• Title/Summary/Keyword: 메타콜린

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Airway Responses to Bronchoprovocation Using High-Resolution Computed Tomography in Patients with Bronchial Asthma (기관지천식환자에 있어서 고해상도 전산화단층촬영술을 이용한 기관지유발에 대한 기도의 반응)

  • Choi, Byoung-Whui;Kang, Yoon-Jeong;Ko, Hyung-Ki;Park, In-Won;Hue, Sung-Ho;Kim, Yang-Soo;Kim, Young-Goo;Kim, Kun-Sang;Kim, Jong-Hyo
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.42 no.6
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    • pp.813-822
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    • 1995
  • Background: Bronchial hyperresponsiveness and abnormal response such as a loss of distensibility are pathophysiologic characteristics if bronchial asthma. The only means of direct in vivo measurement of airway size had been a tantalium bronchography, until high-resolution computed tomography(HRCT) enabled to measure noninvasively two dimensional airway area more accurately and reliably. Method: To investigate airway area responses to bronchial provocation with methacholine and evaluate the major sites of bronchial constriction in patients with bronchial asthma. We examined HRCT scans in five patients with bronchial asthma who had significant bronchoconstriction(20% or more decrease in $FEV_1$) using CT scanner(5,000T CT, Shimadzu Co, Japan) before and in 3~5 min. after methacholine inhalation. Airways which were matched by parenchymal anatomic landmarks in each patient before and after methacholine inhalation were measured using film scanner(TZ-3X scanner; Truvel Co. Chatsworth CA, USA) and a semiautomated region growing method. Results: 1) We identified 9 to 12 airways in each patient which were matched by parenchymal anatomic landmarks before and after methacholine inhalation. 2) Airway responses to methacholine are quite different even in a patient. 3) The constriction of small airways(average diameter <2 mm; area < $3.14mm^2$) was 48.7%(8.3; SEM, n=43), being more prominant than that of large airways(average diameter >2 mm; area > $3.14mm^2$), 53.8% (4.4;SEM, n=10), but not significantly different(p>0.05). 4) There was no significant difference in the degree of constriction between upper(44.3% +5.8; mean + SEM, n=30) and lower lung regions(56.7% +4.5, n=23). Conclusions: Thus airway responses to methacholine bronchoprovocation is quite variable in a patient with bronchial asthma and has no typical pattern in patients with bronchial asthma.

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Relationship between Bronchial Sensitivity and Bronchial Reactivity in Asthma (기관지천식 환자에서 기관지 감수성과 기관지 반응성에 관한 연구)

  • Seo, Ki-Youl;Chang, Jung-Hyun;Cheon, Seon-Hee
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.45 no.2
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    • pp.341-350
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    • 1998
  • Background: Airway hyperreponsiveness is a cardinal feature of asthma. It consists of both an increased sensitivity of the airways, as indicated by a smaller concentration of a constrictor agonist needed to initiate the brochoconstrictor response and an increased reactivity, increments in response induced subsequent doses of constrictor, as manifested by slopes of the dose-response curve. The purpose of this study is to observe the relationship between bronchial sensitivity and reactivity in asthmatic subjects. Method: Inhalation dose-response curves using methacholine were plotted in 56 asthmatic subjects. They were divided into three groups(mild, moderate and severe) according to clinical severity of bronchial asthma. PC20 were determined from the dose-response curve as the provocative concentration of the agonist causing a 20% fall in FEVl. PC40 were presumed or determined from the dose response curve, using the PC20 and the one more dose after PC20. Reactivity was calculated from the dose-response curve regression line, connecting PC20 with PC40. Results: PC20 were 1.83mg/ml in mild group, 0.96mg/ml in moderate, and 0.34mg/ml in severe. PC40 were 7.l7mg/ml in mild group, 2.34mg/ml in moderate, and 0.75mg/ml in severe. Reactivity were $24.7{\pm}17.06$ in mild group, $46.1{\pm}22.l0$ in moderate, and $59.0{\pm}5.82$ in severe. There was significant negative correlation between PC20 and reactivity (r= -0.70, P<0.01). Conclusion: Accordingly, there was significant negative correlation between bronchial sensitivity and brochial reactivity in asthmatic subjects. However, in some cases, there were wide variations in terms of the reactivity among the subjects who have similar sensitivity. So both should be assessed when the bronchial response tor bronchoconstrictor agonists is measured.

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The Etiologic Diseases and Diagnostic Usefulness of Color Doppler Ultrasonography in Children with Chronic Coughs (소아 만성 기침의 원인 질환과 컬러 도플러 초음파 검사의 진단적 유용성)

  • Park, Sun Young;Lee, Joon Sung
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.45 no.4
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    • pp.489-497
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    • 2002
  • Purpose : The objectives of this study were to investigate the causes of chronic cough and to establish the appropriate diagnostic approach to chronic cough in children. Methods : One hundred and thirty two cases of chronic cough were prospectively evaluated. They visitors to pediatric chronic cough clinics at Kang-nam saint Mary's Hospital of Catholic University from August 2000 to July 2001 for 12 months. Careful history taking by questionnaire, physical examination, radiologic studies of chest and sinus, hematologic and immunologic studies, allergic skin tests, and methacholine challenge tests were performed. Color doppler(CD) ultrasonography were performed and compared with simultaneous 24 Hr. esophageal pH monitoring to diagnose gastroesophageal reflux disease(GERD). Results : Age distributions were demonstrated that nine in infants, 82 in early childhood, 38 in late childhood, and three in adolescence. Common causes of chronic cough were bronchial asthma in 40 cases, chronic sinusitis in 22 cases, GERD in seven cases, bronchial asthma combined with sinusitis in 28 cases, bronchial asthma combined with GERD in 14 cases, psychogenic cough in two. cases, foreign body in one case, chronic bronchitis in one case, and bronchiolitis in one case. Comparing with 24 Hr. pH monitoring, sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value and negative predictive values of CD ultrasonography were 88%, 69%, 85 %, and 73% respectively. Conclusion : The most common causes of chronic cough in children were bronchial asthma, sinusitis and GERD in order. We suggest that CD ultrasonography can be used as a good, convenient screening method for patients with suspected GERD in outpatient settings.

Bronchial Responsiveness in Patients with Mitral Valvular Heart Disease (승모판 심장질환 환자에서 기관지 반응성에 대한 연구)

  • Kim, Ho-Cheol;Kim, Min-Gu;Hwang, Young-Sil
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.42 no.5
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    • pp.752-759
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    • 1995
  • Background: Bronchial asthma is characterized by noctunal dyspnea, cough and wheezing because of airway hyperresponsiveness to nonspecific stimuli. These symptoms and signs are also observed in patients with congestive heart failure. Therefore, this is so called "cardiac asthma". There are lots of experimental and clinical datas to suggest that airway dysfunctions occur in acute and chronic congestive heart failure. However, it is still controversial whether bronchial hyperresponsiveness is present in patients with congestive heart failure. To assess whether bronchial hyperresponsiveness is present in patients with congestive heart failure and to demonstrate the relationship between bronchial responsiveness and vascular pressure, we performed methacholine provocation test in 11 patients with mitral valvular heart disease. Methods: All patients were in the New York Heart Association functional class II and treated continuously with digoxin and/or dichlozid and/or angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor except one patient. All patients were undergone right and left side heart catheterization for hemodynamic measurements. A 20 percent fall of peak expiratory flow rate were considered as positive response to methacholine provocation test. Results: 1) Only one patient who has normal pulmonary artery pressure, pulmonary capillary wedge pressure, cardiac index was positive in methacholine provocation test. 2) Their mean pulmonary artery pressure, pulmonary capillary wedge pressure were $21.72{\pm}9.70mmHg$, $15.45{\pm}8.69mmHg$ respectively which were significantly higher. Conclusion: It is speculated that in stable congestive heart failure patients, bronchial responsiveness as assessed by methacholine provocation test may not be increased.

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Perspective of Bronchial Responsiveness According to an Inhaled Anti-inflammatory Treatment in Cough Asthma (기침형 천식에서 향염증 흡입제 치료 경과에 따른 기도과민성 변화에 대한 고찰)

  • Moon, Seung-Hyug;Ki, Shin-Young;Kim, Yong-Hoon;Park, Choon-Sik
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.45 no.5
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    • pp.1012-1021
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    • 1998
  • Background : It is known that airway inflammation is present in most patients with asthma, but the relationship between symptoms and the severity and nature of airway inflammation has not been established. Cough variant asthma is defined as an asthma in which the dominant symptom is cough, and the condition can be successfully treated with inhaled steroids. This study was performed to evaluate the time course of bronchial responsiveness according to an inhaled anti-inflammatory therapy and the factors which affect the resolution of bronchial responsiveness, and an efficacy of nedocromil to cough asthma. Method: A prospective study for the investigation of bronchial responsiveness according to an inhaled anti-inflammatory treatment in sixty-one cough asthmatics was performed. Twenty-three entered budesonide ($400{\mu}g{\times}2/day$), twenty-two entered nedocromil ($4mg{\times}2/day$) and sixteen patients entered combined group. The bronchial hyperresponsiveness (BHR) was estimated by methacholine challenge test using counted breath method. The symptom was estimated by 'symptom score'. Reevaluation of BHR and symptom was performed at 2 month after treatment, and if BHR was not resoluted at this time, regarded as a non-responder, and then follow-up of BHR and symptom was performed at 4- and/or 6 month after treatment. Results: The improvement of BHR and symptom was significant in 2 month (p<0.05), but there was no change of them during follow-up period of 4- and/or 6 month in non-responders. In comparison of allergic markers such as serum total IgE, peripheral eosinophil count and skin test reactivity between responders and non-responders, there was no difference in each other. However, in comparison of other factors such as cumulative pack-years, symptom duration, age, gender, and the initial degree of PC20, there was a significant difference in each other(p<0.05). The percent of patients with the resolution of BHR in 2 month was not different in each group(p=0.95). There was no significant difference in the degree of improvement of BHR and symptom in each group. Conclusion: Bronchial responsiveness and symptom was not significantly improved in non-responders during follow-up period of 4- and/or 6 month. The effect of inhaled nedocromil was equivalent to that of inhaled steroid in cough asthmatics, and the response to combined treatment is not superior to that achieved by either of these agents used alone.

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Association of Body Composition with the Development of Airway Hyper-Responsiveness (메타콜린을 이용한 기도 과민반응과 체성분과의 관계)

  • Jin, Hyun-Jung;Shin, Kyeong-Cheol;Chung, Jin-Hong;Lee, Kwan-Ho
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.70 no.3
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    • pp.235-241
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    • 2011
  • Background: The rising prevalence of asthma may be associated with the rising prevalence of obesity in developed nations. There are several studies showing that obesity increases the risk of asthma in adults. We investigated the association of each body composition scale and bronchial hyper-responsiveness. Methods: This study involved a retrospective review of the existing records for 279 subjects with respiratory symptoms, who underwent a pulmonary function test, a methacholine challenge test and a body composition test between May 2007 and June 2009. Results: Of the 279 subjects, 179 (64%) were female. There was a statistically significant difference in fat free mass and in fat free mass index between the normal bronchial responsiveness group and bronchial hyper-responsiveness group (p=0.036; p=0.000). There was no significant differences in body mass index, in fat mass and fat free mass index in the normal bronchial responsiveness group and bronchial hyper-responsiveness group in males. However in females, body mass index and fat free mass index were increased in the bronchial hyper-responsiveness group (p=0.044; p=0.000). Total body water (kg), fat free mass (kg) and soft lean mass (kg) were significantly different between the normal bronchial responsiveness group and bronchial hyper-responsiveness group (p=0.002; p=0.000; p=0.000). Conclusion: This study showed significant differences in fat free mass and in fat free mass index between the normal bronchial responsiveness group and the bronchial hyper-responsiveness group. In females, BMI, soft lean mass, and total body water showed significant differences between the normal bronchial responsiveness group and the bronchial hyper-responsiveness group. We concluded that bronchial hyper-responsiveness was associated with not only body mass index but also fat free mass index in female bronchial asthma.

Analyses of Phospholipids in Soybean Oils by HPLC (HPLC를 이용한 대두유 인지질의 분석)

  • Yoon, Suk-Hoo;Min, David-B.;Yeo, Young-K.;Horrocks, Lloyd A.
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.66-68
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    • 1987
  • The qualitative and quantitative analyses of phospholipids in chloroform-methanol extracted crude and hexane extracted deodorized soybean oils were carried out by High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). The phosphorus contents in hexane extracted crude, degummed, refiend, bleached and deodorized soybean oil were 510, 120, 5, 1.4 and 1 ppm, respectively. The chloroform-methanol extracted crude soybean oil had 800 ppm phosphorus. The phospholipids found in crude oil were phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylinositol, phosphatidylserine and phosphatidic acid. Only phosphatidylchonine and phosphatidylethanolamine were detected in the deodorized soybean oil. The HPLC method described in this report can separate and detect individual phospholipids in soybean oil at 0.1 ppm level in 30 min.

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Relationship Between Exercise Induced Asthma and Gastroesophageal Reflux (운동유발성 천식과 위식도역류와의 연관성)

  • Lee, Heung-Bum;Lee, Yang-Deok;Kim, Hyun-Chul;Lee, Yong-Chul;Lee, Soo-Teik;Rhee, Yang-Keun
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.48 no.2
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    • pp.203-209
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    • 2000
  • Background: Exercise is a very common precipitant of asthma. Bronche-constriction associated with exercise can occur in 75~90% of individuals with asthma The estimated prevalence(30~85%) of gastroesophageal reflux(GER) in patients with asthma is significantly higher than in general population. We performed pH monitoring during the exercise in order to evaluate whether exercise induced asthma(EIA) could be related to GER and acid reflux-induced esophagobronchial reflex-mediated bronchospasm might be a factor for EIA. Method: Following an overnight fast, 18 patients with a suspected EIA(6 men, 12 women) were studied. Monitoring of intraesophageal pH, ECG and spirometry was done for 1 hour before treadmill exercise. After baseline monitoring, subjects underwent symptom-limited treadmill exercise with Bruce protocol and continuous monitoring for 60 min after exercise. Spirometry was done at baseline prior to exercise, and repeated every 10 min after full exercise for 60 min. Results: Exercise-induced bronchoconstriction was noted in 15 patients, who performed MBPT and 12 patients confirmed for bronchial asthma and 3 patients were diagnosed exercise-induced astham. Five of 15 EIA patients demonstrated a pathologic degree of GER. Conclusion: We suggest that GER may be one of pathophysiologic factors of EIA and evoke further concentration on the GER in the EIA patients.

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Utility of a forced expiratory flow of 25 to 75 percent as a predictor in children with asthma (소아 천식에서 최대호기중간유량의 기관지 과민성 예측인자로서의 의의)

  • Kang, Jung Wan;Kim, Kyung Won;Kim, Eun Soo;Park, Jun Young;Sohn, Myung Hyun;Kim, Kyu-Earn
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.51 no.3
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    • pp.323-328
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    • 2008
  • Purpose : Asthma is defined as chronic inflammation of the lower small airways, and bronchial hyperreactivity (BHR) is a pathophysiologic feature of asthma. It has been proposed that although there is no direct variable capable of assessing the small airways, a forced expiratory flow of between 25 and 75 percent ($FEF_{25-75}$) might be considered a more sensitive early marker of small airway obstruction than the forced expiratory volume in 1 second ($FEV_1$). Thus, we proposed that the presence and degree of positive responses to bronchial methacholine testing were related to the difference (DFF) and ratio (RFF) between $FEV_1$ and $FEF_{25-75}$ in asthmatic children. Methods : The subjects were 583 symptomatic children, including 324 children with BHR and 259 controls. Pulmonary function tests, methacholine challenge tests, and skin prick tests were performed, and the total eosinophil count, total serum IgE, and serum eosinophil cationic protein level were measured in all subjects. From a concentration-response curve, the methacholine concentration required to produce a decrease of 20% from post-saline $FEV_1$ was calculated ($PC_{20}$). Results : The median DFF and RFF values decreased in controls compared to subjects with bronchial hyperresponsiveness, and this trend was found in groups ranked by its severity. $PC_{20}$ had a negative correlation with DFF and RFF. Cutoff values of 0.5 for DFF and 1.042 for RFF were identified, and sensitivity and specificity were calculated. Conclusion : This study revealed that DFF and RFF might be predictive of bronchial hyperresponsiveness in the context of normal $FEV_1$ in children.

Exhaled Nitric Oxide Concentration in Children with Asthma and Allergic Rhinitis : Association with Atopy and Bronchial Hyperresponsiveness (천식 및 알레르기성 비염 환아에서의 호기 일산화질소 농도 : 아토피 및 기도과민성과의 연관성)

  • Nah, Kyu Min;Park, Yang;Kang, Eun Kyeong;Kang, Hee;Koh, Young Yull;Lee, Sun Wha;Paek, Domyung
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.46 no.3
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    • pp.284-290
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    • 2003
  • Purpose : A new airway inflammatory marker, exhaled nitric oxide(ENO) has been reported to correlate with bronchial hyperresponsiveness(BHR) and atopy. The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship of ENO with BHR or atopy in patients with asthma and with allergic rhinitis. Methods : The subjects consisted of 55 children with asthma, 17 with allergic rhinitis, and 14 healthy controls. The asthma group was subdivided into the atopic asthma group(n=37) and the nonatopic asthma group(n=18) and the allergic rhinitis group into BHR group(n=7) and non-BHR group(n=10). All were investigated with spirometry and measurements of ENO concentration. The correlations between ENO concentration and both methacholine $PC_{20}$(provocative concentration causing a 20% decrease in forced expiratory volume in one second) and the number of allergen skin test positivity were analyzed. Results : ENO concentrations of both asthma and allergic rhinitis groups were significantly greater than that of control(P<0.01). ENO concentration of atopic asthma was significantly greater than that of nonatopic asthma(P<0.01). In allergic rhinitis, ENO concentration did not differ according to the presence or absence of BHR(P=0.50). ENO concentrations correlated significantly with the number of skin test positivity(r=0.32, P=0.02) or methacholine $PC_{20}$(r=-0.38, P<0.01) in asthma group, but not in the allergic rhinitis group(r=0.42, P=0.09; r=-0.06, P=0.83). Conclusion : In asthma patients, some pathogenetic mechanisms associated with atopy and BHR seem to influence ENO concentration. In allergic rhinitis patients, some factors other than BHR may be important in determining ENO concentration.