• Title/Summary/Keyword: 문헌구조

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An Analysis of Geometrical Differentiated Teaching and Learning Materials Using Inner Structure of Mathematics Problems (수학 문제의 내적구조를 활용한 기하 영역의 수준별 교수-학습 자료의 분석 연구)

  • Han, In-Ki
    • Communications of Mathematical Education
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.175-196
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    • 2009
  • In this paper we analyze Ziv's geometrical differentiated teaching and learning materials using inner structure of mathematics problems. In order to analyze inner structure of mathematics problems we in detail describe problem solving process, and extract main frame from problem solving process. We represent inner structure of mathematics problems as tree including induced relations. As a result, we characterize low-level problems and middle-level problems, and find some differences between low-level problems and middle-level problems.

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Syntheses and magnetic properties of metastable iron-nitrides subjected to mechanical alloying (기계적 합금화법에 의한 준안정 철질화물의 합성 및 자기특성)

  • 이충효;홍진웅
    • Electrical & Electronic Materials
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    • v.7 no.5
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    • pp.397-402
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    • 1994
  • 기계적 합금화방법을 이용 실온에서 철분말의 질화물을 얻을 수 있다. 이때 얻어진 준안정 철질화물은 질소농도가 14.9[at. %N]이하에서는 bcc 구조의 과포화 고용체가, 그리고 19.4[at. %N]이상에서는 고온상인 hcp 구조임을 확인할 수 있었다. 또한 bcc상의 Fe원자당 Volume은 문헌에 보고된 N-martensite의 것보다 작은 값을 나타내었다. 제조된 철질화물의 실온 포화 자화값은 질소농도가 증가함에 따라 감소하였으며, 이 결과는 bct 구조의 철질화물에서 질소농도가 증가함에 따라 자화값이 증가하는 것과 대조적이었다.

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A Study on the Effects of Application of Relational Attribute on Construction of Structured Glossary - A Semantic Analysis of Legal Terminology (구조적 용어사전 구축에서 법률용어 성분분석을 통한 관계속성 지정의 효과에 관한 연구)

  • Jo, La-Hyoun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Information Management Conference
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    • 2014.08a
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    • pp.135-141
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    • 2014
  • 본 연구는 법률명 용어의 의미적 성분분석을 통해 '보충적 관계속성'을 도출하고, 이를 구조적 용어사전의 관계속성 설정에 적용하였을 때 용어관계에 나타나는 효과를 확인하는 것을 목적으로 한다. '보충적 관계속성'이란 클래스(범주)별 용어들이 가지는 특징에 기반하여 만든 관계속성을 말하며, 용어사전 구축 시 도출한 관계속성을 반영함으로서 용어 간 관계가 유기적이고 명확하게 표현될 수 있도록 하는 보조적 구축지침의 역할을 하도록 한다. 이를 위해 법원도서관 '법률용어 관련어집의 316개 용어쌍을 분석하여 '보충적 관계속성'을 도출하였으며, 구조적 용어사전 용어에 적용하여 밀도 값과 밀도의 정도를 시각화하여 효과를 확인하였다. 그 결과, '보충적 관계속성' 전, 후의 변화는 적었으나 이는 법률명 용어의 특징으로 인한 결과라는 것을 알 수 있었고, '보충적 관계속성' 반영의 명확한 효과 확인을 위해서는 분석대상용어를 법률명에서 법률관련용어로 확장시켜 연구할 필요성을 확인하였다.

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Suicidal ideation among firefighters: A systematic literature review (소방공무원 자살생각에 대한 체계적 문헌고찰)

  • Ung-Il Kang;Eun-Kyung Jung
    • The Korean Journal of Emergency Medical Services
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.7-18
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    • 2023
  • Purpose: This study conducted a systematic literature review to analyze the factors related to suicidal ideation among firefighters. Methods: A systematic literature review was conducted to identify factors influencing suicidal ideation among firefighters, using Korean academic information search services from January to June 2022. A total of 238 articles were searched using keywords such as "firefighter," "depression," "post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)," "cognitive emotion regulation," "suicide," and "suicidal ideation." Among them, nine articles were selected for analysis using descriptive correlation studies. Results: It was found that the relationship between firefighter stress (PTSD) and suicidal thoughts was mediated by depression. Even if the stress level (PTSD) was high, suicidal thoughts decreased when the emotional coping level was high. Conclusion: To prevent firefighters from committing suicide, intervention programs with effective approaches to quickly identify high at-risk people and improve their emotional coping skills, should be implemented.

A Study on the Discourse Regarding the Lineage Transmission to Haewol in the Eastern Learning: Focused on Document Verification (해월의 동학 도통전수 담론 연구 - 문헌 고증을 중심으로 -)

  • Park Sang-kyu
    • Journal of the Daesoon Academy of Sciences
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    • v.48
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    • pp.41-155
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    • 2024
  • Among the records that attest to the period from July to August of 1863, when Suwun was believed to have transmitted the orthodox lineage to Haewol, the oldest documents are The Collection of Suwun's Literary Works (水雲文集), The Collection of Great Master Lord's Literary Works (大先生主文集), and The Records of Dao Origin of Master Choe's Literary Collection (崔先生文集道源記書, hereafter referred to as The Records of Dao Origin). The records regarding Suwun in these three documents are considered to have originated from the same context. The variances embedded in the three documents have led to arguments about which documents accurately reflect the fact of orthodox lineage transmission. Additionally, these variances highlight the necessity of a review regarding the characteristics of early Eastern Learning, such as its faith and organizational systems. Accordingly, by thoroughly examining these three documents, it is possible to elucidate the chronological order, establishment-date, accuracy, descriptive direction, and characteristics of the faith system of early Eastern Learning as these are reflected in each document. If successful, this examination would provide a clearer description of the developmental process of Eastern Learning from 1860 to 1880, facilitating a more in-depth analysis of the significance embedded in various forms of discourse on the movement's orthodox lineage transmission. In comparing the three documents and contrasting them with related sources, the results of the textual examination assert that the documents within the lineage of The Collection of Suwun's Literary Works, given they lack a clear record of the event regarding Haewol's orthodox lineage succession, may be the first draft of The Collection of Great Master Lord's Literary Works and The Records of Dao Origin, as these texts distinctly include that record. This reflects that Haewol's succession was not precisely recognized within and outside of the Eastern Learning order until the time when The Collection of Great Master Lord's Literary Works and The Records of Dao Origin were published. This is further attested to by the fact that during the late 1870s, when various Yeonwon (fountainhead) factions of Eastern Learning began to converge around Haewol, and his Yeonwon became the largest organization within Eastern Learning. At that point, the order's doctrine was reinterpreted, and its organization was reestablished. In this regard, it is necessary to view Eastern Learning after Suwun-especially the orthodox lineage transmission to Haewol-from a perspective that considers it more as competing forms of discourse than as a historical fact. This view enables a new perspective on Haewol's Eastern Learning, which forms a distinct layer from Suwun's, shedding light on the relationship between Haewol and the new religious movements in modern-day Korea.

A Study on the Structural Design of Permeable Asphalt Pavement (투수성 아스팔트포장 구조설계방법에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Soo-Hyung;Yoo, In-Kyoon;Kim, Je-Won
    • International Journal of Highway Engineering
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.39-49
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    • 2011
  • The porous pavement system is widely considered very effective in urban street because of its various benefits on safety and environment, but the pavement thickness design system has not been established yet. In porous pavement system. rainwater penetrates to the subgrade through porous pavements layers. Porous pavements are expected to reduce or alleviate the problems caused by impermeable pavement layer such as flood damage due to heavy rain in the city, drainage load, disorder in ecosystem, and heat island. However, its structural design methods in traffic roads has not been made mainly because of not being able to consider adequately the effect of rainwater on subgrade strength. In this study, structural design method of porous pavements is suggested after considering the subgrade weakness due to rainwater and numerical mechanical analysis. It is noted that elastic modulus of subgrade is reduced by 20% as subgrade moisture content is increased by 2% at optimum moisture content in the literature review. As a result of both finite element analysis and strength loss of subgrade by the existing design method, it is necessary to increase subbase thickness about 30cm in porous pavements compared with the existing traffic road pavement system. It is similar to premium thickness of structural design of porous pavements in Japan.

Scheme for building and application of transportation thematic map (교통주제도 구축 및 활용 방안)

  • Choi Jung-Min;Choi Ae-Sim;Eom Woo-Hak
    • Proceedings of the Korean Association of Geographic Inforamtion Studies Conference
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    • 2006.05a
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    • pp.211-216
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    • 2006
  • 교통주제도는 건설교통부와 한국교통연구원이 ${\ulcorner}$국가교통DB구축사업${\lrcorner}$의 일환으로 제작한 것으로, 국토지리정보원의 NGIS 수치지도(축척 1:5,000)를 기반으로 하여 현장조사 및 문헌조사를 통해 갱신, 보완하여 교통 분야의 활용에 적합하도록 구축한 GIS 수치지도이다. 교통주제도는 현장조사와 문헌조사를 통해 수집된 자료를 기반으로 구축되며 이중 교통시설물조사는 문헌자료(준공도로현황 등)를 참고하여 산정된 조사대상에 대하여 GPS 조사시스템을 활용, 도형 및 속성정보를 취득하는 것을 말한다. 조사항목은 도형정보(노드, 링크) 및 속성정보(차선수, 도로번호 등)이며 GPS 조사시스템과 조사원장(도면)을 이용하여 조사한다. 교통시설물조사와 문헌자료조사를 통해 수집된 자료는 단위도엽(1:5,000기준)별로 교통주제도에 반영되며 최종적으로 전국단위의 통합자료로 구축된다 교통주제도는 사용목적과 축척기준에 따라 단순화되며 이를 교통주제도 레벨이라 한다. 교통주제도의 레벨은 총 4단계로 구분되며 현재 레벨2에서 레벨4까지 구축되고 있다. 교통분석용 네트워크는 교통시설투자계획, 수요분석, 타당성 평가와 같은 교통분야의 연구를 수행하기 위해 반드시 필요한 자료이다. 교통분석용 네트워크는 교통주제도보다 더 단순화된 도로망 모델로서 구성요소는 노드(시점, 종점, 죤 센트로이드)와 링크(도로망, 센트로이드 커넥터)이며 도로의 기하구조보다는 논리적 구조(방향성, 노드/링크 연결성 등)에 중점을 둔 데이터이다 교통분석용 네트워크는 교통주제도의 도형과 속성정보를 기반으로 하며 각종 통계자료(도로교통량통계연보 등)를 활용, 구축된다. 교통분석용 네트워크는 구축시점에 따라 현재 및 장래 네트워크로 구분되며 장래 네트워크는 기준년도부터 2031년까지 5년 단위로 계획된 장래도로를 반영하여 구축된다. 교통주제도 및 교통분석용 네트워크는 국가교통DB구축사업을 통해 구축된 자료로서 교통체계효율화법 제9조의4에 따라 공공기관이 교통정책 및 계획수립 등에 활용할 수 있도록 제공하고 있다. 건설교통부의 승인절차를 거쳐 제공하며 활용 후에는 갱신자료 및 활용결과를 통보하는 과정을 거치도록 되어있다. 교통주제도는 국가의 교통정책결정과 관련분야의 기초자료로서 다양하게 활용되고 있으며, 특히 ITS 노드/링크 기본지도로 활용되는 등 교통 분야의 중요한 지리정보로서 구축되고 있다.

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Research on the Characteristics of Research Data-related Service in North American University Libraries: Focusing on the Hierarchical Structure of Services, Job Titles, and Job Descriptions (북미 지역 대학도서관의 연구데이터 관련 서비스 특성 연구 - 서비스 간 계층 구조와 직책 및 직책별 직무내용을 중심으로 -)

  • Gyuhwan Kim;Jong-Do Park
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.57 no.2
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    • pp.453-475
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    • 2023
  • This study investigated research data-related services offered by North American university libraries, focusing on service names, hierarchical relationships, job titles of service managers, and job descriptions. The study analyzed the homepages of 50 university libraries and found a clear hierarchical relationship between research data-related service names, indicating a clear structure for these services. The title of 'librarian' was most commonly used for the position in charge of research data-related services, and the job content of this position was found to be quite wide. Other job titles such as 'specialist' and 'analyst' were also used for experts in various research data-related fields. The existence of these job titles was seen as a way for university libraries to strengthen the expertise of their research data-related services. Based on the findings, the authors propose a service composition system for research data-related services in domestic university libraries. This system includes 'research data service' as the highest-level service name, with 'research data management service', 'GIS service', and 'data visualization service' as sub-service names. The authors also suggest that research data-related services should be provided through collaboration between existing university librarians in the early stages of service provision, and that new recruitment of research data-related professionals could be considered gradually.

A Literature Review of Traditional Fishing Instrument with Bamboo Weir in the Southern Coast of Korea Peninsula (남해안의 전통적인 수산 어로방식인 죽방렴의 문헌적 고찰)

  • Lee, Kyung-Joo;Kwon, Hojong;Jeong, Dae-Yul
    • Asia-pacific Journal of Multimedia Services Convergent with Art, Humanities, and Sociology
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.469-480
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to enhance the cultural heritage value of the Juk-Bang-Ryeum (Bamboo Weir) and prove the originality through the review of historical literature. The main industry of Korean was agriculture and fishery from ancient. In the ancient, fishery instruments are not enough due to the lack of fishing technology. The Juk-Bang-Ryeum was considered as important national resources and asset. It give us many implications about the wisdom of our ancestors because of it's scientific principle of the structure. It is surely a cultural heritage to preserve in the future because it is considered as important community asset as well as more natural and environment oriented fishing method. In the literature, the origin of 'Juk-Bang-Ryeum' can be found as 'Eo-Ryang' or 'Bang-Ryeum'. The records on this terminology go back to the Corea Dynasty, but their documentary records are rare, and most of them are records of the Chosun Dynasty. In this study, we surveyed mainly the literature records about the southern coast region in the period of Chosun Dynasty. This study contributes for preserving the cultural assets of our ancestors who pursued eco-friendly fishery method, and it is also of great significance to produce objective data based on records for the registration of the World Record Heritage.

Accuracy of CAD-CAM RPD framework according to manufacturing method: A literature review (국소의치 구조물(framework)의 CAD-CAM 제조방식에 따른 정확도: 문헌고찰)

  • Yi, Yuseung
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics
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    • v.59 no.3
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    • pp.370-378
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    • 2021
  • Purpose. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the currently published literatures investigating the accuracy of computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing removable partial denture (CAD-CAM RPD) framework with different manufacturing techniques and methods. Materials and methods. A comprehensive search for literatures was conducted in PubMed database using specific keywords with the patient, intervention, comparison, and outcome (PICO) question, "Is there a difference in accuracy of RPD frameworks manufactured using digital workflow according to the manufacturing process and methods?" Results. A total of 7 articles were selected. Two studies compared intraoral scanning and laboratory scanning for RPD frameworks and had heterogenous results. In the studies using different manufacturing process, RPD frameworks had clinically acceptable accuracy in both subtractive and additive manufacturing. Polyetheretherketone (PEEK)-milled RPD frameworks showed higher fit accuracy than traditionally casted or 3D printed RPDs. Direct milling method showed a higher accuracy than indirect milling method. However, in rapid prototyping, indirect method showed higher accuracy than direct method. Conclusion. The RPD frameworks fabricated using CAD-CAM technology showed a clinically acceptable level of accuracy regardless of manufacturing process or techniques. Consistent results have not been reported regarding the digital impression methods, which were intra oral scanning or laboratory scanning, and further studies are needed.