• Title/Summary/Keyword: 등안락성곡선

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Determination of the Frequency Weighting Curves for the Estimation of Discomfort by the Steering Wheel Vibration (조향휠 진동의 안락성 평가를 위한 주파수 가중치 곡선 결정)

  • 홍석인;장한기;김승한
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.1048-1052
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    • 2003
  • This study aims to derive frequency weighting curves for the estimation of driver's discomfort by steering wheel vibration in the vertical and rotational direction with respect to a steering column. Subjective tests for the determination of equal sensation curves, inverse of frequency weighting curves, for the two kinds of vibrations were performed using the sinusoidal signals with reference amplitudes from 0.2m/s$^2$ to 0.4 m/s$^2$ in the frequency range from 5㎐ to 100㎐. Twelve subjects joined at the tests, and median values of the twelve judgments were used to determine the frequency weighting curves. Second experiment was followed to determine relative magnitude between the two frequency weighting curves by direct comparison of discomfort due to the two kinds of vibrations at 50㎐, which showed discomfort by the rotational vibration was 1.5 times of that by the vertical vibration.

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Development of Frequency Weighting Shape for Evaluation of Discomfort due to Vertical Whole-body Shock Vibration (수직방향 전신 충격진동의 불편함 평가를 위한 주파수가중곡선 개발)

  • Ahn, Se-Jin;Jeong, Weui-Bong
    • Transactions of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering
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    • v.16 no.6 s.111
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    • pp.658-664
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    • 2006
  • Shock vibrations are usually experienced in vehicles excited by impulsive input, such as bumps. The frequency weighting functions of the current standards in ISO 2631 and BS 6841 are to help objectively predict the amount of discomfort of stationary vibration. This experimental study was designed to develop frequency weighting shape for shock vibration having various fundamental frequencies from 0.5 to 16Hz. The specks were produced from the response of single. degree-of-freedom model to a half-sine force input. Fifteen subjects used the magnitude estimation method to judge the discomfort of vertical shock vibration generated on the rigid seat mounted on the simulator. The magnitudes of the shocks, expressed in terms of both peak-to-peak value and un-weighted vibration dose values (VDVs) , were correlated with magnitude estimates of the discomfort. The frequency weighting shapes from the correlation were developed and investigated having nonlinearity due to the magnitude of the shock.

Study on Discomfort of Vertical Whole-body Shock Vibration Having Various Magnitudes, Frequencies and Damping (다양한 크기와 주파수 그리고 감쇠를 갖는 상하방향 전신 충격진동에 대한 불편함 연구)

  • Ahn, Se-Jin;Griffin, Michael J.;Yoo, Wan-Suk;Jeong, Weui-Bong
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Automotive Engineers
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.50-57
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    • 2007
  • Shocks are excited by impulsive forces and cause discomfort in vehicles. Current standards define means of evaluating shocks and predicting their discomfort, but the methods are based on research with a restricted range of shocks. This experimental study was designed to investigate the discomfort of seated subjects exposed to a wide range of vertical shocks. Shocks were produced from the responses of one degree-of-freedom models, with 16 natural frequencies (from 0.5 to 16 Hz) and four damping ratios (0.05 0.1, 0.2 and 0.4), to a hanning-windowed half-sine force inputs. Each type of shock was presented at five vibration dose values in the range $0.35\;ms^{-1.75}$ to $2.89\;ms^{-1.75}$. Fifteen subjects used magnitude estimation method to judge the discomfort of all shocks. The exponent in Stevens' power law, indicating the rate of growth in discomfort with shock magnitude, decreased with increasing fundamental frequency of the shocks. At all magnitudes, the equivalent comfort contours showed greatest sensitivity to shocks having fundamental frequencies in the range 4 to 12.5 Hz. At low magnitudes the variations in discomfort with the shock fundamental frequency were similar to the frequency weighting $W_b$ in BS 6841, but low frequency high magnitudes shocks produced greater discomfort than predicted by this weighting. At some frequencies, for the same unweighted vibration dose value, there were small but significant differences in discomfort caused by shocks having different damping ratios. The rate of increase in discomfort with increasing shock magnitude depends on the fundamental frequency of the shock. In consequence, the frequency-dependence of discomfort produced by vertical shocks depends on shock magnitude. For shocks of low and moderate discomfort, the current methods seem reasonable, but the response to higher magnitude shocks needs further investigation.