• Title/Summary/Keyword: 모아레

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Application of 3-Dimensional MOIRE Topography to the School Screening Program for Adolescent Scoliosis (모아레 체형측정법이 청소년기 척추측만증의 조기집단검진 활용 가능성에 대한 평가)

  • Han, Myeng-Gum;Shin, Byung-Cheul
    • The Journal of Korea CHUNA Manual Medicine
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.1-16
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    • 2003
  • Objectives : The purpose of this study is researching for possibility that Moire topography be applied in group school screening for scoliosis known school health problem, and find acceptable method of early detection and early treatment for scoliosis Methods : The authors practiced Moire topography for primary & middle school 1,895 students[male 976, female 919] in Jeonju, korea in 2001. After we distinguished students who had abnormal finding in Moire topography and then re-examined spinal X-ray analysis. The data was analysed and evaluated statistically Results : According to this research, the abnormal finding in Moire topography was 53.7% (1,018 students), and students needed X-ray re-examination were 11.2% (213 students). Students diagnosed scoliosis by X-ray re-examination were 1.8%. According to statistical analysis, interval between vertical base line of pelvis and vertical base line of neck, gap between left distance and right distance to the vertical base line of pelvis and difference of contour lines have strong correlations with deformity degree of the body surface examined by Moire. Conclusions : Following this research, throughout early detection for scoliosis by Moire topography could reduce exposure from scoliosis radiographs, and could detect trunk asymmetry that couldn't be found existing X-ray examination, so it made selecting students under observation who have bad posture possible.

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A Study on the Grating Projection Method using Polygon Mirror (회전다면경을 이용한 줄무늬 격자 영사방법에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Yoon-Chang;Jeong, Kyung-Min;Jang, Seok-Jun;Park, Kyung-Keun
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.18 no.6
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    • pp.159-165
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    • 2001
  • Recently Moire and PMP(Phase Measuring Profilometry) are adopted as a practical methodology for non-contact 3-D measurement of free surface. These methods extract the 3-D informations from the images of the object projected with stripe-pattern light. This paper presents a simple projector generating stripe-pattern light using expensive polygon mirror. In this projector, slit-beam is generated with a Laser diode and a rod lens and the laser diode is switched on/off synchronizing with the rotation of the polygon mirror. So its structure is very simple and light-weighted compared to the existent projection methods using several lenses and it is also easy to change the pitch and the phase of the stripe pattern. Experimental results show that the intensity profile of the stripe pattern can be approximated with sinusoidal curve by reducing the pitch of the stripe pattern.

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2-D/3-D Combined Algorithm for Automatic Solder Paste Inspection (솔더 페이스트 자동검사를 위한 2-D/3-D 복합 알고리즘)

  • 조상현;이상윤;임쌍근;최흥문
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Precision Engineering Conference
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    • 2002.05a
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    • pp.173-176
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    • 2002
  • In this paper, we present the combined 2-D and 3-D algorithms for automatic solder paste inspection. For automatic inspection, optical system for the combined inspection and driving unit is made. One-pass run length algorithm that has fast and efficient memory space is applied to the input image fur extracting solder paste patterns. The path of probe movement is then calculated for an automatic inspection. For a fast 3-D inspection, the phase shift algorithm based on Moire interferometry is also used. In addition, algorithms used in this paper are coded by $MMX^{TM}$. A probe system is manufactured to simultaneously inspect 2-D and 3-D for 10mm$\times$10mm field of view, with resolutions of 10 $\mu\textrm{m}$for both x, y axis and 17 $\mu\textrm{m}$for z axis, and then, experiments on several PCBs are conducted. The processing times of 2-D and 3-D, excluding an image capturing, is 0.039 sec and 0.047 sec, respectively. The credible result with $\pm$ 1$\mu\textrm{m}$uncertainty can be also achieved.

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Comparison of Images Using Optimized Grid and Images Using Grid Supperession Software in the Diagnosis of Micro Lesions (미세병변 진단에서 Optimized Grid을 사용한 영상과 Grid Supperession Software를 사용한 영상의 비교분석)

  • Lee, Sang-Ho
    • Journal of radiological science and technology
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    • v.41 no.2
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    • pp.149-155
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    • 2018
  • Quantitative analysis was performed to confirm that moire artifact was removed without loss of image when using grid suppression software in the diagnosis of micro lesions. we showed that grid suppression images can be morphologically different from original images as they are significantly lower than those of the optimized grid in the similarity analysis with reference images in mammographic phantom images. We were confirmed that images of microcalcification with smaller signal than noise were lost because the pixel values of all lesions increased significantly after the grid suppression, The change in contrast using the NORMI 13 X-ray test phantom was reduced to 30% of the reference image, This result was significantly lower than the 90% when using the optimized grid. In conclusion, the use of grid suppression software in clinical images should be carefully considered because of the possibility of misdiagnosis due to micro lesion loss and morphological changes.

A Study on the Small Disturbance Measurement of Liquid Film Thickness by $Moir\acute{e}$ Fringe ($Moir\acute{e}$ Fringe에 의한 액막 두께 미소 변위 측정 연구)

  • Jeon, H.S.;Kim, K.H.
    • Journal of ILASS-Korea
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    • v.2 no.4
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    • pp.29-35
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    • 1997
  • Liquid film thickness is measured by $moir\acute{e}$ topography which monitored liquid surface. $Moir\acute{e}$ fringe measurement techniques share the inherent simplicity found in optical interferometric techniques have the advantage of use over a greater range of displacement. $Moir\acute{e}$ fringe are the geometric interference patterns observed when two dense line grating are superposed. Light transmitted through a fixed line grating is deviated by the liquid film surface, producing a distored image of the grating. The $moir\acute{e}$ fringe produced by projection of this optically distored grating onto a second stationary grating permit visualization of the liquid surface and measurement of the liquid film thickness. This study measured the small amplitude of liquid film thickness to the $moir\acute{e}$ fringe pattern produced when spherical metal was dropped glycerin put)1 And the measurement of liquid film thickness flowing down an inclined plate are required to calculate the liquid slope in a position.

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The strain measurement on the aluminum alloy welded transition joint (알루미늄 合金 異材熔接部의 變形率測定)

  • 옹장우;전제춘;오상진
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers
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    • v.10 no.5
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    • pp.625-634
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    • 1986
  • The strain distribution on a welded aluminum alloy transition joint produced by a static tensile load has been measured using a moire method combined with photoelastic coating method. The test specimens were made of aluminum alloy 6061-T6 and 2014-T6 butt welded with ER-4043 filler metal, and were post welded heat treated (solid solution heat treatment 502.deg. C 70min.) and precipitated (artificial aging 171.deg. C 600min.) to cause an abrupt change of mechanical properties between the base metals and weld metal. The photoelastic epoxy rubber was cemented on the specimen grating which had been reproduced on the specimen surface by using an electropolishing. The measurements were compared with strains computed by Finite Element Analysis. The following results were abtained. (1) The maximum strain were distributed along the center line in the transverse directiion of the weld metal. (2) The strain gradient along the fusion line increased approaching the V-groove tip and the maximum value was observed at a quarter of width from the V-groove tip. (3) The moire method combined with photoelastic coating was proved very useful for real time strain measurement in the welded aluminum alloy transition joint.

Design of Moir${\acute{e}}$- and Starburst-Free Metal Meshes for Touch Screen Panels (모아레, 스타버스트 현상이 없는 터치스크린 패널용 메탈 메쉬 설계)

  • Shin, Dong-Kyun;Park, Jong-Woon;Seo, Hwa-Il
    • Journal of the Semiconductor & Display Technology
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.83-90
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    • 2014
  • Using a ray tracing simulation, we have investigated the moir${\acute{e}}$ and starburst phenomena of touch screen panels (TSPs) based on opaque metallic grids (square, hexagonal, and random grids). It is demonstrated that employing a random metal mesh is the most effective way to suppress the moir${\acute{e}}$ and starburst phenomena at the same time. At high crossing angles between metal mesh of TSPs and black matrix (BM) of displays, however, a random metal mesh brings in stronger moir${\acute{e}}$ phenomenon than a square metal mesh due to point defects. Though the square metal mesh suppresses the moir${\acute{e}}$ effect substantially at high crossing angles, yet it results in the strongest starburst patterns. We have also provided the simulation scheme that can capture the moir${\acute{e}}$ and starburst patterns observed experimentally and useful design guidelines for metal grids.

Research for Bit-depth Conversion Development by Detection Lost Information to Resizing Process for Digital Photography (디지털 사진영상의 크기조절과정에서 유실되는 정보를 이용한 비트심도의 확장)

  • Cho, Do-Hee;Maik, Vivek;Paik, Joon-Ki;Har, Dong-Hwan
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.189-197
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    • 2009
  • A digital image usually has 8 bits of depth basically representing pixel intensity ranging for [0 255]. These pixel range allow 256 step levels of pixel values in the image. Thus the greyscale value for a given image is an integer. When we carry out interpolation of a given image for resizing we have to round the interpolated value to integer which can result in loss of quality on perceived color values. This paper proposes a new method for recovering this loss of information during interpolation process. By using the proposed method the pixels tend to regain more original values which yields better looking images on resizing.

A Study on the Korean medicine Clinical Use of Moire topography in musculoskeletal diseases (근골격계 질환에 대한 경근무늬측정검사(모아레)의 한의약적 임상응용 고찰)

  • Ryu, Hongsun;Song, Aejin;Chong, Myongsoo
    • Journal of Society of Preventive Korean Medicine
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.75-87
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    • 2016
  • Objectives : This study aims to classify and analyze literature related to moire topography, as a diagnostic device of Korean medicine, discuss research trends and major results, and demonstrate the value of moire topography. Methods : To investigate moire topography research trends, Korean keywords that signify 'moire' were searched in a Korean journal search engine. Initially, 2,988 papers were found in the research, and, after classifying them and removing those that are duplicate in other databases, only 37 papers were applicable for the literature review in this study. To analyze research trends, the 37 papers were analyzed based on the publication year, research field, journal, and research type, and, clinical articles were classified based on the diagnosis purpose, subject characteristics, diagnosis method, test method, and test result, for analysis. Results : Moire topography research in South Korea was first conducted in 1995 and most active in 2003, mostly in the field of Korean medicine. In the journal analysis, The Journal of Korea CHUNA Manual Medicine for Spine & Nerves published the highest number of papers, most of which were clinical articles and the rest were literature review. And, in the analysis of clinical papers, based on the diagnosis purpose, muscle somatotype measurement was most common, followed by diagnosis of scoliosis. In terms of subjects, most studies focused on elementary, middle, and high school students, and, in terms of the diagnosis method, other tests were used in most studies. The analysis of moire topography methods showed that most studies measured the shoulder, back, and hip, and the most common measurement method in the studies measured the difference in contour lines on the left and right by designating a central line of the body. In terms of the result, most moire topography brought about significant diagnosis results, and many studies demonstrated its use for musculoskeletal diseases in particular. Conclusions : Moire topography is believed to be highly significant for diagnosis and treatment of musculoskeletal diseases and further research will be needed to support it.

A Comparative Study on the Balance of Musculoskelectal System between Long-Term Employed Male Taxi Drivers and General People - through Moire Topography (장기근속 남성 택시기사와 일반인의 근골격계 균형에 관한 비교 연구 - 모아레 체형측정법을 통해)

  • Lim, Sang-Hoon;Park, Dong-Su;Lee, Kyung-Moo;Jeong, Su-Hyeon;Kim, Soon-Joong
    • Journal of Korean Medicine Rehabilitation
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.141-151
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    • 2008
  • Objectives : The purpose of this study was to investigate effects of long-term taxi driving posture on the balance of musculoskelectal system. Methods : The author practiced Moire topography by using IBS-2000 for 30 male taxi drivers and general people. Then we measured difference of contour lines, difference of shoulder joint height, interval between vertical baseline of pelvis and vertical baseline of neck, ratio of thoracic curve and lumbar curve, difference of width between right and left through Moire topography. After we statistically analyzed difference of Moire topography's data between long-term employed male taxi drivers and general people. Results : 1. Taxi drivers, difference of contour lines in scapular, lumbar, gluteal region was bigger than general people and significant difference(p<0.05) was observed between subject group. 2. Taxi drivers, diference of shoulder joint height was more large than general people and significant difference(p<0.01) was observed between subject group. 3. Taxi drivers, diference of interval between vertical baseline of pelvis and vertical baseline of neck was more large than general people and significant difference((p<0.05) was observed between subject group. 4. Taxi drivers, ratio of thoracic curve was more large than general people and ratio of lumbar curve was more less than general people and significant difference(p<0.05) was observed between subject group. Conclusions : According to above results long-term taxi driving posture might cause musculoskelectal system unbalance.