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Quality Characteristics of the Flesh and Juice for Different Varieties of Sweet Pumpkins (단호박의 품종에 따른 과육 및 착즙액의 품질 특성)

  • Kim, Mi-Hyang;Lee, Woo-Moon;Lee, Hee-Ju;Park, Dong-Kum;Lee, Myung-Hee;Youn, Sun-Joo
    • Food Science and Preservation
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.672-680
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    • 2012
  • To determine the characteristics of four different sweet pumpkins (Minimam, Bojjang, Ajikuroi and Kurijiman), juices were made from these varieties. The carotenoids in the flesh were 1.5~2 times higher than those in the skin and were highest in the flesh of the Minimam pumpkin among all the pumpkin varieties studied. The vitamin A contents were higher in the skin than in the flesh, and Minimam had the highest vitamin A content (2,016.57 IU/100 g) while Kurijiman had the lowest (998.83 IU/100 g). The vitamin C contents varied from 43.21 to 82.35 mg%, but there were no significant differences between the flesh and the skin. That of Kurijiman was the highest among the varieties studied. The major mineral of these varieties was potassium, which was highest in the flesh of Ajikuroi, followed by phosphorus. The antioxidant activities of the sweet pumpkin water extracts were higher in the skin than in the flesh. The $EC_{50}$ of the Minimam skin was the highest (4.01 mg/mL), and that of the Ajikuroi flesh was the lowest. The sweet pumpkin juice yields were 69.5~89.4%, with significant differences shown according to the variety. That of the peeled Ajikuroi's flesh was the highest. The pH was 7.17~7.83, and the unpeeled sweet pumpkin's pH was higher than that of the peeled sweet pumpkin. The Brix degree was $12.5{\sim}16.6^{\circ}Brix$, with that of the unpeeled Bojjang being the highest($16.1^{\circ}Brix$) and that of the unpeeled Ajikuroi the lowest ($12.7^{\circ}Brix$). The sweet pumpkin beverage made with pressed juice was adjusted by pH 3.5 with citric acid, and the Brix degree was maintained at the $12^{\circ}Brix$ with sugar. The adjusted beverage, which was the peeled pumpkin flesh juice, had suspension stability for a short time. The sweet pumpkin beverage had a certain flovor and a slimy mouthfeel. Bojjang and Kurijiman were evaluated as the best in the terms of taste and color, but the peeled Minimam and Bojjang showed the best results overall.

Quality characteristics of kimchi prepared with cut Kimchi cabbages during the short-term storage (단기저장 절단배추 김치의 품질 특성)

  • Son, Eun Ji;Kim, Sang Seop;Chung, Shin-Kyo
    • Food Science and Preservation
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.215-220
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    • 2017
  • Cut Kimchi cabbages ($3{\times}3cm$) were dipped in the egg shell solution (0.5% egg shell calcium/0.5% citric acid solution) and stored in the low-density polyethylene (LDPE) film bag at $4^{\circ}C$ for 2 weeks. Using this cut Kimchi cabbage, kimchi was prepared and their physicochemical qualities were investigated. Moreover, their sensory qualities were compared with Kimchi prepared with normal Kimchi cabbages. Egg shell calcium pretreatment (ET) showed the lower weight loss of cabbages than non-treatment (NT), and soluble solid compounds were decreased in all samples. Titratable acidity showed no statistical difference. After making a kimchi using cut Kimchi cabbages stored for 2 weeks no statistical differences in soluble solids and titratable acidities of kimchi stored for 7 days were shown. As a result of sensory test, preference of color was decreased and salted condition of control was the most significantly decreased. Pickled seafood odor of kimchi showed statistical difference, compared with the control. Crispness decreased in all samples. On the other hand, salty flavor and pickled seafood flavor were increased, fresh cabbage flavor, bitter flavor and carbonic flavor were decreased. Overall sensory quality of cut Kimchi cabbage (ETK) didn't show significant difference compare with kimchi prepared with normal cabbage (CON). It is possible to make kimchi with approvable sensory quality using cut Kimchi cabbage treated with egg shell calcium.

Analysis of the Benthic Nutrient Fluxes from Sediments in Agricultural Reservoirs used as Fishing Spots (낚시터로 활용중인 농업용 저수지의 퇴적물 내 영양염류 용출 분석)

  • Joo, Jin Chul;Choi, Sunhwa;Heo, Namjoo;Liu, Zihan;Jeon, Joon Young;Hur, Jun Wook
    • Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers
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    • v.39 no.11
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    • pp.613-625
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    • 2017
  • For two agricultural reservoirs that are rented for fishing spots, benthic nutrient fluxes experiment were performed two times with two sediments from fishing-effective zone and one sediment from fishing-ineffective zone using laboratory core incubation in oxic and anoxic conditions. During benthic nutrient fluxes experiment, the changes in DO, EC, pH, and ORP in the supernatant were not significantly different between fishing-effective zone and fishing-ineffective zone, and were similar to the sediment-hypolimnetic diffused boundary layer in agricultural reservoir. Except for $NO_3{^-}-N$, more benthic nutrient fluxes of $NH_4{^+}-N$, T-P, and $PO{_4}^{3-}-P$ from sediment to hypolimnetic was measured in anoxic than in oxic conditions (p<0.05). As the DO concentration in hypolimnetic decreases, the microorganism-mediated ammonification is promoted, the nitrification is suppressed, and finally the $NH_4{^+}-N$ diffuses out from sediment to hypolimnetic. Also, the diffusion of T-P and $PO{_4}^{3-}-P$ from sediments to hypolimnetic is accelerated through the dissociation of the phosphorus bound to both organic matters and metal hydroxides. The difference in the benthic nutrient diffusive fluxes between fishing-effective zone and fishing-ineffective zone was not statistically significant (p>0.05). Therefore, it was found that fishing activities did not increase the benthic nutrient diffusive fluxes to a statistically significant level. Due to the short fishing activities of 10 years and the rate-limited diffusion of the laboratory core incubation, the contribution of fishing activities on sediment pollution is estimated to be low. No significant correlation was found between the total amount of nutrients in sediment and the benthic nutrient diffusive fluxes in both aerobic and anaerobic conditions. Therefore, nutrients input from various nonpoint sources of watersheds are considered to be a more dominant factor rather than fishing activities in water quality deterioration, and both aeration and water circulation in hypolimnetic were required to suppress the anoxic environment in agricultural reservoirs.

Parameterization of the Temperature-Dependent Development of Panonychus citri (McGregor) (Acari: Tetranychidae) and a Matrix Model for Population Projection (귤응애 온도발육 매개변수 추정 및 개체군 추정 행렬모형)

  • Yang, Jin-Young;Choi, Kyung-San;Kim, Dong-Soon
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.50 no.3
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    • pp.235-245
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    • 2011
  • Temperature-related parameters of Panonychus citri (McGregor) (Acarina: Tetranychidae) development were estimated and a stage-structured matrix model was developed. The lower threshold temperatures were estimated as $8.4^{\circ}C$ for eggs, $9.9^{\circ}C$ for larvae, $9.2^{\circ}C$ for protonymphs, and $10.9^{\circ}C$ for deutonymphs. Thermal constants were 113.6, 29.1, 29.8, and 33.4 degree days for eggs, larvae, protonymphs, and deutonymphs, respectively. Non-linear development models were established for each stage of P. citri. In addition, temperature-dependent total fecundity, age-specific oviposition rate, and age-specific survival rate models were developed for the construction of an oviposition model. P. citri age was categorized into five stages to construct a matrix model: eggs, larvae, protonymphs, deutonymphs and adults. For the elements in the projection matrix, transition probabilities from an age class to the next age class or the probabilities of remaining in an age class were obtained from development rate function of each stage (age classes). Also, the fecundity coefficients of adult population were expressed as the products of adult longevity completion rate (1/longevity) by temperature-dependent total fecundity. To evaluate the predictability of the matrix model, model outputs were compared with actual field data in a cool early season and hot mid to late season in 2004. The model outputs closely matched the actual field patterns within 30 d after the model was run in both the early and mid to late seasons. Therefore, the developed matrix model can be used to estimate the population density of P. citri for a period of 30 d in citrus orchards.

Clinical effect of smoking on the healing response following scaling and root planing (흡연이 비외과적 치주치료 후 치유반응에 미치는 임상적 영향)

  • Shim, Ji-Yeon;Kim, Tae-Il;Seol, Yang-Jo;Lee, Yong-Moo;Ku, Young;Rhyu, In-Chul;Chung, Chong-Pyoung;Han, Soo-Boo
    • Journal of Periodontal and Implant Science
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    • v.36 no.1
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    • pp.125-137
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    • 2006
  • 1. 목적 흡연은 치주질환의 주요한 위험 인자 중의 하나이다. 일반적으로 흡연자는 비흡연자보다 비외과적 및 외과적 치주치료에 대한 반응이 덜 효과적인 것으로 알려져 있다. 이 연구에서는 중등도의 만성 치주염이 존재하는 한국인 흡연자와 비흡연자를 대상으로 하여, 비외과적 치주치료인 치석 제거술과 치근 활택술을 시행한 후 6개윌 동안의 임상적 치유 반응을 비교해 보고자 하였다. 2. 방법 20명의 중등도 만성 치주염 환자(흡연자 10명, 비흡연자 10명)를 대상으로 치주낭 깊이(Probing Pocket Depth, PPD), 치은퇴축(GR), 치주탐침시 출혈유무(BOP), #16, 12, 24, 32, 36, 44의 치태지수(Plaque Index, Silness & $L{\"{o}}e$ 1964)를 임상변수로 측정하였다. 치주낭 깊이 (PD)와 치은퇴축(GR)은 전자 탐침(Florida $Probe^{(R)}$ Co. Gainesville, FL)을 이용하여 각 치아당 6군데를 측정하였다. 임상적 부착 수준(CAL)은 치주낭 깊이(PD)와 치은퇴축(GR)의 합으로 계산하였다. 초진시에 전악 임상 검사를 시행하였고, 초진시의 치주낭 깊이에 따라 조사 대상이 되는 치아 부위를 선정하였다. 치주적으로 건강한 부위 $(PD{\leq}3mm)$를 대조군인 1군으로 하고 치주낭 깊이가 4 mm를 초과하고 5 mm 미만인 부위를 2군, 5 mm 이상의 치주낭 깊이를 가지는 부위를 3군으로 설정하였다. 비외과적 치주치료인 치석 제거술, 치근 활택술과 구강위생 교육을 시행하였고 2개월(T1), 4개윌(T2), 6개윌(T3)에 선정된 해당 치아 부위에 대해 임상 재검사를 시행하였다. 3. 결과 BOP와 Plaque Index는 초진, 2, 4, 6개월에 흡연자와 비흡연자 간에 유의할 만한 차이가 없었으나 전반적으로 감소하는 경향이 나타났다. 대조군인 l군에 서는 흡연자와 비흡연자 간에 모든 시기에서 PD, GR, CAL에 유의할 만한 차이가 없었다. 치주낭 깊이가 4 mm를 초과하고 5 mm 미만인 2군에서는 비흡연자에서 6개월에 유의할 만한 치주낭 깊이 감소가 나타났으며, 4개월과 6개윌에 유의할 만한 부착수준의 증가가 관찰되었다(p<0.05). 치주낭 깊이가 5 mm이상인 3군에서는 비흡연자에서 치주낭 깊이 감소가 일관되게 더 많이 나타났으나 통계학적으로 유의할 만한 차이는 6개월째에서만 관찰되었다. 2군과 유사하게 치주낭 갚이 감소는 흡연자보다 비흡연자에서 0.6 mm 더 크게 나타났다. 부착수준의 획득은 2군에서는 4, 6개월째에, 3군에서는 6개월째에 비흡연자에서 유의하게 더 많이 일어났다. 초진시의 치주낭 깊이와 각 시기별 ${\Delta}PD$ 간의 상관관계에서는 치주낭 갚이가 5mm 이상인 3군에서 비흡연자의 경우 6개월째에 가장 강한 상관성이 나타났다($r_s=0.43$, p<0.05). 흡연자에서는 3군에서 어떠한 유의한 상관관계도 나타나지 않았다. 결론적으로 중등도 만성 치주염 환자를 대상으로 한 6개윌의 단기간 연구에서 비외과적 치주치료 후 흡연자에서 비흡연자보다 치주낭 깊이 감소의 개선과 부착수준의 획득이 더 적게 나타나 임상적 치유반응이 좋지 않음을 확인하였다. 이는 흡연이 숙주의 치유반응 부정적인 영향을 주기 때문으로 생각된다.

Preliminary Study on Electron Paramagnetic Resonance(EPR) Signal Properties of Mobile Phone Components for Dose Estimation in Radiation Accident (방사선사고시 피폭선량평가를 위한 휴대전화 부품의 전자상자성공명(EPR) 특성에 대한 예비 연구)

  • Park, Byeong Ryong;Ha, Wi-Ho;Park, Sunhoo;Lee, Jin Kyeong;Lee, Seung-Sook
    • Journal of Radiation Protection and Research
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    • v.40 no.4
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    • pp.194-201
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    • 2015
  • We have investigated the EPR signal properties in 12 components of two mobile phones (LCD, OLED) using electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectrometer in this study.EPR measurements were performed at normal atmospheric conditions using Bruker EXEXSYS-II E500 spectrometer with X-band bridge, and samples were irradiated by $^{137}Cs$ gamma-ray source. To identify the presence of radiation-induced signal (RIS), the EPR spectra of each sample were measured unirradiated and irradiated at 50 Gy. Then, dose-response curve and signal intensity variating by time after irradiation were measured. As a result, the signal intensity increased after irradiation in all samples except the USIM plastic and IC chip. Among the samples, cover glass(CG), lens, light guide plate(LGP) and diffusion sheet have shown fine linearity ($R^2$ > 0.99). Especially, the LGP had ideal characteristics for dosimetry because there were no signal in 0 Gy and high rate of increase in RIS. However, this sample showed weakness in fading. Signal intensity of LGP and Diffusion Sheet decreased by 50% within 72 hours after irradiation, while signals of Cover Glass and Lens were stably preserved during the short period of time. In order to apply rapidly EPR dosimetry using mobile phone components in large-scale radiation accidents, further studies on signal differences for same components of the different mobile phone, fading, pretreatment of samples and processing of background signal are needed. However, it will be possible to do dosimetry by dose-additive method or comparative method using unirradiated same product in small-scale accident.

Studies on the Hydrolysis of Holocellulose with Trichoderma viride Cellulase - (I) Effect of the treated substrate - (Cellulase에 의(依)한 목재당화(木材糖化)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) - (I) 기질(基質) 처리(處理)의 효과(効果) -)

  • Cheong, Tae-Seong;Min, Du-Sik
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.38 no.1
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    • pp.13-18
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    • 1978
  • In this study, enzymatic hydrolysis of the holocellulose from Alnus hirsuta (Spach) Rupr. (8-14 yr's) was investigated using crude cellulase preparations of Trichoderma viride Pers. ex. Fr. SANK 16374. And conducted on the optimum condition of the treated substrate for saccharification. A strain of Trichoderma viride Pers. ex. Fr. SANK 16374 was found to be highly efficient for the cellulase productivity, especially in the submerged culture process. The culture medium used in this experiment was prepared from an extract of wheat bran consisting also of $KH_2PO_410$, $(NH_4)_2$ $SO_4$ 3, $NaNO_3$ 3, and $MgSO_4$ $7H_2O$ 0.5g/l. Cellulose powder (Toyo filter paper, 60 mesh) was found to be an importent factar for inducing the cellulase formation. And the cellulase produced in the culture fluid was salted out quantitatively by the use of ammonium sulfate (Fig. 1) Reducing sugar was determined by the Dinitrosalicylic acid (DNS) method, using reagents prepared according to the method of Sumner (1925). The results obtained were summerized as follows; 1. The method of delignification were treated by the Peracetic acid (PA) method, according to the method of Toyama (1970). The yield of holocellulose were decreased in accordance with increasing concentration of Peracetic acid solution; delignification of Alnus hirsuta Rupr. with 20% Peracetic acid was satisfied for 48 hours and 40%~60% peracetic acid was satisfied for 24 hrs: 2. The substrate (holocellulose) was changed easely into fine powder with enzymatic hydrolysis and cellulase exhibits optimum activity on the reducing sugar formation from substrate at the range of 60-100 mesh. 3. The reducing sugar formation increased in accordance with increasing dry temperature on holocellulose substrate was found to be $190{\pm}5^{\circ}C$. 4. The optimal heat treated time of holocellulose substrate was found to be 45 min. for the reducing sugar formation showed the best products. The reducing sugar formation did not show statisticaly significent diflerences at 5% levels by heat treated time for 45 min. and 60 min.

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Effect of Low Night-time Temperature during Seedling Stage on Growth of Spring Chinese Cabbage (육묘기 야간 저온이 봄배추의 생육에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Jun-Gu;Lee, Ji-Weon;Park, Suh-Yung;Jang, Yoon-Ah;Oh, Sang-Seok;Seo, Tae-Cheol;Yoon, Hyeong-Kwon;Um, Young-Cheol
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.326-332
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    • 2011
  • The growth and bolting characteristics of spring Chinese cabbage cultivars at two night-time temperature treatments such as $5^{\circ}C$ and $10^{\circ}C$ during seedling stage were investigated to establish a safe environmental management strategy for raising seedlings. The low night-time temperature treatments were applied at 5, 10, and 15 days after sawing and the treatment durations were 5, 10, and 15 days in each of treatment beginning. The growth of seedlings in all the tested cultivars were linearly reduced as the treatment duration was extended and no symptoms of bolting were found. The reduction rate in seedling growth of 'Chunkwang' reached to 59.3% at most by 15 days of $5^{\circ}C$ treatment when it be compared to that of control. However, no symptoms of bolting were shown in the treatments of two night-time temperatures until the harvest at 90 days after sawing, indicating that the vernalization effect by low night-time temperature could be mitigated by subsequent day-time optimal temperature management. This study showed that the major spring Chinese cabbage cultivars require more ultimate level of low night-time temperature treatment for the vernalization than this study. It is also supposed that the optimal day-time temperature management can reduce or delay the rate of bolting, even if the seedlings were exposed to short-term low temperature below $5^{\circ}C$ during night-time.

Change of Serum Levels of C-Reactive Protein After Coronary Angioplasty and Its Effects on Clinical Restenosis (협심증 환자에서 관동맥중재술에 따른 C-reactive Protein의 변화 및 임상경과)

  • Park, Jong-Seon;Hong, Gu-Ru;Lee, Chae-Hoon;Shin, Dong-Gu;Kim, Young-Jo;Shim, Bong-Sup
    • Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.215-225
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    • 2001
  • Background: There are many evidences that inflammation is an important determinant of the development of atherosclerosis and one of the systemic markers of inflammation, C-reactive protein(CRP), is associated with extent of coronary artery disease and risk of coronary events. We assessed the time response of CRP response after coronary angioplasty and it's influence on the clinical restenosis in angina patients. Materials and Methods: Patients included 36 angina patients undergoing single vessel angioplasty. Levels of CRP were measured before and 12, 24, 48, and 72 hours after angioplasty. Clinical restenosis was assessed at 6 months after procedure. Results: Baseline CRP level was $0.30{\pm}0.01$ mg/dL in stable and $0.46{\pm}0.28$ mg/dL in unstable angina patients(p<0.05). After angioplasty, CRP level was increased with peak at 24 hour and persisted to 72 hours after angioplasty. At 24 hour after angioplasty, the magnitude of CRP change was $0.32{\pm}0.31$ mg/dL in stable and $0.79{\pm}0.73$ mg/dL in unstable angina patient(p<0.05). The change of CRP level was not associated with troponin-T after angioplasty. In unstable angina patients, clinical restenosis was developed in 8% of patients with low baseline CRP levels and in 50% of those with high baseline CRP levels more than 0.6 mg/dL(p<0.05). Conclusion: In unstable angina patients, inflammatory response is more increased than stable angina patients, and increased inflammatory response effects on the restenosis after coronary angioplasty.

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The Change of Seedling Emergence of Abies koreana and Altitudinal Species Composition in the Subalpine Area of Mt. Jiri over Short-Term(2015-2017) (지리산 아고산대의 단기간(2015-2017)에 걸친 구상나무 치수 발생 및 고도별 종구성 변화)

  • Kim, Ji Dong;Park, Go Eun;Lim, Jong-hwan;Yun, Chung Weon
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.313-322
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    • 2018
  • To investigate the changing patterns of sub-alpine forest vegetation due to climate change requires accumulation of contiguous reference data and continuous monitoring. Furthermore, it is crucial to monitor short-term ecological change of lower level vegetation to understand the trend of long-term vegetation change. Therefore, this study carried out a vegetation survey and tree diameter measurement in 36 plots of Mt. Jiri inhabited by Abies koreana species from 2015 to 2017 to examine the short-term dynamics of Abies koreana seedling and the change of vegetation distribution according to altitude. We analyzed the importance value and MIV (mean importance value) of major species by each stratum as well as the importance value and species diversity index of major species and the change of seedling population by altitude. The results showed that Abies koreana had the highest importance value on tree layer, Rhododendron schlippenbachii on shrub layer and Tripterygium regelii on herb layer. MIV was high in the order of Abies koreana, Rhododendron schlippenbachii and Acer pseudosieboldianum. Regarding the species composition and species diversity index (H') along the altitudinal gradient, Sasa borealis showed high MI and low H' in the elevation less than 1,500 m, and IV of Tripterygium regelii and H' of herb layer were high in the elevation of 1,700 - 1,800 m. Abies koreana seedling decreased by 22.4% from 1,250 n/ha in 2015 to 970 n/ha in 2017 (p <0.05) throughout the investigated area. The decline rate along seedling and sapling height were 22.9% in less than 10 cm, 3.4% in 10-30 cm, 8.9% in 30-50 cm, 39.3% in 50-100 cm, and 55.1% more than 100 cm. Few of A. koreana seedlings appeared due to the dominance of Sasa borealis in the elevation of 1,500 m or less and due to the dominance and high species diversity of Tripterygium regelii in the elevation of 1,700-1,800 m. On the other hand, many of A. koreana seedlings appeared in the elevation of 1,600-1,700 m due to no distribution of S. borealis and T. regelii species in that altitude range. Therefore, we concluded that those seedlings and saplings of A. koreana could be more stable in the altitude of 1,600-1,700 m.