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  • Title/Summary/Keyword: 등급화 분석

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The Study on the Metadata Elements to Develop KORMARC Datafield for Archives (기록물용 KORMARC 데이터필드 개발을 위한 메타데이터 요소에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Jin-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Society for information Management
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    • v.22 no.3 s.57
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    • pp.351-378
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    • 2005
  • The study intended to develop KORMARC for archives in order to integrate archives with library materials. The results of the study can be summarized as follows; (1) 2 areas for conservation and physical description are added to the existing 7 areas of ISAD(G)2. The study has also proved that the existing 26 elements of ISAD(G)2 are not fully enough to satisfy the information demands' of institutions and its users as well. (2) For the use of domestic archives in particular, the study has added the description elements of archives that appeared in the Government Regulations of Office Management and those forms of documents that are specified by law for the sake of computerization. The study has added the possible release and grade, release dates, release range, conservation periods, conservation periods, conservation value, the status description of archives elements that are specified in Public Record Management Law. (3) The study has developed the following data fields to be added into KORMARC. 512 creation dates note, 555 finding aids note, 583 action note and 584 accumulation note. Also it reorganizes and adds the indicators of the 245 title statement, 300 physical description 306 playing time, 506 restriction on access note, 534 original version note, 535 location of originals/duplicates note, 540 terms governing use and reproduction notes, 541 immediate source of acquisition note, 545 biographical or historical note, 581 publication note, 850 holding institution data fields.

Preparation of Natural Wall Paint by Using Sericite Clay (견운모를 이용한 벽마감용 천연페인트 제조)

  • Kim, Munui;Lalhmunsiama, Lalhmunsiama;Lee, Seung-Mok;Jin, Kang-Jung
    • Applied Chemistry for Engineering
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    • v.28 no.5
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    • pp.501-505
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    • 2017
  • Due to the rapid urbanization and increased population, there is an increase in airtight nature of buildings which causes serious indoor air pollution. Among several indoor air pollutants, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emitted from paint are of major concern. Therefore, there is an urge for the development of environmental friendly paint products. In this wok, a natural wall paint (NWP) was prepared by utilizing a natural clay material "sericite" as a main component. A small chamber test was carried out to identify the toxic substances release from NWP and the results were compared with two eco-friendly commercial paints. The total VOCs were detected in trace level inside the test chamber and their concentrations were below the recommended indoor air quality standards. Toluene was not detected for NWP, whereas formaldehyde was observed in trace level. The toxicity index results were compared with two commercial paints and found that NWP exhibited less harmful gas emission. Based on certification rating of building materials, NWP can be classified as the first grade of building materials. Due to the above advantages, the use of sericite as a major component in NWP will be a useful technique to maintain the indoor air quality.

A study on the Increase in Construction Cost for Zero Energy Building (제로에너지건축물의 공사비 증가분 산출에 관한 연구)

  • Shim, Hong-Souk;Lee, Sungjoo
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.603-613
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    • 2021
  • As a core policy for achieving the goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the building sector, Korea has enforced the mandatory certification of zero energy buildings for new public buildings from 2020. This study suggests energy-saving technologies and economic factors that building officials can refer to for decision-making on the implementation of zero energy buildings. For this study, the construction cost for the energy item of a building was analyzed by collecting the building energy efficiency level certification data and detailed construction cost statement data from public institutions for the last three years. Based on the building energy efficiency certification data, each energy item of the baseline building was derived, and the energy performance of the zero energy building was derived through repetitive simulations by gradually increasing the energy performance value of the baseline building. By applying the analyzed construction cost, the construction cost for each energy item of the baseline and zero energy buildings was derived. As a result, the lighting equipment contributed up to 10.5% energy savings, and the increase in construction cost of the cooling and heating system was at least 9.1%.

Content Regulation: Meeting the Regulatory Challenge in the Age of Media Convergence (미디어 융합시대 콘텐츠 규제방안과 과제 - 심의제도를 중심으로 -)

  • Ahn, Jung-Mihn
    • Journal of Legislation Research
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    • no.44
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    • pp.155-184
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    • 2013
  • This study takes a critical perspective that current vertical regulatory framework for broadcasting, telecommunications, films and games cannot cope with media development in the age of convergence. Changes in media environment mitigate the uniqueness of terrestrial television causing doubts as to why television contents should be treated more strictly than the rest of media contents. Consensus is being reached that horizontal regulation would be the appropriate regulatory measure for media contents. However, which content should be aligned to what level of regulations have not been fully dealt with. The paper shows that the current regulatory framework which is established according to each delivery platform is no longer valid in convergent media environment. It shows why all content regulation should be applied in platform neutral manner. Then it also suggests both short and long term regulatory changes that need to be made in order to meet the future challenges in media convergence era.

A Study on Risk Factors and Analysis Methods for Identifying Hazardous Zones of Safety Accidents on Community Roads (생활도로 안전사고 위험요인 및 위험구간 분석방안 연구)

  • Jeongjin Jang;Seyoung Ahn;Jaeduk Lee;Sangbeom Lee;Iljoon Chang
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.23 no.5
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    • pp.18-33
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    • 2024
  • Community roads pose risks for traffic accidents, falls, crimes, and disasters, threatening pedestrian safety. However, current road management and safety systems primarily focus on arterial roads, and fail to adequately consider the unique characteristics of community roads. This study presents a methodology to more effectively predict various pedestrian accidents on community roads by categorizing risk zones based on a distribution of risk factors. Through field surveys, key risk factors for each type of accident were identified, and the frequency of these factors was used to classify risk zones, which were then visually represented using GIS. Applying this methodology to Seoul's Seocho 1-dong, a comparison with actual accident data revealed a partial correlation between the predicted risk zones and actual locations of traffic and disaster-related incidents, thereby validating the methodology. This study is expected to serve as a policy tool for preventing accidents and enhancing safety on community roads.

Analysis of Loss Expectancy on Personal Information leakage using Quantitative Invest Decision Model (투자결정 모델을 활용한 개인정보유출의 기대손실 분석)

  • Kim, Jeong Yeon
    • The Journal of Society for e-Business Studies
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.93-106
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    • 2015
  • Providing trading partners with personal information to establish an e-commerce financial transaction is inevitable. Most e-commerce companies keep personal information and transaction data for user's convenience and develop additional services as their applications. However, keeping personal information increases the likelihood of identity theft causing direct or indirect damage while it may simplify repetitive financial transactions. This study introduces risk management methods based on quantitative and qualitative analysis including demand-supply curve model and Gordon & Loeb model to analyze the risks for security management. The empirical analysis with survey results from KISA (Korea Information Security Agency) shows that the root cause of different statistics of personal information leakage incidents according to core business of internet companies is the difference in their Loss Expectancy caused by them. Also we suggest disciplinary compensation and higher standard for personal information protection as a solution to prevent the variation of investment on it between individual companies.

A Study of Energy Management Guide Using Building Energy Map By BIM -Focusing on Suseonggu Daegu city- (BIM을 이용한 건축물별 에너지 지도 작성 및 에너지 관리방안에 관한 연구 -대구시 수성구를 중심으로-)

  • Kim, Hye-Mi;Hong, Won-Hwa
    • Proceedings of the Korean Association of Geographic Inforamtion Studies Conference
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    • 2010.06a
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    • pp.81-82
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    • 2010
  • Emerging global economic growth and increasing demand for energy supply and demand imbalance and the excessive use of fossil fuels existing the rapidly increasing greenhouse gas emissions and resource depletion of global energy crisis is deepening. Accordingly, improvement of living conditions around and through the natural ecological preservation and the need for a comfortable life for the meeting the importance of energy management and consumption are emerging. Many in the field of architecture for energy-saving measures, and conducting research and verify green building energy ratings and low energy for the initial steps that can be verified from the Energy Performance of BIM(Building Information Model) technology development and commercialization of the building energy to predict the performance objectively, leverages technology in an existing building energy performance analysis and possibilities of BIM-based green building process presented. In this study, using BIM for existing building energy performance analysis of data collected through the objective and efficient management of the energy it consumes Mapping and Management Plan is to research on.

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A Study of the Disaster Sign Data Analysis Technologies Based on Ontology (온톨로지 기반 재난 전조 정보 분석 기술 연구)

  • Lee, Changyeol;Kim, Taehwan
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.220-228
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    • 2011
  • Disaster sign data is confirmed data by the experts to the collected data from web and users. In this paper, we focused to make the risk scores to the data based on ontology technology. To analyse the data, first of all, we defined the ontological structure for 4 kinds of disaster types which consists of the bridges, workplaces, buildings, and walls. Base on the ontologies, collected the accidents examples, and then extract the risk rules from the examples. The rules are adjusted with frequencies and weights, and managed to the ontology DB. The rules apply to the disaster sign data, and then calculates the risk scores. It plays role of the index to the risk rates. The disaster sign data management system was implemented and the rules were verified to the system. Because the quality of the risk scores to the disaster sign data depends on the data of the accidents examples's qualities, we assure that the system's performance will be monotonic increasing following up the data upgrades. Continuously, data management is needed. Also the quality control of the rules are needed.

Vehicular Impact Model and Installation Locations for a High Performance Median (중앙분리대 사고자료 분석을 통한 설계 하중모델 개발 및 고성능 중앙분리대 설치 위치 선정)

  • Jeong, Yoseok;Lee, Ilkeun;Lee, Jaeha;Kim, WooSeok
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.63-70
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    • 2019
  • The number of vehicle-to-barrier collisions has increased due to improved driving environments. In addition, it is reported that the number of accidents led to impact severity larger than current capacity of a median barrier has increased. It is required to develop a high performance median barrier in order to secure expressway safety. This paper aims at proposing impact loading model and locations for a high performance median barrier based on analysis of median-barrier-related accident history. The SB6 test level (Impact severity: 420 kJ, Mass: 25 ton, Impact speed: 80 km/h, Impact angle: 15) was suggested for target impact severity based on statistical data analysis. The suitable locations also were proposed from investigation of driver behaviors for installation and rehabilitation of high performance median barrier.

Quantification of Half Cell Potential with Mix Properties in RC Member under Long-Term Chloride Exposure Conditions (장기 염해에 노출된 RC 부재의 배합 특성을 고려한 반 전위의 정량화)

  • Yoon, Yong-Sik;Jeong, Gi-Chan;Kwon, Seung-Jun
    • Journal of the Korean Recycled Construction Resources Institute
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.307-313
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    • 2022
  • In this study, the correlation between Half Cell Potential(HCP) and the corrosion influencing factors was analyzed with considering three levels of water-cement ratio, the concentration of chloride solution, and cover depth. As a result of long-term corrosion monitoring, HCP behavior was close to the critical corrosion potential(-350 mV) in all water-cement ratios in the case of 3.5 % and 7.0 % chloride concentration. Regarding the passed charge test in 548 curing days, the passed charge results were improved to 'Moderate' grade. Multiple regression analysis was performed to evaluate the correlation between corrosion influencing factors and HCP, and it was evaluated that the effects of influencing factors to HCP were in the order of chloride concentration, water-cement ratio, and cover depth. In the case of the relationship between HCP and the passed charge, the coefficient of determination showed a high level of 0.9, which yielded a close correlation between the passed charge and HCP.