• Title/Summary/Keyword: 몸통근육

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Auto-Segmentation Algorithm For Liver-Vessel From Abdominal MDCT Image (복부 MDCT 영상으로부터 간혈관 자동 추출 알고리즘)

  • Park, Seong-Me;Lee, You-Jin;Park, Jong-Won
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.430-437
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    • 2010
  • It is essential for living donor liver transplantation that surgeon must understand the hepatic vessel structure to improve the success rate of operation. In this paper, we extract the liver boundary without other surrounding structures such as heart, stomach, and spleen using the contrast enhanced MDCT liver image sequence. After that, we extract the major hepatic veins (left, middle, right hepatic vein) with morphological filter after review the basic structure of hepatic vessel which reside in segmented liver image region. The purpose of this study is provide the overall status of transplantation operation with size estimation of resection part which is dissected along with the middle hepatic vein. The method of liver extraction is as follows: firstly, we get rid of background and muscle layer with gray level distribution ratio from sampling process. secondly, the coincident images match with unit mesh image are unified with resulted image using the corse coordinate of liver and body. thirdly, we extract the final liver image after expanding and region filling. Using the segmented liver images, we extract the hepatic vessels with morphological filter and reversed the major hepatic vessels only with a results of ascending order of vessel size. The 3D reconstructed views of hepatic vessel are generated after applying the interpolation to provide the smooth view. These 3D view are used to estimate the dissection line after identify the middle hepatic vein. Finally, the volume of resection region is calculated and we can identify the possibility of successful transplantation operation.

Effect of Trunk Strength Exercise and Deep Stabilization Exercise Combined with Breathing Exercise on Abdominal Muscle Thickness and Respiration (호흡운동을 병행한 몸통 근력운동과 심부 안정화 운동이 배근육 두께와 호흡에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Hyeonsu;Lee, Keoncheol;Choo, Yeonki
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Integrative Medicine
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.181-188
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    • 2020
  • Purpose : The purpose of this study is to compare the effects on abdominal muscle thickness and breathing by applying trunk strength exercise and deep stabilization exercise along with breathing exercise, which is the main respiratory muscle during breathing, to present an efficient exercise method with diaphragm breathing. Methods : This study was performed on normal 6 females and 14 males subjects. They were divided into 2 groups which trunk strength exercise and deep stabilization exercise group. The trunk strength exercise group (TSE) attended prone press-up, crunch and pelvic tiling. The deep stabilization exercise group (DSE) attended abdominal drawing, horizontal side-support and bridging exercise. Breathing exercise was performed for each set break time for 1 minute. Results : First, in the comparison of the change in the thickness of the abdominal muscle between the trunk strength training group and the deep stabilization group before and after exercise, there was a statistically significant difference in the comparison of transverse abdominis (TrA), rectus femoris (RF), external oblique (EO), internal oblique (IO) (p<.05). However, there was no significant difference in any comparison between groups (p>.05). Second, in the comparison of changes in respiratory function between the trunk strength exercise group and the deep stabilization exercise group before and after exercise, there were statistically significant differences in the exerted forced vital capacity (FVC), forced expiratory volume at one second (FEV1), peak expiratory flow (PEF) in the comparison before and after the experiment (p<.05). However, there was no significant difference in any comparison between groups (p>.05). Conclusion : As a result of this study, it can be said that both trunk strength exercises and deep stabilization exercises along with diaphragm breathing are exercises that strengthen deep and superficial muscles, and have a positive effect on breathing function as well as muscle strength. However, it is not known which exercise was more effective, and because it was combined with breathing exercise, the interference effect appeared.

The Comparison of Trunk Muscle Activities During Sling and Mat Exercise (요부 안정화 운동에 따른 몸통 근육들의 근활성도 비교)

  • Choi, Hee-Soo;Kwon, Oh-Yun;Yi, Chung-Hwi;Jeon, Hye-Seon;Oh, Jae-Seop
    • Physical Therapy Korea
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this study was to verify the most effective spinal stabilization exercises program by comparing the activities of muscles contributing to spinal stabilization during four types of exercises using a sling and a mat. Twenty healthy males were recruited and each subjects performed four types of exercises. Exercise 1 was performed in a quadruped position with the subjects lifting the left arm and the opposite leg on the mat. Exercise 2 was performed in a prone position while holding a sling with the right hand and the left knee was fully extended while lifting the left arm and right leg. Exercise 3 was performed in quadruped position while holding a sling with one the right hand and lifting the opposite arm and leg. In exercise 4, subjects were instructed to maintain a balance push-up position while holding slings with both hands in 10 cm forward reaching with extended elbows. Electromyographic(EMG) activities were recorded from the multifidus, external oblique, internal oblique, abdominal rectus, and erector spinalis muscles during the exercises. The EMG amplitude of each muscle was normalized to the amplitude in the maximal voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC) of each muscle. Repeated ANOVA and Bonferroni's tests were used to compare the differences in the muscle activity according to the types of exercise. The EMG amplitudes of all the muscles were significantly different according to the types of exercises (p<.05). The highest EMG activities of each muscle was as follow; multifidus was 73.38%MVIC in exercise 3, the erector spinalis was 40.03%MVIC in exercise 3, the external oblique was 135.88%MVIC in exercise 4, the internal oblique was 128.60%MVIC in exercise 4, and the rectus abdominalis was 95.24%MVIC in Exercise 4. The types of exercises showed a significant difference in composition rate of EMG amplitudes of each muscle (p<.05). EMG composition rate of the multifidus was high in exercise 1 and 3. However, EMG composition rates of the external oblique, internal oblique, and the rectus abdominals were high in exercise 2 and 4. These results showed differences in EMG activities of muscles contributing to trunk stabilization during different therapeutic exercises. Therefore, the type of exercise should be carefully selected to effectively strengthen a specific trunk stabilizer.

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Analysis of Factors Related to Regional Occurrence Distribution of Scrub Typhus: 2012~2016 (우리나라 쯔쯔가무시증의 지역적 발생분포와 관련된 요인 분석: 2012~2016년)

  • Seo, Choong Won
    • Korean Journal of Clinical Laboratory Science
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    • v.51 no.4
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    • pp.420-427
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    • 2019
  • Scrub typhus is a fever-related disease that is commonly diagnosed during the autumn season. The number of patients affected by this disease continues to increase every year. However, the cause of the disease and the regional differences of its incidence are poorly understood. This study examined the epidemiological features and regional differences in the incidence of scrub typhus. The monthly incidence of cases from all reports rose to more than 90% during the fall season (October~December). Based on the analysis of the 18,851 cases in the epidemiological investigation, 14,777 (78.4%) and 4,074 (21.6%) cases occurred in high and low occurrence areas, respectively. Moreover, there were more female cases than male cases (males: 7,233 [38.4%]; females: 11,618 [61.6%]; P< 0.001). The clinical symptoms, including fever, chills, myalgia, and eschar of the body, were noted in 16,688 (89.1%), 11,533 (61.2%),11,439 (60.7%), and 6,005 (45.4%) cases, respectively. The incidence rates were higher for Gyeongnam, Jeonam, Jeonbuk, and Chungnam provinces. The areas with a high occurrence of scrub typhus were consistent with the areas experiencing a high distribution of Leptotrombidium scutellare. The incidence of scrub typhus has been rising owing to the increasing population of ticks due to global warming and increased agricultural and outdoor activities. Thus, continuous management of patients and preventive environmental measures are needed to control this disease.

The Effects of Coordinative Locomotor Training Program for Life-Care Promotion on Balance of Obese Elderly Women (라이프케어 증진을 위한 협응적 이동훈련 프로그램이 비만 여성노인의 균형에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Dong-Ryul
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.17-25
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of coordinative locomotor training (CLT) program on the balance for the promotion of life care of elderly obese women. Ten participants of elderly obese women who were able to walk independently without surgery experience of lumbar, hip or knee joint within the past year were recruited and under went the pretest, CLT (20 sessions), followed by the post-test. The test included BMI test using In-body, joint kinematics using myoVIDEO, muscle activation using surface EMG test (erector spinae (ER), external oblique abdominalis (EO), quadriceps femoris (Quad), hamstring muscle (Ham)) and balance tests including dynamic balance test using forced treadmill, Berg balance scale (BBS) and timed up go (TUG). The CLT program was conducted 60 minutes a day, 5 days a week, over 4 weeks period. As a result of this study, The the trunk and hip joints kinematics during the stance and swing phases of gait were a statistical significance levels were set at p <0.05. The ER and EO muscle activation were significantly improved after intervention (p <0.05). The length of gait line and single support line of change of center of pressure (COP) were significantly increased after intervention (p <0.05). The BBS and TUG were also significantly enhanced after intervention (p <0.05). The results of this study showed that CLT program for the improvement of life care had significant effects on improving postural instability, muscle weakness, reduced balance ability and falling risk of obese elderly women. Therefore, it is recommended to apply CLT program to improve life-care through improving balance ability and preventing fall of obese elderly women.

Effect of Pilates Breathing on the Activity of Trunk Stabilizer Muscles during the Movements of Pilates Chair Exercise (필라테스 호흡이 체어 동작에서 몸통 안정화 근육의 활성도에 미치는 영향)

  • Baek, Kyung-Min;Lee, Su-Been;Jeon, Mi-Na;Cho, Eun-Byeol;Jin, Hee-Soo;Han, Ji-Soo;Lee, Na-Kyung
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Integrative Medicine
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.187-197
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    • 2022
  • Purpose: This study aimed to investigate the changes in the muscle activity of the trunk stabilizer muscles before and after incorporating Pilates breathing during three types of Pilates chair exercises. Methods: This study included 33 healthy men and women in their 20's; they were recruited according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria. sEMG was used to measure the changes in the muscle activity in the internal oblique/transverse abdominis, rectus abdominis, and erector spinae during the three types of Pilates chair movements (footwork, twist footwork, and bridging) without and with the Pilates breathing integration. The muscle activities of the trunk stabilizers between without and with Pilates breathing were statistically analyzed and compared. Results: The internal oblique/transverse abdominis showed an increase and a significant difference in the muscle activity in all three movements of footwork, twist footwork, and bridging after the Pilates breathing integration (p<.001). The muscle activity of the rectus abdominis (p<.05) and the erector spinae (p<.05) also increased and showed a significant difference after the Pilates breathing incorporation, except in the bridging movement for the erector spinae. The increase in the rate after integrating Pilates breathing was relatively greater in internal oblique/transverse abdominis than in other muscles. Conclusion: When Pilates breathing was applied, the activities of the trunk stabilizer muscles increased significantly and immediately in all three movements of Pilates chair footwork, twist footwork, and bridging. This means that the use of breathing is expected to have a positive and immediate effect on the activation of trunk stabilizers, thus indicating that it can possibly be an effective re-enforcing tool to promote trunk stability when it is integrated to the Pilates chair exercise. Incorporating Pilates breathing also seemed to have a tendency to activate the deep trunk stabilizer muscles more than the superficial stabilizer muscles.

Analysis of trunk and lower extremity muscle activity according to the compensation of arm during bridge exercise (교각운동시 팔의 보상작용에 따른 몸통 및 하지근육 활성도 분석)

  • Oh, Gku Bin;Kim, Se Hee;Kim, Ye Eun;An, Jun Sung;You, Si Yeon;Jung, Sang Jin;Cho, Ye Bin;Ju, Jin Han;Cho, Ki Hun
    • Journal of Korean Physical Therapy Science
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.12-20
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    • 2022
  • Background: The purpose of this study was to investigate the changes of trunk and lower extremity muscle activity according to the compensation of arm during bridge movement of healthy subject. Design: Cross-sectional Study. Methods: Twenty healthy subjects participated in this study. The subjects performed bridge exercise with 3 different arm positions(arm abduction 45°, 90° and cross-arms) and measured the muscle activity of the trunk and lower extrimity. During bridge exercise with 3 different arm positions, trunk (rectus abdominis, erector spinae) and lower extrimity muscle activity (gluteus medius, biceps femoris, tibialis anterior) were measured using wireless surface EMG. Results: Rectus abdominis and gluteus medius muscle were most activated during bridge exercise with arm abduction 90° and erector spinae and biceps femoris muscle were most activated during bridge exercise with arm abduction 45°. In addition, tibialis anterior muscle was most activated during bridge exercise with arm cross. However, these difference in muscle activity according to the arm position was not statistically significant. Conclusion: As a result of this study, we think that the change in arm position does not induce sufficient instability to increase the muscle activity of the trunk and lower extremity muscles. Therefore, various approaches for inducing instability of the support surface for increasing muscle activity when applying bridge movement in clinical practice should be explored.

A Long Term Follow Up Two Cases of Lesch-Nyhan Syndrome Pink Diaper (Lesch-Nyhan 증후군 장기 추적관찰: 분홍 기저귀)

  • Jae Young Kim;Wung Joo Song;Bong-Ok Kim;Harvey L. Levy;Sook Za Kim
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Inherited Metabolic disease
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.26-36
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    • 2024
  • Lesch-Nyhan syndrome (LNS) is an Clinical symptoms can range from mild to severe depending on residual enzyme activity and genetic mutations. In Korea, 27 cases of LNS have been reported. We report the results of an 11-year comparative follow-up of two cases of children who visited because of pink diapers, one who died from LNS with no residual enzymes and one case with partial residual enzymes. Case 1: During follow-up, seizures, developmental delay, and regression were observed. The boy experienced insomnia and severe constipation. He exhibited self-mutilating behavior, a grand mal seizure, scoliosis with severe spasticity, truncal hypotonia, choreoathetoid movement, and ataxia. After prolonged emaciation, staghorn calculi, and recurrent pneumonia, the patient died suddenly at the age of 11 years. Genetic testing revealed a hemizygous HPRT1 variant (c.151C>T (p.Arg51Ter)). Uric acid level was 10.5 mg/dL (normal range: ~3.5-7.9) and HPRT activity 0.02 nmol/hr/spot (10-23.8 nmol/hr/spot). Case 2: During follow-up, the patient remained underweight. He has normal intelligence attending primary school. Self-mutilation symptoms were not observed. Regular renal ultrasonography did not reveal urolithiasis. The patient had a hemizygous HPRT1 variant (c.35A>C (p.Asp12Ala)). Uric acid level and HPRT activity were 11 mg/dL and 0.56 nmol/hr/spot. Pink diapers after the neonatal period and severe protein aversion, neurological problems, and kidney stones, differentiation for LNS is necessary. When suspected, serum uric acid levels, HPRT enzyme activity, and molecular biological tests may be helpful in predicting the prognosis of LNS.

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