• Title/Summary/Keyword: 디지털 자동화

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Analysis of Abroad Mid- to Long-Term R&D Themes and Market Information in the Geological Information and Mineral Resources Fields (지질정보 및 광물자원 분야 국외 중장기 연구개발 주제 및 시장정보 분석)

  • Ahn, Eun-Young
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.52 no.6
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    • pp.637-645
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    • 2019
  • Due to the transformation to the intelligent information society, the rapid change of our life and environment is expected. The Ministry of Science and ICT (MSIT) and the National Research Council of Science and Technology (NST) introduced a five-year government supported research institution's planning and evaluation based on the mid-to long-term perspective. This study collects international benchmarking information including industry, academia, and research fields by collecting mid- and long-term strategy reports from public research institutes, surveys by experts from abroad universities and research institutes, and analyzing overseas market information reports. The British Geological Survey (BGS), the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and the japanese geological survey related institutes (AIST-GSJ) plans for three-dimensional national geological information, predictions of geological environmental disasters, and development of important metals and material in the low carbon economic transformation and in the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. The mid- and long-term program emphasizes basic and public research on geological information through abroad experts survey such as the IPGP-CNRS etc. The market analysis of the mining automation and digital map sectors has been able to derive the fields in which the role of public research institutes by the market is expected such as data collection on land and in the air, mobile or three-dimensional information production, smooth/fast/real-time maps, custom map design, mapping support to various platforms, geological environmental risk assessment and disaster management information and maps.

Development of a Prototype Automatic Sorting System for Dried Oak Mushrooms (건표고 자동선별을 위한 시작시스템 개발)

  • Hwang, H.;Lee, C.H.
    • Journal of Biosystems Engineering
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.414-421
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    • 1996
  • 한국과 일본의 경우 건표고를 외관의 품질상태 에 따라 12등급에서 16등급으로 구분하고 있다. 그리고 등급판정 작업은 임의로 추출한 샘플을 대상으로 전문 감정가에 의해 수작업으로 수행되고 있다. 건표고의 품질을 결정짓는 외관의 품질인자들은 갓과 내피에 고루 분포하고 있다. 본 논문에서는 컴퓨터 영상처리 시스템에 의거하여 개발한 건표고 자동 등급판정 및 선별 시작시스템의 구조와 기능 그리고 성능에 대하여 설명하였다. 개발한 시작시스템은 표고의 이송과 취급자동화를 위한 진동이송기, 반전장치, 컨베이어 이송장치와 두 세트의 컴퓨터 영상처리 시스템, 그리고 시스템 통괄제어를 위한 IBM PC AT호환 컴퓨터, 디지털 입출력 보드, 전공압실린더 구동제어를 위한 PLC등으로 구성하였다. 등급판정의 효율성 및 실시간 작업시스템을 고려하여 건표고의 등급판정은 두 세트의 컴퓨터 영상처리 시스템을 이용하여 이송되는 건표고의 갓 또는 내피 중 어디가 위를 향하는 지에 따라 두 단계에 걸쳐 독립적으로 판정을 수행하도록 하였다. 첫 번째 영상처리부에서는 갓표면 영상으로부터 4등급의 고품질 표고를 분류하며 두 번째 영상처리부에서는 내피표면 영상으로부터 중간 및 저품질 표고를 8개의 등급으로 분류한다. 실시간 영상정보처리를 목적으로 기존에 개발한 신경회로망을 이용한 등급판정 알고리즘을 시작시스템에 적용하였다. 개발한 시작기는 88% 이상의 등급판정 정확도를 보여 주었으며, 전공압시스템의 구동제약으로 인하여 표고 1개당 약0.7초의 선별시간이 소요되었다. 일조 선별라인의 경우 본 연구에서 제안한 시작기의 선별능력은 표고가 일차 처리부로 갓이 위로 올라와 있는 상태로 계속 공급된다면 시간당 대략 5,000여 개의 표고를 처리할 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.보강하여 가능하면 B-Pillar의 Middle이 Bending type collapse을 방지하여 Pelvis와 Door가 먼저 접촉하는 방법 등이 적용가능하다. 제작하기 이전에 설계된 부품에 대한 스프링 상수 및 내구특성을 체계적으로 규명하여 제품 시험의 횟수를 줄이고, 보다 정밀한 제품을 제작할 수 있도록 하기 위한 것이다.세포수는 초기 배반포기배에서 팽윤 배반포기배로 진행됨에 따라 두배에서 세배 정도 증가되었음을 알 수 있었다. 또한, differential labelling과 bisbenzimide기법에서 얻어진 각각의 총세포수를 비교하였을 때 총세포수는 발달의 진행 정도에 따라 증가되며 그와 동시에 동일한 군 간의 세포수도 거의 유사함을 알 수 있었다. 따라서, ICM과 TE를 differential labelling하는 기법은 수정란의 quality를 평가하는데 매우 유용한 기법으로서 착상전 embryo 발달을 연구하는데 효과적으로 이용될 수 있다는 것을 시사한다. 고도의 유의차를 나타낸 반면 비수구, 초생수로구 및 Bromegrass 목초구 간에는 아무런 유의차가 인정되지 않았다. 7. 농지보전 처리구인 배수구와 초생수로구는 비처리구에 비해 낮은 침두 유출량과 낮은 토양유실량을 나타내었다.구보다 14% 절감되는 것으로 나타났다.작용하는 것으로 사료된다.된다.정량 분석한 결과이다. 시편의 조성은 33.6 at% U, 66.4 at% O의 결과를 얻었다. 산화물 핵연료의 표면 관찰 및 정량 분석 시험시 시편 표면을 전도성 물질로 증착시키지 않고, Silver Paint 에 시편을 접착하는 방법으로도 만족한 시험 결과를 얻을 수 있었다.째, 회복기 중에 일어나는 입자들의 유입은 자기폭풍의 지속시간을 연장시키는 경향을 보이며 큰

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Web and Building Information Model-based Visualization of Indoor Environment -Focusing on the Data of Temperature, Humidity and Dust Density- (웹 및 건물정보모델기반 실내 환경 디지털 시각화 -온습도와 미세먼지 농도 데이터를 중심으로-)

  • Huang, Jin-hua;Lee, Jin-Kook;Jeon, Gyu-yeob
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.327-336
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    • 2017
  • People spend most of their time in the indoor environment. Among the various indoor environmental factors, air and thermal environment directly affect human's health and efficiency of work. Therefore, efficient monitoring of indoor environment is highly important. For assisting the residents to understand the state of the indoor environment much easier and more intuitive, this paper analyze the visualization cases of the conventional indoor environment. Then explore the direction of improvement for the visualization method to propose a more effective visualization method. The approach of web and BIM(Building Information Model)-based visualization of indoor environment proposed in this study is composed of four major parts: 1) the generation of the model data of the building; 2) the generation of indoor environmental data; 3) the creation of visualization elements; 4) data mapping. Then it realized through the generating process of visualization results.

The Design of IoT-based Drive Through Service System for Customers in Distribution Stores (대형 유통매장의 고객을 위한 IoT기반 드라이브 스루 서비스 시스템 설계)

  • Min, So-Yeon;Lee, Jong-Hee
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.18 no.11
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    • pp.151-157
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    • 2017
  • Recently, the retail industry has created efficient store operations, and has differentiated customer service through the future store. The intelligence of these stores is being applied by using technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT), and the business process is being improved through this. The process also focuses on efficient store operations and service developments to provide customers with shopping convenience. The change in trends in the industry means that domestic distribution has already reached maturity. Even in countries where retail industries are mature, such as the U.S. and Europe, recent trends are moving toward maximizing operational efficiency and customer service. The reason is that many retailers have already reached saturation and survived the competition. This paper is a study of a drive-through service for automation and efficiency in receiving service after ordering by a customer of the distribution store. When ordering a product being purchased by a customer, the product picking process is done in a timely fashion through a picking scheduling agent. When the customer enters the store parking lot, a service supports the entry of information and finding a parking place so the customer can quickly pick up the goods. The proposed service can be applied to a retail store drive-through system, the distribution store's delivery system, the digital picking system, and indoor/outdoor large parking management systems, and it is possible to provide one-dimensional customer service through the application of IoT technology.

A Metadata Representation Scheme based on XML Schema for Special Digital Collections (디지털 특수자료를 위한 XML 스키마 기반의 메타데이터 표현 체계)

  • Oh, Sam-Gyun;Chae, Jin-Seok
    • Journal of the Korean Society for information Management
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    • v.21 no.4 s.54
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    • pp.109-131
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    • 2004
  • As there are diverse delivery media and forms of information resources, their management schemes are diverse as well. In library community, cataloguing. rules for describing information resources such as AACR and KCR have been developed. The efforts to automate management of information resources based on these rules resulted in the development of MARC. However, MARC records are restricted in describing the information resources and MARC has various and distinct characteristics of the structural rigidity, which does not support the representation of extended semantic structures that exist among bibliographic entities. Therefore, since the data model for MARC is single-layer data model, it is not appropriate for describing information resources represented by multi-layer data model which can be used to set up the relationships among various objects in digital libraries. In this paper, we propose an a metadata model for digital libraries based on the IFLA FRBR basic model which supports multi-layer data model and a representation scheme based on XML Schema to manage the metadata about old books, old documents, resource related to music, conferences and seminars.

A SoC Design Synthesis System for High Performance Vehicles (고성능 차량용 SoC 설계 합성 시스템)

  • Chang, Jeong-Uk;Lin, Chi-Ho
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.181-187
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    • 2020
  • In this paper, we proposed a register allocation algorithm and resource allocation algorithm in the high level synthesis process for the SoC design synthesis system of high performance vehicles We have analyzed to the operator characteristics and structure of datapath in the most important high-level synthesis. We also introduced the concept of virtual operator for the scheduling of multi-cycle operations. Thus, we demonstrated the complexity to implement a multi-cycle operation of the operator, regardless of the type of operation that can be applied for commonly use in the resources allocation algorithm. The algorithm assigns the functional operators so that the number of connecting signal lines which are repeatedly used between the operators would be minimum. This algorithm provides regional graphs with priority depending on connected structure when the registers are allocated. The registers with connecting structure are allocated to the maximum cluster which is generated by the minimum cluster partition algorithm. Also, it minimize the connecting structure by removing the duplicate inputs for the multiplexor in connecting structure and arranging the inputs for the multiplexor which is connected to the operators. In order to evaluate the scheduling performance of the described algorithm, we demonstrate the utility of the proposed algorithm by executing scheduling on the fifth digital wave filter, a standard bench mark model.

A Study on the Design of Smart Contracts mechanism based on the Blockchain for anti-money laundering (자금 세탁 방지를 위한 블록체인 기반 스마트 컨트랙트 메커니즘 설계)

  • Kang, Heejung;Kim, Hye Ri;Hong, Seng-phil
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2018
  • The Blockchain is a technique that prevents data from being manipulated and guarantees the integrity and reliability of the data by all participants in the network jointly owning and validating the data. Since the Blockchain characterized by security, scalability and transparency, it is used in a variety of fields including logistics, distribution, IoT and healthcare, including remittance. In particular, there is a growing interest in smart contract that can create different forms of contracts and automate implementation based on Blockchain. Smart Contract can be used to pre-programme contracts and are implemented immediately when conditions are met. As a result, digital data can be more reliable. In this paper, we are conducting a study on the smart contract design as a way to solve such problems as illegal misuse of funds on virtual currency, which has become an issue recently. Through this process, we applied the customer identification and money laundering prevention process using smart contract, and then check the possibility of preventing money laundering and propose the ASM (AML SmartContract Mechant) design.

Home Network Observation System Using Activate Pattern Analysis of User and Multimedia Streaming (사용자의 행동 패턴 분석과 멀티미디어 스트리밍 기술을 이용한 홈 네트워크 감시 시스템)

  • Oh Dong-Yeol;Oh Hae-Seok;Sung Kyung-Sang
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.8 no.9
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    • pp.1258-1268
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    • 2005
  • While the concept of Home Network is laying by and its interests are increasing by means of digitalizing of the information communication infrastructure, many efforts are in progress toward convenient lives. Moreover, as information household appliances which have a junction of connecting to the network are appearing over the past a few years, the demands against intellectual Home Services are increasing. In this paper, by being based upon Multimedia which is an essential factor for developing of various application services on ubiquitous computing environments, we suggest a simplified application model that could apply the information to the automated processing system after studying user's behavior patterns using authentication and access control for identity certification of users. In addition, we compared captured video images in the fixed range by pixel unit through some time and checked disorder of them. And that made safe of user certification as adopting self-developed certification method which was used 'Hash' algorism through salt function of 12 byte. In order to show the usefulness of this proposed model, we did some testing by emulator for control of information after construction for Intellectual Multimedia Server, which ubiquitous network is available on as a scheme so as to check out developed applications. According to experimental results, it is very reasonable to believe that we could extend various multimedia applications in our daily lives.

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Intelligent Architectural Design Module for Process Automation of Hanok Constructions (한옥 건축공정 자동화를 위한 지능형 설계모듈의 구현)

  • Ahn, Eun-Young
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.15 no.9
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    • pp.1156-1164
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    • 2012
  • Hanok is a cultural heritage containing our ancestor's life style intact and breathing alive with us until now. As Hanok has been concerned as a echo-friendly architecture, a new methodology for efficient construction without damaging the traditional construction process comes into request. The goal of this research is development of a architectural design tool based on the BIM(Building Information Modeling) for satisfying these demands. It will be usable to support whole process of the traditional building from digital design to production and construction. Firstly, we take a consideration of the traditional architecture reflecting the spirit of the age and suggest efficient design method for architectural components. Each components is pre-fabricated as a template representing similar components. All pre-fabricated components are designed by object-oriented concepts so, many variations for a component can be derived from the pre-fabricated component. Our method is helpful for reducing design errors because that it considers combining rule between connecting components in the template design. Moreover it is plugged in the commercial architectural CAD, so it can supports digital design not only traditional architecture but also fusion style mixed with modern architecture.

The Design of an Auto Tuning PI Controller using a Parameter Estimation Method for the Linear BLDC Motor (선형 추진 BLDC 모터에 대한 파라미터 추정 기법을 이용하는 오토 튜닝(Auto Tuning) PI 제어기 설계)

  • Cha Young-Bum;Song Do-Ho;Koo Bon-Min;Park Moo-Yurl;Kim Jin-Ae;Choi Jung-Keyng
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.659-666
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    • 2006
  • Servo-motors are used as key components of automated system by performing precise motion control as accurate positioning and accurate speed regulation in response to the commands from computers and sensors. Especially, the linear brushless servo-motors have numerous advantages over the rotary servo motors which have connection with the friction induced transfer mechanism such as ball screws, timing belts, rack/pinion. This paper proposes an estimation method of unknown motor system parameters using the informations from the sinusoidal driving type linear brushless DC motor dynamics and outputs. The estimated parameters can be used to tune the controller gain and a disturbance observer. In order to meet this purpose high performance Digital Signal Processor, TMS320F240, designed originally for implementation of a Field Oriented Control(FOC) technology is adopted as a controller of the liner BLDC servo motor. Having A/D converters, PWM generators, rich I/O port internally, this servo motor application specific DSP play an important role in servo motor controller. This linear BLDC servo motor system also contains IPM(Intelligent Power Module) driver and hail sensor type current sensor module, photocoupler module for isolation of gate signals and fault signals.