyalty to the Myeong Dynasty in the area. Kweon Seop, Kweon Sangha's nephew, also played an important role in Hwacheon-gun pa family line's growing as rural neo-Confucian literati in Jecheon area. He built memorial halls to enshrine Kweon Sangha and made rules to develop his family line. In addition, he extended their living space over Hwang-gang area and each place had the shrine to hold a memorial service for their ancestors. As a result, Kweon Sangha and Kweon Seop's family wielded power in Jecheon for hundreds years as the same family name group. Rural neo-Confucian literati didn't produce more elite government officials than the groups in the capital, but their growth enabled cultural development of the local community and the Joseon Dynasty.

An Interdisciplinary Approach to the Human/Posthuman Discourses Emerging From Cybernetics and Artificial Intelligence Technology (4차 산업혁명 시대의 사이버네틱스와 휴먼·포스트휴먼에 관한 인문학적 지평 연구)

  • Kim, Dong-Yoon
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.24 no.5
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    • pp.836-848
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    • 2019
  • This paper aims at providing a critical view over the cybernetics theory especially of first generation on which the artificial intelligence heavily depends nowadays. There has been a commonly accepted thought that the conception of artificial intelligence could not has been possible without being influenced by N. Wiener's cybernetic feedback based information system. Despite the founder of contemporary cybernetics' ethical concerns in order to avoid an increasing entropy phenomena(social violence, economic misery, wars) produced through a negative dynamics of the western modernity regarded as the most advanced form of humanism. In this civilizationally changing atmosphere, the newly born cybernetic technology was thus firmly believed as an antidote to these vices deeply rooted in humanism itself. But cybernetics has been turned out to be a self-organizing, self-controlling mechanical system that entails the possibility of telegraphing human brain (which are transformed into patterns) through the uploading of human brain neurons digitalized by the artificial intelligence embedded into computing technology. On this background emerges posthuman (or posthumanism) movement of which concepts have been theorized mainly by its ardent apostles like N. K. Hayles, Neil Bedington, Laurent Alexandre, Donna J. Haraway. The converging of NBIC Technologies leading to the opening of a much more digitalizing society has served as a catalyst to promote the posthuman representations and different narratives especially in the contemporary visual arts as well as in the study of humanities including philosophy and fictional literature. Once Bruno Latour wrote "Modernity is often defined in terms of humanism, either as a way of saluting the birth of 'man' or as a way of announcing his death. But this habit is itself modern, because it remains asymmetrical. It overlooks the simultaneous birth of 'nonhumaniy' - things, or objects, or beasts, - and the equally strange beginning of a crossed-out God, relegated to the sidelines."4) These highly suggestive ideas enable us to better understand what kind of human beings would emerge following the dazzlingly accelerating advancement of artificial intelligence technology. We wonder whether or not this newly born humankind would become essentially Homo Artificialis as a neuronal man stripping off his biological apparatus. However due to this unprecedented situation humans should deal with enormous challenges involving ethical, metaphysical, existential implications on their life.

Characteristics of Granitic Flagstone from the Trifurcated Path at Jongmyo Royal Shrine, Seoul, Korea (종묘 어도박석 화강암의 재질특성 연구)

  • Hong, Sei-Sun;Yun, Hyun-Soo;Lee, Jin-Young;Lee, Byeong-Tae;Lee, Hyo-Min;Song, Chi-Young
    • The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea
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    • v.15 no.3 s.45
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    • pp.139-153
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    • 2006
  • For the characteristics of rock material and standardization, flagstones of the trifurcated path in Jongmyo Royal Shrine, registered as World Cultural Heritage, were studied on the basis of petrographic, petrochemical and magnetic properties. The flagstones are composed mainly of pale gray fine to medium grained hornblende biotite granite, pale gray fine to medium grained biotite granite, pale pink medium to coarse grained biotite granite, pink medium to coarse grained biotite granite and minor pegmatite and schist. Flagstone represents the average size of $65cm{\times}4cm$ (standard deviation $12cm{\times}7cm$) and suitable (34.7%), common (41.4%) and unsuitable (23%) in roughness. It is interpreted that pale pink and pink granite, pegmatite, schist and other flagstones with unsuitable state are not original rock materials and were exchanged during restoration, in the past. The number of these non-original rock materials is about 560 flagstones. We suggests that the standard flagstone of the trifurcated path is pale gray fine to medium grained biotite granite (${\pm}$hornblende in trace), 70wt.% in $SiO_2$, content, and ${\pm}0.1{\times}10^{-3}\;SI$ in magnetic susceptibility.