• Title/Summary/Keyword: 러시아성

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지표환경변화 추적을 위한 훕스굴 시추사업 현황

  • 김정찬;김주용;양동윤;남욱현
    • Proceedings of the Korean Quaternary Association Conference
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    • 2004.06a
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    • pp.49-50
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    • 2004
  • 푸른 진주라 불리는 훕스굴호는 러시아 국경에 인접한 몽고 북부의 청정호수로 해발 약 1,645m 지점에 위치한다. 훕스굴호의 길이는 약 136km이고, 폭은 20-40km이며, 최대수심은 약 262m 이다. 이 호수의 물은 세계에서 가장 깨끗한 담수 중 하나로 몽고 지표수원의 약 70%를 공급하고 있다. 훕스굴호는 바이칼 열곡대내에 형성된 일종의 구조호로 약 240만년 내지 400만년전에 형성된 것으로 추정되고 있다. 훕스굴호는 자연공원으로 지정되어 보호되고 있으며, 따라서 호수의 유역은 다행스럽게도 인간활동에 오염되거나 교란되지 않아 다양하고 흥미로운 육상/수성 생물상을 보유하고 있으며, 퇴적물 기록 역시 후기 신생대 동안의 중앙아시아의 지구환경 및 기후변화 연구에 매우 적합하다. 바이칼 시추사업 (Baikal Drilling Project)은 신생대 후기 동안의 중앙아시아의 지구조진화 및 전지구적 기후변화를 규명하기 위해 미국, 러시아, 일본, 독일 등이 참여한 다국가 공동사업이다. 바이칼 시추사업 연구팀은 지난 15년간 많은 노력과 예산을 투자하여 바이칼 호로부터 총 1,600m에 이르는 방대한 양의 퇴적물 코아를 성공적으로 회수하였고, 이 시료를 이용하여 후기 신생대 동안의 중부 유라시아 대륙의 고기후/고환경 진화과정을 성공적으로 규명하였다. 바이칼 시추사업이 성공적으로 진행됨에 따라, 이 사업에 참여했던 러시아와 일본의 과학자들은 바이칼호의 서쪽에 위치한 몽고 북부의 훕스굴에도 많은 관심을 가지게 되었으며, 동시에 바이칼 시추사업의 후속사업으로 훕스굴 시추사업을 새롭게 추진하게 되었다. 한편, 대륙내부에서의 제4기 지구환경 및 기후 변화 과정에 많은 관심을 가지고 연구해 오던 한국지질자원연구원도 2003년에 정식 회원으로 훕스굴 시추사업에 합류하였다. 훕스굴 시추사업 연구팀은 몽고의 지질광물자원연구소 (대표연구기관), 러시아의 지구화학연구소, 일본의 나고야대학교 그리고 한국의 지질자원연구원 등 4개국의 연구기관으로 구성되어 있다. 이들 4개 연구기관은 시추획득 및 기초연구 수행에 필요한 연구비를 현금 혹은 현물 (장비 포함)의 형태로 공동부담하고 있으며, 따라서 획득한 시추코아에 대해서도 각 연구기관이 전 구간에 대해 동일하게 25%의 소유권을 가지고 있다. 훕스굴 시추사업은 2008년까지 수행될 계획이며, 시추작업은 2005년까지 완료될 계획이다. 연구 진행과 관련하여, 공동연구의 명분을 높이고 분석의 효율성을 높이기 위해서 시료채취 및 기초자료 획득은 4개국의 연구원이 모여 공동으로 수행한 후의 결과물을 서로 공유하고, 자세한 전문분야 연구는 각 국의 대표기관이 독립적으로 수행하는 방식을 택하였다. 훕스굴에 대한 제1차 시추작업은 2004년 3월 말에 실시하였다. 시추작업 결과, 약 80m의 시추 코아가 성공적으로 회수되어 현재 러시아 이르쿠츠크 지구화학연구소에 보관중이다. 이 시추코아는 2004년 8월 중순경에 4개국 연구팀원들에 의해 공동으로 기재된 후에 분할될 계획이다. 분할된 시료는 국내로 운반되어 다양한 전문분야별 연구에 이용될 것이다. 한편, 제2차 시추작업은 2004년 12월에서 2005년 2월 사이에 실시될 계획이다. 수백만년에 이르는 장기간에 걸쳐 지구환경변화 기록이 보존되어 있는 훕스굴호에 대한 시추사업은 후기 신생대 동안 유라시아 대륙 중부에서 일어난 지구환경 및 기후변화를 이해함과 동시에 이러한 변화가 육상생태계 및 지표지질환경에 미친 영향을 이해하는데 크게 기여할 것이다.

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A Specificity and Narrative Structure of the Russian Iconostasis and Korean Amrtakundalin(amrita painting, 甘露幀畵) (러시아 이코노스타시스(iconostasis)와 한국 감로탱화(甘露幀畵)의 특수성과 서사구조)

  • Lee, Kyw-Young
    • Cross-Cultural Studies
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    • v.42
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    • pp.419-449
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    • 2016
  • The Russian icon and Korean tangwha (幀畵, altar portrait of Buddha) are based on the similarity of the divine Being. Each has the characteristic index that forms an existential connection with the object and at the same time, implies the symbolic meaning of the scriptures and doctrines of the Russian Orthodox and Buddhists. Russian icon and Korean tangwha with these attributes have origins in the Byzantine, India and China. Unlike most religious art, Russian icon and Korean tangwha clearly reveal profane orientation and mystical elements. This artistic phenomenon has evolved from the mystical religious culture in Russia and tantric rituals of the early Joseon period. Iconostasis, created from historical figures of the Old Testament, Jesus, the New Testament represent the principles of the macrocosm. Each icon of iconostasis has integrity, while each floor has another narrative and a meta-discourse on the entire composition. Three-Platforms of amrtakundalin can also have a huge epic that is directed from the Low-Platform to the High-Platform for the purpose of salvation. While the narrative of iconostasis has a time structure, from the beginning of the universe up to date in chronological time, amrtakundalin have pictorial transitions of time and space that rises from this life to a heavenly world. Despite the different world views of the Russian Orthodox and Buddhists, iconographical format and symbolism of heaven and hell in the Iconostasis, Last Judgment and amrtakundalin are similar. There is a constant antagonism between heaven and hell, light and darkness, water and flame. Iconographical contents include the water of life and nectar, the book of life and 'eoppu', and the scales and mirror of Karma that discriminate between the good and evil before judgment. The dualistic coordinate concept such as light and darkness, life and death, or heaven and hell that appears in the narrative structure of iconostasis, the Last Judgment and amrtakundalin leads the people to spiritual awakening.

차세대 군용기의 개발동향

  • 서병홍
    • Aerospace Industry
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    • v.57
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    • pp.40-43
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    • 1997
  • 지난 봄 미국 국방성은 해군, 공군, 해병대에서 다음 세기에 쓰일 통합전투기의 원형 제작회사로 록히드 마틴과 보잉 양사를 선정한 뒤 원형기 제작을 발주 계약했다. 또 지난 여름의 파리 에어쇼에서는 F/A-18 미국 최신예 전투 공격기에 이어 프랑스의 라팔, 러시아의 수호이 37등 차세대를 견양한 최신예기들이 선보였다.

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시베리아 자원활용을 위한 TSR-TKR연결 필요성

  • 김상원
    • Proceedings of the KSR Conference
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    • 2001.10a
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    • pp.35.2-48
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    • 2001
  • 남북한의 경제협력은 한반도 통합과정과 통일 한반도에 있어서 매우 중요한 의미를 지니게 될 것이다. 남북한 통합이 아직 속단할 단계는 아니므로 중장기적 전망이 타당하겠지만 러시아의 시베리아지역은 아ㆍ태지역과 유럽(중동과 서남아시아와 중앙아시아 포함)을 이어주는 교량의 위치에 놓여 있는 중요한 지역이므로 이지역을 둘러싼 국제적인 경쟁과 다양한 형태의 국가간 및 지역간 협력의 시대가 불원간에 도래할 것임을 전망할 수 있다.(중략)

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제품정보-버터와 마가린

  • Yun, Seok-Hu
    • 우유
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    • s.48 spring
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    • pp.39-41
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    • 1992
  • 우유의 유지방을 주성분으로 하는 지방 식품인 버터는 오랜 옛날부터 제조되어 애용된 유제품 중의 하나이다. 기록에 의하여 식용으로서 뿐만 아니라 약용과, 제물로 이용될 만큼 매우 귀중하고 신성한 것으로 보고되어 있다. 반면 버터 대용품인 마가린은 유지방이 아닌 식품성 또는 동물성지방을 주원료로 하여 만든 식품으로서 1869년 프랑스의 나폴레옹3세가 프러시아와 전쟁 때 버터의 부족을 해결하기 위해 인조버터를 만들었는데 이것이 변천하여 오늘의 마가린이 되었다.

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The characteristic of insightful act of gifted students in each field (Based on the Russian Activities-Oriented Theory) (각 분야 영재들의 통찰적 사고 행위의 특성 (러시아 활동주의 이론을 바탕으로))

  • Lee, Soon-Joo
    • Journal of Gifted/Talented Education
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.35-57
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    • 2005
  • As the results of studies based on the Russian Activities-Oriented Theory, the gifted students in many fields have common insights for the true nature of the problem, or the actual state. From Russian Activities-Oriented Theory of view, gifted students have the ability to discern the essential elements involved in each actual state and change of state of things, and to solve the problem, based on these elements. Enhancing these abilities of the students, the educator can develop the average student into a gifted one. This study result of the Russian specialist suggests the possibility of a stream of education that can develop gifted students. Hence, this paper discussed the points and processes of formation of the Russian Activities-Oriented Theory, and inquired on what is the true nature of the problem or the meaning of actual state and how it affects the studies of the student. The paper also investigated the actual conditions of wrong learning about some mathematical concepts and discussed the role of insights to the true nature of the problem in the learning process of the student.

On The Voice Training of Stage Speech in Acting Education - Yuri Vasiliev's Stage Speech Training Method - (연기 교육에서 무대 언어의 발성 훈련에 관하여 - 유리 바실리예프의 무대 언어 훈련방법 -)

  • Xu, Cheng-Kang
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.203-210
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    • 2021
  • Yuri Vasilyev - actor, director and drama teacher. Russian meritorious artist, winner of the stage "Medal of Friendship" awarded by Russian President Vladimir Putin; academician of the Petrovsky Academy of Sciences and Arts in Russia, professor of the Russian National Academy of Performing Arts, and professor of the Bavarian Academy of Drama in Munich, Germany. The physiological sense stimulation method based on the improvement of voice, language and motor function of drama actors. On the basis of a systematic understanding of performing arts, Yuri Vasiliev created a unique training method of speech expression and skills. From the complicated art training, we find out the most critical skills for focused training, which we call basic skills training. Throughout the whole training process, Professor Yuri made a clear request for the actor's lines: "action! This is the basis of actors' creation. So action is the key! Action and voice are closely linked. Actor's voice is human voice, human life, human feeling, human experience and disaster. It is also the foundation of creation that actors acquire their own voice. What we are engaged in is pronunciation, breathing, tone and intonation, speed and rhythm, expressiveness, sincerity, stage voice and movement, gesture, all of which are used to train the voice of actors according to the standard of drama. In short, Professor Yuri's training course is not only the training of stage performance and skills, but also contains a rich view of drama and performance. I think, in addition to learning from the means and methods of training, it is more important for us to understand the starting point and training objectives of Professor Yuri's use of these exercises.

A Study of the Impractical Area and Boundary of an Outer Royal Garden "Hamchunwon" Attached to Gyeonghuigung Palace (경희궁 별원(別苑) 함춘원의 실지(實地) 경역 고찰)

  • Jung, Woo-Jin;Hong, Hyeon-Do;So, Hyun-Su
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.40 no.1
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    • pp.26-42
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study is to examine and understand the area and the original outer boundaries of Hamchunwon(含春苑), which was the outer royal garden of Gyeonghuigung Palace, which existed before the site of the Russian legation. The results of the study are as follows. First, examining the 3 types of drawings prepared for securing the Russian legation's site and constructing a new building, it was confirmed that two low peaks, which appear to be the original terrain of Hamchunwon, existed in the north and south directions inside the site. According to the initial plan of the of the legation's site, it appears that the entrance of the legation building is connected to the Saemunan-ro in the northwest. However, according to the report made at the time when the Russian temporary minister Veber purchased the legation's site, it was recorded that the site already had a narrow entrance and a dirt road in place, and hence, it was connected to Saemunan-ro. This fact makes it possible to learn that the line of movement for officials and the original gate were located to the northwest of the site planned as the entrance of the legation building towards Hamchunwon. Second, the site was created by cutting the top of the high hill at the time of the construction of the legation building, and as a result, a two tiered staircase typed terrace was built. The ground on which the main building and the secretary's building, etc., were erected was made by cutting the highest peak and solidifying it flat, and a large quantity of soil was used for grading. In the case of the northern area of the main building, the traces of leveling the terrain by cutting the mountains are apparent, and an observation typed garden with a walking path and pavilion was formed by utilizing the physical environment equipped with an easy view. This may be considered as a use which is consistent with the topographical conditions of creating an outer royal garden to block the civilian views on a high terrain overlooking the palace. Third, Hamchunwon's fences were partially exposed in the photos from the 1880s through the 1890s, which demonstrate the spatial changes made around the US, UK, and the Russian legations. As a result of the photo analysis performed, Hamchunwon occupies the northern area of the Russian legation's site, and it is estimated that the north, west, and east walls of the legation resembled those of Hamchunwon. The area to the south of the Russian legation was originally a place made available for civilian houses, and it was possible to examine the circumstances of purchasing dozens of civilian houses and farmlands according to various materials. Fourth, Hamchunwon, which was formed as the outer royal garden of Gyeongdeokgung Palace of Lord Gwanghaegun, lost its sense of place as an outer royal garden when the entire building of Gyeonghuigung Palace was torn down and used as a construction members during the reconstruction of Gyeongbokgung Palace, and faded away as the site was sold to Russia around 1885. The area where Hamchunwon used to be located transformed into a core space of the Russian legation where the main building and garden were located after the construction of the new building. Hence, Hamchunwon, which was limited to the northern area of the Russian legation, does not carry the temporal and spatial context with Gyeongungung Palace and Seonwonjeon which were constructed after 1897, and it is determined that the view of Seonwonjeon as Baehoorim or Baegyeongrim is not valid.

Examination of NATO's Strategic Changes After the Russia-Ukraine War and Korea's Security Strategic Implications (러-우 전쟁 이후 NATO의 전략 변화와 한국의 안보전략적 함의 고찰)

  • Kim Hyun Jin;Bae Il Soo
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.25-29
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    • 2024
  • After the Russia-Ukraine War, NATO broke away from the peacekeeping strategy that it had maintained and declared that it would strengthen the multilateral security consultative body, pursue strategic stability, expand armaments, cooperate security, and strengthen dialogue and cooperation in the Indo-Pacific region. Changes in NATO's strategy directly and indirectly affect Korea's security environment. Only by clearly analyzing this and establishing policies and strategies to respond to it can the threat be suppressed and national interests protected. NATO designates China and Russia as threats. By using cooperation and solidarity with NATO as an opportunity, we will be able to strengthen security cooperation and alliances, develop and expand the defense industry market, and expand opportunities to participate in the Ukraine reconstruction project.

긴급진단 - HPAI 발생에 따른 농가 당부사항(2)

  • 대한양계협회
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    • v.46 no.12
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    • pp.105-109
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    • 2014
  • 지난 13일까지 총 4차례(1차 전남 영암 육용오리, 2차 전남 영암 육용오리, 3차 전북 김제 종오리, 4차 전남 보성 토종닭) 고병원성 AI신고 검사 결과 확진 판정을 받았다. 최근 일본, 러시아, 독일, 네덜란드, 영국 등 고병원성 AI 발생이 보고됨에 따라 해외여행 시 각별한 주의가 필요하다. 또한, AI 발생 국가에 머물던 철새가 국내로의 유입이 확인 되었으며 철새도래지 야생조류 분변 검사 결과 AI 바이러스가 검출되었다. 이에 따라 철새도래지 방문을 자제하고 야생조류 차단방역에 힘써야겠다. 따라서 AI 확산 및 전파를 막기 위해 농가에서 자율적으로 할 수 있는 방역활동 내용을 요약 정리하였다.