• Title/Summary/Keyword: 대체거래

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Development of Mineral Admixture for Concrete Using Spent Coffee Grounds (커피찌꺼기를 활용한 콘크리트 혼화재의 개발)

  • Kim, Sung-Bae;Lee, Jae-Won;Choi, Yoon-Suk
    • Journal of the Korean Recycled Construction Resources Institute
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.185-194
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    • 2022
  • Coffee is one of the most consumed beverages in the world and is the second largest traded commodity after petroleum. Due to the great demand of this product, large amounts of waste is generated in the coffee industry, which are toxic and represent serious environmental problems. This study aims to study the possibility of recycling spent coffee grounds (SCG) as a mineral admixture by replacing the cement in the manufacturing of concrete. To recycle the coffee g rounds, the SCG was dried to remove moisture and fired in a kiln at 850 ℃ for 8 hours. Carbonized coffee grounds are produced as coffee grounds ash (CGA) through ball mill grinding. The chemical composition of the prepared coffee grounds ash was investigated using X-ray fluorescence (XFR). According to the chemical composition analysis, the major elements of coffee grounds ash are K2O(51.74 %), CaO(15.92 %), P2O5(14.39 %), MgO(7.74 %) and SO3(6.89 %), with small amounts of F2O3(0.66 %), SiO2(0.59 %) and Al2O3(0.31 %) content. To evaluate quality and mechanical properties, substitutions of 5, 10, and 15 wt.% of coffee grounds ash (CGA) were tested. From the quality test results, the 28-day activity index of CGA5 reached 80 %, and the flow value ratio reached 96 %, which is comparable to the minimum requirement for second-grade FA. From the test results of the mortar, the optimal results have been found in specimens with 5 wt-% coffee grounds ash, showing good mechanical and physical properties.

A Survey on the Parents' Perceptions of and Attitudes toward Game Use among Teenagers in Korea (청소년 게임이용에 대한 학부모의 인식 조사 연구)

  • Hoon-Seok Choi;Joung Soon Ryong;Kyo-Heon Kim
    • Korean Journal of Culture and Social Issue
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.435-459
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    • 2011
  • The present study explored Korean parents' perceptions of and behavior toward game use among teenagers in Korea. A total of 600 Korean mothers of teenagers residing in Seoul and five other metropolitan areas participated in the survey. The survey was constructed based on five categories of variables, including the overall perception of games and game use, specific attitudes toward game use, cognitions about and attitudes toward game addiction, factors predicting parental monitoring of children's game use, and views and opinions about what needs to be done to promote healthy game cultures as well as to prevent problematic game use among teenagers in Korea. Results indicate that the respondents' overall perceptions of and attitudes toward games and game use are negative. In contrast, attitudes toward game use of the respondent's own child are contingent upon various comparison standards. Results also indicate that the respondents tend to overestimate the possibility that their own child is addicted to games, and their perceptions of game addiction are based on a narrow range of behavioral symptoms. Additional analyses indicate that parental monitoring of teenagers' game use can be predicted by the theoretical model driven from Ajzen(1991)'s theory of planned behavior. Finally, results also indicate that, in order to deal with the problems associated with teenagers' game use, proactive approaches to promote healthy game cultures as well as various initiatives to prevent problematic game use are necessary. Implications of the findings and future direction were discussed.

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Real Estate Asset NFT Tokenization and FT Asset Portfolio Management (부동산 유동화 NFT와 FT 분할 거래 시스템 설계 및 구현)

  • Young-Gun Kim;Seong-Whan Kim
    • KIPS Transactions on Software and Data Engineering
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    • v.12 no.9
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    • pp.419-430
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    • 2023
  • Currently, NFTs have no dominant application except for the proof of ownership for digital content, and it also have small liquidity problem, which makes their price difficult to predict. Real estate usually has very high barriers to investment due to its high pricing. Real estate can be converted into NFTs and also divided into small value fungible tokens (FTs), and it can increase the the volume of the investor community due to more liquidity and better accessibility. In this document, we implement and design a system that allows ordinary users can invest on high priced real estate utilizing Black Litterman (BL) model-based Portfolio investment interface. To this end, we target a set of real estates pegged as collateral and issue NFT for the collateral using blockchain. We use oracle to get the current real estate information and to monitor varying real estate prices. After tokenizing real estate into NFTs, we divide the NFTs into easily accessible price FTs, thereby, we can lower prices and provide large liquidity with price volatility limited. In addition, we also implemented BL based asset portfolio interface for effective portfolio composition for investing in multiple of real estates with small investments. Using BL model, investors can fix the asset portfolio. We implemented the whole system using Solidity smart contracts on Flask web framework with public data portals as oracle interfaces.

Enhancing Throughput and Reducing Network Load in Central Bank Digital Currency Systems using Reinforcement Learning (강화학습 기반의 CBDC 처리량 및 네트워크 부하 문제 해결 기술)

  • Yeon Joo Lee;Hobin Jang;Sujung Jo;GyeHyun Jang;Geontae Noh;Ik Rae Jeong
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information Security & Cryptology
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.129-141
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    • 2024
  • Amidst the acceleration of digital transformation across various sectors, the financial market is increasingly focusing on the development of digital and electronic payment methods, including currency. Among these, Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC) are emerging as future digital currencies that could replace physical cash. They are stable, not subject to value fluctuation, and can be exchanged one-to-one with existing physical currencies. Recently, both domestic and international efforts are underway in researching and developing CBDCs. However, current CBDC systems face scalability issues such as delays in processing large transactions, response times, and network congestion. To build a universal CBDC system, it is crucial to resolve these scalability issues, including the low throughput and network overload problems inherent in existing blockchain technologies. Therefore, this study proposes a solution based on reinforcement learning for handling large-scale data in a CBDC environment, aiming to improve throughput and reduce network congestion. The proposed technology can increase throughput by more than 64 times and reduce network congestion by over 20% compared to existing systems.

The Classification arranged from Protectorate period to the early Japanese Colonial rule period : for Official Documents during the period from Kabo Reform to The Great Han Empire - Focusing on Classification Stamp and Warehouse Number Stamp - (통감부~일제 초기 갑오개혁과 대한제국기 공문서의 분류 - 분류도장·창고번호도장을 중심으로 -)

  • Park, Sung-Joon
    • The Korean Journal of Archival Studies
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    • no.22
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    • pp.115-155
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    • 2009
  • As Korea was merged into Japan, the official documents during Kabo Reform and The Great Han Empire time were handed over to the Government-General of Chosun and reclassified from section based to ministry based. However they had been reclassified before many times. The footprints of reclassification can be found in the classification stamps and warehouse number stamps which remained on the cover of official documents from Kabo Reform to The Great Han Empire. They classified the documents by Section in the classification system of Ministry-Department-Section, stamped and numbered them. It is consistent with the official document classification system in The Great Han Empire, which shows the section based classification was maintained. Although they stamped by Section and numbered the documents, there were differences in sub classification system by Section. In the documents of Land Tax Section, many institutions can be found. The documents of the same year can be found in different group and documents of similar characteristics are classified in the same group. Customs Section and Other Tax Section seemed to number their documents according to the year of documents. However the year and the order of 'i-ro-ha(イロハ) song' does not match. From Kabo Reform to The Great Han Empire the documents were grouped by Section. However they did not have classification rules for the sub units of Section. Therefore, it is not clear if the document grouping of classification stamps can be understood as the original order of official document classification system of The Great Han Empire. However, given the grouping method reflects the document classification system, the sub section classification system of the Great Han Empire can be inferred through the grouping method. In this inference, it is understood that the classification system was divided into two such as 'Section - Counterpart Institution' and 'Section - Document Issuance Year'. The Government-General of Chosun took over the official documents of The Great Han Empire, stored them in the warehouse and marked them with Warehouse Number Stamps. Warehouse Number Stamp contained the Institution that grouped those documents and the documents were stored by warehouse. Although most of the documents on the shelves in each warehouse were arranged by classification stamp number, some of them were mixed and the order of shelves and that of documents did not match. Although they arranged the documents on the shelves and gave the symbols in the order of 'i-ro-ha(イロハ) song', these symbols were not given by the order of number. During the storage of the documents by the Government-General of Chosun, the classification system according to the classification stamps was affected. One characteristic that can be found in warehouse number stamps is that the preservation period on each document group lost the meaning. The preservation period id decided according to the historical and administrative value. However, the warehouse number stamps did not distinguish the documents according to the preservation period and put the documents with different preservation period on one shelf. As Japan merged Korea, The Great Han Empire did not consider the official documents of the Great Han Empire as administrative documents that should be disposed some time later. It considered them as materials to review the old which is necessary for the colonial governance. As the meaning of the documents has been changed from general administrative documents to the materials that they would need to govern the colony, they dealt with all the official documents of The Great Han Empire as the same object regardless of preservation period. The Government-General of Chosun destroyed the classification system of the Great Han Empire which was based on Section and the functions in the Section by reclassifying them according to Ministry when they reclassified the official documents during Kobo Reform and the Great Han Empire in order to utilize them to govern the colony.

동물 결핵

  • Jo, Yun-Sang
    • Journal of the korean veterinary medical association
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    • v.44 no.9
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    • pp.803-818
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    • 2008
  • 동물의 결핵은 Mycobacterium bovis의 감염에 의한 만성 소모성 질병이며 인수공통전염병이다. 동물로부터 사람으로의 결핵 전염은 생유 섭취하던 시대에 상당히 많이 보고되었다. 우유의 살균처리와 소에서 피내진단에 의한 양성우 살처분 및 보상금 지급 정책을 전개하면서 M. bovis의 사람전염은 급격히 감소하였다. 소 결핵은 우리나라에서 연간 0.15% 내외의 발생을 보이고 있으며, 발생의 주원인으로는 외부입식소, 인근발생농장, 과거발생농장의 사후관리소홀 등이다. 사람 결핵의 주원인균인 M. tuberculosis와 M. bovis는 유전체가 99.9% 유사하며, M. bovis를 M. tuberculosis의 아종으로 분류하기도 한다. 두 세균은 M. tuberculosis complex에 속하며, M. tuberculosis와 M. bovis이외에도 M. africanum, M. canettii, M. microti, M. pinnipedii 등이 있다. M. bovis는 M. tuberculosis complex중에서 가장 넓은 숙주범위를 가진다. M. bovis의 대표적인 숙주는 종이름에도 나타나 있듯이 소이다. 소결핵 전파원으로서는 M. bovis에 감염된 소가 가장 중요하다. 소 이외에도 면양, 산양, 말, 돼지, 사슴, 엘크, 영양 (antelope, kudus, elands, sitatungas, oryxes, addaxes), 개, 고양이, 흰족제비 (ferrets), 낙타, 여우, 밍크, 오소리, 쥐, 영장류, 라마, 맥 (tapirs), 코끼리, 코뿔소 (rhinoceroses), 주머니쥐, 땅다람쥐 (ground squirrels), 수달 (otters), 물개, 산토끼 (hares), 두더쥐 (moles), 너구리 (raccoons), 코요테, 사자, 호랑이, 표범, 살쾡이 (lynx) 등에 감염될 수 있으나, 대부분 종결숙주 (spillover host)로 가축의 결핵방제가 유지되고 있는 국가에서는 야생동물 결핵의 가축 전염이 문제시되고 있다. M. bovis는 주로 호흡기와 소화기를 통하여 감염되며, 결핵결절이 형성되는 부위를 관찰하면 감염경로를 추정할 수 있다. 결핵에 감염되면, 초기에는 뚜렷한 임상증상을 보이지 않으나, 아침, 추운 날씨, 또는 운동 중에 심한 기침을 하며, 호흡곤란을 일으킬 수 있다. 결핵은 감염되어도 대부분 무증상이기 때문에 피내진단, 결핵결절 병리소견, 원인균 분리 등에 의해 진단하여야 한다. 감염된 결핵균은 탐식세포에 탐식되어 특징적인 육아종성 결절 병변으로 진행된다. 현재 결핵은 피내진단과 결핵결절 병리소견 등에 의해 판정하고 있다. 최신 진단법으로는 피내진단을 대체할 수 있는 인터페론 감마 검사법과 우군의 결핵 스크리닝과 말기 결핵 검사에 우수한 항체진단법이 개발되어 있다. 그러나, 소 결핵 근절을 위해서는 일관성있는 진단법과 진단기준을 적용하는 것이 중요한 성공요인중 하나이다. 소결핵 청정국인 호주와 캐나다에서는 피내진단과 도축장 결절검사를 결핵 양성우 색출방법의 근간으로 삼고 있으며, 소결핵 근절의 최종단계에 이르러서는 특이적인 검사법을 적용하였지만, 근절목적상 민감성이 높은 피내진단법을 사용하였다. 이와 더불어, 피내진단 양성우의 부검소견과 원인균 분리를 통해 결핵을 확진하여 출처농장의 역추적 검사를 통하여 결핵 양성소를 제거하였다. 한편, 결핵의 농장간 및 지역간 전파방지를 위해 결핵 청정농장과 결핵 오염농장, 결핵 청정지역과 결핵 오염지역 구분을 통하여 결핵 오염농장과 결핵 오염지역으로부터 결핵 청정농장과 결핵 청정지역으로의 이동전 결핵 검진을 통해 개체 이동에 따른 결핵 전파를 근본적으로 차단하는 시스템을 엄격히 적용한 것이 주요한 성공 요인중 하나였다. 호주 결핵 근절정책 성공요인을 요약하면, 일관성 있는 결핵진단법 적용, 양성우 출처농장의 철저한 역추적 검사, 개체 이동전 결핵 음성증명 확인, 농가단체의 경제적 및 방역상 적극적인 지원 및 협조 결핵의 지속적인 모니터 링과 현장요구에 부응하는 방제신기술의 지속적인 연구개발 등을 들 수 있다. 최근 들어 국내 동물 결핵은 소, 특히, 한우의 결핵발생이 증가하고 있으며, 사슴 결핵발생도 증가하고 있다. 농장간 및 지역간에 결핵 감수성 가축, 특히, 소와 사슴의 거래가 아주 복잡하게 이루어지고 있는 현실을 고려할 때, 결핵전파의 주원인인 결핵감염 소나 사슴의 농장내 반입을 철저히 차단해야 할 것이다. 이때, 개체 검사는 물론이고, 출처농장에 대한 결핵 음성을 확인한 후 입식하여야 할 것이며, 입식 후에도 60일정도 격리사육하면서 피내진단등 결핵검진 후 음성인 경우에만 합사하여야 할 것이다. M. bovis는 사람을 비롯한 거의 모든 온혈동물에서 결핵을 일으킬 수 있기 때문에, 결핵 감염소로 판정된 농장 종사자는 각 시도 보건소의 협조를 받아 결핵검진을 받도록 해야 한다. 농장 가축에 접촉할 수 있는 야생동물의 접촉을 차단하여야 하며, 특히, 농장 사료의 야생동물에 의한 오염을 방지할 수 있는 사료창고관리를 철저히 해야 한다. 결핵 감염소를 다룰 때는 분비물 또는 가검물에 의해 감염될 수 있기 때문에 개인방역장비 - 방역복, 마스크, 비닐장갑, 비닐장화 - 를 착용한 상태에서 다루어야 한다. 특히, 결핵 감염소를 매몰 또는 소각하는 과정에서 결핵 감염소의 배설물 및 분비물 처리를 철저히 하여야 한다. 모든 작업을 마친 후에는 개인방역장비, 매몰 또는 소각에 사용하였던 장비 등을 청소 및 소독하고 필요시 소각 또는 매몰하여야 하며, 개인감염위험과 타인 감염위험을 방지하기 위해 노출부위를 세척하여야 한다.

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문경지역에 분포하는 변성 염기성암과 변성 퇴적암에 대한 백악기 화강암의 열변성작용

  • 오창환;김성원;김종섭
    • The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.74-94
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    • 1993
  • Metabasites and metapelites in the Mungyong area were intruded by Cretaceous granites with radius of 4-8 km. As the distance from granite body increases, the mineral assemblage of metabasite changes from amphibole + plagioclase through amphibole + plagioclase + epidote to amphibole + plagioclase + epidote + chlorite. The compositional variations of amphibole and plagioclase according to the change of metamorphic grade and bulk rock compositions are very complex. Towards the Mungyong Cretaceous granite body, the mineral assemblage of metapelite changes from chlorite+ muscovite(ch1orite zone) through biotite + chlorite + muscovite(biotite zone) to andalusite+biotite + muscovite${\pm}$chlorite or cordierite+ biotite+ muscovite${\pm}$chlorite(cordierite zone). The estimated metamorphic conditions of cordierite zone are 480~$580^{\circ}C$ 1.5-3.3 kb. The theoretical study on the thermal metamorphism caused by the Cretaceous granite with radius longer than 4 km in the Mungyong area suggests the followings: The degree of metamorphism is mainly determined not by the size of granite body but by the temperature of granite intrusion; The country rocks within 2 km from Cretaceous granite have undergone metamorphism with temperature higher than $500^{\circ}C$, which is consistent with the petrological study in the Mungyong area. Mungyong Cretaceous granite caused a low P/T thermal metamorphism to the country rocks; the amphibolite facies metamorphism to the country rocks within 1-2 km from the granite body and the epidote-amphibolite and greenschist facies metamorphism to the country rocks within 2-5 km.

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Framework of Stock Market Platform for Fine Wine Investment Using Consortium Blockchain (공유경제 체제로서 컨소시엄 블록체인을 활용한 와인투자 주식플랫폼 프레임워크)

  • Chung, Yunkyeong;Ha, Yeyoung;Lee, Hyein;Yang, Hee-Dong
    • Knowledge Management Research
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.45-65
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    • 2020
  • It is desirable to invest in wine that increases its value, but wine investment itself is unfamiliar in Korea. Also, the process itself is unreasonable, and information is often forged, because pricing in the wine market is done by a small number of people. With the right solution, however, the wine market can be a desirable investment destination in that the longer one invests, the higher one can expect. Also, it is expected that the domestic wine consumption market will expand through the steady increase in domestic wine imports. This study presents the consortium block chain framework for revitalizing the wine market and enhancing transparency as the "right solution" of the nation's wine investment market. Blockchain governance can compensate for the shortcomings of the wine market because it guarantees desirable decision-making rights and accountability. Because the data stored in the block chain can be checked by consumers, it reduces the likelihood of counterfeit wine appearing and complements the process of unreasonably priced. In addition, digitization of assets resolves low cash liquidity and saves money and time throughout the supply chain through smart contracts, lowering entry barriers to wine investment. In particular, if the governance of the block chain is composed of 'chateau-distributor-investor' through consortium blockchains, it can create a desirable wine market. The production process is stored in the block chain to secure production costs, set a reasonable launch price, and efficiently operate the distribution system by storing the distribution process in the block chain, and forecast the amount of orders for futures trading. Finally, investors make rational decisions by viewing all of these data. The study presented a new perspective on alternative investment in that ownership can be treated like a share. We also look forward to the simplification of food import procedures and the formation of trust within the wine industry by presenting a framework for wine-owned sales. In future studies, we would like to expand the framework to study the areas to be applied.

The Optimal TDN Levels of Concentrates and Slaughter Age in Hanwoo Steers (거세한우에 있어서 배합사료의 적정 TDN 수준과 도축 월령)

  • Kim, K.H.;Lee, J.H.;Oh, Y.G.;Kang, S.W.;Lee, S.C.;Park, W.Y.;Ko, Y.D.
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • v.47 no.5
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    • pp.731-744
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    • 2005
  • Ninety Hanwoo steers(initial BW=167.2$\pm$13.4kg) were used to determine the effect of energy concentrations in concentrates and slaughter age on performance, carcass characteristics. Steers were allotted by BW to one of eighteen pens. Eighteen pens were randomly allotted to a low(70-70-71-72% for the growing, the early, the middle or the late fattening periods), medium(70-71-72-73%) or high(70-72- 73-74%) TDN level of concentrates. Five steers for each treatment of energy level were slaughtered every one month from 26 month of age to 31 month of age. Concentrates was fed restrictedly to achieve a predicted gain of 0.7-0.9kg from growing stage to middle fattening stage. All steers were fed orchard grass(Dactylis glomerata L.) hay as roughage during the growing period, fed rice straw gradually substituted for orchard grass hay during the early fattening period, and fed rice straw only thereafter. Overall body weight and feed intake were not affected by TDN levels of concentrates. Average daily gain for all treatments was higher than 0.9kg/d during the 19-21 month of age and decrease thereafter, but sustained above 0.7kg/d. Mean concentrates intake for all treatments was 1.0-1.3% of live BW during the growing period and 1.5% during the early fattening. Thereafter, it decreased up to 1.4% during the middle fattening and 1.0% during late fattening period. Delay of slaughter end point resulted in a gradual increase of rib-eye area, back fat thickness and marbling score, especially after slaughter age of 29 month there was significant increases(P<0.05). The appearance rate of 1+ and 1 grade related to the slaughter ages was 100% at 29, 30 and 31 months of age, whereas those at 26, 27 and 28 months were 93, 86 and 80%, respectively. Dressing rate was significantly(P<0.05) increased and rate of retailed cut weight significantly(P<0.05) decreased when slaughter age increased. In economic analysis, there was pronounced increase in net income up to 32-46% after slaughter age of 29 months. Under the conditions of this study, high TDN intake is not necessarily required for high quality Hanwoo meat production and slaughter age of 29 month might be the optimum for Hanwoo steers.

Macroeconomic Consequences of Pay-as-you-go Public Pension System (부과방식 공적연금의 거시경제적 영향)

  • Park, Chang-Gyun;Hur, Seok-Kyun
    • KDI Journal of Economic Policy
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.225-270
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    • 2008
  • We analyze macroeconomic consequences of pay-as-you-go (PAYGO) public pension system with a simple overlapping generations model. Contrary to large body of existing literatures offering quantitative results based on simulation study, we take another route by adopting a highly simplified framework in search of qualitatively tractable analytical results. The main contribution of our results lies in providing a sound theoretical foundation that can be utilized in interpreting various quantitative results offered by simulation studies of large scale general equilibrium models. We present a simple overlapping generations model with a defined benefit(DB) PAYGO public pension system as a benchmark case and derive an analytical equilibrium solution utilizing graphical illustration. We also discuss the modifications of the benchmark model required to encompass a defined contribution(DC) public pension system into the basic framework. Comparative statics analysis provides three important implications; First, introduction and expansion of the PAYGO public pension, DB or DC, result in lower level of capital accumulation and higher expected rate of return on the risky asset. Second, it is shown that the progress of population aging is accompanied by lower capital stock due to decrease in both demand and supply of risky asset. Moreover, risk premium for risky asset increases(decreases) as the speed of population aging accelerates(decelerates) so that the possibility of so-called "the great meltdown" of asset market cannot be excluded although the odds are not high. Third, it is most likely that the switch from DB PAYGO to DC PAYGO would result in lower capital stock and higher expected return on the risky asset mainly due to the fact that the young generation regards DC PAYGO pension as another risky asset competing against the risky asset traded in the market. This theoretical prediction coincides with one of the firmly established propositions in empirical literature that the currently dominant form of public pension system has the tendency to crowd out private capital accumulation.

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