• Title/Summary/Keyword: 리브

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Force Transfer Mechanism of Seismic Steel Moment Connections (리브로 보강된 내진 철골 모멘트 접합부의 웅력전달 메커니즘)

  • Lee, Chol-Ho;Lee, Jae-Kwang;Kwon, Keun-Tae
    • Proceedings of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea Conference
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    • 2001.04a
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    • pp.269-277
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    • 2001
  • 본 연구에서는 리브로 보강된 내진 철골 모멘트 접합부의 응력전달 메커니즘을 검토하였다. 리브보강 접합부의 응력전달 메커니즘은 고전 휨이론에 의한 예측과 전혀 다르다. 일반적으로 구조 기술자가 리브를 사용할 경우 단면이차모멘트의 증가에 따른 휨응력의 감소효과를 기대하는 것이 보통이다. 그러나 리브는 구조기술자들이 통상 가정하는 휨응력 전달요소라기 보다는 리브 구배 방향의 스트럿 요소로 기능하여 휨응력 외에도 전달응력을 전달한다. 리브를 스트럿 요소로 파악할 때 응력전달 메커니즘을 올바로 파악할 수 있으며 이를 기초로 합리적 설계법의 정립이 가능하다.

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Development of Low Noise Interleaved PFC and Interleaved DC/DC Converter (저잡음 인터리브 PFC 및 인터리브 DC/DC 컨버터 개발)

  • Kim, Shin-Woo;Song, Jung-Hwa;Kim, Hee-Jun
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2007.07a
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    • pp.1138-1139
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    • 2007
  • 위상이 반대인 두 컨버터를 병렬로 사용하는 인터리브 DC/DC 컨버터는 고밀도, 고직접화가 가능하며 전류 잡음이 적다는 장점이 있지만 시비율이 50% 가 아닐 때에는 전류 리플이 존재하게 된다는 단점이 있다. 본 논문에서는 이런 단점을 보완하기 위해 50% 시비율로 동작하는 인터리브 DC/DC 컨버터와 인터리브 PFC를 결합하여 단점을 개선한 저잡음 인터리브 DC/DC 컨버터를 제안하였다. 인터리브 DC/DC 컨버터는 반대 위상의 50% 시비율로만 스위칭되어 이상적으로 전류 리플이 상쇄되게 된다. 인터리브 PFC는 인터리브 DC/DC 컨버터의 출력 전압을 피드백 받아 입력 전압을 변화시켜 항상 DC/DC 컨버터의 출력전압이 일정하도록 유지한다. 실험을 통하여 이를 입증하고 그 결과를 보인다.

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A Study on the New Type Rib of Steel Deck Plates (새로운 형태의 강바닥판 리브에 대한 연구)

  • Chu, Seok Beom;Park, Jong Hae
    • Journal of Korean Society of Steel Construction
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    • v.26 no.6
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    • pp.605-615
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study is to propose an economic new type rib by applying plate stiffening methods of the corrugated plate and the honey-comb sandwich panel to the steel deck plate and comparing the new type rib with existing open and closed ribs. The trapezoidal corrugated type, ㄹ type, honey-comb type and ㅁ type ribs are considered as new type ribs and the moment and the steel volume are compared with that of open ribs and closed ribs. The results shows that the honey-comb type and ㅁ type ribs are good in aspects of economic feasibility and the ㅁ type is better than the honey-comb type. To make the ㅁ type rib applicable to the steel deck plate, the sensitivity analysis and parametric study are performed and the system to select the proper section under the particular stress condition is established. The closed rib of real bridges is compared with the ㅁ type rib of the proposed system and it is known that the new type rib is more economic. Therefore, more economic steel deck plates can be achieved by using the system proposed in this study for the plate stiffened with the new ㅁ type rib.

Equivalent Strut Model for Seismic Design of Steel Moment Connections Reinforced with Ribs (리브로 보강된 철골 모멘트 접합부의 내진설계를 위한 등가 스트럿 모델)

  • 이철호
    • Journal of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea
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    • v.5 no.3
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    • pp.79-85
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    • 2001
  • This paper presents an equivalent strut model for seismic design of steel moment connections reinforced with ribs. It is shown from the finite element analysis results that the force transfer mechanism in the rib connections is completely different from that predicted by the classical beam theory and a clear strut action in the ribs does exist. By treating the rib as a strut, an equivalent strut model that could be used as the basis of a practical design procedure is proposed.

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Analytical Study on the Characteristic of Fatigue Behavior in Connection Parts of Orthotropic Steel Decks with Retrofitted Structural Details in Longitudinal Rib (세로리브 내부 보강상세에 따른 강바닥판 연결부의 피로거동 특성에 관한 해석적 연구)

  • Sun, Chang Won;Park, Kyung Jin;Kyung, Kab Soo;Kim, Kyo Hoon
    • Journal of Korean Society of Steel Construction
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.105-119
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    • 2008
  • In steel deck bridges suffering directly on wheel load according to the number of serviced years, the occurrence of fatigue cracks increases in structural details, which includes the cross section parts of the longitudinal rib and transversal rib, and so on. Through the control method for these fatigue cracks the increased thickness of the steel deck plate or the application of retrofit detail to the inside of the longitudinal rib was observed to be effective. This study suggests structural details for the retrofitted and non-retrofitted longitudinal rib. The target details in this study are the connection parts of the lo ngitudinal and transversal rib, and the slit parts of transverse rib where fatigue cracks were frequently reported in previous studies. In the analyses, detailed structural analyses were performed as parameters, which include the shape, change of size and attached position. From the results the stress reduction in the target details was observed to be larger in the retroffited details. Also, the improvement of fatigue strength is more effective in the retrofitted details with the vertical rib than the bulkhead plate.

Formulating the Local Displacement and Local Moments of a Plate Stiffened with Open Ribs According to the Loading Sizes (재하 크기에 따른 개단면 리브 보강판의 국부 처짐과 국부 모멘트의 정형화)

  • Chu, Seok Beom
    • Journal of Korean Society of Steel Construction
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.267-278
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    • 2013
  • In this study, stiffened plates with open ribs are analyzed to estimate and formulate the local displacement and local moments according to square loading sizes. For the local behaviors of plates stiffened with rectangular and reverse T ribs, the ratio functions according to the dimensions of stiffened plates are obtained at each square loading size. Analytical results show that values of the basic stiffened plates are different but the ratio functions of each square loading size are similar and the difference of the ratio functions between rectangular ribs and reverse T ribs are small, so the ratio functions can be unified by integrating the loading sizes regardless of the rib type. The application of the unioned ratio functions to L type ribs and rectangular loading shows good accuracies. Therefore, the local behaviors of plates stiffened with open ribs can easily be obtained by using the unioned ratio functions proposed in this study.

Seismic Design of Rib-Reinforced RBS (Reduced Beam Section) Steel Moment Connections Based on Equivalent Strut Model (등가 스트럿 모델에 의한 리브 보강 RBS 철골모멘트접합부의 내진설계)

  • Lee, Cheol Ho
    • Journal of Korean Society of Steel Construction
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    • v.13 no.5
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    • pp.493-502
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    • 2001
  • This paper describes a seismic design procedure for rib-reinforced RBS(Reduced Beam Section) steel moment connections. Engineers often use rib plates to enhance seismic performance of steel moment connections. thinking that the 2nd moment of inertia is increased so that the tensile stress in the beam flange groove weld is reduced However the force transfer mechanism in the rib connections is completely different from that as predicted by the classical beam theory ; a clear diagonal strut action is present in the rib. By treating the rib as a strut the writer has recently proposed an equivalent strut model that could be used as the basis of a practical design procedure. In this paper the proposed equivalent strut model is briefly presented first. A step-by-step design procedure is then recommended based on the proposed model.

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The Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society (축방향 압축을 받는 폐단면리브로 보강된 복합적층판의 전체좌굴강도 근사해 유도 및 해석적 검증 방안)

  • Choi, Byung-Ho;Park, Sang-Kyun
    • Proceedings of the KAIS Fall Conference
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    • 2012.05b
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    • pp.600-602
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    • 2012
  • 폐단면리브 적용 판의 면내 압축좌굴 거동 특성 중에서 보강재 강성이 작고 비교적 낮은 임계하중을 받는 경우 전체기둥좌굴 거동이 예상된다. 본 논문은 폐단면리브 단면 강성의 고려 방안에 따라 단순 보 유사모형을 정립하고 전체좌굴에 대해 에너지 근사해법을 적용하여 전체좌굴강도 근사해를 유도하기 위한 기초적인 연구방안으로써 검토한 내용을 소개하고자 한다. 유사모형의 폐단면리브 중심에서 휨강성이 발휘되는 것으로 가정하여 모형화 하였다. 폐단면리브 보강판의 프로토타입 모델에 대해 직교이방성 $[(0^{\circ})_4]_s$와 Cross-ply $[(0^{\circ}/90^{\circ})_2]_s$ 적층단면을 각각 고려한 유한요소 해석을 실시하였다. U리브 단면강성에 따른 복합적층 보강판의 탄성좌굴강도 해석결과를 근사해 공식과 비교하고 U리브로 보강된 복합적층판의 좌굴모드 변화양상을 수치해석적으로 검토하였다.

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The Local Behavior of Stiffened Plates with Open Ribs Subject to a Concentrated Load (집중하중을 받는 개단면 리브 보강판의 국부 거동)

  • Chu, Seok Beom
    • Journal of Korean Society of Steel Construction
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    • v.17 no.5 s.78
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    • pp.593-604
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    • 2005
  • In this paper, the parametric study on the local displacement and the local moment due to a concentrated load is performed for stiffened plates with open ribs and the orthotropic rigidity ratio of stiffened plates is selected as the parameter. For estimating the local behavior, stiffened plates loaded on the center of plates between the ribs were considered and for the global behavior, stiffened plates loaded on the rib at the center of plates were analyzed. The Analyzed results for the local behavior of stiffened plates show that the increasing ratio of the local moment according to rib sizes is constant regardless of rib spaces and the ratio of the local displacement to the global displacement can be expressed as a function of the rib space and the rigidity ratio. The application of functions to examples shows good accuracy in comparison with the local behavior of stiffened plates loaded on the center of plates and the application to the orthotropic analysis of stiffened plates improves accuracy. Therefore, using functions proposed in this study, the local behavior can easily be estimated from the global behavior of stiffened plates with open ribs.

Buckling Behavior of Plates Stiffened with the New Type Ribs (새로운 형태의 리브를 갖는 보강판의 좌굴거동)

  • Chu, Seok Beom;Lee, Pil Nam
    • Journal of Korean Society of Steel Construction
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.59-66
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    • 2018
  • In this study, the parametric analysis for the buckling behavior of plates stiffened with the new type(${\Box}$ type) ribs was performed. Changes of the buckling capacity according to dimensions of ${\Box}$ type ribs show certain behaviors, so that the system to find the section of ${\Box}$ type ribs under the specific buckling capacity can be proposed. Applying this system to the steel deck of existing bridges, more economic sections of ${\Box}$ type ribs rather than that of closed ribs can be obtained. Therefore, the economic section of steel deck having the required buckling capacity can be designed by using the proposed system of ${\Box}$ type ribs.