• Title/Summary/Keyword: 로터 시스템

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Energy Harvester on a Ship Propulsion Shaft for Wireless Sensor System Applications (무선센서 시스템 응용을 위한 선박 추진 축계용 에너지 하베스터)

  • Van Ai Hoang;Young Chul Lee
    • Journal of Advanced Navigation Technology
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.96-101
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    • 2023
  • In this work, an energy harvester (EH) on the rotating shaft has been proposed for a wireless sensor system (WSS) applications. The EH was designed and implemented to the shaft with a diameter of 20 cm to continuously power a wireless sensor system (WSS). The rotor has coils wound in pairs on seven U-shaped cores attached to the shaft. The stator consists of eight pairs of magnets attached to eight I-cores and they are fixed to an outer fixture. The generated power of the EH was investigated as function of the air gap between the rotor and stator, the number of turn of coils, and shaft speed. The fabricated EH produced power up to 2.87 W at 300 rpm and the 3 mm air gap.

Characteristic Analysis of Hybrid Desiccant Cooling System for District Heating in Residential Environment (지역난방에 연계된 하이브리드 제습냉방시스템의 주거환경에서의 성능 분석)

  • Ahn, Joon;Kim, Jaeyool;Kang, Byung Ha
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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    • v.38 no.7
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    • pp.571-579
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    • 2014
  • A series of field tests on hybrid desiccant cooling systems were conducted in July-August, 2013. The temperature and humidity of the supply and return air, power, and heat consumption were monitored and transferred in real time through the Internet. The performance parameters of the cooling system, namely, cooling capacity and COP (coefficient of performance), were evaluated from the measured data and their variations under outdoor conditions was analyzed. It was found that with increase in the outdoor temperature, the total energy decreases and cooling capacity increases whereas the latter decreases with increase in the outdoor humidity. The COP was also found to increase with the increase in outdoor temperature.

A Study on Fault Detection of Main Component for Smart UAV Propulsion system (스마트 무인기 추진시스템의 주요 구성품 손상 탐지에 관한 연구)

  • Kong, Chang-Duk;Kim, Ju-Il;Ki, Ja-Young;Kho, Seong-Hee;Choe, In-Soo;Lee, Chang-Ho
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers Conference
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    • 2006.11a
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    • pp.281-284
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    • 2006
  • An intelligent performance diagnostic program using the Neural Network was proposed for PW206C turboshaft engine. It was selected as a power plant for the tilt rotor type Smart UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) which has been developed by KARI (Korea Aerospace Research Institute). The measurement parameters of Smart UAV propulsion system are gas generator rotational speed, power turbine rotational speed, exhaust gas temperature and torque. But two measurement such as compressor exit pressure and compressor turbine exit temperature were added because they were difficult each component diagnostics using the default measurement parameter. The performance parameters for the estimate of component performance degradation degree are flow capacities and efficiencies for compressor, compressor turbine and power turbine. Database for network learning and test was constructed using a gas turbine performance simulation program. From application results for diagnostics of the PW206C turboshaft engine using the learned networks, it was confirmed that the proposed diagnostics could detect well the single fault types such as compressor fouling and compressor turbine erosion.

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Numerical and Experimental Study on Linear Behavior of Salter's Duck Wave Energy Converter (비대칭 형상 파력발전 로터의 선형 거동에 대한 수치적·실험적 연구)

  • Kim, Dongeun;Poguluri, Sunny Kumar;Ko, Haeng Sik;Lee, Hyebin;Bae, Yoon Hyeok
    • Journal of Ocean Engineering and Technology
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.116-122
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    • 2019
  • Among the various wave power systems, Salter's duck (rotor) is one of the most effective wave absorbers for extracting wave energy. The rotor shape is designed such that the front part faces the direction of the incident wave, which forces it to bob up and down due to wave-induced water particle motion, whereas the rear part, which is mostly circular in shape, reflects no waves. The asymmetric geometric shape of the duck makes it absorb energy efficiently. In the present study, the rotor was investigated using WAMIT (a program based on the linear potential flow theory in three-dimensional diffraction/radiation analyses) in the frequency domain and verified using OrcaFlex (design and analysis program of marine system) in the time domain. Then, an experimental investigation was conducted to assess the performance of the rotor motion based on the model scale in a two-dimensional (2D) wave tank. Initially, a free decay test (FDT) was carried out to obtain the viscous damping coefficient. The pitch response was extracted from the experimental time series in a periodic regular wave for two different wave heights (1 cm and 3 cm). In addition, the viscous damping coefficient was calculated from the FDT result and fluid forces, obtained from WAMIT, are incorporated into the final response of the rotor. Finally, a comparative study based on experimental and numerical results (WAMIT & OrcaFlex) was performed to confirm the performance reliability of the designed rotor.

Dynamic Stability Analysis of Wind Turbines Considering Periodic Blade Pitch Actions (블레이드의 주기적 피치운동을 고려한 풍력 터빈의 동적 안정성 해석)

  • Kim, Kyungtaek;Lee, Chongwon
    • 한국신재생에너지학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2010.11a
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    • pp.186-186
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    • 2010
  • 개별 블레이드 피치 제어(individual blade pitch control)는 각각의 로터 블레이드의 피치각을 독립적으로 조정함으로써 블레이드에 작용하는 공력을 변화시키는 원리로 풍력 터빈 구조물에 발생하는 동적 피로하중을 저감시키기 위한 제어기법이다. 그러나 개별 피치 제어에 의해 발생하는 각 블레이드의 독립적인 피치 운동은 풍력 터빈 회전자에 비대칭성을 야기하고 구조물의 동적 불안정 현상을 발생시킬 수 있기 때문에 이에 대한 정확한 동적 해석이 선행되어야 한다. 하지만 블레이드의 피치 운동이 반영된 풍력 터빈은 시변계로 간주되어 기존의 시불변계 해석기법을 직접 적용할 수 없기 때문에 동적 해석에 어려움이 있다. 이 논문에서는 각각의 블레이드 피치운동을 주기함수로 근사화 함으로써 풍력 터빈을 주기 시변계로 모형화한다. 그리고 효율적으로 주기 시변계의 근사해를 구하기 위한 변조 좌표 변환(modulated coordinate transformation)기법을 적용하여 블레이드의 피치운동이 반영된 풍력 터빈의 동적 안정성 해석을 수행하였다. 그리고 현재 풍력 터빈의 동적 해석에 활용되는 대표적인 해석 기법인 다중 블레이드 좌표변환(multi-blade coordinate transformation)기법을 이용한 해석보다 정확한 결과를 얻을 수 있음을 보였다.

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A Dynamic Simulation and LQR Control for Performance Improvement of Small Gas Turbine Engine (소형 가스터빈엔진의 동적모사와 성능향상을 위한 LQR 제어)

  • 공창덕;기자영;김석균
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.24-32
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    • 1997
  • A nonlinear dynamic simulation of a small gas turbine engine was performed by using DYNGEN program with various environmental conditions. It was observed that the effect of the bleed air flow rate changed to overall engine performance. The real time linear model which was a function of engine rotor speed was resulted to be close to nonlinear simulation results. For optimal LQR controller, it was considered only fuel flow rate or both fuel flow rate and bleed air rate as inputs. In the comparison of both results, the LQR controller with multi input had better performance than that with single input.

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A Dynamic Simulation and LQR Control for Performance Improvement of Small Turbojet Engine (소형 터보제트엔진의 동적모사와 성능향상을 위한 LQR 제어)

  • 공창덕;기자영;김석균
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers Conference
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    • 1997.04a
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    • pp.55-60
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    • 1997
  • A nonlinear dynamic simulation was performed by using DYNGEN program with various environmental conditions. It was observed that the effect of the bleed air flow rate changed to overall engine performance. The real time linear model which was a function of rpm was resulted to be close to nonlinear simulation results. For optimal LQR controller, it was considered only fuel flow rate or both fuel flow rate and bleed air rate as inputs. In the comparison of both results, the LQR controller with multi input had better performance than that with single input.

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A study on driving characteristics of thin-type ultrasonic motor (Thin-type 초음파모터의 구동특성연구)

  • Jeong, Seong-Su;Jun, Ho-Ik;Chong, Hyon-Ho;Kim, Jong-Wook;Park, Min-Ho;Park, Tae-Gone
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers Conference
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    • 2009.06a
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    • pp.193-193
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    • 2009
  • Thin-type 초음파모터의 구조는 크로스형태의 앓은 스테이터에 윗면과 아랫면에 각각 8개의 압전세라믹이 부착된 형태이고, 압전세라믹의 분극방향은 로터와 접촉하는 스테이터의 중심부인 네 개의 타점에서 순차적인 타원변위가 생성되도록 결정된다. 유한요소해석프로그램인 ATILA 5.2.4를 사용하여 형태, 길이, 두께, 스테이터 재질, 클램프특성이 최적 설계된 모델을 제작하였고, 푸쉬풀 게이지, x-y 스테이지, rpm 메터, 토크 게이지, 맨코더, AD컨버터를 이용하여 피드백 제어 구동시스템을 구성하였다. 그림 I은 마이크로컨트롤러 (ATmega)와 피드백회로를 이용한 구동 드라이버를 보여준다. 한 주기에서 1/4분주의 순차적인 네 개의 구형파를 생성하고, 이를 push-pull회로를 통하여 90도의 위상차가 나는 정현파를 생성하여 초음파 모터의 구동전원으로 사용한다. 피드백 회로인 엔코더와 AD 컨버터는 초음파모터의 속도를 피드백하여 정속도 운전을 위한 전압제어에 사용되었다. 특성 측정 결과, 제품화된 드라이버와 비교하여 큰 차이를 보이지 않았고 피드백 회로를 통하여 부하변화에 따른 속도의 극심한 변화를 0.2~0.4[N]의 범위에서 정속도 운전이 가능하였으며, 장시간의 운전에도 온도 및 속도특성이 안정적임을 확인하였다.

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An Optimal Design of a Vertical Guide Bearing for Vibration Reduction (축계 진동 저감을 위한 수직형 안내 베어링의 최적 설계)

  • Ha, Hyun-Cheon;Park, Chul-Hyun;Kim, Hyung-Ja
    • Journal of Power System Engineering
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    • v.5 no.3
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    • pp.64-72
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    • 2001
  • This paper describes an optimal design technology in a segment type vertical guide bearing for vertical rotating machinery. Segment type vertical guide bearings have widely used for vertical rotating machinery, however bearing problems, such as excessive vibration and temperature rise, frequently take place in the actual machine. Such excessive vibration magnitude and/or abnormal bearing metal temperature rise result in serious damage and economic losses. Thus the segment type vertical guide bearing should be designed to get optimal characteristics in order to maintain stable operation without bearing failure due to abnormal vibration and/or abnormal bearing metal temperature. The preload ratio is the most important parameter in designing the segment type vertical guide bearing. Because adjustment of the bearing preload by changing the bearing clearance could easily control both the bearing stiffness and the cooling effect. In the paper, the influence of the preload effects on the bearing metal temperature and the bearing stiffness has been investigated both theoretically and experimentally in order to find out an optimum preload ratio. Results show that the segment type vertical guide bearing has an optimum preload ratio at which the bearing stiffness reaches a masimum value while the bearing metal temperature is minimized.

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Vibratory Hub Loads of Helicopters due to Uncertainty of Composite Blade Properties (복합재료 블레이드의 불확실성을 고려한 헬리콥터 허브 진동하중 해석)

  • You, Young-Hyun;Jung, Sung-Nam
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences
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    • v.37 no.7
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    • pp.634-641
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    • 2009
  • In this work, the behavior of vibratory hub loads induced due to the uncertainties of composite material properties for each of the participating rotor blades is investigated. The random material properties of composites available from the existing experimental data are processed by using the Monte-Carlo simulation technique to obtain the stochastic distribution of sectional stiffnesses of composite blades. The coefficients of variation (standard deviation divided by the mean) obtained from the sectional stiffness constants are used as an input to the comprehensive aeroelastic analysis code that can evaluate the hub loads of a rotor system. It is found that the uncertainty effects of composite material properties inevitably bring a dissimilarity to the rotor system. The influence of hub vibration response with respect to the individual stiffness (flatwise bending, chordwise bending and torsion) changes is also identified.