• Title/Summary/Keyword: 동시치료

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Stress Fracture of the Both Hallucal Sesamoids (제 1족지 양측 종자골의 스트레스 골절)

  • Kim, Yoon-Chung;Ahn, Jae Hoon;Jo, Woo-Lam
    • Journal of Korean Orthopaedic Sports Medicine
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.87-91
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    • 2012
  • Nonunion of the hallucal sesamoid usually occurs after stress fracture. In case of persistent disabling symptoms after non-operative treatment, surgery can be an option. We report a rare case of combined stress fractures of the medial bipartite sesamoid and the lateral sesamoid after overuse. Nonunion of the medial sesamoid developed in spite of cast immobilization, and it was eventually healed with curettage and bone grafting.

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Genome-wide analysis on the effects of Salviae miltiorrhizae Radix in hyperlipidemic mice (단삼(丹蔘)이 고지혈증 생쥐의 혈중 지질 및 간조직 유전자 변화에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Hyung Cheul;Kim, Young Kyun
    • Journal of Haehwa Medicine
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.73-84
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    • 2013
  • 단삼(丹蔘) (Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge)은 꿀풀과 배암차즈기속에 속하며 중국(中國)이 원산지(原産地)인 여러해살이풀로, 동의보감(東醫寶鑑)에는 "성질(性質)은 약간 차고 맛이 쓰며 독(毒)이 없다. 다리가 약하면서 저리고 아픈것과 팔다리를 쓰지 못하는 것을 치료한다. 또는 고름을 빨아내고 아픈 것을 멎게 하며 살찌게 하고 오래된 어혈(瘀血)을 헤치며${\ldots}$" 등으로 기술되어 있으며 이전부터 부인과(婦人科)에 많이 응용하는 약재 중 하나로 그 효능이 어혈(瘀血)을 없애는데 있기 때문이다. 임상(臨床)에서는 부인과(婦人科) 질환(疾患)뿐만 아니라 심혈관(心血管) 질환(疾患)에도 사용되고 있다. 본 연구에서는 이러한 효능의 객관적 근거를 마련하고 약재의 작용 기전 중 일부를 확인하기 위해 고지혈증이 유발된 생쥐에 단삼(丹蔘) 추출물을 투여하여 혈중 콜레스테롤 및 트리글리세라이드 수치를 낮추는 작용을 확인했으며 동시에 간조직 내 지방의 축적도 억제하는 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 변화가 간조직 내 유전자의 변화와 어떠한 관련이 있는지 확인하기 위해 RNA를 분리하여 Microarray 분석을 수행한 결과 고지혈증으로 인해 변화된 유전자들이 단삼(丹蔘) 추출물의 투여로 인해 정상에 가까운 정도로 조절됨을 확인하였으며 향후 본 연구를 통해 확인된 핵심 유전자를 고지혈증 치료의 지표 등으로 활용할 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.

Implementation of Intelligence Electronic Acupuncture System based on WEB (WEB 기반 지능형 전자침 시스템 구현)

  • Park, Hyun-Sook;Hong, You-Sik
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.93-100
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    • 2018
  • The electronic acupuncture has the advantage of treating the patient with acupuncture by simultaneously analyzing the patient's physical condition and treatment condition. In this paper, it is proposed and developed an electronic acupuncture algorithm embedded in a multi pad. Especially, it is implemented the control algorithm using the optimal electronic dipstick calculation, sensing pad and DSP system for the patient's body condition. Moreover, in this paper, it is developed SW and HW prototypes that can receive personal information by patient and can receive multi-array type electronc needle guiding procedure based on WEB.

Concurrent Validity of the Functional Gait Assessment, Berg Balance Scale, and Timed Up and Go Test in Patients With Stroke (뇌졸중 환자에 대한 기능적 보행평가, 버그 균형척도, 일어나 걸어가기 검사의 동시 타당도)

  • Won, Jong-Im;Kim, Ki-Song
    • Physical Therapy Korea
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.43-51
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    • 2011
  • Balance is a complex motor skill that depends on interactions between multiple sensorimotor processes and environmental and functional contexts. Many rehabilitation specialists believe that balance assessment under multitask conditions may be a more sensitive indicator of balance problems and falls than balance assessment in a single-task context. Functional Gait Assessment has many tasks that allow for testing under multitask conditions. The purpose of this study was to determine the concurrent validity between the Functional Gait Assessment (FGA), Berg Balance Scale (BBS), and Timed "Up & Go" Test (TUG) in patients with stroke. One hundred and five participants with at least 3 months post stroke and able to walk at least 6 m with or without a mono cane, participated in this study. Concurrent validity between the FGA, BBS, and TUG was assessed using Spearman rank order correlation. The FGA correlated with the BBS (r=.80, p<.01) and TUG (r=-.77, p<.01). The good and moderate correlation between the FGA, BBS, and TUG establishes the concurrent validity of the FGA in patients with stroke. These measures provide clinicians with valuable information about patients' functional balance capabilities.

In vivo Antibacterial Activity of DA-1131, A New Carbapenem Antibiotic

  • Kim, Ji-Young;Kim, Gye-Won;Park, Seong-Hak;Im, Weon-Bin;Chang, Min-Sun;Junnick Yang
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Applied Pharmacology
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    • 1996.04a
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    • pp.240-240
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    • 1996
  • Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Enterobacter cloacae, Proteus mirabilis 및 Pseudomonas aeruginosa에 의한 mouse 복강내감염증에 대하여 DA-1131은 IPM/CS와 MEPM/CS에 비하여 현저히 우수한 치료효과를 나타내었다. 백혈구감소 mouse에서의 P. aeruginosa에 의한 복강내감염증에 대하여도 DA-1131은 IPM/CS와 MEPM 및 MEPM/CS보다 동등 이상의 우수한 치료효과를 나타내었다. K. pneumoniae를 감염균으로 한 mouse 호흡기감염 후 생존율 평가 시험에서 DA-1131 투여 mouse는 IPM/CS 및 MEPM/CS에 비하여 현저히 우수한 생존율을 나타내었고, 동시에 MEPM/CS와 유사한 폐내 생균수의 감소 pattern이 확인되었으며, IPM/CS에 비하여 균의 재증식을 억제하는 효과가 우수하였다. P. mirabilis에 의한 mouse 요로감염증에서는 DA-1131 투여군의 신장내 생균수감소는 MEPM/CS와 동등한 수준인 것으로 나타났으나 IPM/CS에 비하여는 매우 우수하였다.

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Surgical Closure of Patent Ductus Arteriosus in Premature Infant -A report of two cases - (미숙아에서 동맥관 개존증 수술 2례)

  • 김삼현;서필원
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.29 no.7
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    • pp.777-779
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    • 1996
  • Recently we operated on two cases of PDA in premature infant. In both cases, indomethacin therapy had failed to close the PDA. The extremely small baby(body weight 540gm) died 28hrs postoperatively by unexpe ted intrathoracic bleeding probably due to coagulopathy related to septic condition and thrombocytopenia. The clinical course of the second case(body weight 1395gm) was complicated by ileal perforation sec- ondary to necrotizing enterocolitis. The baby underwent segmental resection of ileum with ileostomy on the 8th hospital day. On the 34th hospital day surgical closure of the PDA was done and the ile'ostomy was repaired simultaneously. Ventilator weaning was possible on the postoperative 6th day. The baby discharged on the postoperative 33th day with the body weight of 2050gm.

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Angle's Class II Division 2 Malocclusion Treated by Bioprogressive Mechanism: Report of a Case (Bioprogressive Mechanism에 의한 Angle씨 II급 2류 부정교합의 치험례)

  • Byun, Sang-Kil;Lee, Hee-Keung;Jin, Byung-Rho;Oh, Meung-Chul
    • Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.151-156
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    • 1987
  • A 25 year and 7 month old man patient who had Angle's classII division 2 malocclusion combined with anterior crowding of upper & lower part was treated by bioprogressive mechanism. After setting our objectives through the use of V.T.O., we programmed a sequence of mechanics. The possible objectives of treatment in the classII division 2 malocclusion can be listed as follows. 1) Relief of crowding & irregularities. 2) Relief of anterior gingival trauma & correction of interincisal inclination. 3) Correction of buccal segment relationship. We'd applied the classII intermaxillary elastics, Quad helix, utility arch wire and sectional arch wire in order to achieve anticipated objectives. As compared with pre & post treatment cephalogram, the result accomplished by this mechanics showed to us that interincisal angle was improved and favorable molar relationship was achieved.

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A Case of Membranous Glomerulonephritis Associated with Small Cell Lung Cancer Being Complete Remmission with Chemotherapy (항암치료 후 완전관해된 소세포암과 동반된 막성사구체신염 1예)

  • Pack, Jong-Hae;Park, Ji-Young;Yu, Sung-Keun;Park, Hye-Jung;Shin, Kyeong-Cheol;Chung, Jin-Hong;Lee, Kwan-Ho
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.52 no.6
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    • pp.633-639
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    • 2002
  • Paraneoplastic nephrotic syndrome can be diagnosed from its clinical and immunological features. The development of several types of glomerular injury in patients with cancer have been recognized, and are considered as paraneoplastic syndrome. Most prominent are the occurrence of membranous glomerulonephritis in patients with carcinomas. We report a case of a 60-year-old-man with small cell lung cancer presenting as nephrotic syndrome. A renal biopsy revealed membranous glomerulonephritis. Six lots of chemotherapy were administered, which led to a complete tumor response with total resolution of the nephrotic syndrome following treatment.

Concurrent Validity, Inter-Tester and Intra-Tester Reliability of Goniometric Measurement of Active Elbow Range of Motion Using 4 Different Types of Measuring Instruments (주관절 가동범위 측정법에 대한 동시타당도와 신뢰도)

  • Current, Marion E.;Yi, Chung-Hwi
    • Physical Therapy Korea
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.46-55
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    • 1995
  • The purpose of this study was to assess the concurrent validity and reliability of goniometric measurement of joint motion. Subjects were 40 healthy university students. Measurements were performed by 4 inexperienced physical therapy students. Four different instruments were used and three readings were taken with each instrument in random order making a total of 12 readings for flexion of the right elbow of each subject. Goniometers used were 1. universal 2. fluid-based goniometer/inclinometer 3. digital LCD goniometer 4. electronic goniometer/torsiometer. The results were as follows: Concurrent validity was highest (r= .94) with the universal and digital LCD tools. Interrater reliability (Pearson Product Moment Correlation) was good for each tool. Interrater reliability calculated by ICC(2,1) was highest (.96) with the tensiometer and lowest (.78) with the digital LCD goniometer. Intrarater reliability calculated by ICC was excellent (${\geq}.90$) for all instruments. These results show that concurrent validity, intrarater and interrater reliability are very good in the used of all four types of goniometers/inclinometer/tensiometer, even with inexperienced raters. These results confirm the almost universal reliance on hand held goniometers for joint measurement by physical therapists as being a reliable practice. Further research should be done clinically with actual patients.

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New Technique for Posterolateral Instability of The Knee: Posterolateral Reconstruction Using The Tibialis Posterior Tendon Allograft (슬관절 후외측 불안정성 치료의 새 기법: 동종 후경골건을 이용한 후외측 재건술)

  • Kim Sung-Jae;Ryu Sang-Wook;Cheon Yong-Min;Yong Suk-Won;Kim Bo-Ram
    • Journal of Korean Orthopaedic Sports Medicine
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.136-141
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    • 2003
  • Posterolateral instability of the knee is known as one of the most challenging injuries . Although several procedures have been designed for the posterolateral instability, there is no gold standard management yet. We present a technique for posterolateral instability of the knee using tibialis posterior tendon allograft, which reconstructed lateral collateral ligament and popliteal tendon.

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