• Title/Summary/Keyword: 도로 모니터링

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The Situation Awareness Analysis of VTSOs in the Close Quarters Situation (선박 근접상황에 대한 VTSO의 상황 인식 분석에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Jin-Suk;Song, Chae-Uk
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.42 no.1
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    • pp.25-30
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    • 2018
  • This study was carried out to analyze the risk attitude based on situation awareness of the Vessel Traffic Service Operator (VTSO) on the risk of collision between vessels during the monitoring of vessel traffic through the use of the VTS system. In general, when two vessels are in the close quarters situation, we analyzed the degree of risk of collision from the subjective viewpoint of the VTSOs through an administered survey. Chiefly, we analyzed the risk attitudes of each VTSO in the close quarters situation, by comparing it with the calculated value by the CoRi, which is the ship collision risk model from the VTSO's viewpoint. As a result, it was confirmed that more than 40% of the total VTSO was noted as being in a weak risk aversion type of category. Through a review of the results of analyzing the risk attitude of VTSO according to gender, age, VTS career, VTS center position, accident experience, and boarded career, it was found that there was a significant difference in the VTS career, VTS center position and accident experience. In addition, a regression model that is able to further explain the risk attitude of VTSO was derived as a factor that confirmed the significant difference and applied to CoRi to predict the collision risk according to the individual VTSO to be used as a fundamental information gathering tool for providing more accurate and safe VTS service at sea.

Baseline Wander Removing Method Based on Morphological Filter for Efficient QRS Detection (효율적인 QRS 검출을 위한 형태 연산 기반의 기저선 잡음 제거 기법)

  • Cho, Ik-Sung;Kim, Joo-Man;Kim, Seon-Jong;Kwon, Hyeog-Soong
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.166-174
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    • 2013
  • QRS detection of ECG is the most popular and easy way to detect cardiac-disease. But it is difficult to analyze the ECG signal because of various noise types. The important problem in recording ECG signal is a baseline wandering, which is occurred by rhythm of respiration and muscle contraction attaching to an electrode. Particularly, in the healthcare system that must continuously monitor people's situation, it is necessary to process ECG signal in realtime. In other words, the design of algorithm that exactly detects QRS region using minimal computation by analyzing the person's physical condition and/or environment is needed. Therefore, baseline wander removing method based on morphological filter for efficient QRS detection method is presented in this paper. For this purpose, we detected QRS through the preprocessing method using morphological filter, adaptive threshold, and window. The signal distortion ratio of the proposed method is compared with other filtering method. Also, R wave detection is evaluated by using MIT-BIH arrhythmia database. Experiment result show that proposed method removes baseline wanders effectively without significant morphological distortion.

Simulation for the Estimation of Design Parameters in an Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage (ATES) Utilization System Model (대수층 축열 에너지(ATES) 활용 시스템 모델의 설계인자 추정을 위한 시뮬레이션)

  • Shim Byoung-Ohan
    • Journal of Soil and Groundwater Environment
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.54-61
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    • 2005
  • An aquifer thermal energy storage (ATES) system can be very cost-effective and renewable energy sources, depending on site-specific parameters and load characteristics. In order to develop the ATES system which has certain hydrogeological characteristics, understanding the thermohydraulic process of an aquifer is necessary for a proper design of an aquifer heat storage system under given conditions. The thermohydraulic transfer for heat storage was simulated according to two sets of simple pumping and waste water reinjection scenarios of groundwater heat pump system operation in a two-layered aquifer model. In the first set of the scenarios, the movement of the thermal front and groundwater level was simulated by changing the locations of injection and pumping wells in a seasonal cycle. However, in the second set the simulation was performed in the state of fixing the locations of pumping and injection wells. After 365 days simulation period, the shape of temperature distribution was highly dependent on the injected water temperature and the distance from the injection well. A small temperature change appeared on the surface compared to other simulated temperature distributions of 30 and 50 m depths. The porosity and groundwater flow characteristics of each layer sensitively affected the heat transfer. The groundwater levels and temperature changes in injection and pumping wells were monitored and the thermal interference between the wells was analyzed to test the effectiveness of the heat pump operation method applied.

A Personalized Product Recommendation Agent on Mobile Internet (무선인터넷 환경에서의 개인화상품추천에이전트)

  • 이승화;이은석
    • Proceedings of the Korean Information Science Society Conference
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    • 2004.04b
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    • pp.145-147
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    • 2004
  • 본 논문에서는 무선인터넷 환경에 적합한 개인화된 상품추천에이전트를 제안한다. 기존에 유선인터넷상의 많은 개인화 추천시스템에서는 초기 사용자 모델링을 위해 사용자에게 수많은 질의를 하고 응답을 요구하였다. 그러나 이러한 방식은 무선인터넷 환경에서 정보 전송량에 따른 높은 사용요금을 고려할 때 적용하기 힘든 방식이다. 본 제안 시스템은 사용자의 Social data률 이용하여 사용자를 비슷한 연령과 성별 그룹으로 나누고, 해당 그룹에서 구매율이 높은 상품을 우선 제시한 후, 사용자 행동을 모니터링 하여 암시적(Implicit)피드백을 통해 프로파일을 생성함으로써, 번거로운 질의-응답 과정 없이도 초기 사용자 모델링을 수행할 수 있다. 프로파일 생성 이후에는 이를 기반으로 하여 사용자몰 유사한 취향을 가진 그룹으로 다시 군집화한 후 협력적 추천을 하게 되며, 프로파일에는 해당 상품의 최종 카테고리명과 키워드를 수집함으로써, 상품의 브랜드와 규격정보를 반영한 추천이 가능하다. 또한 추천 상품과 사용자의 구매데이터와의 비교를 수행하여 사용자가 해당상품을 구매하였을 경우, 상품에 대한 취향정보는 그대로 유지하고 관련 상품을 추천하되, 구매한 상품이 중복 추천되지 않도록 하였다. 시스템 평가를 위해 프로토타입을 구현하여, 다수의 사용자에게 시스템을 이용하며 관심품목을 체크하도록 하였고. 추천횟수가 반복되며 히트율이 증가하는 결과를 통해 시스템의 학습속도와 성능을 평가하였다. 그리고 쇼핌몰에서 구매경험이 있는 사용자의 기존 구매데이터와 Social data를 이용한 초기 제시상품을 역으로 비교하여 오랜 시간과 비용 발생 없이도 초기 프로파일 생성의 유효성을 증명하였다. 포함하는 XML 질의에 대해서도 웹에서 캐쉬를 이용한 처리가 효율적임을 확인하였다.키는데 목적이 있다.RED에 비해 향상된 성능을 보여주었다.웍스 네트워크상의 다양한 디바이스들간의 네트워크 다양화와 분산화 기능을 얻을 수 있었고, 기존의 고가의 해외 솔루션인 Echelon사의 LonMaker 소프트웨어를 사용하지 않고도 국내의 순수 솔루션인 리눅스 기반의 LonWare 3.0 다중 바인딩 기능을 통해 저 비용으로 홈 네트워크 구성 관리 서버 시스템 개발에 대한 비용을 줄일 수 있다. 기대된다.e 함량이 대체로 높게 나타났다. 점미가 수가용성분에서 goucose대비 용출함량이 고르게 나타나는 경향을 보였고 흑미는 알칼리가용분에서 glucose가 상당량(0.68%) 포함되고 있음을 보여주었고 arabinose(0.68%), xylose(0.05%)도 다른 종류에 비해서 다량 함유한 것으로 나타났다. 흑미는 총식이섬유 함량이 높고 pectic substances, hemicellulose, uronic acid 함량이 높아서 콜레스테롤 저하 등의 효과가 기대되며 고섬유식품으로서 조리 특성 연구가 필요한 것으로 사료된다.리하였다. 얻어진 소견(所見)은 다음과 같았다. 1. 모년령(母年齡), 임신회수(姙娠回數), 임신기간(姙娠其間), 출산시체중등(出産時體重等)의 제요인(諸要因)은 주산기사망(周産基死亡)에 대(對)하여 통계적(統計的)으로 유의(有意)한 영향을 미치고 있어 $25{\sim}29$세(歲)의 연령군에서, 2번째 임신과 2번째의 출산에서 그리고 만삭의 임신 기간에, 출산시체중(出産時體重) $3.50{\sim}3.99kg$사이의 아

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The Effect of Medication in the Patients with Bee-Sting (약물투여가 벌자상환자에게 미치는 효과)

  • Cho, Byung-Jun;Moon, Soo-Jae;Kim, Seon-Rye
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.350-356
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study is effect factors of Pre-Hospital Medication in the Patients with Bee-Sting. This study is to identify the necessity of using epinephrine in prehospital stage from the perspective of early management of anaphylaxis following a bee sting. Methods: Patients suffering from a bee sting who used the 119 rescue between 2013 from 119 center data were included. Age, sex, month of injury, time factors, vital signs, medication, signs, distance factors, presence of cardiac arrest, AVPU triage by EMT were extracted. The severity of bee sting injury was divided into mild, moderate, and severe according to the presenting symptoms and signs. Results: The severe patients treated by using oxygen, IV, ECG, Medication. Anaphylaxis is a serious allergic reaction of rapid onset that may lead to death. One of Anaphylaxis patients lived by using epinephrine. Most patients collapsed at the scene of mount. Bee sting injuries occurred primarily during summer to the farmer. Nine patients collapsed at the scene. Bee sting injuries occurred primarily from June to October. Conclusion: The primary treatment for anaphylaxis is epinephrine. Epinephrine in pre-hospital stage is factors of essential for patients. Also epinephrine will permit to be equipped in the EMT-P and use of epinephrine by law.

Change of Vegetation Structure for 6 years (1994-1999) at the Harvested Forest Area (I) - A Case of (Mt.) Baegwoonsan Research Forest at Kwangyang City - (산림(山林) 벌채적지(伐採跡地)의 6년간 식생구조(植生構造) 변화(變化) (I) - 광양시(光陽市) 백운산(白雲山) 연습임지역(演習林地域)을 중심(中心)으로 -)

  • Jee, Yong-Ki;Oh, Koo-Kyoon
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.90 no.6
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    • pp.673-682
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    • 2001
  • The objective of this study was to monitor vegetation development process after timber harvesting at (Mt.) Baekwoonsan Seoul National University Forests, Korea. Two monitoring plots were established in 1994 and woody plant were monitored from 1994 to 1999. Vegetation development pattern during last six years(1994-1999) after timber harvesting were as follows; Styrax obassia, Styrax japonica and Lindera erythrocarpa as of the existing tree were competitive species in the first year after clearcut, and Styrax japonica and Lindera erythrocarpa as of sprout tree) and Aralia elata as of seedling were dominant species in the sixth years after clearcut. Species diversity indices of harvested forest interior was decreased at the southwestern slope and increased at the northeastern slope. According to DBH distribution pattern, No. of individuals of Lindera erythrocarpa and Aralia elata showed vigorous growth in the sub-canopy layer and then Styrax japonica, Quercus serrata, Maackia amurensis, Lespedeza maximowixzii, Lindera obtusiloba, Staphylea bumalda, Clero-dendrum trichotomum, Weigela subsessilis, in order showed good growth in the sixth year after clearcut. Lindera erythrocarpa with a reversed J-shaped curve pattern by DBH class will be increased while Aralia elata with a J-shaped curve pattern will be decreased.

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An Effectiveness Analysis of Pilot Enforcement for Overweight Vehicles(Trucks) using High-Speed Weigh-In-Motion System (고속 축중기를 이용한 고속도로 과적 시범단속 시행효과 분석)

  • Choi, Yoon-Hyuk;Kwon, Soon-Min;Park, Min-Seok
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.63-73
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    • 2016
  • On January 16 to May 31, 2012, Korea Expressway Corporation was carried out an pilot overweight enforcement using high-speed weigh-in-motion at Gyeongbu expressway 195.0k (Gimcheon) and Jungbunaeryuk expressway 119.5k (Seonsan). In this study, it is attempted to analyze the practical effect of high-speed weigh-in-motion by comparing the average total weight and traffic volume of eight weeks before and after the these overweight enforcement, respectively. The main results are as follows: First, the result of analysis of the change in average total weight and traffic volume, it was found that it did not differ after as in previous traffic volume, and the total weight is reduced. This means that the total weight is not reduced by decreasing freight traffic, but by decreasing the total weight. Therefore, it can be seen that there is an effect of pilot overweight enforcement using high-speed weigh-in-motion. Second, the average total weight and total weekly traffic volume decreased rapidly starting from the start of the overweight enforcement, but there was showing a tendency to increase gradually again.

Photochemical Reflectance Index (PRI) Mapping using Drone-based Hyperspectral Image for Evaluation of Crop Stress and its Application to Multispectral Imagery (작물 스트레스 평가를 위한 드론 초분광 영상 기반 광화학반사지수 산출 및 다중분광 영상에의 적용)

  • Na, Sang-il;Park, Chan-won;So, Kyu-ho;Ahn, Ho-yong;Lee, Kyung-do
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.35 no.5_1
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    • pp.637-647
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    • 2019
  • The detection of crop stress is an important issue for the accurate assessment of yield decline. The photochemical reflectance index (PRI) was developed as a remotely sensed indicator of light use efficiency (LUE). The PRI has been tested in crop stress detection and a number of studies demonstrated the feasibility of using it. However, only few studies have focused on the use of PRI from remote sensing imagery. The monitoring of PRI using drone and satellite is made difficult by the low spectral resolution image captures. In order to estimate PRI from multispectral sensor, we propose a band fusion method using adjacent bands. The method is applied to the drone-based hyperspectral and multispectral imagery and estimated PRI explain 79% of the original PRI. And time series analyses showed that two PRI data (drone-based and SRS sensor) had very similar temporal variations. From these results, PRI from multispectral imagery using band fusion can be used as a new method for evaluation of crop stress.

3D Thermo-Spatial Modeling Using Drone Thermal Infrared Images (드론 열적외선 영상을 이용한 3차원 열공간 모델링)

  • Shin, Young Ha;Sohn, Kyung Wahn;Lim, SooBong;Lee, Dong-Cheon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.39 no.4
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    • pp.223-233
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    • 2021
  • Systematic and continuous monitoring and management of the energy consumption of buildings are important for estimating building energy efficiency, and ultimately aim to cope with climate change and establish effective policies for environment, and energy supply and demand policies. Globally, buildings consume 36% of total energy and account for 39% of carbon dioxide emissions. The purpose of this study is to generate three-dimensional thermo-spatial building models with photogrammetric technique using drone TIR (Thermal Infrared) images to measure the temperature emitted from a building, that is essential for the building energy rating system. The aerial triangulation was performed with both optical and TIR images taken from the sensor mounted on the drone, and the accuracy of the models was analyzed. In addition, the thermo-spatial models of temperature distribution of the buildings in three-dimension were visualized. Although shape of the objects 3D building modeling is relatively inaccurate as the spatial and radiometric resolution of the TIR images are lower than that of optical images, TIR imagery could be used effectively to measure the thermal energy of the buildings based on spatial information. This paper could be meaningful to present extension of photogrammetry to various application. The energy consumption could be quantitatively estimated using the temperature emitted from the individual buildings that eventually would be uses as essential information for building energy efficiency rating system.

Management of Weight Gain and Obesity Associated With Antipsychotics (항정신병약물 사용과 연관된 체중 증가와 비만의 관리)

  • Lee, Na-Hyun;Lee, Jae-Chang
    • Korean Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.86-94
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    • 2021
  • Objectives : The risk of weight gain is high when using antipsychotic drugs, and the prevalence of obesity in people with mental illness is high. Obesity management in psychiatric patients is important because obesity causes various complications and lowers treatment adherence and quality of life. Methods : In this review, we summarized the management strategies for obesity that can occur when using antipsychotic drugs through a web search. Results : Evaluate obesity-related risk factors and related indicators from the beginning of treatment, and conduct regular monitoring. If an antipsychotic drug is used and obesity is induced, a change to a drug with a low metabolic risk may be attempted. Sufficient interventions are also needed on the need to manage obesity, a healthy diet, and exercises in patients and their families. If weight loss is not achieved and obesity-related complications are associated, the use of anti-obesity drugs may be considered. Pharmacological treatment approaches should be carefully considered. Conclusions : Non-pharmacological and pharmacological therapies can be applied to manage weight gain and obesity caused by the use of antipsychotic drugs. When using anti-obesity drugs, the characteristics of mental disorders, drug safety, and drug interactions should be considered.