• Title/Summary/Keyword: 도시적 토지이용

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Study on Location Characteristics and Establishment Time of Cherry-blossom Attractions in the Modern Era Busan (근대 부산에서 벚꽃 명소의 입지적 특성과 성립 시기에 관한 연구)

  • Kang, YoungJo
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.44 no.5
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    • pp.47-58
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    • 2016
  • In modern era Busan, newspaper articles about cherry blossom attractions from FuzanNippo and ChosenJiho have changed from places of landmark cherry trees to recreational activities under the cherry blossom. This means that the place characteristics of the cherry blossom attractions helped transform modern Busan. This study is to clarify the real image of the cherry blossom attractions where they were and when it was established in modern Busan. In order to discuss the location characteristics and the timing of identification as it changed from cherry-blossom viewing spots to picnic spots under the cherry blossom, current articles published in the FuzanNippo and ChosenJiho were collected. This study results are as follows: First of all, cherry blossom attractions are located in private gardens, gardens at hot spring inns, public lands such as schools, temples, reservoirs and malls such as Dongnae hot spring and the Midoricho red-light district. The location feature was that they were found at the edges of settlement environments, at the interface of city and natural spaces in modern Busan. Secondly, newspaper articles about cherry blossom attractions gradually changed from cherry blossom viewing spots to picnic spots under the cherry blossom, which became the peak of the cherry blossom attractions in modern Busan. The main focus of cherry blossom attractions changed from cherry-blossom viewing to picnicking under cherry blossoms around 1920. This means that the establishment of cherry blossom attractions can be seen around 1920. Articles of cherry-blossom viewing picked up sites not easy to access such as private gardens and reservoirs, articles about picnic spots under cherry blossoms noted public places that everyone could access. Cherry blossom attractions sites became spring resorts in modern Busan.

Generating Alternative Sewers Based on GIS and Simulation Technique (GIS 및 Simulation 기법에 의한 하수도관거 대안 생성)

  • 김형복;김경민
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.185-194
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    • 1997
  • Spatial decision support systems(SDffi), a new class of decision support system(DSS), result from the melding together of GIS and DSS, Planning support systems(PS5) add more advanced spatial analysis functions than GIS and intertemporal functions to the functions of SDSS. This paper reports the development of a planning support system providing a framework that facilitates urban planners and civil engineers in conducting coherent deliberations about the generation of satisficing sewers. 1he planning support system for the generation of satisficing sewers(PS5/GSS) was designed from the understanding that land use and development drive the demand for storm and sanitary sewers. Through four stages of supply, demand, alternative generation, and evaluation, PSS/GSS integrates basic planning, preliminary design, and engineering design of sewer. GIS and graphic user interface are excellent toolboxes for designing sewer networks, estimating the quantity of wastewater, and showing generated alternative sewers. A sewer model using simulation tedmique can generate an initial sewer. Users can define alternative sewers by the direct manipulation of sewer networks or by the manipulation of parameters in the sewer model. The sewer model evaluates the performance of the user defined alternatives.

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Impervious Surface Estimation of Jungnangcheon Basin Using Satellite Remote Sensing and Classification and Regression Tree (위성원격탐사와 분류 및 회귀트리를 이용한 중랑천 유역의 불투수층 추정)

  • Kim, Sooyoung;Heo, Jun-Haeng;Heo, Joon;Kim, SungHoon
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.28 no.6D
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    • pp.915-922
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    • 2008
  • Impervious surface is an important index for the estimation of urbanization and the assessment of environmental change. In addition, impervious surface influences on short-term rainfall-runoff model during rainy season in hydrology. Recently, the necessity of impervious surface estimation is increased because the effect of impervious surface is increased by rapid urbanization. In this study, impervious surface estimation is performed by using remote sensing image such as Landsat-7 ETM+image with $30m{\times}30m$ spatial resolution and satellite image with $1m{\times}1m$ spatial resolution based on Jungnangcheon basin. A tasseled cap transformation and NDVI(normalized difference vegetation index) transformation are applied to Landsat-7 ETM+ image to collect various predict variables. Moreover, the training data sets are collected by overlaying between Landsat-7 ETM+ image and satellite image, and CART(classification and regression tree) is applied to the training data sets. As a result, impervious surface prediction model is consisted and the impervious surface map is generated for Jungnangcheon basin.

Analysing the effect of impervious cover management techniques on the reduction of runoff and pollutant loads (불투수면 저감기법의 유출량 및 오염부하량 저감 효과 분석)

  • Park, Hyung Seok;Choi, Hwan Gyu;Chung, Se Woong
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.16-34
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    • 2015
  • Impervious covers(IC) are artificial structures, such as driveways, sidewalks, building's roofs, and parking lots, through which water cannot infiltrate into the soil. IC is an environmental concern because the pavement materials seal the soil surface, decreasing rainwater infiltration and natural groundwater recharge, and consequently disturb the hydrological cycle in a watershed. Increase of IC in a watershed can cause more frequent flooding, higher flood peaks, groundwater drawdown, dry river, and decline of water quality and ecosystem health. There has been an increased public interest in the institutional adoption of LID(Low Impact Development) and GI(Green Infrastructure) techniques to address the adverse impact of IC. The objectives of this study were to construct the modeling site for a samll urban watershed with the Storm Water Management Model(SWMM), and to evaluate the effect of various LID techniques on the control of rainfall runoff processes and non-point pollutant load. The model was calibrated and validated using the field data collected during two flood events on July 17 and August 11, 2009, respectively, and applied to a complex area, where is consist of apartments, school, roads, park, etc. The LID techniques applied to the impervious area were decentralized rainwater management measures such as pervious cover and green roof. The results showed that the increase of perviousness land cover through LID applications decreases the runoff volume and pollutants loading during flood events. In particular, applications of pervious pavement for parking lots and sidewalk, green roof, and their combinations reduced the total volume of runoff by 15~61 % and non-point pollutant loads by TSS 22~72 %, BOD 23~71 %, COD 22~71 %, TN 15~79 %, TP 9~64 % in the study site.

The Post Occupancy Evaluation of the Universal Design Project on Geonjisan Forest Trail Jeonju City, South Korea (전주시 건지산 숲길 Universal Design 사업 이용후 평가)

  • Park, Sun-A;Lee, Myung-Woo
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.40 no.6
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    • pp.60-69
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    • 2012
  • The project on Geonjisan Universal Design Forest Trail in Jeonju City was designed and constructed by an NGO called 'Jeonbuk Forest for Life' which was a winner for the '2008 Open Competition by the 'Committee for Greening Society' established in Korea Land Corporation. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the design satisfaction of UD forest trail. Post Occupancy Evaluation (POE) method was applied to measure the user satisfaction and the total number of users. The main result of the study were as follows: the major users of the Geonjisan UD forest trail were people aged over 60 years old(37%) and the main purpose of trail usage were to 'walk and rest'(51.5%) and to 'exercise and rehabilitation' (40.6%). Furthermore, the overall user rating for the UD forest trail design was "satisfied"(3.91 point in 5-point Likert Scale). The three most influencing factors of the overall user satisfaction were facility management, user conflict, and trail width and slope. About forty-five people were found to be End-user in the UD forest trail while six people were found as End-user in non-UD trails. Most importantly, the number of End-user observed on the UD forest trail was greater than the number found in non-UD forest trail. The result implies that the UD forest trail attracts more End-users and provides opportunity for gathering and interaction with the other users. Moreover, the satisfaction rate for the UD forest trail landscape is found to be high in Likert scale, which we can assume that the well-grown existing trees and topographic features as well as appropriately designed wood-paths influence the high satisfaction rate of the users. The POE of UD forest trail revealed the importance of universal design concept due to its convenient uses of the handicapped, old, weak, pregnant woman or children.

An Empirical Study on the Spatial Effect of Distribution Patterns between Small Business and Social-environmental factors (소상공인 점포의 분포와 환경요인의 공간적 영향관계에 관한 실증연구)

  • YOO, Mu-Sang;CHOI, Don-Jeong
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.1-18
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    • 2019
  • This research measured and visualized the spatial dependency and the spatial heterogeneity of the small business in Cheonan-si, Asan-si with $100m{\times}100m$ grids based on global and local spatial autocorrelation. First, we confirmed positive spatial autocorrelation of small business in the research area using Moran's I Index, which is ESDA(Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis). And then, through Getis-Ord $GI{\ast}$, one kind of LISA(Local Indicators of Spatial Association), local patterns of spatial autocorrelation were visualized. These verified that Spatial Regression Model is valid for the location factor analysis on small business commercial buildings. Next, GWR(Geographically Weighted Regression) was used to analyze the spatial relations between the distribution of small business, hourly mobile traffic-based floating population, land use attributes index, residence, commercial building, road networks, and the node of traffic networks. Final six variables were applied and the accessibility to bus stops, afternoon time floating population, and evening time floating population were excluded due to multicollinearity. By this, we demonstrated that GWR is statistically improved compared to OLS. We visualized the spatial influence of the individual variables using the regression coefficients and local coefficients of determinant of the six variables. This research applied the measured population information in a practical way. Reflecting the dynamic information of the urban people using the commercial area. It is different from other studies that performed commercial analysis. Finally, this research has a differentiated advantage over the existing commercial area analysis in that it employed hourly changing commercial service population data and it applied spatial statistical models to micro spatial units. This research proposed new framework for the commercial analysis area analysis.

Interpretation Method of Eco-Cultural Resources from the Perspective of Landscape Ecology in Jeju Olle Trail (제주 올레길 생태문화자원 경관생태학적 해석기법 연구)

  • Hur, Myung-Jin;Han, Bong-Ho;Park, Seok-Cheol
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.49 no.2
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    • pp.128-140
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    • 2021
  • This study applied the theory of Landscape Ecology to representative resources of Jeju Olle-gil, which is a representative subject of walking tourism, to identify ecological characteristics and to establish a technique for landscape ecological analysis of Olle-gil resources. Jeju Olle Trail type based on the biotope type, major land use, vegetation status around Olle Trail and roads were divided into 12 types. Based on the type of ecological tourism resource classification, the Jeju Olle-gil walking tourism resource classification was divided into seven types of natural resources and seven types of humanities resources, and each resource was characterized by Geotope, Biotope, and Anthropopope, just like the landscape ecology system. Geotope resources are strong in landscape characteristics such as coast and beach, rocks, bedrocks, waterfalls, geology and Jusangjeolli Cliff, Oreum and craters, water resources, and landscape viewpoints. The Biotope resources showed strong ecological characteristics due to large tree and protected tree, Gotjawal, forest road and vegetation communities, biological habitat, vegetation landscape view point. Antropotope include Culture of Jeju Haenyeo and traditional culture, potting and lighthouses, experience facilities, temples and churches, military and beacon facilities, other historical and cultural facilities, and cultural landscape views. Jeju Olle Trail The representative resources for each type of Jeju Olle Trail are coastal, Oreum, Gotjawal, field and Stonewall Fencing farming land, Jeju Village and Stone wall of Jeju. In order to learn about the components and various functions of the resources representing the Olle Trail's ecological culture, the landscape ecological technique was interpreted. Looking at the ecological and cultural characteristics of coastal, the coast includes black basalt rocks, coastal vegetation, coastal grasslands, coastal rock vegetation, winter migratory birds and Jeju haenyeo. Oreum is a unique volcanic topography, which includes circular and oval mountain bodies, oreum vegetation, crater wetlands, the origin and legend of the name of Oreum, the legend of the name of Oreum, the culture of grazing horses, the use of military purposes, the object of folk belief, and the view from the summit. Gotjawal features rocky bumps, unique microclimate formation, Gotjawal vegetation, geographical names, the culture of charcoal being baked in the past, and bizarre shapes of trees and vines. Field walls include the structure and shape of field walls, field cultivation crops, field wall habitats, Jeju agricultural culture, and field walls. The village includes a stone wall and roof structure built from basalt, a pavilion at the entrance of the village, a yard and garden inside the house, a view of the lives of local people, and an alleyway view. These resources have slowly changed with the long lives of humans, and are now unique to Jeju Island. By providing contents specialized for each type of Olle Trail, tourists who walk on Olle will be able to experience the Olle Trail in depth as they learn the story of the resources, and will be able to increase the sustainable use and satisfaction of Jeju Olle Trail users.

A Study on the Locational Decision Factors of Discount Stores : The Case of Cheonan (종합슈퍼마켓의 입지 결정 요인에 관한 연구 : 천안상권을 중심으로)

  • So, Jang-Hoon;Hwang, Hee-Joong
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.10 no.5
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    • pp.37-44
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    • 2012
  • In this paper, we investigate several factors that affect the locational decision of discount stores by using previous studies on the marketing area and the location of commercial facilities. We selected 21 primary variables that are expected to influence the decision of store location and, by factor analysis, grouped them into five underlying factors. Among these, the demographic factor, which shows the potential purchasing power level, had the greatest impact on the locational decision for the store. However, we found individual stores positioned according to unique locational characteristics in addition to the demographic factor. It means that we have to additionally consider if the vicinity of the market is based on any physical properties. Many previous studies proposed four decision factors for store location: the economic factor, the demographic factor, the land utilization factor, and traffic factor. However, the fivefold factors-our distinctive contribution-are more concrete and persuasive according to Korean reality. We show that location preference is based on the following criteria: (1) the area is densely populated, (2) houses stand close together, (3) residents have a high income level, (4) road traffic is developed and easy to access, and (5) public transportation is well developed. The demographic factor has the greatest impact on the location of a discount store. The number of households has a greater relevance to the demographic factor than does the individual consumer. Second, discount stores relatively prefer places where houses are located close together because such places offer easy access to the market. Third, a place whose residents have a high income level will be preferred, with its large cars and excellent traffic conditions. Fourth, a location would be highly rated if the roads around commercial facilities are well developed and their accessibility is good. Finally, discount stores must be located close to bus stops because female consumers, including housewives-the most important customers-evaluate stores based on distance. In this research, the variable of consumer attitude and preference was excluded, and the location factors of discount stores were analyzed according to a microscopic view through physical spatial data. In the future, the opening of new discount stores based on the five factors indicated above will require a comparatively shorter time from the first project feasibility analysis. In addition, the result of our study can be applied to the field of public policy for constructing and attracting large-scale distribution facilities.

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Acquisition of Watershed-based Pollution Source Information using Spatial Distributed Geo-Information (분포형 공간정보를 이용한 유역단위 오염원정보 구축)

  • Bae, Myoung-Soon;Ha, Sung-Ryong
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.215-223
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    • 2006
  • The Total Maximum Daily Load(TMDL) Act just implemented as a new tool of watershed based water quality management, in Korea. Thus, there are a number of pending questions to resolve for successful settlement of the TMDL. The allocation of pollution source is a exceedingly sensitive issue on local development planning. The simple area-based allocation (SAA) is conventional method to allocate the administrational pollution information to watershed based information. The SAA has a limitation that it can't consider the characteristics of spatial distribution of pollution source and it has caused more uncertainty of TMDL. This study was performed to reduce the uncertainty of watershed-based pollution information using the spatial distribution-based allocation(SDA). In the specific area where pollution source is concentrated such as urbanized region, it has been certified that SDA could reduce a tolerance of pollution information dramatically. As a result of study, SDA is expected a effective tool for TMDL and to solve the conflict between development and protection.

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Evaluating Vulnerability to Snowfall Disasters Using Entropy Method for Overlapping Distributions of Vulnerable Factors in Busan, Korea (취약인자의 엔트로피 기반 중첩 분석을 이용한 부산광역시의 적설재해 취약지역 등급 평가)

  • An, ChanJung;Park, Yongmi;Choi, Wonsik
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.36 no.2_1
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    • pp.217-229
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    • 2020
  • Recently, weather changes in Korea have intensified due to global warming, and the five major natural disasters that occur mostly include heavy rains, typhoons, storms, heavy snow, and earthquakes. Busan is vulnerable to snow disaster, given that the amount of natural disaster damage in Busan accounts for more than 50% of the total amount in the entire metropolitan cities in Korea, and that the Busan area includes many hilly mountains. In this study, we attempted to identify vulnerable areas for snowfall disasters in Busan areas using the geographic information system (GIS) with the data for both geographical and anthropogenic characteristics. We produced the maps of vulnerable areas for evaluating factors that include altitude, slope, land cover, road networks, and demographics, and overlapped those maps to rank the vulnerability to snowfall disasters as the 5th levels finally. To weight each evaluating factor, we used an entropy method. The riskiest areas are characterized by being located in mountainous areas with roads, including Sansung-ro in Geumjeong-gu, Mandeok tunnel in Buk-gu, Hwangnyeongsan-ro in Suyeong-gu, and others, where road restrictions were actually enforced due to snowfall events in the past. This method is simple and easy to be updated, and thus we think this methodology can be adapted to identify vulnerable areas for other environmental disasters.