• 제목/요약/키워드: 문헌구조

검색결과 1,618건 처리시간 1.61초

Usefuless of Ultrasonography Examination in Radial Nerve Palsy Associated with Humerus Fracture - Technical Report - (상완골 골절에 동반된 요골 신경 마비 환자에서 초음파 검사의 유용성 - 술기 보고 -)

  • Lee, Sang-Hyuk;Sung, Chang-Min;Park, Hyung-Bin
    • The Journal of Korean Orthopaedic Ultrasound Society
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    • 제5권1호
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    • pp.15-21
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    • 2012
  • Primary radial nerve palsy occurs in association with approximately 10% of humerus shaft fractures. Secondary radial nerve palsy, which is iatrogenic, occurs in association with approximately 10% to 20% of humerus shaft fractures. Whether the radial nerve palsy is caused primarily by the fracture or secondarily by the surgery, it is necessary to determine whether the radial nerve is being disrupted or compressed by the surrounding structures. This evaluation will dictate whether to await natural recovery or to perform surgical exploration. The current authors report one case of primary radial nerve palsy, due to the humerus fracture, and one case of secondary radial nerve palsy, associated with the osteosynthesis procedure. In both patients, the radial nerve was assessed for anatomical integrity with ultrasonography. Nerve disruption was found in one patient, and a sural nerve graft was performed. Nerve adhesion was found in the other patient, and neurolysis was performed. In both cases, the clinical results were satisfactory. This report focuses on the usefulness of ultrasonography in radial nerve assessment in patients with radial nerve palsy.

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Development and Application of Development Principles for Clinical Information Model (임상정보모델 개발원칙의 개발과 적용)

  • Ahn, Sun-Ju
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • 제11권8호
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    • pp.2899-2905
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    • 2010
  • To be applicable under electronic health record system in order to ensure semantic interoperability of clinical information, the development principle for clinical information model to reflect objective and function is required. The aim of this study is to develop the development principles for clinical information model and evaluate the Clinical Contents Model. In order to develop the principle, from November 2008 to March 2009, the surveys about 1) definition, 2) function and 3) quality criteria were done, and 4) the components of advanced model were analyzed. The study was processed in 3 levels. Firstly in the development level, key words and key words-paragraph were driven from the references, and the principles were drawn based on the clinical or functional importance and frequency. In the application level, the 3 experts of clinical information model assessed 30 Clinical Contents Models by applying it. In the feedback level, the Clinical Contents Model in which errors were found was modified. As the results, 18 development principles were derived with 3 categories which were structure, process and contents. The Clinical Contents Models were assessed with the principles, and the 17 models were found that they did not follow it. During the feedback process, the necessity of the advanced education of the principle and the establishment of the regular quality improvement strategy to use it is raised. The proposed development principle supports the consistent model-development between clinical information model developers, and could be used as evaluation criteria.

A Study on Factors for Adopting of RFID Application Technology (RFID 응용 기술의 도입에 미치는 영향 요인에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Cha-Gil;Yi, Seon-Gyu
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • 제9권4호
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    • pp.1018-1029
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    • 2008
  • Recently, RFID(Radio Frequency Identification) application technology is the core of ubiquitous technology. this research examines the factors for adopting the RFID application technology together with factors for adopting the related information system such as ERP, SCM, EDI by researching relevant literature. this research attempts to derive the factors for adopting RFID application technology by using the Delphi Method. The factors for adopting the information technology of the above-mentioned three areas totaled 116 adoption factors. Based on these 116 adoption factors, the factors for adopting RFID application technology were to be derived. A total of 27 adoption factors were derived in the first Delphi investigation. Of the total 27 adoption factors, final 9 adoption factors could be derived by conducting frequency analysis and relative importance analysis. In other words, 9 adoption factors that were derived last were found to be the cost related to tag, relationship with customer firms, compatibility of technology, information technology-based structure, trust and coordination between business firms, intensity of competition within the industry, the standardization of RFID technology, the top management's support and participation degree of client companies. When business firms try to adopt RFID application technology afterwards, concrete and close examination from this point of view was found to be necessary.

A Design Suggestion of Fairy Tales for the Silver Applying to the Service Design (서비스디자인을 적용한 실버대상 동화책의 디자인적 제안)

  • Li, Shu;Oh, Chi-Guy
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • 제16권9호
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    • pp.491-501
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    • 2016
  • As the population of silver generation is increased, there are emerged the aging society and the silver industry as social issues. Previous studies in the fields of library & information science, education, the industrial art science suggested the need for fairy tale books for the silver generation, and from the design perspective, the characteristics of fairy tale books for the silver generation were analyzed. A fairy tale book is not only a medium delivering some information, but also a platform that a writer provides services to readers. Therefore, the purpose of this study aimed to suggest the importance of sensual experience on the design of fairy book for the silver generation, and to analyze such kind of fairy book's format, grid, typography, type, edition structure, image, layout, cover, paper, printing and production on the basis of five senses. According to the findings of this study, it was found that fairy tale books for the silver generation had different characteristics(type, picture, color, paper, etc.) from those for children, and it would be desirable to make designs for fairy tale books for the silver generation under the silver generation's esthetics standards with considering the silver generation's physiological, psychological factors. It is expected that this study would become a good foundation for more intensive researches for fairy tale books for the silver generation in future and would also be theoretically helpful in developing fairy tale books for the silver generation in future.

Study on Political Factors for Innovating Textile and Fashion Industry in Northern Gyeonggi Province (경기북부 섬유패션산업 혁신을 위한 필요 정책요인 분석연구)

  • Yoon, Chang-Ju;Hwang, Chan-Gyu;Kwon, Hun-Gong;Won, Moon-Ye
    • Journal of Convergence for Information Technology
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    • 제8권1호
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    • pp.253-263
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    • 2018
  • Textile fashion industry is a core foundation industry, having the majority of companies with 10 or more workers, in Northern Gyeonggi Province. however the industry is mostly comprised of small unit-stream enterprises, orders are greatly reduced due to lately accelerated overseas expansion of medium/large-sized vendors and the growth-inhibiting vicious circle has being set in, as this situation causes the reduction of investment. For resolving the problems, this study proposes required political factors and concrete policy proposals by designing AHP research model(4 layers and 36 elements), based on grasp of the transitional aspect of industrial scale and business environment through analysis of various industrial statistics, preceding research such as related literature search and (industrial/academic/R&D/government) specialist opinion investigation, and then calculating relative importance and priority of each factor(element) within each layer. And for raising usefulness and availability of the research result by concretely suggesting the vision, strategies, core tasks and detailed projects in which the research model and deduced result are reflected.

An Analysis of Cyber Deviant Behaviors for the Practical Education of Information Ethics (실천적 정보통신윤리 교육을 위한 사이버 일탈행위 분석)

  • Yoo, Sang-Mi;Kim, Mi-Ryang
    • The Journal of Korean Association of Computer Education
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    • 제13권5호
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    • pp.51-70
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this article is twofold; first, investigates the relations between the cyber deviant behaviors and the reasons it causes in details and second discuss the measure to prevent cyber deviant behaviors and its recurrence. The findings of the study are; First, the factors which influence more to the cyber deviant behaviors are subjective norm, social identity, and self-control in a row. Second, identified such factors, anonymity (+), consciousness on public order (+), learning experience on information norms (-), and social identity have influences on the subjective norm that both factors of internet addiction (+) and anonymity (+) have significant impacts on self-control in negative perspectives. In conclusion, to prevent cyber deviant behaviors will provide a lot of opportunities to develop self-reflections and critical thinking and the ethics of accountability, and ability of sympathy. This study suggests the so-called reflexive practice-oriented process of education on Information as a strategic teaching-learning procedure. The process framework consists of four stages including problem identification, risk analysis, self-reflexive, and practice & evaluation that have a spiral structure, repeats a life-cycle.

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A Crisis in Public Broadcasting of South Korea A Perspective from the Case of the So-called "Paik Jong-moon's Taped Conversation" at MBC with a Focus on the Press Control by Political Power (MBC '백종문 녹취록' 사건으로 본 공영방송의 위기 정치권력의 언론 통제 기제를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Sang Gyoon
    • Korean journal of communication and information
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    • 제81권
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    • pp.189-224
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    • 2017
  • The case of 'Paik Jong-moon's Taped Conversation,' has presented "an important and serious challenge to the freedom of the press and democracy" in South Korea. Nevertheless, this case has not been reported by the mainstream news media. It has also been forgotten without a proper fact-finding or investigation by regulatory agencies, like The Foundation for Broadcast Culture, The Korea Communications Commission, or The National Assembly. This study aims to examine why the above has happened through in-depth interviews of reporters and TV producers, senior journalists, former and incumbent commissioners of the broadcasting regulatory agencies, and experts of the industry, as well as literature research. Here, I present three answers. First, I found two reasons the mainstream press has ignored this incident. 1) It serves for political interests instead of reporting truth. 2) Public broadcasters' watchdog role has been neutralized. Second, regulatory agencies like The Foundation for Broadcast Culture, The Korea Communications Commission and The National Assembly are ruled by political tribalism. The ruling party's members of the National Assembly and these agencies were reluctant to investigate allegations surrounding Paik Jong-moon, such as illegal dismissals, illegal intervention in programming or production, illegal recruitment and illegal business deals. That's because they considered CEO Paik an ally. Using their majority power, they have rejected the request from opposition-affiliated commissioners or from opposition lawmakers to investigate the allegations. Third, there were no alternative forces within the public broadcasters to unveil the truth. In conclusion, the legal and institutional shake-up of corporate governance is urgently needed for public broadcasters and broadcasting regulatory agencies.

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Development of Supportive Device Design for Artificial Hand Based on Virtual Simulation (가상 시뮬레이션을 이용한 의수 보조 장치 디자인 개발)

  • Lee, Ji-Won;Han, Ji-Young;Na, Dong-Kyu;Nah, Ken
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • 제15권10호
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    • pp.455-465
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    • 2017
  • This study focuses on design development and verification through virtual simulation based on 3D model data in the cloud platform as a method of utilization of engineering technology of design in the fourth industrial revolution era. The goal of research is to develop and examine a design for the needs of the target that has never been met before through virtual simulations that can be conducted in practice. As a research method, we analyzed secondary data to identify the needs of the target, and did literature research for the ergonomic data and target body development stages. In addition, the design development process of this study was shown meaningful result in design, structure, safety, material, durability through loop test of 7 virtual simulations. This study can be applied to the automated process system based on 3D model data in the 4th industrial revolution era and can be used as an element of the cyber physics system for the additional research.

The Ichthyofauna and Community Structure of Fish at Wondong Marsh in the Kyeongnam Province, Korea (원동습지의 어류상과 군집구조)

  • Yang, Hong-Jun;Kum, Ji-Don;Lee, Yong-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Ichthyology
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    • 제13권4호
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    • pp.261-266
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    • 2001
  • The ichthyofauna and the structure of fish community were surveyed from June to August in 2000 at four stations of the Wondong marsh, Yangsan city in Kyungnam province. During the study period, 24 species belonging to eight families were collected. Cyprinid fish occupied 62.5% (15 species) and cobitid and centrarchid fish 8.3% (each 2 species). According to relative abundance in the whole marsh, Z. platypus (23.2%) was dominant species and S. gracilis majimae (14.2%) was subdominant species. M. salmoides (9.6%), C. auratus (8.3%), P. herzi (8.3%), M. yaluensis (6.5%), M. anguillicaudatus (4.0%), L. macrochirus (3.4%), P. parva (2.8%), R. ocellatus (2.5%), C. brevicauda (2.5%), C. sinensis (2.5%) and O. platycephala (2.2%) were common species and C. carpio, A. rhombeus, H. labeo, S. variegatus wakiyae, S. chankaensis tsuchigae, Z. temmincki, O. bidens, S. asotus, C. herzi, R. brunneus, C. argus were rare specieswhich occupied less than 2.0% in relative abundance. Six species of S. variegatus wakiyae, S. chankaensis tsuchigae, S. gracilis majimae, M. yaluensis, C. herzi and O. platycephala in observed species were known as endemic species. By analyzing of fish community in the surveyed area, the species diversity and evenness of the fishes were high but dominance was low. And the similarity of the fish species among the sites was mid-grade as more than 0.55 in index.

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The Effects of Perceived Risk and Interactivity on User's Satisfaction and Commitment in Personal Media (1인 미디어의 지각된 위험 및 상호작용성이 사용자 만족과 몰입에 미치는 영향)

  • Chung, Young-Soo;Jung, Chul-Ho
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • 제28권1호
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    • pp.125-156
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    • 2009
  • The primary purpose of this study is to identify the determinants of the users' satisfaction and commitment in personal media. For these purposes, we developed a research model based on the literature reviews of personal media, perceived risk and interactivity, satisfaction, and commitment. This study has identified four dimensions in the concept of perceived risk, such as privacy risk, social risk, time loss risk, and economic risk, and three dimensions in the concept of perceived interactivity, such as active control, two-way communication, and responsiveness. In survey, data were collected from 428 male and female who have an experience in personal media. Data was analyzed factor analysis, reliability analysis, measurement model analysis, and structural model analysis by utilizing SPSS 15.0 and AMOS 5.0 program. Analysis results of research model indicate the following. Firstly, privacy risk, active control, two-way communication, and responsiveness are significantly related satisfaction. Secondly, privacy risk, time loss risk, economic risk, active control, and two-way communication are significantly related commitment. Thirdly, users' satisfaction has positive relationship with commitment in personal media. Based on these results, theoretical implications for relevant researchers and managerial implications for personal media vitalization and marketing strategy are discussed. Finally, limitations for this study and further research issues are suggested.

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