• Title/Summary/Keyword: 단순 탄소성해석방법

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A Study on the Elasto-Plasticity Behaviour According to the Yield Strength of a Ship's Plate (항복강도에 따른 선체판의 탄소성거동에 관한 연구)

  • 고재용;박주신
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research Conference
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    • 2003.05a
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    • pp.27-31
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    • 2003
  • Recently, buckling is easy to happen as that High tensile steel that is the thin plate absence is used comprehensively for the structure. Specially, buckling is getting into important design standard in hull construction which use High tensile steel. Therefore, that grasp conduct exactly after buckling is important in stability of hull structure. In this study, examined closely about conduct and secondary buckling after initial buckling of thin plate structure which receive compressive load according to various kinds yield strength under simply supported condition that make by buckling strength formula standard in each payment in advance rule to place that is representative construction of hull in this research. Analysis method is F.E.M by ANSYS and complicated nonlinear behaviour to analyze such as secondary buckling in used arc-length method.

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Establishment of Fire Reliability Assessment Method for Structural Strength (화재시 구조강도에 대한 신뢰성 평가방법의 정립)

  • Park, Chang-Kyu
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.18 no.10
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    • pp.54-62
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    • 2017
  • This paper describes the behavior and failure probability of the basic structural members in a fire for the fire safety assessment of offshore structures. A fire safety assessment can be accomplished by comparing the fire resistance of the members with the fire severity of the heat load due to fire. The fire severity is represented as the maximum temperature of the members using the Eurocode 1 standard fire curve and heat transfer equation. On the other hand, the fire resistance is the limiting temperature calculated by a simplified formula in the case of simple structural members. Considering the complexity of FPSOs and offshore structures, a general-purpose structural analysis program should be used and the limiting temperature obtained by analyzing the structural strength of the members through an elasto-plastic analysis with a large deflection, and compared with the maximum temperature. Also, the equality of these two methods of evaluating the fire resistance was confirmed by comparing them. Following three criteria, the strength, serviceability and stability, three failure modes, namely the first failure of a hinge, large deflection and buckling, were chosen. The failure temperature was verified for each failure mode. using the AFOSM method in the equation of the fire severity and fire resistance, thereby giving the failure probability of the member. By applying these processes to the example of a beam and plate, the behavior of the structure and failure (temperature?) of each failure mode can be determined.

Evaluation of Seismic Performance of Mixed Building Structures by using the Nonlinear Displacement Mode Method (비선형 변위모드법을 적용한 복합구조물의 내진성능평가)

  • 김부식;송호산
    • Journal of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea
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    • v.7 no.6
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    • pp.71-80
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    • 2003
  • Though a nonlinear time history analysis may be provided to estimate more exactly the seismic performance of building structure, approximation methods are still needed in the aspect of practicality and simplicity, In converting a multi-story structure to an equivalent SDOF system, the mode vectors of the multi-story structure are assumed as the mode shape in elastic state regardless of elastic or elastic-plastic state. However, the characteristics of displacement mode are also changed after the yielding made in the structural elements, because the structure becomes inelastic in each incremental load step. In this research, a method of converting MDOF system to ESDOF system is presented by using nonlinear displacement mode considering the mode change of structures after the yielding. Also, the accuracy and efficiency of the method of the nonlinear displacement mode method of the estimate of seismic response of Mixed Building Structures were examined by comparing the displacements of the roof level of the multi-story building structures estimated from this converted displacement response of ESDOF with the displacement of the roof level through the nonlinear dynamic analysis of the multi-story building structures subjected to an actual earthquake excitation.

A Simplified Approach to the Analysis of the Ultimate Compressive Strength of Welded Stiffened Plates (용접된 보강판의 압축 최종 강도의 간이 해석법)

  • C.D. Jang;Seung-Il Seo
    • Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.141-154
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    • 1993
  • In this paper, a method to calculate the ultimate compressive strength of welded one-sided stiffened plates simply supported along all edges is proposed. At first initial imperfections such as distortions and residual stresses due to welding are predicted by using simplified methods. Then, the collapse modes of the stiffened plate are assumed and collapse loads for each mode are calculated. Among these loads, the lowest value is selected as the ultimate strength of the plate. Collapse modes are assumed as follows ; (1) Overall buckling of the stiffened plate$\rightarrow$Overall collapse due to stiffener bending (2) Local buckling of the plate part$\rightarrow$Local collapse of the plate part$\rightarrow$Overall collapse due to stiffener yielding (3) Local buckling of the plate part$\rightarrow$Overall collapse due to stiffener berthing (4) Local buckling of the plate part$\rightarrow$Local collapse of the plate part$\rightarrow$Overall collapse due to stiffener tripping. The elastic large deflection analysis based on the Rayleigh-Ritz method is carried out, and plastic analysis assuming hinge lines is also carried out. Collapse load is defined as the cross point of the two analysis curves. This method enables the utimate strength to be calculated with small computing time and a good accuracy. Using the present method, characteristics of the stiffener including torsional rigidity, bending and tripping can also be clarified.

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Estimation of buckling and collapse behaviour for continuous stiffened plate under combined transverse axial compression and lateral pressure (조합하중을 받는 연속보강판의 좌굴 및 붕괴거동 평가)

  • Park, Joo-Shin;Choi, Joung-Hwan;Hong, Kwan-Young;Lee, Gyoung-Woo
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.27-33
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    • 2009
  • Estimation of the buckling and ultimate strength of a continuous stiffened plate subjected to combined transverse compression and lateral pressure is of high importance to ensure the safety of ship structures, particularly for the bottom plating under a deep draft condition For example, bottom plating of bulk carriers is subjected to transverse thrust caused by the bending of double bottom structure and the direct action of pressure on the side shells. Most of experimental tests, theoretical approach and numerical researches have been performed on the buckling and ultimate strength behaviour of plates or stiffened plates under combined compression and lateral pressure. With regard to stiffened panels, however, most of studies have been concerned with the load conditions of combined longitudinal thrust and lateral pressure, while fewer studies have been performed for the combined transverse thrust and lateral pressure. In addition, the previous researches are mainly concerned with an isolated rectangular plate simply supported along the all edges, whereas actual ship plating is continuous across the transverse frames and heavy girders. In the present paper, a series of elastoplastic large deflection FEA on a continuous stiffened plate is performed and then clarify the characteristic of collapse mode and explain the effect of transverse compression.

Numerical Simulation of Dynamic Soil-pile Interaction for Dry Condition Observed in Centrifuge Test (원심모형실험에서 관측된 건조 지반-말뚝 동적 상호작용의 수치 모델링)

  • Kown, Sun-Yong;Kim, Seok-Jung;Yoo, Min-Taek
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.5-14
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    • 2016
  • Numerical simulation of dynamic soil-pile-structure interaction embedded in a dry sand was carried out. 3D model of the dynamic centrifuge model tests was formulated in a time domain to consider nonlinear behavior of soil using the finite difference method program, FLAC3D. As a modeling methodology, Mohr-Coulomb criteria was adopted as soil constitutive model. Soil nonlinearity was considered by adopting the hysteretic damping model, and an interface model which can simulate separation and slip between soil and pile was adopted. Simplified continuum modeling (Kim et al., 2012) was used as boundary condition to reduce analysis time. Calibration process for numerical modeling results and test results was performed through the parametric study. Verification process was then performed by comparing numerical modeling results with another test results. Based on the calibration and validation procedure, it is identified that proposed modeling method can properly simulate dynamic behavior of soil-pile system in dry condition.

S.D.O.F Macro-element for Interaction of Deep Foundation (단자유도 매크로요소를 이용한 깊은기초의 상호작용 모델)

  • Rha, Chang-Soon
    • Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.347-355
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    • 2008
  • In this paper single degree of freedom macro-element model was presented to investigate the interaction between soil and the deep foundation under the lateral loads. It was made by modelling each component related to the soil-structure interaction and combining them into one piece. It enhanced the conventional method that was not able to break down the interaction components in piece due to the usage of simple spring element for interaction. A proposed macro-element classified the stress components in relation to the interaction into frictional and compressive resistance. Each component was modelled using the classical plasticity theory, and finally combined in parallel. An example study was carried out using the proposed macro-element for deep foundation embedded in three layered cohesive soil. It showed improved results compared to the conventional method by producing additional information of the interaction components as well as the overall behavior of foundation.

재료 동적영향을 고려한 주냉각재 배관 LBB 적용시 Dynamic Strain Aging의 영향 분석

  • 양준석;박치용;정우태;유기완;김진원
    • Proceedings of the Korean Nuclear Society Conference
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    • 1998.05b
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    • pp.305-311
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    • 1998
  • 최근들어 고려된 LBB(Leak Before Break) 적용요건중 동적파괴시힘 절차에는 울진 3&4호기 이후 파단전누설개념이 적용되는 배관이 탄소강으로 제작될 경우. 이 배관이 Dynamic Strain Aging (DSA)에 의해 파괴저항치가 감소되지 않는다는 것이 정량적으로 입증되지 않는 한, 동 배관의 파괴 물성치 결정시 DSA의 영향이 고려되어야 하며, DSA 영향을 평가하기 위해서는 동적과괴시험이 수행되어야 함을 요건화 하고 있다. 본 연구에서는 DSA 효과에 의한 파괴저항(J-R) 특성의 저하가차세대원전 원자로냉각재배관 파단전누설개넘(LBB) 적용시 설계 안전여유도에 영향을 미치지 않는 정도임을 평가하는데 있다. 따라서 ASME Section III에서 탄소강으로 분류하고 있는 강종별 파괴인성 변화를 고찰하고, 차세대원전 주냉각재배관 재료인 SA508 Class la의 최대 파괴인성 감소치를 예측하여, 울진 3&4호기에서 측정된 엘보우용 SA516-Gr.70 강의 DSA 영향 평가 결과와 비교 분석하여 차세대원전 주냉각재배관의 DSA영향을 평가하였다. 도출된 결론으로는 DSA 영향을 고려한 SA508 Class la의 J 및 dJ/dA 값은 극히 보수적으로 추정할 때 50% 이상 감소하는 것으로 예측된다. 이러한 DSA 영향을 고려하였을 경우 배관재 모재의 파괴인성치는 Weld-SAW의 J/T 값 수준으로 감소하였다. 그러나 현 LRB 해석이 가장 낮은 J/T값을 갖는 Weld-SAW Auto의 균열길이 2a인 J/T선도에 의거하여 수행되고 있다는 점을 고려한다면 비록 DSA가 배관재에 영향을 주는 가장 보수적인 값(J 및 dJ/dA값을 50% 이상)을 사용한다고 하더라도 차세대원전 LBB 적용에 문제가 되지 않음을 알 수 있다. 즉 차세대원자로 주냉각재배관에 LBB를 적용하는데는 DSA 영향은 상대적으로 중요하지 않다는 결론을 얻었다. 표면에 수소화물이 농축되어 있는 hydride layer가 형성됨을 관찰하였으며 ~5,000ppm 이상의 경우에는 수소화물의 방향성이 random하였으며 특히, ZIRLO$^{TM}$ 시편의 경우에서는 원주방향으로 길게 이어진 수소화물과 기계적 성질에 치명적인 반경방향의 수소화물이 평행하게 배열된 것을 관찰하였다.하였을 때는 Li$_2$O의 첨가에 의해 치밀화가 주로 일어났고, 반면에 $N_2$-7vol.%H$_2$ 분위기에서 소결하면 Li$_2$O의 첨가에 의해 작은 기공은 소멸되고 큰 기공이 생성되었다.지나치게 모국어의 영향만 강조하고 다른 요인들에 대해서는 다분히 추상적인 언급으로 끝났지만 이 분석을 통 해서 배경어, 목표어, 특히 중간규칙의 역할이 괄목할 만한 것임을 가시적으로 관찰할 수 있 다. 이와 같은 오류분석 방법은 학습자의 모국어 및 관련 외국어의 음운규칙만 알면 어느 학습대상 외국어에라도 적용할 수 있는 보편성을 지니는 것으로 사료된다.없다. 그렇다면 겹의문사를 [-wh]의리를 지 닌 의문사의 병렬로 분석할 수 없다. 예를 들어 누구누구를 [주구-이-ν가] [누구누구-이- ν가]로부터 생성되었다고 볼 수 없다. 그러므로 [-wh] 겹의문사는 복수 의미를 지닐 수 없 다. 그러면 단수 의미는 어떻게 생성되는가\ulcorner 본 논문에서는 표면적 형태에도 불구하고 [-wh]의미의 겹의문사는 병렬적 관계의 합성어가 아니라 내부구조를 지니지 않은 단순한 단어(minimal $X^{0}$ elements)로 가정한다. 즉, [+wh] 의미의 겹의문사는 동일한 구성요 소를 지닌 병렬적 합성어([$[W1]_{XO-}$ $[W1]_{XO}$ ]$_{XO}$)로

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