• Title/Summary/Keyword: 마디

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Kinematics of an Intrinsic Continuum Robot with Pneumatic Artificial Muscles (공압인공근육을 가진 내부형 연속체로봇의 기구식)

  • Kang, Bong Soo
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.40 no.3
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    • pp.289-296
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    • 2016
  • This study presents the kinematics of an intrinsic continuum robot actuated by pneumatic artificial muscles. The single section of a developed continuum robot consisted of three muscles in parallel. The contraction of each muscle according to applied air pressure produced spatial motions of a distal plate with respect to a base plate. Based on the bending behaviors of artificial muscles, the orientation and position of the end-effector of a continuum robot were formulated using a transformation matrix. The orientation and position was also determined for a single section of the distal plate. A Jacobian matrix relating the contraction rate or the pressure rate of the muscles to the velocity vector of the end-effector was calculated considering the assembled position of actuators between neighboring sections of the robot. Experimental results showed that the motions of the intrinsic continuum robot were accurately estimated by the proposed kinematics.

External Ultrastructure of the Western Flower Thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis, with Scanning Electron Microscope (꽃노랑총채벌레(Frankliniella occidentalis)의 외부 미세구조의 특징)

  • Kim, Gi-Duck;Kim, Nam-Sung;Park, Soo-Jin;Seo, Mi-Ja;Chae, Soon-Yong;Youn, Young-Nam
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.8-12
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    • 1999
  • The external morphology of Frankliniella occidentalis was studied by using the scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The antenna was consisted of 8 segments and the length of antenna was 0.25mm. The 3rd segment and 4th segment were bent. The 5th segment and 6th segment had sensilla with $7{\mu}m$ long. The 8th segment had 8 sensilla. The mouthpart was protruded and distributed many sensilla on there. The leg had no claw.

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Creating Songs Using Note Embedding and Bar Embedding and Quantitatively Evaluating Methods (음표 임베딩과 마디 임베딩을 이용한 곡의 생성 및 정량적 평가 방법)

  • Lee, Young-Bae;Jung, Sung Hoon
    • KIPS Transactions on Software and Data Engineering
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    • v.10 no.11
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    • pp.483-490
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    • 2021
  • In order to learn an existing song and create a new song using an artificial neural network, it is necessary to convert the song into numerical data that the neural network can recognize as a preprocessing process, and one-hot encoding has been used until now. In this paper, we proposed a note embedding method using notes as a basic unit and a bar embedding method that uses the bar as the basic unit, and compared the performance with the existing one-hot encoding. The performance comparison was conducted based on quantitative evaluation to determine which method produced a song more similar to the song composed by the composer, and quantitative evaluation methods used in the field of natural language processing were used as the evaluation method. As a result of the evaluation, the song created with bar embedding was the best, followed by note embedding. This is significant in that the note embedding and bar embedding proposed in this paper create a song that is more similar to the song composed by the composer than the existing one-hot encoding.

Seedling Plug and Cutting Method for Multi-propagation of Ornamental Miscanthus Spp. (조경용 억새의 대량번식을 위한 플러그묘와 삽목번식법)

  • Hwang, Kyung Sik;Joo, Song Tak;Ha, Soo Sung;Kim, Ki Dong;Joo, Young Kyoo
    • Weed & Turfgrass Science
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.275-282
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    • 2018
  • Miscanthus species are known as a genus of eco-friendly and low-maintenance cost ornamental grasses. Plug and cutting methods were tested for multi-propagation of most promising ornamental Miscanthus species in greenhouse and field plot. The plug formation period with three different cell sizes with four cultivars (M. sinensis 'Andersson', 'Strictus', 'Gracillimus', 'Variegatus') were evaluated the seedling development stages with two irrigation types of the over-head and the bottom watering in greenhouse and field plot afterward during 2015-2016 season. In seedling plug test, the size of tray cell affected the plug formation. Bottom irrigation resulted positively on plant height, weight, root and tiller development compared with the over-head irrigation. Plug cell size affected the plant growth in the field after transplanting. All of the 3 Miscanthus species showed higher rates of successful propagation at the lower nodes before inflorescence formation (vegetative growth stage). To analyze the survival factors of M. xgiganteus cutting, the cutting time, node part, and culm diameter were tested as independent variables with the binary logistic model. The survival probability was influenced by node part and culm diameter significantly. The third and fifth node parts showed 0.12 (8X higher failure probability) and 0.02 (50X higher failure probability) times less survival probability. It means the survival probability will be increased by using older and lower part of cuttings during a vegetative growth stage before inflorescences of M. xgiganteus.

The Effect of Cutting Positions and Temperature on the Rooting of Bitter Gourd (여주 삽목 시 삽수절단 위치와 온도조건이 발근에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Hee Ju;Lee, Sang Gyu;Kim, Sung Kyeom;Choi, Chang Sun;Kim, Sang Beom
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.162-167
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    • 2016
  • This study was carried out to investigate proper stem cutting position and air temperature to regenerate roots from cuttings of bitter gourd. 'NS454' (NS) and 'Dragon' (DR) cultivars were tested and the cutting position was cut at the 3rd node in the stem (treatment I) and cut at the central part (stem segment) between 3rd leaf and 4th leaf in the stem (treatment II). The air temperature was maintained at 18, 23, 28 and $35^{\circ}C$ in the growth chambers, respectively. The photosynthetic photon flux at the ground of a chamber was maintained in approximately $150-200{\mu}mol\;m^{-2}s^{-1}$ during the 16-hour photoperiod. The relative humidity in the chambers was maintained over 85%. After 10 days of cuttings, regardless of cutting position, DR and NS cultivars showed 100% the survival rate in the $18^{\circ}C$ or $23^{\circ}C$ treatments, however, most of plants $18^{\circ}C$ treatment had not rooting. In the $28^{\circ}C$ treatment, regardless of cutting position, DR and NS cultivars showed 100% of the rooting rate. In the $23^{\circ}C$ treatment, for DR cultivar, the node cutting showed 90% of rooting rate and the stem segment cutting showed 40% rooting rate. For NS cultivar, the node cutting showed 50% of rooting rate and the stem segment cutting showed 40% rooting rate. DR and NS cultivars have high rooting rate, while the rooting rate remarkably decreased in the $35^{\circ}C$ treatment. For DR cultivar, the stem segment cutting showed 5.3 of the highest rooting number and the node cutting showed 2.7 rooting number in the $28^{\circ}C$ treatment. NS cultivar was not significantly different the rooting regardless of cutting position. The results suggested that cutting at the stem segment cutting of bitter gourd is an effective cutting method for increasing survival rate and the air temperature should be maintained at $28^{\circ}C$.

A Study on Ma Je Kai Shi(麻帝核試) (麻帝核試의 硏究)

  • 김진구
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.5 no.4
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    • pp.6-11
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    • 1997
  • The purpose of this study was to identify and to trace the source of origins of 麻帝核試 that appears in Kei Rim Yu Sa(鷄林類事). Comparative liguistic analytical approaches ware employed for this study. Results of this study revealed that madi(마디) survives as a dialect for m ∂ri[머리(頭)] in Kyung Sang Province Thus, it si considered that the dialect madi(마디) is a survival of 마디(麻帝) of Koryo. Similar words to 核試 of Koryo were found in Hebrew and Japanese : Heb. k-u-tsi(zi) means locks of hair and Japanese ku-shi(くシ) has several meanings : comb, head, and the hair of the head. The word 麻帝核試 of Koryo is a compound ward of madi(麻帝), head and k ∂ shi(그시) 核試 locks of hair(hair of the head). 核試 of Koryo , Jao. ku shi(くシ), and Heb. k-u-tsi(zi) showed close relationships to one another. The word ku shi(si) 그시 核試 was derived from Heb. k-u-tsi(zi) and Jap. ku shi(くシ) was originated from 核試 of Koryo. Kor. ku shi(si) 그시 核試 is a transliteration of Heb. k-u-tsi(zi) and Jap. ku shi(くシ) is a trans-literation of Kor. ku shi 그시 核試.

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Song-lyrics Generation system by Deep Learning (딥러닝 기법을 이용한 노래 가사 생성 시스템)

  • Son, Sung-Hwan;Lee, Hyun-Young;Nam, Gyu-Hyeon;Kang, Seung-Shik
    • Annual Conference on Human and Language Technology
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    • 2018.10a
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    • pp.570-573
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    • 2018
  • 본 논문에서는 한국 가요 학습 데이터를 노래 가사 마디 단위로 문자열을 역전시키는 형태로 변형하고 LSTM으로 학습하여, 마디 간의 문맥을 고려해 문자열을 생성하는 방법에 대해 제안한다. 그리고 이를 통해 특정 가요 가사와 유사하면서도 다른 가사를 생성하는 것도 가능하다. 문자열의 우측 끝에 위치하면서 마디 간의 문맥을 연결해 주는 서술어, 접속사와 같은 요소를 활용하기 위해 데이터를 변형하여 적용한다. 제안하는 방식으로 생성한 문자열이 단순히 문자열 데이터를 그대로 학습하여 생성하는 것보다 상대적으로 더 자연스러운 문맥으로 생성되는 것을 확인하였다.

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Collembola from North Korea, III. Isotomidae (북한산 톡토기류. III. 마디톡토기 과)

  • 이병훈;김병진;김진대
    • Animal Systematics, Evolution and Diversity
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.281-292
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    • 1993
  • Five species of lsotomidae from North Korea, including four new species lsotomurus griseus nsp., I. myohyangsanus nsp., Isotoma grana nsp., I. agrana n. sp. and one new record for North Korea, Folsomia octoculata Handschin, 1925 are described and discussed. The Korean Isotomidae, therefore, come to list 19 species in 6 genera including 15 species in six genera from South Korea.

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An Application of the Multigrid Method to Eigenvalue problems (복합마디방법의 고유치문제에 응용)

  • Lee, Gyou-Bong;Kim, Sung-Soo;Sung, Soo-Hak
    • The Journal of Natural Sciences
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.9-11
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    • 1996
  • We apply a full mutigrid scheme to computing eigenvalues of the Laplace eigenvalue problem with Dirichlet boundary condition. We use finite difference method to get an algebraic equation and apply inverse power method to estimating the smallest eigenvalue. Our result shows that combined method of inverse power method and full multigrid scheme is very effective in calculating eigenvalue of the eigenvalue problem.

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A Compression of Cartoon Image Using Compact Complementary Quadtree (상보 쿼드트리를 이용한 만화 영상의 압축)

  • Lee, Jong-Yup;Kim, Sin-Jin;Kim, Young-Mo
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2000.10b
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    • pp.907-910
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    • 2000
  • 만화 영상은 대체적으로 단순하면서도 일정한 기울기(Gradation)를 가지는 영역이 많이 존재한다. 본 논문에서는 이러한 만화 영상의 특징을 고려해서 상보 쿼드트리를 이용한 효율적인 압축방법을 제안하고자 한다. 제안한 방법에서 상위마디의 색상은 하위 마디 중에서 가장 많은 부분을 차지하는 색상이 되며 각각의 마디는 형태 부호와 색상 부호 또는 형태 부호와 기울기 값으로 나타내어진다. 기울기를 가지는 영역이 많이 존재하는 만화 영상에서 제안한 방법은 기존의 다른 압축 방법보다 비트수를 줄일 수 있고, 무손실 점진적 전송도 가능하다.

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