• Title/Summary/Keyword: 대조 개선

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Effects of Aroma Neck and Shoulder Massage and Red LED irradiation on cutaneous microcirculation in the neck area (아로마 목·어깨 마사지와 Red LED 조사가 목 피부 미세혈류에 미치는 영향)

  • Yang Yang;Seunghee Bae
    • Journal of the Korean Applied Science and Technology
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    • v.41 no.2
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    • pp.393-405
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    • 2024
  • This study investigates the effects of aroma neck and shoulder massage and Red LED irradiation on cutaneous microcirculation in the neck area. In this study, 30 women aged 20 to 60 were randomly assigned to three experimental groups. Group A (n=10) received Red LED irradiation after aroma neck and shoulder massage, while Group B (n=10) rested for 15 minutes after aroma neck and shoulder massage. Group C (n=10) only received Red LED irradiation. The results showed significant main effects of time between the baseline and post-treatment measurements in Groups A and B (F = 29.883, p < 0.001, 𝜂2 = 0.624), however, the main effects of the groups were not significant (F = 0.202, p = 0.659, 𝜂2 = 0.011), but there was a significant interaction between group and time (F = 8.452, p = 0.001, 𝜂2 = 0.320). There were no significant statistical differences in cutaneous microcirculation in the neck area after treatment in Group C (p > 0.05, Cohen's d = 0.202). In conclusion, Red LED treatment demonstrates limited effects on cutaneous microcirculation in the neck area, differentiating with the results of Groups A and B. Specifically, the combined effect of aroma neck and shoulder massage and Red LED treatment in Group A was not significant.

Evaluation of antioxidant activity, zebrafish embryo toxicity, and regenerative efficacy of Symphoricarpos albus (Symphoricarpos albus의 항산화능과 Zebrafish 배아 독성 및 재생 효능 평가)

  • Chanwoo Lee;HyeYeon Heo;Myunsoo Kim;YoungPyo Jang;Bo Ae Kim
    • Journal of the Korean Applied Science and Technology
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    • v.41 no.2
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    • pp.292-304
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    • 2024
  • This study compared and evaluated the antioxidant activities of Symphoricarpos albus(S. albus) extract and fermented extract. Antioxidant activity was measured by DPPH radical scavenging, FRAP, and ABTS. Concentrations were measured at 200, 100, 50, and 10 ㎍/mL, and antioxidant activity increased in a concentration-dependent manner. S. albus leaves fermented extracts had the highest antioxidant activity. And this study evaluated the safety and tail regeneration of S. albus extract using zebrafish model embryos. Zebrafish are in the spotlight as an alternative animal and can be used for cosmetic research. Zebrafish embryos were collected and evaluated for coagulation rate, hatching rate, and cardiotoxicity. As a result, it was toxic at concentrations above 100 ㎍/ml. The tail was cut and the regenerative effect was observed for 3 days. As a result, from 72 hours, S. albus 200ug/ml leaf extract showed a 17% regenerative effect compared to the control group. These results suggest that S. albus can be used as a natural material for antioxidant and regeneration for skin improvement.

Effect of acute ankle mobility exercise program on ankle range of motion and pain in adult women with chronic ankle instability : Pilot study (일회성 발목가동성 운동프로그램이 만성발목불안정성을 가진 성인여성들의 발목가동범위와 통증에 미치는 영향-Pilot study)

  • Seung-Eun Kim;Dong-Joo Hwang;Yong-chul Jang;Tae-Kyung Kim;Joon-Yong Cho;Jung-Hoon Koo
    • Journal of the Korean Applied Science and Technology
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    • v.40 no.6
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    • pp.1259-1267
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    • 2023
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of a acute ankle mobility exercise (AE) program on the range of motion and pain levels associated with chronic ankle instability (CAI). Twenty adult women with an average score of 24 or less on both sides in the ankle instability questionnaire were selected and divided into two groups: the Ankle Mobility Exercise Program group (AE, n=10) and the control group (CON, n=10). The AE treatment involved a one-time, 20-minute exercise session for each ankle, conducted separately on the left and right ankles, to examine the response to a acute exercise. Measures of ankle instability, pain, and ankle range of motion were evaluated before and after the treatment. In the AE group, which underwent the AE program, a significant decrease in pain was observed post-AE compared to pre-AE (p<.01). In addition, an increase in dorsiflexion was observed in the AE group post-AE compared to pre-AE following the AE program(p<.05). These results suggest that a acute AE program can effectively alleviate some aspects of ankle instability by improving ankle pain and range of motion in adult women with chronic ankle instability (CAI).

Effects of Fructooligosaccharide and Fruit and Vegetable Complex Extracts on Loperamide-induced Constipation in Rats (로페로마이드로 유도한 변비랫드 모델에서 프락토올리고당 및 과채복합 추출물의 변비개선 효과)

  • Hyun Kyoung Kim
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.865-872
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    • 2024
  • Loperamide-induced constipation reduced gastric emptying, small-intestinal and colonic motility, and these effects were prevented by Fruit and vegetable complex extracts(FVCE). In this study, the effects of FVCE on constipated male Sprague-Dawley rats induced by loperamide(3 mg/kg, s.c.,14 days) were investigated. Rats were randomly assigned to the normal control rats(regular diet), constipated rats(regular diet plus loperamide), constipated rats treated with 200 mg FVCE(regular diet supplemented with 200 mg/kg/day FVCE plus loperamide), constipated rats treated with 400 mg FVCE(regular diet supplemented with 400 mg/kg/day FVCE plus loperamide). There was less fecal excretion and lower fecal water content in loperamide-treated rats than in control rats. Oral administration of FVCE blocked the decrease of fecal excretion and fecal water content in the loperamide-treated rats. Mucus production of crypt cell and mucus contents at fecal and mucosa surface were reduced by loperamide-treated rat. But colonic crypt cell contained increased mucin in the FVCE treated group and mucus layer stained with alcian blue was significantly thicker in FVCE treated rats compared with in loperamide-treated rats. In isolated rat ileum, loperamide produced inhibition of ileal motility. Pretreatment with water extracts of FVCE in isolated rat ileum prevented inhibition by loperamide. These findings indicated that the FVCE was effective for alleviation of inhibition of colonic peristalsis by loperamide and that FVCE might be of value in the prevention of constipation.

Estimation of Illuminant Chromaticity by Analysis of Human Skin Color Distribution (피부색 칼라 분포 특성을 이용한 조명 색도 검출)

  • JeongYeop Kim
    • Journal of Platform Technology
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    • v.11 no.5
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    • pp.59-71
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    • 2023
  • This paper proposes a method of estimating the illumination chromaticity of a scene in which an image is taken. Storring and Bianco proposed a method of estimating illuminant chromaticity using skin color. Storring et al. used skin color distribution characteristics and black body locus, but there is a problem that the link between the locus and CIE-xy data is reduced. Bianco et al. estimated the illuminant chromaticity by comparing the skin color distribution in standard lighting with the skin color distribution in the input image. This method is difficult to measure and secure as much skin color as possible in various illumination. The proposed method can estimate the illuminant chromaticity for any input image by analyzing the relationship between the skin color information and the illuminant chromaticity. The estimation method is divided into an analysis stage and a test stage, and the data set was classified into an analysis group and a test group and used. Skin chromaticity is calculated by obtaining skin color areas from all input images of the analysis group, respectively. A mapping is obtained by analyzing the correlation between the average set of skin chromaticity and the reference illuminant chromaticity set. The calculated mapping is applied to all input images of the analysis group to estimate the illuminant chromaticity, calculate the error with the reference illuminant chromaticity, and repeat the above process until there is no change in the error to obtain a stable mapping. The obtained mapping is applied to the test group images similar to the analysis stage to estimate the illuminant chromaticity. Since there is no independent data set containing skin area and illuminant reference information, the experimental data set was made using some of the images of the Intel TAU data set. Compared to Finlayson, a similar theory-based existing method, it showed performance improvement of more than 40%, Zhang 11%, and Kim 16%.

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Concert Oriented Music Therapy Alleviates Depression in the Elderly in a Nursing Home (연주회 중심 음악치료의 요양 시설 노인에 대한 우울증 완화 효과)

  • Geum Na Hong;Seong Chan Kim;Min Joo Choi
    • Journal of Naturopathy
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.35-44
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    • 2023
  • Background: The need to study the effects of concert oriented music therapy (COMT) on a diverse range of subjects. Purpose: This study aimed to verify the effectiveness of Concert Oriented Music Therapy (COMT), a technique based on active music activities, in alleviating depression among the elderly in a nursing home. Methods: COMT program was prepared, which was designed to enable participants to express and explore emotions through music in a creative environment, being divided into 'Therapeutic music making' and 'Concert activities,' The 70 elderly residents in a nursing facility were randomly assigned to either an experimental (n=35) or a control group (n=35). The 3 participants withdrew, and a total of 67 completed the COMT intervention program. Results: The experimental group receiving COMT intervention showed a significant reduction in the average GDS-K score from 20.34 to 15.18 (p<.001), with notable decreases observed in the cognitive function and depression factors. Conclusion: The COMT was found to effectively reduce depression, particularly, related to cognitive function, for the elderly residents in a nursing facilities. The COMT intervention program is expected to be beneficial in improving the quality of life for the elderly in a nursing home, susceptible to depression

Effects of the Various Dietary Additives on Growth and Tolerance of Abalone Haliotis discus hannai against Stresses (다양한 사료첨가제 공급에 따른 전복의 성장과 스트레스에 대한 내성 효과)

  • Cho, Sung-Hwoan;Kim, Chung-Il;Cho, Young-Jin;Lee, Bom-Sok;Park, Jung-Eun;Yoo, Jin-Hyung;Lee, Sang-Min
    • Journal of Aquaculture
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.309-316
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    • 2008
  • Effects of the various dietary additives on growth and tolerance of abalone Haliotis discus hannai to the stresses were determined in the 16-week feeding trial. Seventy juvenile (an initial body weight of 4.2 g) abalone per container were randomly distributed into 21, 50 L plastic rectangular containers each. The six kinds of experimental diets were prepared: control (CON) with no additive, by-product of green tea (BPG), extract of figs (EF), extract of green tea (EG), commercially available product of Hearok (PH), and Haematococcus (HC). In addition, dry sea tangle (ST) was prepared to compare the efficiency of the experimental diets. Fishmeal, soybean meal and shrimp head meal were used as the protein source, and dextrin, sea tangle powder and wheat flour, and soybean oil and fish oil were used as the carbohydrate and lipid sources, respectively in the experimental diets. The experimental diets were fed to abalone once a day at a satiation level with a little leftover. The feeding trial lasted for 16 weeks. At the end of the 16-week feeding trial, abalone was exposed to the different types of stresses (air exposure, and sudden changes of rearing temperature and salinity). Survival of abalone fed the sea tangle was highest. However, weight gain of abalone fed the EF, EG and PH diets was significantly (P<0.05) higher than that of abalone fed the BPG diet or dry sea tangle. Shell length of abalone fed the all experimental diets was significantly (P<0.05) higher than that of abalone fed the dry sea tangle. Accumulated mortality of abalone fed the sea tangle was low when exposed to the different types of stresses. Also, relatively low mortality was achieved in abalone fed the HC and EF diets. In considering these results, it can be concluded that the various sources of additives is effective to improve production of abalone, and Haematococcus and extract of figs can be considered as dietary additives to improve resistance of abalone against the different types of stresses.

The Effect of Nutrition Education on Visceral Fat Reduction and Diet Quality in Postmenopausal Women (폐경 여성의 내장지방 및 식사의 질에 미치는 영양 교육의 효과)

  • Baek, Young-Ah;Kim, Ki-Nam;Lee, Yo-A;Chang, Nam-Soo
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.41 no.7
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    • pp.634-664
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    • 2008
  • This study investigated the effects of the nutrition education on body weight, visceral fat and diet quality in the postmenopausal women. The subjects (n = 101) were randomly divided into two groups: Nutrition education + Exercise (NEE) group (n = 51) and Exercise only (EO) group (n = 50). Nutrition education was consisted of counseling in portion control, food selection for low carbohydrate, high fiber food items and for the improvement in micronutrient intakes and diet quality. After 6 months, the reduction in the body weight and visceral fat area was significantly greater in the NEE than in the EO group. The NEE subjects were further divided into two groups according to the amount of visceral fat area reduction; high visceral fat area loss (HVL) group with a visceral fat area reduction 2.35% or greater and low visceral fat area loss (LVL) group with a reduction less than 2.35%. In the HVL group, the reduction in body weight, BMI, percent body fat, waist to hip ratio and visceral fat area was significantly greater than that in the LVL group. We observed a significant increase in the serum HDL-cholesterol level and a decrease in systolic blood pressure, fasting blood sucrose, total and LDL-cholesterol levels in the HVL group compared to the LVL group. The energyadjusted protein, fiber, calcium, vitamin B6, vitamin C, vitamin E intakes were significantly increased in the HVL compared to LVL group. The index of nutritional quality (INQ) and mean adequacy ratio (MAR) were also increased in the HVL group compared to the LVL group. These results show that our nutrition education program was an effective intervention measure for the reduction of body weight and visceral fat, blood pressure, glucose and lipid levels in the blood and also for the improvement of nutrient intake and diet quality in postmenopausal women who are overweight.

The Beneficial Effects of Pectin on Obesity In vitro and In vivo (In vitro 및 In vivo에서 펙틴의 비만 억제 효과)

  • Kwon, Jin-Young;Ann, In-Sook;Park, Kun-Young;Cheigh, Hong-Sik;Song, Yeong-Ok
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.13-20
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    • 2005
  • The effects of pectin on obesity was studied using 3T3-L1 pre-adipocytes and rats fed 20% high fat diets. The concentration of leptin released from 3T3-L1 adipocytes in the presence of pectin was significantly decreased by 85% compared to that of the control (p<0.05), however, glycerol concentration was not changed. These data indicate that pectin seems to inhibit lipids accumulation in the adipocytes rather than enhance the lipolytic activity. Forty Sprague Dawley rats were fed 20% high fat diet for 8 weeks to induce obesity and then divided equally into four groups. Experimental groups were normal diet group (ND), high fat diet group (HFD), HDF with 10% pectin group (HFP10), and HDF with 20% pectin group (HFP20). Diet for the each group was prepared to be iso-caloric following AIN-76 guideline. After obesity was induced, rats were placed on an restricted diet for 9 weeks. The body weight of HFD increased 50% (p<0.05) compared to the ND, while it was decreased by 12% and 16% for HFP10 and HFP20, respectively (p<0.05). The relative amount of visceral fats for HFDl0 and HFD20 were decreased by 45% and 59% compared to that of HDF (130%), respectively (p<0.05). Pectin seems to have a greater effect on reducing visceral fats accumulation than weight reduction. Significantly increased level of triglyceride, total cholesterol or LDL-cholesterol in the plasma of HFD was returned to the normal or even below the normal by pectin diet, while the level of HDL-cholesterol increased. Lipid lowering effect was also observed in the liver and heart. These effects of pectin were dosedependent. In conclusion, the beneficial effect of pectin on the obesity was observed from cell culture experiment and animal study in terms of inhibiting the accumulation of lipids in the adipocytes.

Effects of Low Level of Levan Feeding on Serum Lipids, Adiposity and UCP Expression in Rats (저농도 레반 공급이 혈중 지질 및 체지방 형성과 UCP 발현에 미치는 영향)

  • 강순아;홍경희;장기효;김소혜;조여원
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.31 no.5
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    • pp.788-795
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    • 2002
  • This study described the effect of levan (9-2,6-linked fructose polymer) feeding on serum lipids, adiposity and uncoupling protein (UCP) expression in growing rats. Levan was synthesized from sucrose using bacterial levansucrase. UCP is a mitochondrial protein that uncouples the respiratory chain from oxidative Phosphorylation and generates heat instead of ATP, thereby increase energy expenditure. We observed that 3% or 5% levan containing diet reduced serum triglyceride levels, visceral and peritoneal fat mass and induced the UCP expression in rats fed high fat diet in previous study. To determine whether the intake of low level of levan may have the hypolipidemic and anti-obesity effect, 4 wk old Sprague Dawley male rats were fed AIN-76A diet for 6 wk, and sub-sequently fed 1% or 2% levan solution for further 5 wk. Intake of 1% levan in liquid form reduced serum triglyceride and serum total cholesterol levels to 50% and 66% of control group, respectively. Although epididymal and peritoneal fat masses were not affected by levan feeding, visceral fat mass was lower in 1% levan group compared to control group. The expression of UCP2 mRNA in brown adipose tissue, skeletal muscle and hypothalamus and UCP3 mRNA in skeletal muscle were not changed by levan feeding, while the UCP2 mRNA in white adipose tissue was up-regulated by levan feeding. In conclusions, intake of low level of levan solution reduced serum triglyceride and total cholesterol, restrained the visceral fat accumulation and increased UCP expression in white adipose tissue in rats. This study suggests that hypolipidemic and anti-obesity effect of levan attributed to anti-lipogenesis and inefficeint energy utilization by up-regulation of UCPs.