• 제목/요약/키워드: 메티실린 내성 황색포도구균

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초등학교 급식 환경에서의 메치실린 내성 황색포도상구균(MRSA)과 seb gene의 검색 (Screening of MRSA (Methicilline Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus) and seb Gene in Producing Strains Isolated from Food Service Environment of Elementary Schools)

  • 하광수;박선자;심원보;정덕화
    • 한국식품위생안전성학회지
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    • 제18권2호
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    • pp.79-86
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    • 2003
  • 대부분의 식중독은 단체 급식으로부터 발생하는 경우가 많으며, 특히 위생상태와 연관되어 식중독을 야기 시키는 병인 물질 중 포도상 구균은 많은 부분을 차지하고 있다 따라서 본 연구에서는 서부경남지역의 5개 초등학교 급식시설에서 총 98개의 샘플 중 A 급식소의 식수, D 급식소의 손, E 급식소의 냉장고와 앞치마에서 4개의 포도상 구균을 분리하였다. 분리된 균주들은 1개의 메티실린 저항성 혈장응고 효소 음성 황색포도상구균(Methicilline Resistant Coagulase Negative Staphylococcus aureus; MRCPS)과 3개의 메치실린 민감성 혈장응고효소 양성 황색포도상구균 (Methicilline sensitive Coagulase positive Staphylococcus aureus; MSCPS)으로 구분되었다. 한편 포도상 구균은 내열성 내독소로서, 이 중 가장 문제가 되는 내독소 B(enterotoxin B)를 검색하기 위한 PCR을 실시한 결과, A 장소의 식수, D 장소의 손, E 장소의 냉장고와 앞치마에서 분리된 균주로부터 477bp의 생성물을 갖는 sob gene을 확인할 수 있었다. 이들 분리된 황색포도상구균에 대한 항생제 민감성 실험에서는 ampicillin과 penicillin에 대하여 전체적으로 저항성을 가졌으며, 특히 A 식수에서 분리된 균주는 옥사실린 저항성(oxacilline resistant)균주로 나타나 MRSA(methicilline resistant staphylococcus aureus)균주로 확인되었다.

감초의 메티실린 내성 황색포도구균에 대한 생육억제 효과 (Antibacterial Activity of Glycyrrhizae Radix against Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus)

  • 김미랑;정병무;신정인;윤철호;정지천;서운교
    • 대한한의학회지
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    • 제23권3호
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    • pp.223-232
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    • 2002
  • Objectives : Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) CCARM 3251 and S. aureusKCTC 1928 have been known to be resistant to many kinds of antibiotics. The extract of Glycyrrhizae Radix showed antibacterial activity against MRSA and antibiotics-resistant S. aureus. Methods : We examined the effects of the water-soluble extract and the methanol-soluble extract of Glycyrrhizae Radix on MRSA and antibiotic-resistant S. aureus. The methanolic extract was further fractionated with organic solvents such as hexane, chloroform, and ethyl acetate in that order. Results and Conclusions : The methanol-soluble extract of Glycyrrhizae Radix showed relatively high antibacterial activity against MRSA and antibiotic-resistant S. aureus. However, the water-soluble extract of Glycyrrhizae Radix showed no antibacterial activity against MRSA and antibiotic-resistant S. aureus. Among the fractions tested, the chloroform fraction showed the highest antibacterial activity against MRSA and antibiotic-resistant S. aureus. The methanol-soluble extract of Glycyrrhizae Radix minimal inhibitory concentrations (MICs) against MRSA and antibiotics-resistant S. aureus were $5{\;}mg/m{\ell}$ in both. The methanol-soluble extract of Glycyrrhizae Radix was separated using thin-layer chromatography and detected with UV -detector. Further study should be carried out to identify which effects cell growth inhibition of MRSA and antibiotics-resistant S. aureus.

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메티실린 내성 황색 포도상 구균에서 mecA, femA 유전자의 임상적 의의 (Detection of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus by In Vitro Enzymatic Amplification of MecA and FemA Gene)

  • 박정은;김택선;박수성;김은령;김일수;안일영;김영진;김재종;강성옥;박한오
    • Pediatric Infection and Vaccine
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    • 제3권2호
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    • pp.133-138
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    • 1996
  • Purpose : In the treatment of MRSA infection, rapid detection of MRSA is extremely important. The mecA gene codes the new drug resistant polypeptides called PBP2' which mediates the clinically relevant resistance to all beta-lactam antibiotics. The identical mecA gene has been found in coagulase-negative staphylococcus with the methicillin-resistant phenotype. On the other hand, the femA gene was absent from coagulase negative staphylococcus strains with the methicillin resistant phenotype. This study is aimed at early detection and definite diagnosis of MRSA. Methods : A total of 24 MRSA strains were studied. All strains were tested for antimicrobial susceptibility and purified DNA. We amplified both mecA and femA genes by PCR in 24 strains. Results : In MRSA all the 16 strains (100%) carried femA gene and 11 strains (68.7%) carried mecA gene. In contrast, in methicillin sensitive staphylococcus all the 8 strains (100%) carried femA and only 3 strains (37.5%) were detected mecA. Conclusions : As results, there are difference in the phenotype and genotype of methicillin resistance by PCR of mecA and femA. Such disparities between methicillin resistance and the presence of mecA gene suggest the presence of control gene of the mecA.

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