• Title/Summary/Keyword: 동시치료

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Concurrent Chemoradiation with Weekly Paclitaxel in Locally Advanced Non-small Cell Lung Cancer (국소진행성 비소세포폐암에서 Paclitaxel 매주투여 및 방사선치료 동시요법)

  • Bae, Kang Woo;Song, Tak Ho;Yang, Joo Yeon;Kim, Yun Seup;Park, Jae Seok;Jee, Young Koo;Lee, Kye Young
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.57 no.4
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    • pp.351-357
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    • 2004
  • Background : Paclitaxel is highly beneficial anticancer drug for the treatment of non-small cell lung cancer and has shown remarkable radiosensitizing effect in vitro. We evaluated whether concurrent chemoradiation therapy with weekly paclitaxel (60 $mg/m^2$) could be tolerated and effective in the treatment of locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Methods : Twenty-two stage III (IIIA:6, IIIB:16) NSCLC patients were treated with weekly administration of paclitaxel (60 $mg/m^2$) on days 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, and 36 in addition to concurrent radiation therapy of 54 Gy. After the initial phase of concurrent chemoradiation, patients received additional two cycles of consolidation chemotherapy with paclitaxel (175 $mg/m^2$)/cisplatin (75 $mg/m^2$) or paclitaxel (175 $mg/m^2$)/carboplatin (6AUC) every 3 weeks. Results : Overall response rate was 81.8% (18/22) with 9.1% (2/22) of complete response and 72.7% (16/22) of partial response rate. Two patients (9.1%) died of chemoradiation-induced pneumonitis after completion of therapy. In total, grade 3 toxicities included pneumonitis (22.7%), esophagitis (22.7%), neuropathy (13.6%), and neutropenia (13.6%). The median survival time was 15 months and 2-year overall survival were 31.8%. Conclusion : Concurrent chemoradiation therapy with weekly paclitaxel in locally advanced NSCLC showed good local response, but survival rate was not completely satisfactory due to potentially fatal chemoradiation-induced pneumonitis.

결핵치료 부작용과 처리방법

  • 류우진
    • 보건세계
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    • v.41 no.1 s.449
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    • pp.10-12
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    • 1994
  • 결핵의 성공적인 치료는 적절한 약제의 사용에 달려 있다. 치료 실패의 주된 원인은 불규칙한 약제복용이나 조기중단 그리고 부적절한 치료처방이지만 약제의 부작용으로 인하여 성공적인 치료에 지장을 일으키기도 한다. 결핵 치료에서는 최소한 2가지 이상의 약을 동시에 사용하므로 부작용 발생시 그것이 어떤 약제와 관련된 것인지를 명확히 밝혀내어 적절히 처리할 수 있어야 한다, 물론 그러기 위해서는 사용하는 약제들의 부작용을 정확히 알아야만 할 것이다. 먼저 약제의 부작용에는 어떠한 종류들이 있는지 살펴보고, 그 다음에는 각각의 결핵약제에서 흔히 접하는 부작용들과 그에 대한 처리방법을 알아보기로 한다.

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결핵치료 부작용과 처리방법

  • 류우진
    • 보건세계
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    • v.40 no.12 s.448
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    • pp.4-7
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    • 1993
  • 결핵의 성공적인 치료는 적절한 약제의 사용에 달려 있다. 치료실패의 주요 원인은 불규칙한 약제복용이나 조기중단 그리고 부적절한 치료처방이지만 약제의 부작용으로 인하여 성공적인 치료에 지장을 일으키기도 한다. 결핵 치료에서는 최소한 2가지 이상의 약을 동시에 사용 하므로 부작용 발생시 그것이 어떤 약제와 관련된 것인지를 명확히 밝혀내어 적절히 처리할 수 있어야 한다. 물론 그러기 위해서는 사용하는 약제들의 부작용을 정확히 알아야만 할 것이다. 먼저 약제의 부작용에는 어떠한 종류들이 있는지 살펴보고, 그 다음에는 각각의 결핵약제에서 흔히 접하는 부작용들과 그에 대한 처리방법을 알아보도록 한다.

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공변량을 포함한 환자의 수명과 치료횟수의 모형화를 위한 개별환경효과의 적용

  • 박희창
    • Communications for Statistical Applications and Methods
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.447-458
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    • 1998
  • 본 논문에서는 환자의 수명과 치료횟수의 모형화를 위해 관측가능한 공변량을 포함하는 동시에 두 변수에 영향을 미치는 관측불가능한 환경요인을 고려하기 위한 개별환경효과모형을 도입하고자 한다. 개별환경효과를 나타내는 분포를 감마분포로 가정하여 사망시간과 치료횟수의 모형을 개발하고, 모형에 포함된 모수의 추론과정을 논의하며, 개발된 모형을 Autologous Blood and Marrow Transplant Registry(ABMTR)에 등록된 환자의 자료에 적용하여 환경효과를 고려하지 않은 독립모형과 비교하고자 한다.

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Pharmacologic Treatment of Essential Hypertension (고혈압의 약물 치료)

  • Shim, B.S.
    • Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 1989
  • 고혈압의 치료 목적은 부작용없이 지속적으로 혈압을 정상으로 유지하여 target organ의 손상을 막고 수명을 연장시키는데 있다. 이러한 목적을 달성하기 위하여 특히 약제 선택이 아주 중요하며 Stepped care approach와 Individualized approach을 동시에 이용하면 좋은 효과를 얻을 것으로 기대된다.

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Concurrent Chemoradiation Therapy in Stage III Non-small Cell Lung Cancer (III 기 비소세포성 폐암에서 Cisplatin-방사선동시병합요법의 효과)

  • Kim In Ah;Choi Ihl Bhong;Kang Ki Mun;Jang Jie Young;Song Jung Sub;Lee Sun Hee;Kuak Mun Sub;Shinn Kyung Sub
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.27-36
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    • 1997
  • Purpose : This study was tried to evaluate the Potential benefits of concurrent chemoradiation therapy (low dose daily cisplatin combined with split course radiation therapy) compared with conventional radiation therapy alone in stage III non-small cell lung cancer. The end points of analyses were response rate. overall survival, survival without locoregional failure, survival without distant metastasis, prognostic factors affecting survival and treatment related toxicities. Materials and Methods : Between April 1992 and March 1994, 32 patients who had stage III non-small cell lung cancer were treated with concurrent chemoradiation therapy. Radiation therapy for 2 weeks (300 cGy given 10 times up to 3000 cGy) followed by a 3 weeks rest period and then radiation therapy for 2 more weeks (250 cGy given 10 times up to 2500 cGy) was combined with $6mg/m^2$ of cisplatin. Follow-up period ranged from 13 months to 48 months with median of 24 months. Historical control group consisted of 32 patients who had stage III non-small cell lung cancer were received conventionally fractionated (daily 170-200 cGy) radiation therapy alone. Total radiation dose ranged from 5580 cGy to 7000 cGy with median of 5940 cGy. Follow-up Period ranged from 36 months to 105 months with median of 62 months. Result : Complete reponse rate was higher in chemoradiation therapy (CRT) group than radiation therapy (RT) group (18.8% vs. 6.3%, CRT group showed lower in-field failure rate compared with RT group(25% vs. 47%. The overall survival rate had no significant differences in between CRT group and RT group (17.5% vs. 9.4% at 2 years). The survival without locoregional failure (16.5% vs. 5.3% at 2 years) and survival without distant metastasis (17% vs. 4.6% at 2 years) also had no significant differences. In subgroup analyses for Patients with good performance status (Karnofsky performance scale 80), CRT group showed significantly higher overall survival rate compared with RT group (62.5% vs. 15.6% at 2 years). The prognostic factors affecting survival rate were performance status and pathologic subtype (squamous cell cancer vs. nonsquamous cell cancer) in CRT group. In RT alone group, performance status and stage (IIIa vs IIIb) were identified as a Prognostic factors. RTOG/EORTC grade 2-3 nausea and vomiting(22% vs 6% and bone marrow toxicities (25% vs. 15.6% were significantly higher in CRT group compared with RT alone group. The incidence of RTOG/EORTC grade 3-4 pulmonary toxicity had no significant differences in between CRT group and RT group (16% vs. 6%. The incidence of WHO grade 3-4 pulmonary fibrosis also had no significant differences in both group (38% vs. 25%. In analyses for relationship of field size and Pulmonary toxicity, the Patients who treated with field size beyond 200cm2 had significantly higher rates of pulmonary toxicities. Conclusion : The CRT group showed significantly higher local control rate than RT group. There were no significant differences of survival rate in between two groups. The subgroup of patients who had good performance status showed higher overall survival rate in CRT group than RT group. In spite of higher incidence of acute toxicities with concurrent chemoradiation therapy, the survival gain in subgroup of patients with good performance status were encouraging. CRT group showed higher rate of early death within 1 year, higher 2 year survival rate compared with RT group Therefore, to evaluate the accurate effect on survival of concurrent chemoradiation therapy, systematic follow-up for long term survivors are needed.

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Concurrent Weekly Cisplatin and Radiation Therapy for High risk group of Uterine Cervical Cancer (국소적으로 진행된 자궁경부암에 대한 방사선 치료와 Cisplatin의 동시 병행요법의 치료 결과)

  • Suh Hyun Suk;Kang Seung Hee;Kim Ju Ree;Lee Eung Soo;Kim Yong Bong;Park Sung Kwan
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.213-217
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    • 1992
  • Locally advanced cervical carcinoma has shown high rate of local failure and poor survival rate despite the advances in modern radiation therapy techniques. Combination of chemotherapy and radiation therapy demonstrated benefit in improving local control and possibly the overall survival. Twelve patients with advanced stages (Figo stage III, IV) or 11b with bulky tumors (>5 cm in diameter) were treated with combination of radiation therapy and concurrent weekly cisplatin between May of 1988 and September of 1991 at Inje University Paik Hospital. Cisplatin was administered in bolus injections of 50 mg at weekly intervals during the courses of radiation therapy. Median follow-up period was 34 months with ranges from 3 to 53 months. Eleven patients were evaluable for the estimation of response. Response was noted in all the 11 patients: complete response (CR) in 7 ($64\%$), partial response (PR) in 4 ($36\%$). Of the 7 patients with CR, all maintained local control, whereas only 1 of 4 with PR showed local control. Six of 7 with CR are alive disease free on the completion of follow-up. Eight of 11 patients ($73\%$) maintained local control in the pelvis. The median survival for CR patient is 27 months and 9 months for the PR patients. Analysis of survival by stage shows 11 b 4/5, III 2/3 and IV 1/3. Overall survival rate was $61\%$. Three patients recurred: 1 at local, 1 in distant site and 1 with local and distant site. Toxicity for the combination therapy was not excessive. These results are preliminary, but definitely encouraging in view of markedly improved response rate compared with the results of historical control group.

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Combined Modality Treatment in Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma (비인강암의 병합요법)

  • Yun, Sang-Mo;Kim, Jae-Cheol;Park, In-Kyu
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.100-106
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    • 2001
  • Purpose : We performed a retrospective analysis to compare short term results of induction chemotherapy-radiotherapy versus concurrent chemo-radiotherapy in patients with locally advanced nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Materials and Methods : From Oct. 1989 to May 1998, 62 patients with locally advanced nasopharyngeal carcinoma were treated with induction chemotherapy followed by radiotherapy (induction group) or concurrent chemo-radiotherapy (concurrent group). Induction chemotherapy was done for 50 patients, and concurrent chemotherapy for 12 patients. Age, sex, performance status, and pathologic types were evenly distributed between two groups. Stage distribution showed $32\%$ with IIB, $32\%$ with III, and $38\%$ with IV in induction group, and $50\%,\;33.3\%,\;and\;16.7\%$ in concurrent group, respectively. Chemotherapy regimen was CF (cisplatin and 5-FU) in both groups, and drug delivery method also same. Cisplatin $100\;mg/m^2$ was intravenously infused on day 1, and 5-FU $1,000\;mg/m^2$ on day $2\~6$. This was repeated at 3 weeks interval. At the end of radiotherapy, total cycles of chemotherapy were $1\~3$ (median 2) in both groups. Conventionally fractionated radiotherapy with daily fraction size $1.8\~2.0\;Gy$ and 5 fractions/week was done. Total dose was $69.4\~86\;Gy$(median 73.4 Gy) for induction group, and $69.4\~75.4\;Gy$ (median 70.8 Gy) for concurrent group. Follow-up time was $9\~116$ months (median 40.5 months) for induction group, $14\~29$ months (median 21 months) for concurrent group, respectively. Results : Overall 2 year survival rate (2YSR) for all patients was $78.7\%$. According to treatment modality, 2YSR were $77\%$ for induction group, $87\%$ for concurrent group (p>0.05). 2 year disease-free survival rate were $56\%$ and $81\%\;(p>0.05)$, respectively. Complete response to treatment were $75.5\%$ for induction group and $91.7\%$ for concurrent group, but there was no statistical difference. The incidence of grade $3\~4$ hematologic toxicity during radiotherapy was not differ between two groups, but grade 2 leukopenia was more frequent in concurrent group $(18\%\;vs\;66.7\%)$Grade $3\~4$ mucositis was more frequent in concurrent group $(4.0\%\;vs\;33.3\%)$. Overall incidence of grade $3\~4$ acute toxicity during radiotherapy was more frequent in concurrent group $(6.0\%\;vs\;41.7\%,\;p=0.005)$. Conclusion : Concurrent chemo-radiotherapy showed a trend of improvement in short-term survival and in treatment response when compared with induction chemotherapy-radiotherapy in locally advanced nasopharyngeal carcinoma. More controlled randomized trial are needed.

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Concurrent Docetaxel/Cisplatin and Thoracic Radiotherapy for Locally Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (국소 진행성 비소세포 폐암에서 Docetaxel Cisplatin을 사용한 화학-방사선 동시치료의 효과)

  • Jang, Tae Won;Park, Jung Pil;Kim, Hee Kyoo;Ok, Chul Ho;Jeung, Tae Sig;Jung, Maan Hong
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.57 no.3
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    • pp.257-264
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    • 2004
  • Background : There are many combinations of treatment for locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Recent studies have showed the efficacy of concurrent chemoradiotherapy (CCRT) in NSCLC. At present, however, there is no consensus about the optimal dosages and timing of radiation and chemotherapeutic agents. The aims of study were to determine the feasibility, toxicity, response rate, and survival rate in locally advanced NSCLC patients treated with doxetaxel and cisplatin based CCRT. Method : Sixteen patients with unresectable stage III NSCLC were evaluated from May 2000 until September 2001. Induction chemoradiotherapy consisted of 3 cycles of docetaxel (75 $mg/m^2/IV$ on day 1) and cisplatin (60 $mg/m^2/IV$ on day 1) chemotherapy every 3 weeks and concomitant hyperfractionated chest irradiation (1.15 Gy/BID, total dose of 69 Gy) in 6 weeks. Patient who had complete or partial response, and stable disease were applied consolidation chemotherapy of docetaxel and cisplatin. Results : All patients showed response to CCRT. Four patients achieved complete response (25%), partial responses in 12 patients (75%). The major common toxicities were grade III or more of neutropenia (87.3%), grade III esophagitis (68.8%), pneumonia (18.8%) and grade III radiation pneumonitis (12.5%). Thirteen patients were ceased during follow-up period. Median survival time was 19.9 months (95% CI; 4.3-39.7 months). The survival rates in one, two, and three years are 68.7%, 43.7%, and 29.1%, respectively. Local recurrence was found in 11 patients (66.8%), bone metastasis in 2, and brain metastasis in 1 patient. Conclusion : The response rate and survival time of CCRT with docetaxel/cisplatin in locally advanced NSCLC were encouraging, but treatment related toxicities were high. Further modification of therapy seems to be warranted.

Concurrent Cisplatin-Radiation Therapy in Locally Advanced Head & Neck Cancers - Preliminary Report - (국소진행된 두경부종양의 Cisplatin-방사선 동시병용치료 - 예비적 임상결과보고 -)

  • Kim In Ah;Choi Ihl Bhong;Cho Seung Ho;Hong Young Seon;Choi Byung Ok;Kang Young Nam
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.205-210
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    • 2001
  • Purpose : This study tried to evaluate the effectiveness of combined treatment using radiation therapy and concurrent cisplatin as a radiosensitizer in the management of locally advanced head and neck cancer. Materials and methods : From January 1995 to August 1998, 29 evaluable patients with locally advanced head & neck cancels (AJCC stage $II\~IV$) were received curative radiation therapy $(total\;70\~75.6\;Gy/35\~42\;fractions,\;1.8\~2\;Gy/fraction)$ and concurrent cisplatin chemotherapy ($100\;mg/m^2$, D1, D22, D43). The neck dissections were peformed for residual lymphadenopathy. Follow-up ranged from 5 to 55 months (median 24 months). Results : Twenty-one $(72.4\%)$ patients achieved clinical complete responses. The partial response and minimal response rates were $17.2\%\;and\;10.4\%$, respectively. Locoregional failure rate was $27.6\%$, and included 6 patients with local failures, 4 patients with regional failures, and 2 patients with combined local and regional failures. Four of 29 patients $(13.8\%)$ developed distant metastasis. The disease free survival rate at 3 years was $60\%$. Nasopharyngeal primary tumors or complete responders showed significantly higher disease free survival rate. The grade 3 mucositis and nausea/vomiting was noted in $34.5\%$, respectively. Major prolongation of radiation therapy duration was inevitable in three patients. Twenty-one patients $(72.4\%)$ completed 3 courses of cisplatin and 5 patients received 2 courses of cisplatin. Three patients received only one course of cisplatin due to nephrotoxicity and neurotoxicity, and then changed to 5-FU regimen. Conclusions : Concurrent cisplatin-radiation therapy in locally advanced head and neck cancer showed high response rate, reasonable locoregional control, and survival rate. As expected, acute toxicities were increased, but compliance to treatment was acceptable. Assessment of the effect of the combination in this setting requires further accrual and follow-up.

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