• Title/Summary/Keyword: 도시기준점

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Planting Evaluations for the Landscaping Tree and Application Plan by Assessment Grade in the City Park - A Case Study of Haedoji Park, Songdo, Incheon Metropolitan City - (도시공원 조경수목 식재 평가 및 평가등급 적용 방안 - 인천광역시 송도 해돋이공원을 대상으로 -)

  • Han, Bong-Ho;Cho, Hun-Gum;Kwak, Jeong-In;Park, Seok-Cheol
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.457-471
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    • 2014
  • This study aims to present an evaluation scheme to improve the problems in tree shapes and tree growth which were identified through shape and growth assessments of landscape trees currently planted in Haedoji Park, Songdo, Incheon Metropolitan City after plant structure status and propriety review for funtion of space and concept of planting. Suitability the planting concept was evaluated according to function of space. The result indicated that the shade planting areas accounted for 29.5% of the the shade spaces area. 58.7%, respectively planting areas of visual landscape. And 11.8%, respectively planting areas of buffer. Because the planting areas was lacked according to the park established spatial configuration of central facilities and the result of plant young trees. Plant structure status required consideration with plant structure, density, size, growth status for improve planting function. The tree assessment was performed on a total of 28 species and 600 trees of which 22 species and 209 trees were planted in the buffer zone, 8 species and 71 trees in the shade zone, 16 species and 266 trees in the visual landscape zone, and 4 species and 54 trees in the ecological landscape zone. The trees were divided into grades based on their assessment score and were statistically grouped by the functional zone in where they are planted and by tree species to verify their significance. The tree shape assessment was an average of 56.6 points and the tree growth assessment was an average of 76.0 points. Using the results of the tree assessments, the tree standards for each functional space were identified and a concept of optimum planting and cultivating was applied. When applying the shape assessment results by zone to the concept of planting, since trees for buffering require high functionality they received E's, the lowest grade; as trees for ecological landscaping require diverseness and naturalness, they received D's; since trees for shading require utilization, they received C's as trees with branching at the main stems were considered; and since trees for visual landscaping required aesthetical value, they received A's and B's. When applying the growth assessment results by zone to the concept of planting, based on planting foundations of favorable and poor, for buffering, visual landscaping, and ecological landscaping, trees from grades A to E could be planted, and for shading, trees from grades A to C could be planted. For a cultivation plan that could improve the growth of the trees, we proposed that the topography of the land be selected considering the tree's characteristics and that a method of pot seeding be used. Also, to improve the shape of the trees, we proposed that poles be used to improve the growth of vertically-straight stems, an appropriate planting density be applied for reasonable branch growth, manage tree shape to maintain good crowning, and better manage fertilization to maintain a reasonable crown density.

The Location Identification Scheme for the Road Management Information System (도로관리정보체계를 위한 도로위치판별방법 설정)

  • Kim, Kwang-Shik;Lee, Kyoo-Seock
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.1 no.2 s.2
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    • pp.195-206
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    • 1993
  • As the first step in developing the urban information system it is very important to identify the location of the street, and the feature of objects on it Also it is necessary to understand the relationship between objects concerned. In order to manage these information efficiently, the road information should be well organized and standardized for digital data. Because the road is the base place under which most urban utilities are buried. However, the present real situation is that even if we have unique numbers authorized by law for some parts of the road it is too ambiguous to figure out the spatial location of the specific area because the assigned area is so large and incoherent. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to propose a road location identication scheme, to apply this scheme at Kangnam-ku Seoul, and finally to propose the guideline in developing the road management information system in Korea. The road identification scheme developed in this study are as follows: (1) The road is defined as a fixed factor, and was given the identification number which repressents the funtion, relationship, and direction of the road without the road section and absolute coordinates. (2) The parcel identification nutter was given to each route to understand it possible to understand the location of the road itself and surroundings. (3) To update the md information using the scheme developed in this study relative coordinate method(Dynamic Segmentation) based on the road centerline was applied.

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Evaluation of effectiveness of Smart Water City in Korea - Smart Water City project in Paju City, Gyeonggi Province (한국 스마트워터시티의 효과성 평가 - 경기도 파주시 스마트워터시티 사업을 중심으로)

  • Lee, Yookyung;Lee, Seungho
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.53 no.spc1
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    • pp.813-826
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    • 2020
  • This study analyzes the effects of the Smart Water City (SWC) project that was introduced from 2014 to 2016 in Paju City, Gyeonggi Province, Korea, focusing on the achievement of the business goals. The SWC is referred to as a city that embraces a healthy water supply system based on Smart Water Management (SWM) that promotes the efficiency of water management by combining Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) with water and sewerage facilities. In order to evaluate the effectiveness of the SWC project, this study deploys evaluation criteria corresponding to the project objectives, and analyzes the outputs before and after the project. The results show that the SWC has contributed to enhancing water supply services and the reliability and drinking rate of tap water. Specific improvement areas include the rise of average water flow rate and water leakage reduction, the diffusion of water quality monitoring system, and the reduction of floating particle concentration and turbidity in drainage pipes was achieved. These were possible because of specific implementation plans for clear goal setting and achievement and active services for citizens. The data related to water quantity and quality showed improved performance compared to before the introduction of SWMS, which is a positive effect. However, a quantitative analysis of the outputs has limitations in identifying other external factors that have led to the changes. In the future, guidelines for spreading SWC and more comprehensive and specific evaluation indicators for SWC should be prepared, and SWMS should be developed in consideration of the needs of users.

Stakeholder Oriented Economical Efficiency Analysis on the Scenario to Implement Smart Transportation Services (지능형 운송 서비스 구축 시나리오에 대한 이해관계자 중심 경제성 분석)

  • Shin, KwangSup;Moon, Yongma;Hur, Wonchang;Kim, Woo Je
    • Journal of the Korea Society for Simulation
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.35-43
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    • 2015
  • This research proposed a new method to evaluate the objective validity to launch smart transportation services that various stakeholders are complicatedly inter-connected. First of all, we have designed the fundamental business model to form the smart transportation services and defined the stakeholders taking part in the services. Also, the criteria to evaluate the economical validity has been proposed based on the relationship among stakeholders. Especially, in the case EV drivers and charging service providers, the economical validity depends on the scale of spreading. Therefore, we have compared the two extreme scenarios, the poor and stable level of EV spreading. According to the result, it may be said that EV drivers and charging service providers cannot be guaranteed the economical validity due to the burden of initial investment. On the contrary to this, suppliers of EV and charging gears may secure more than a certain level of profit. In addition, the government may have great profit due to reducing the CO2 emission and cost for importing energy sources. Therefore, it is needed to enhance the level of supporting EV drivers and charging service providers at the first stage. Also, the impact of the ratio of EV and charging service stations on the economical validity of smart transportation should be further investigated.

An Analysis on the Anti-poverty Effectiveness of Public and Private Income Transfers; After the Enactment of National Basic Livelihood Security Act (공적 이전과 사적 이전의 빈곤 감소 효과 분석 : 기초생활보장제도 도입 이후를 중심으로)

  • Hong, Kyung-Zoon
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.50
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    • pp.61-85
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    • 2002
  • Using the 2001 Family Income and Expenditure Survey micro-data, this study analyses the anti-poverty effectiveness of public and private income transfers. In this study, the anti-poverty effectiveness of income transfers is summarized in two ways; 1) the poverty reduction effect of the income transfers, and 2) the poverty reduction efficiency of the income transfers. The poverty reduction effects are measured with several poverty indices including the head-count ratio, poverty gap, and Sen index. Using Beckerman's model, this study also analyses the poverty reduction efficiency of income transfers. This analysis documents substantial differences in the anti-poverty effectiveness of public and private income transfers. Although the private income transfers contribute more to reduce the head-count poverty ratio and Sen index than public income transfers, their differences are significantly reduced after the enactment of National Basic Livelihood Security Act. The results also reveal that the anti-poverty effectiveness of public and private income transfers vary by the types of families. In families headed by elderly and working aged, private income transfers have more anti-poverty effectiveness. But, public income transfers contribute more to reduce poverty than private income transfers among families headed by single adults with children. The results of this study suggest that recent changes in anti-poverty policies in Korea have been strengthened the Government's responsibility. And more importantly, to effectively reduce poverty among the poor families, anti-poverty polices must be designed to consider different family types.

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High School Students' Perceptions on Descriptive Assessment Activity Experiences by Teacher or by Peer (서술형 평가에서의 교사평가와 동료평가 활동 경험에 따른 고등학생들의 인식)

  • Paik, Seoung Hye;Ryu, Hye Jung
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.34 no.6
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    • pp.593-599
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study is to figure out the influence on the students' achievement of the cognitive and the affective domains by descriptive items assessment of teacher or peer and to obtain implications by analyzing the students' satisfaction and the reliability of the assessment. For this purpose, two classes of 11th grade students located in a small city were selected and took an exam related to the cognitive and the affective domains before and after the assessment. The assessment activities were carried out during 10 lessons and the teacher gave feedback to the students of the teacher assessment class in the lessons. In the peer assessment class, a small-size student group discussion and feedback were given to the students after the exam. The results show that higher level achievement group students represented relatively positive satisfaction on teacher assessment, and lower level achievement group students represented positive satisfaction on peer assessment. In spite of the same marker list, higher level achievement group students represent relatively high reliability than lower level achievement group students. The lower level achievement group students in the peer assessment class got statistically meaningful improvement of achievement than the students of teacher assessment class. The peer assessment activity was positively influenced on the affective domain of the lower level achievement group students, especially signigicant meaning of statistics was found on the students' perception about science.

On the Study of Design Guidelines and a Design Case to Enable the Replacement of LRT Stations by Stops (경전철 역사를 대체하는 정류장 도입을 위해 필요한 설계지침의 도출 및 적용 사례에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Joo-Uk;Park, Kee-Jun;Lee, Ji-Eon;Lee, Jae-Chon
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.16 no.5
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    • pp.3499-3510
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    • 2015
  • To cope with the increased demand on the intra-city transportation by urban rails, the introduction of the light rail transit (LRT) systems has been expedited in Korea due to the possible reduction of both the development and operation costs from adopting LRT systems. The LRT systems have so far been designed, constructed and operated based on the corresponding law and regulations. It has been conceived that fully complying with the existing guidelines may incur some extra costs on LRT. In addition, the present design of LRT stations seems to require unnecessarily long flow of passengers traffic, particularly for disabled people. In this paper, as an approach to solving the aforementioned issues, an introduction of 'LRT stops' has been studied where the stops are similar in concept to bus stops and are intended to replace the stations of a bigger scale in general. Specifically, necessary guidelines for design have been developed by modifying the existing ones to be fit with LRT stops. A design case was also presented to evaluate them. The effective use of the results reported here will provide an opportunity of cost reduction in connection with the construction and operation, and also let people benefit from convenient use of rails, thereby resulting in enhanced transportation welfare.

A Study for Scour Formulas Reviewing in Small Stream Watershed (소하천유역에서 교량세굴 검토 시 적용 가능한 세굴산정공식 비교)

  • Lee, Sung-Hyun;Kim, Dae-Gon
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2012.05a
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    • pp.521-521
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    • 2012
  • 우리나라는 산악지역이 국토의 대부분을 차지하고 있어 전체유역을 놓고 볼 때 대하천이 차지하는 부분보다는 중소하천이 차지하는 부분이 상대적으로 크고, 교량의 길이가 짧은 소교량이 수적으로 많은 부분을 차지하고 있다. 그중에서도 특히 중소하천의 유량은 시간적으로 매우 빠르게 변화하며 유속 또한 급속히 빨라져 하상의 변형이 순식간에 일어나고 있다. 이와 같은 시간적, 공간적인 호우특성과 지형특성으로 인하여 중소하천에 위치한 교량은 특히 세굴에 매우 취약함을 보여주고 있다. 하천에 건설되는 교량의 수명이나 안정성에 세굴이 미치는 영향은 매우 크며, 특히 우리나라와 같이 홍수 시 단기간에 걸쳐 유량이 급증하는 경우 유속에 의한 교량 기초의 급격한 세굴은 예상치 못한 교량 붕괴 사고를 초래할 수 있다. 현재 국내 소하천에 설치된 교량은 약 3,470개소(지방도 기준)로 다양한 하부구조로 설계되어 있다. 이렇게 하천 내에 세워진 교량과 같은 횡단 구조물들은 그 크기에 상관없이 하천의 형태에 영향을 미치게 된다. 그중에서 교량 세굴은 하천 횡단구조물로 인하여 발생되는 가장 중요한 문제 중의 하나로써 교량 건설 시 교각에 영향을 주는 세굴을 예측하고 방어하기 위하여 다양한 방정식을 통하여 신설교량의 교각세굴을 예측한다. 하지만 대부분의 교량 세굴 공식들은 실험실에서의 실험 결과를 토대로 개발되었기 때문에 이들 공식들이 산정한 국소 세굴량이 얼마나 정확한지는 실제 현장 관측 자료와의 비교를 통해서만 검증할 수 있다. 세굴 공식들의 산정 결과를 현장 실측자료와 비교하는 연구는 그 동안 다양하게 시도되었으나, 통일된 결론에는 도달하지 못하고 있다. 본 연구에서는 기존의 세굴깊이 산정 시 일반적으로 사용되어지고 있는 세굴공식들 중 소하천 교량 규모에 적용 가능한 공식들을 선별하고, 각 세굴심 추정공식에 속한 변수별 특성분석을 위하여, 5가지의 독립변수를 설정하여 국부세굴의 현장 측정값과 예측공식의 비교결과에 대하여 불일치율을 비교분석하였다. 그 결과, 모든 공식들의 불일치율의 기하 평균이 1보다 큰 것을 보여주고 있다. 즉, 모든 공식들이 과대 추정의 의미로 정확성면에서 우수한 공식들은 불일치율의 기하 평균이 1에 가깝고 기하 표준편차가 작은 공식들이 나타났으며, 이런 점에서 Froehlich 공식, Inglis-Poona II, Blench-Inglis I, Breusers 공식 등의 기하평균이 1에 가장 근접한 결과를 나타내었다. 각 세굴공식 세굴심 산정결과의 불일치율을 각각 5가지의 변수별로 도시하여 분석하였으며, 그 결과로 소하천에 대하여 적용 가능한 공식과 소하천에 적용 시에는 과다추정의 우려가 있는 공식으로 분류되어 면밀한 검토가 필요할 것으로 판단된다.

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Impact Analysis for Transit Oriented Street Design (A Case Study for Kangnam Street in Seoul) (대중교통우선가로제 시행방안 및 기대효과 분석 (강남대로 중앙버스전용차로 도입을 중심으로))

  • 황기연;이조영
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.47-56
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    • 2003
  • Considering the high density developments along the major traffic corridors in Seoul, transit-oriented street designs will be a very effective to control traffic congestion along the corridors. For testing the effectiveness, we selected. for our case study, Kangnam Street, which is one of the most highly developed corridors in Seoul The traffic study on Kangnam street in 2000 shows that the daily average bus speed is 11.73km/h, which is 5km/h lower than the auto speed. The Central Bus Lane system was applied on the Kangnam street to test impact on bus speed as well as auto speed. Simulation results show that with Central Bus Lane have been improved the travel speeds of bus as well as auto on Kangnam street from 14.4km/hr to 35.0km/hr and from 25.1km/hr to 26.1km/hr, respectively. The bus market share increases about 6-8 percentages. Especially, 13.4% of bus users are increased for long-distance trips.

Characteristics of Management of Facilities and Healing Programmes for Forest Therapy (산림치유 시설의 운영 및 치유 프로그램 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Cheon-Bo;Choi, Joon-Sung
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.468-474
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    • 2021
  • Forest healing is a natural method that utilizes various natural environmental factors of forests to enhance immunity and to heal mental and physical pathologies. The aim of this study is to suggest implications for the future development of forest healing by analyzing the characteristics of facilities and programs in 28 national and public healing forests in Korea. The concept of forest healing and programs is defined, and healing forests operating in Korea are classified by size. The facility operation and program characteristics of healing forests were analyzed according to size, and the results were used to suggest a future direction for the development of domestic forest healing. The research results are as follows. First, domestic healing forests have gradually been reduced in size since they were first opened in 2009, which is the cause of the competitive creation of local governments. Second, healing spaces, forest paths, and programs for the elderly, pregnant women and disabled should be expanded. Third, lodging programs need to be expanded, and subsidies for usage fees from local governments are required. Institutional supplementation should be provided to link program development and facilities and to clarify procedures and standards for forest healing facilities.