• Title/Summary/Keyword: 로우어 컨트롤 암

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Structure Optimization for a Lower Control Arm Using Sensitivity Analysis (민감도 해석을 이용한 로우어 컨트롤 암의 구조 최적설계)

  • Song, Byoung-Cheol;Jo, Young-Jik;Kim, Ju-Hyoung;Lee, Kwon-Hee;Park, Young-Chul
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Manufacturing Process Engineers
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.17-21
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    • 2008
  • Recently developed automotive components are of lightweight nature, providing automobiles with a high fuel efficiency and performance. In response to those trends of car developments, this study proposes a structural optimization method for the lower control ann. Lightweight design of lower control am can be achieved through two approaches: design and material technology. In this research, the former includes optimization technology, and the latter the technologies for selecting aluminum as a steel-substitute material. In this research, the design of experiments(DOE) built in ANSYS WORKBENCH are utilized to determine the optimum shape of a Lower Control Arm. And optimum design is compared first model and reduced design variable model that considered sensitivity using orthogonal array.

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