• Title/Summary/Keyword: 도로 건설

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Coefficient of Earth Pressure at Rest Ko for Particulate Materials Under Repetitive Loading (장기간 반복하중을 받는 입자성 물질의 정지토압계수 Ko)

  • Kim, Naewon;Park, Junghee
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.40 no.5
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    • pp.59-76
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    • 2024
  • Soil undergoes numerous repetitive loads, making it crucial to estimate changes in effective horizontal stress for structural stability. This study investigates the variations in the coefficient of earth pressure at rest (Ko), void ratio, and shear wave velocity of granular materials during repetitive loading. Semi-cyclic compaction tests were performed under different initial stress-to-amplitude ratios throughout the loading history. The results indicate that the void ratio of all specimens decreases during cyclic compaction subjected to varying stress amplitude ratios, eventually stabilizing at a terminal void ratio-representing a stable deformation state. Variations in Ko under repetitive loading depend on the stress amplitude ratio and relative density, influenced by soil fabric and particle-scale mechanisms. Ko can be predicted through changes in shear wave velocity over the entire stress history as the number of cycles approaches infinity. This study presents new solutions for determining the resilient modulus in road pavement design and offers methods to estimate terminal settlement of foundation structures subjected to repetitive loading.

Analysis of Pile Behavior according to Bearing Condition for Vertical Extension Remodeling (수직증축 리모델링 시 말뚝지지 조건에 따른 말뚝기초 거동 분석)

  • Noh, Yujin;Park, Jongjeon;Oh, Kyuoung Seok;Jang, Seo-Yong;Ko, Junyoung
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.44 no.2
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    • pp.191-201
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    • 2024
  • In this study, three-dimensional finite element analysis was used to analyze the behavior of existing and reinforcing piles according to the pile support conditions for vertical extension remodeling. Cap support conditions (group pile, piled raft foundation) and pile tip conditions (rock, soil embedment) were considered as factors influencing existing and reinforcing piles behavior. For the quantitative analysis of existing and reinforcing piles, the displacement, load distribution ratio, and axial force by depth according to the analysis stage were analyzed. As a result of the analysis, it was confirmed that the largest settlement occurred in the reinforcing pile due to the pre-loading method. In particular, a large amount of settlement occurred in group piles regardless of the embedment conditions. In the piled raft foundation, it was confirmed that the displacement and load distribution ratio of existing piles and reinforcing piles were reduced due to the influence of the raft. The axial force by depth showed a difference between group pile and piled raft foundation, which appears to be a major factor affecting displacement and load distribution ratio. Based on the numerical analysis results, it was confirmed that cap support conditions and pile tip embedment conditions should be considered in the design of pile foundations for vertical extension remodeling.

The Types of Healing Demonstrated in Jeon-gyeong and Their Implications (『전경(典經)』에 나타난 치병의 유형과 치유적 함의)

  • Hwang Hee-yeon
    • Journal of the Daesoon Academy of Sciences
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    • v.50
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    • pp.177-218
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    • 2024
  • This article attempts to identify cases of healing described in Jeon-gyeong (The Canonical Scripture), Daesoon Jinrihoe's main scripture, by type and examine their characteristics and implications. Jeungsan compared the Former World to a diseased state such as "a boil on the body" and the point of "annihilation." By diagnosing the world as falling under the dominance of sanggeuk (mutual contention) and executing cheonji-gongsa (the Reordering works of Heaven and Earth) for 9 years, He attempted to change the order of the universe from sanggeuk (mutual contention) to sangsaeng (mutual beneficence). In order to save all the people in the world, Jeungsan tried to "resolve the grievances and grudges accumulated from time immemorial by recalibrating the Degree Number of Heaven and Earth, harmonizing divine beings, and establishing the Later World's paradisiacal land of immortals which will be based on the principle of mutual beneficence." In this context, it can be said that in Jeungsan's cheonji-gongsa, which aimed to save and restore to normalcy throughout the Three Realms of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind, there is an implied remedial meaning. If Daesoon Jinrihoe's tenets, creeds, aims, precepts, ethical rules, and other cultivation methods, can be correctly understood and practiced, then the healing process will also take place concurrently. Thus, the healing implications seen through this remedial principle can be distinguished into healing via cheonji-gongsa on cosmic level and healing through cultivatory practices on human level. In addition, the process of healing and restoration throughout the Three Realms of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind are in line with the practice to ultimately attain the religious aims of Daesoon Jinrihoe, which indicates the justification and significance of healing cultivatory practices.

A Study on the Static Behaviors of Steel Deck Plates of Skew Bridges (사교(斜橋)의 강상판(鋼床板)의 정적거동(靜的擧動)에 대한 연구(研究))

  • Yang, Chang Hyun;Oh, Gi Taek
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.815-826
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    • 1994
  • Skew bridges are found frequently in new bridge construction due to geographical conditions when new constructing bridges are put across the existing highways, railroads or rivers. This study is to investigate the static behaviors of the steel deck plates of skew bridges which are increasingly used in bridges due to outstanding quality of structural steels, development of welding techniques, in order to reduce dead loads and period of constructions. The static behaviours of steel deck plates are analyzed using general purpose FE code SAP90 by modeling the skewed deck plates with rigorous finite elements, as the skew angles vary. The results of finite element analysis for the behaviors of steel deck plates and concrete slabs in acute, obtuse corners and center of decks are compared and discussed as the skew angles vary from $90^{\circ}$ to $30^{\circ}$. Two types of decks are treated, as isotropic plates and orthotropic plates, respectively. From the results of finite element analysis, it is found that more moments, reactions, and deflections occur at the obtuse corners than at the center of skewed decks regardless of isotropy or orthotropy. Especially, in case of the skewed deck plates with skew angles less than 45 degrees, significantly large discrepancies for the values of those internal forces are shown between the skewed and right deck plates. This study estimates the characteristics of deck behaviors according to skew angles, and proposes limitations of skew angles and the ciritical regions of decks.

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A Study on the Water Reuse Systems (중수도개발연구(中水道開發研究))

  • Park, Chung Hyun;Lee, Seong Key;Chung, Jae Chul
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.4 no.4
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    • pp.113-125
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    • 1984
  • Water supply has been mainly dependent on the construction of the dams in Korea. It is difficult, however, to continue to construct dams for many reasons, such as the decrease of construction sites, the increase of construction costs, the compensation of residents in flooded areas, and the environmental effects. Water demands have increased and are expected to continue increasing due to the concentration of people in the cities, the rise of the living standard, and rapid industrial growth. It is acutely important to find countermeasures such as development of ground water, desalination, and recycling of waste water to cope with increasing water demands. Recycling waste water includes all means of supplying non-potable water for their respective usages with proper water quality which is not the same quality as potable water. The usages of the recycled water include toilet flushing, air conditioning, car washing, yard watering, road cleaning, park sprinkling, and fire fighting, etc. Raw water for recycling is obtained from drainage water from buildings, toilets, and cooling towers, treated waste water, polluted rivers, ground water, reinfall, etc. The water quantity must be considered as well as its quality in selecting raw water for the recycling. The types of recycling may be classified roughly into closed recycle systems and open recycle systems, which can be further subdivided into individual recycle systems, regional recycle systems and large scale recycle system. The treatment methods of wastewater combine biochemical and physiochemical methods. The former includes activated sludge treatment, bio-disc treatment, and contact aeration treatment, and the latter contains sedimentation, sand filtration, activated carbon adsorption, ozone treatment, chlorination, and membrane filter. The recycling patterns in other countries were investigated and the effects of the recycling were divided into direct and indirect effects. The problems of water reuse in recycle patterns were also studied. The problems include technological, sanitary, and operational problems as well as cost and legislative ones. The duties of installation and administrative organization, structural standards for reuse of water, maintenance and financial disposal were also studied.

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Development and Application of a Methodologyfor Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment-Sea Level Rise Impact ona Coastal City (기후변화 취약성 평가 방법론의 개발 및 적용 해수면 상승을 중심으로)

  • Yoo, Ga-Young;Park, Sung-Woo;Chung, Dong-Ki;Kang, Ho-Jeong;Hwang, Jin-Hwan
    • Journal of Environmental Policy
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.185-205
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    • 2010
  • Climate change vulnerability assessment based on local conditions is a prerequisite for establishment of climate change adaptation policies. While some studies have developed a methodology for vulnerability assessment at the national level using statistical data, few attempts, whether domestic or overseas, have been made to develop methods for local vulnerability assessments that are easily applicable to a single city. Accordingly, the objective of this study was to develop a conceptual framework for climate change vulnerability, and then develop a general methodology for assessment at the regional level applied to a single coastal city, Mokpo, in Jeolla province, Korea. We followed the conceptual framework of climate change vulnerability proposed by the IPCC (1996) which consists of "climate exposure," "systemic sensitivity," and "systemic adaptive capacity." "Climate exposure" was designated as sea level rises of 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 meter(s), allowing for a simple scenario for sea level rises. Should more complex forecasts of sea level rises be required later, the methodology developed herein can be easily scaled and transferred to other projects. Mokpo was chosen as a seaside city on the southwest coast of Korea, where all cities have experienced rising sea levels. Mokpo has experienced the largest sea level increases of all, and is a region where abnormal high tide events have become a significant threat; especially subsequent to the construction of an estuary dam and breakwaters. Sensitivity to sea level rises was measured by the percentage of flooded area for each administrative region within Mokpo evaluated via simulations using GIS techniques. Population density, particularly that of senior citizens, was also factored in. Adaptive capacity was considered from both the "hardware" and "software" aspects. "Hardware" adaptive capacity was incorporated by considering the presence (or lack thereof) of breakwaters and seawalls, as well as their height. "Software" adaptive capacity was measured using a survey method. The survey questionnaire included economic status, awareness of climate change impact and adaptation, governance, and policy, and was distributed to 75 governmental officials working for Mokpo. Vulnerability to sea level rises was assessed by subtracting adaptive capacity from the sensitivity index. Application of the methodology to Mokpo indicated vulnerability was high for seven out of 20 administrative districts. The results of our methodology provides significant policy implications for the development of climate change adaptation policy as follows: 1) regions with high priority for climate change adaptation measures can be selected through a correlation diagram between vulnerabilities and records of previous flood damage, and 2) after review of existing short, mid, and long-term plans or projects in high priority areas, appropriate adaptation measures can be taken as per this study. Future studies should focus on expanding analysis of climate change exposure from sea level rises to other adverse climate related events, including heat waves, torrential rain, and drought etc.

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The Study on the Confidence Building for Evaluation Methods of a Fracture System and Its Hydraulic Conductivity (단열체계 및 수리전도도의 해석신뢰도 향상을 위한 평가방법 연구)

  • Cho Sung-Il;Kim Chun-Soo;Bae Dae-Seok;Kim Kyung-Su;Song Moo-Young
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.15 no.2 s.42
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    • pp.213-227
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    • 2005
  • This study aims to assess the problems with investigation method and to suggest the complementary solutions by comparing the predicted data from surface investigation with the outcome data from underground cavern. In the study area, one(NE-1) of 6 fracture zones predicted during the surface investigation was only confirmed in underground caverns. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the confidence level for prediction. In this study, the fracture classification criteria was quantitatively suggested on the basis of the BHTV images of NE-1 fracture zone. The major orientation of background fractures in rock mass was changed at the depth of the storage cavern, the length and intensity were decreased. These characteristics result in the deviation of predieted predicted fracture properties and generate the investigation bias depending on the bore hole directions and investigated scales. The evaluation of hydraulic connectivity in the surface investigation stage needs to be analyze by the groundwater pressures and hydrochemical properties from the monitoring bore hole(s) equipped with a double completion or multi-packer system during the test bore hole is pumping or injecting. The hydraulic conductivities in geometric mean measured in the underground caverns are 2-3 times lower than those from the surface and furthermore the horizontal hydraulic conductivity in geometric mean is six times lower than the vertical one. To improve confidence level of the hydraulic conductivity, the orientation of test hole should be considered during the analysis of the hydraulic conductivity and the methodology of hydro-testing and interpretation should be based on the characteristics of rock mass and investigation purposes.

A Study on the Governance of U.S. Global Positioning System (미국 글로벌위성항법시스템(GPS)의 거버넌스에 관한 연구 - 한국형위성항법시스템 거버넌스를 위한 제언 -)

  • Jung, Yung-Jin
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.35 no.3
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    • pp.127-150
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    • 2020
  • A Basic Plan for the Promotion of Space Development (hereinafter referred to as "basic plan"), which prescribes mid- and long-term policy objectives and basic direction-setting on space development every five years, is one of the matters to be deliberated by the National Space Committee. Confirmed February 2018 by the Committee, the 3rd Basic Plan has a unique matter, compared to the 2nd Basic Plan. It is to construct "Korean Positioning System(KPS)". Almost every country in the world including Korea has been relying on GPS. On the occasion of the shooting down of a Korean Air flight 007 by Soviet Russia, GPS Standard Positioning Service has been open to the world. Due to technical errors of GPS or conflict of interests between countries in international relations, however, the above Service can be interrupted at any time. Such cessation might bring extensive damage to the social, economic and security domains of every country. This is why some countries has been constructing an independent global or regional satellite navigation system: EU(Galileo), Russia(Glonass), India(NaVic), Japan(QZSS), and China(Beidou). So does South Korea. Once KPS is built, it is expected to make use of the system in various areas such as transportation, aviation, disaster, construction, defense, ocean, distribution, telecommunication, etc. For this, a pan-governmental governance is needed to be established. And this governance must be based on the law. Korea is richly experienced in developing and operating individually satellite itself, but it has little experience in the simultaneous development and operation of the satellites, ground, and users systems, such as KPS. Therefore we need to review overseas cases, in order to minimize trial and error. U.S. GPS is a classic example.

A Study on the Permeability Reduction Methods of the Riverbed Ground during Urban Railway Tunnel construction (도시철도터널공사 시 하저통과구간의 지반투수저하 공법에 대한 연구)

  • Kim, Joon-Jeong;Cho, Kook-Hwan;Lee, Jun-Seok
    • Proceedings of the KSR Conference
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    • 2007.11a
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    • pp.551-557
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    • 2007
  • This paper describes a study on the permeability reduction of the riverbed ground during urban railway tunnel construction. The research is mainly concentrated on the study of the grouting or injection methods among permeability reduction methods which can be adapted in the riverbed ground. Firstly, the various grouting methods are theoretically reviewed and compared based on the previous research papers and case study results. It is also evaluated the grouting methods in view of a safe construction of the river crossing railway tunnel. Baced on the literature review and previous construction data, the design technology of grouting methods considering the long term hydro-geological behaviour in the riverbed, is suggested. Two injection methods namely, Natural Durable Stabilizer(N.D.S) and Space-Multi Injaction Grouting(S.M.I) methods, are introduced as new approach methods which can be adopted to modify the riverbed ground. In order to evaluate the ground that grouted and modified by the N.D.S and S.M.I method, the pilot test programmes including the field and laboratory permeability tests, are carried out in the river crossing tunnel construction sites. The results obtained from pilot test programme, are also reviewed. In conclusion, the grouting efficiency of the S.M.I method using the non-alcalimeter silica sol is better than that of NDS method using cement. In addition, it hopes that the research results are contributed to develop the grouting design technology.

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Changes of Street Patterns in Central Part of Taegu City (大邱市 都心部의 街路網 變化)

  • Choi, Seok-Joo
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.593-612
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    • 1996
  • This study concern with the changes of street from the Choseon Dynasty to present days around Old-Boundary in Taegu, analyzing the backgrounds of change factors and development trends of the Taegu City. The basis element of a city structure is the street. Therefore, in this study, a chage of street space of a city was investigted. Historically, Taegu was a walled city and had a Mono-nucleus which was restricted by the castle, and served as a starting point of formation of spatial structuure. The form of the artery street took a "T" pattern, othe streets were formed in irregular shapes. As the city grew gradually, the castle was removed on account of diversification in traffic network, change of socio-economic organization in traffic network, change of socio-economic organization, formation of industrial bases and functional distribution. CBD of this city has been located within the area surrounded by these streets. This is a kind of general pattern of traditional walled cities through the world in both Western and Oriental societies. A s the begining of this centry, a 'Dark Ages' descended upon Korea because the country was under the Japanese-Korean Annexation, and, throughout this period, the urban planning was planned exclusively for Japanese. The street pattern within residential areas of Korea took the maze type, in contrast with Japanese residential areas which showed grid pattern of streets. This is another general pattern of almost of all colonial cities especially in Asia. High class residential areas were planned and built by Japanese, and they were located within 5-10 minutes' on-foot distance from the CBD hard core. This high prestige has continued until the 1980s when it occurred land use succession which commerical functions invaded into residential areas. Back in the colonial period, there was a between two hetrogeneous groups due to the fact that the Japanese lived mainly oriented the new railway system but that Koreans still lived along the old highway system which ran through the Korea Peninsula. Street netwook formed in the above process has maintained its shape without great changes after the liberation form the Japanese Colony. Taegu has, accordingly, developed ring-radial network system which has been a combination of radial and ring facilities. The present conditions of street patterns in Taegy mainly depend on 4 rings and 8 radius, with grid pattern street able to be found in Old Boundary.

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