• Title/Summary/Keyword: 모음 변이

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The transformation of the knowledge-environment and Sijo literature in the 21st century (21세기 시조문학(時調文學)과 지식환경(知識環境)의 변화)

  • Yun, Young-Og
    • Sijohaknonchong
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    • v.23
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    • pp.5-32
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    • 2005
  • The life of man is being changed with the changes of the times. The man struggles to enjoy the blessing of peace and lives as a member of a nation. So he has the national characteristics. In that national characteristics is the national emotion. From the emotion the national poetry is created. The poetry has the conventional form. This form is regarded as Sijo(時調). The Sijo was prescribed as the organization three sections. But this prescription is false. This form is the organization of five sections. When the false prescription is corrected, we have our conventional poetry form and create our own poems.

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Visualization of Korean Speech Based on the Distance of Acoustic Features (음성특징의 거리에 기반한 한국어 발음의 시각화)

  • Pok, Gou-Chol
    • The Journal of Korea Institute of Information, Electronics, and Communication Technology
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.197-205
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    • 2020
  • Korean language has the characteristics that the pronunciation of phoneme units such as vowels and consonants are fixed and the pronunciation associated with a notation does not change, so that foreign learners can approach rather easily Korean language. However, when one pronounces words, phrases, or sentences, the pronunciation changes in a manner of a wide variation and complexity at the boundaries of syllables, and the association of notation and pronunciation does not hold any more. Consequently, it is very difficult for foreign learners to study Korean standard pronunciations. Despite these difficulties, it is believed that systematic analysis of pronunciation errors for Korean words is possible according to the advantageous observations that the relationship between Korean notations and pronunciations can be described as a set of firm rules without exceptions unlike other languages including English. In this paper, we propose a visualization framework which shows the differences between standard pronunciations and erratic ones as quantitative measures on the computer screen. Previous researches only show color representation and 3D graphics of speech properties, or an animated view of changing shapes of lips and mouth cavity. Moreover, the features used in the analysis are only point data such as the average of a speech range. In this study, we propose a method which can directly use the time-series data instead of using summary or distorted data. This was realized by using the deep learning-based technique which combines Self-organizing map, variational autoencoder model, and Markov model, and we achieved a superior performance enhancement compared to the method using the point-based data.