• 제목/요약/키워드: 노인치위생학

검색결과 174건 처리시간 0.019초

노인 구강건강증진 활동에 대한 치과위생사의 학습경험과 수행경험에 따른 수행가능성 및 필요성 조사 (A study on the performance and necessity of dental hygienists for oral health promotion activities for the elderly according to their learning experiences and performance experiences)

  • 송가인;신선정;신보미;유상희;배수명
    • 한국치위생학회지
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    • 제21권4호
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    • pp.467-479
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    • 2021
  • Objectives: The purpose of this study was to investigate the awareness of the performance and necessity of oral health promotion activities and seek ways to revitalize the professional role of dental hygienists in oral healthcare for the efficient oral care of the elderly. Methods: Eighty-five dental hygienists in charge of oral health promotion projects at public health centers and 38 dental hygienists in network dental clinical trials were investigated for their learning experience, performance experience, feasibility, and necessity of dental hygienists for general and oral health service items for the elderly. The collected data were analyzed using frequency analysis, chi-square test, and Mann-Whitney U test. Results: The degree of performance possibility according to the learning experience and performance experience of the dental hygienist for the whole body and oral health promotion activity items for the elderly showed that the degree of performance possibility was higher among those with experience compared to the non-experienced person, and it was statistically significantly higher (p<0.05). Conclusions: The dental hygienist's professional oral health service is a necessary system to improve practical knowledge and skills and to provide a wide range of professional oral health services for the elderly.

노인 장기요양보험 이용실태 및 서비스내용에 대한 인식 (Awareness and using status on long-term care insurance and insurance benefits)

  • 정재연;김수화;김영경;안세연;유은미;최부근;황윤숙;한수진
    • 한국치위생학회지
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    • 제16권3호
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    • pp.373-381
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    • 2016
  • Objectives: The purpose of the study is to investigate the awareness toward use and service contents of long term care for the elderly. Methods: A self-reported questionnaire was completed by 296 adults from August 13 to October 20, 2014. The questionnaire consisted of general characteristics of the subjects, awareness toward long term care insurance for the elderly, awareness toward long term oral health care services, use of long term care service and use intention for the long term care insurance. Data were analyzed by SPSS 18.0 program. Results: Those who were aware of the long term care insurance accounted for 55.4 percent. Approximately 50 percent of the respondents recognized long term care service items, home visit care, home visit bathing, and home visit nursing. Most of the respondents had information of long term care services by way of mass media and direct contact. Only 13.4 percent of the respondents were aware of the oral health service in the long term care insurance. The subjects were aware of denture cleaning, oral cleaning and oral health education out of oral health service in order; and oral health services that needed to be offered were denture cleaning, oral health education and professional toothbrushing. They reported that dental hygienists were the most important manpower that offered the efficient oral health care services. They answered that professional manpower and financial support are required for oral health services. The positive thinking to long term care insurance accounted for 89.2 percent and 91.3 percent had use intention for oral health services. Conclusions: Many elderly people have mastication or dysphagic problems due to systemic diseases. Therefore, it is necessary to announce the long term care insurance and long term care services for the elderly people.

노인구강보철환자에게 미치는 치과 의료서비스 요인 (Influence of dental services on satisfaction of old prosthetic patients)

  • 김순덕
    • 한국치위생학회지
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    • 제7권1호
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    • pp.15-30
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    • 2007
  • The main objective of this study is to investigate the improvement of the quality of dental health based on the dental service satisfaction factors of the old dental prosthesis patients of more than 60 years of age who use the dental institutes including dental hospital, clinic, and public health center and to identify the interest in the dental prosthesis as changing paint. Across the country through a questionnaire survey of a question and answer type conducted by the trained dental hygienists or dentist's. Major results of the empirical analysis are as follows. 1. looking at variation of the variables of socio-demographic features of the respondents, the group of female, age distribution of 60-65, average monthly income of 0.5-1 million Won, and schooling background of college showed significant difference. And the prosthesis treatment in terms of the purpose of isiting a dental institute, and the dental clinic in terms of the type of visiting dental institute showed a remarkably significant difference. 2. looking at variation of variables of the general features of the respondents, a prosthesis satisfaction service in terms of age showed significant difference: a prosthesis satisfaction service, dental staffs' service and dental facilities' service in terms of average monthly income showed significant difference: the entire conditions except for the dental facilities' service in terms of schooling and general features showed significant difference: and in terms of the purpose of visiting dental institute, it showed no significant difference. In terms of a visiting dental institute, the prosthesis satisfaction service, dental facilities, overall level of satisfaction, result of treatment, word of mouth and revisit showed significant difference. 3. looking at variation of the variables of post-installation prosthesis satisfaction of the respondents, the prosthesis satisfaction service, dentist's dental service, staffs' service, dental facilities' service and revisit in terms of the prosthesis type: and the prosthesis satisfaction service, word of mouth, revisit and overall level of satisfaction from the perspective of serious concern showed significant difference. The prosthesis satisfaction service and dentist's service in terms of the solving the economic burden: and the entire variables in terms of dissatisfaction elements showed a similar level of significant difference 4. in regard to the satisfaction of dental service and the change of the recognition of prosthesis patients, it was revealed that the level of dental prosthesis satisfaction of the respondents was closely related to the dentist's service, staffs' service, and dental facilities' service. Finally, looking at the influence of the dental service on the treatment result, satisfaction, word of mouth, revisit and the overall satisfaction level, it was revealed that they had a great impact on the prosthesis satisfaction service.

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방문구강보건사업 여성노인 대상자의 구강관리프로그램 효과 (The effect of oral care program for the elderly women of the Visiting oral health care)

  • 이윤희;이성국
    • 한국치위생학회지
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    • 제12권2호
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    • pp.365-377
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    • 2012
  • Objectives : This research was conducted to determine the effect of the Visiting Oral Health Care Program by examining the oral health of the elderly women, who are the beneficiaries of this Visiting Oral Care Program. Methods : This research was conducted from November of 2011 to February of 2012, in Chilgok-gun in the Kyeongbuk Province, South Korea. One hundred and twenty five (125) elderly women among the beneficiaries of the Visiting Oral Care Program within the area were randomly selected for the research. The research subjects would regularly visit the area senior citizen center, and they were divided into two groups, with 64 of them belonging to a control group, and the rest (61 people) belonged to a intervention group. The research subjects were examined for their dental health condition, and we investigated the effect of the Visiting Oral Care Program through this research. Results : 1. When they were asked about how many times they wash their dentures, the majority of the control group, 57.4% of them answered that they do it "once" a day. The majority of the intervention group answered "more than 3 times", with 35.2% of group mentioning that they wash their dentures more than 3 times a day(p<.001). 2. When the research subjects were asked to scale their overall quality of life before and after the Visiting Oral Care Program, the control group had rated 49.3 before the Service and 56.8 after the Service (p<.01), and scores for the individual factors to determine the overall quality of life has significantly improved as well (p<.01, p<.01, p<.01, p<.01, p<.01, p<.01, p<.01). 3. The oral hygiene condition after the Visiting Oral Care Program has shown improvement as well. The control group scored 64.2 for the severity of the symptoms of dental plaque before the dental care, and scored 46.8 after the dental care (p<0.1). The control group was diagnosed for the symptoms of coated tongue, and the severity of the symptoms were scaled as 3.7 before the Program and 2.0 after the Program (p<.01). Furthermore, the overall functionality of the oral cavity was improved as well. The control group showed 1.0 time increase in repetitive voluntary swallowing test (p<0.1), increased amount of sublingual saliva from 0.8mm to 1.4mm, and from 1.6mm to 2.0mm in dorsum linguae(p<0.1). Also, the control group showed an improvement in mouth opening as well, increased from 3.9 to 4.0cm after the oral care program (p<.05). When compared the result with the examination after the Visiting Oral Care Program, the two groups showed a significant difference with the control group showing a significant improvement compared to the intervention group(p<.01, p<.01, p<.01, p<.01, p<.05). 4. The correlation between the dental hygiene condition and the functionality of oral was made for the result of examining the beneficiaries for Visiting Oral Care Program. The amount of saliva showed a negative correlation with the severity of dental plaque (p<.05), and a positive correlation with the repetitive voluntary swallowing count (p<0.1). Also, mouth opening showed a positive correlation with repetitive voluntary swallowing count (p<.05). Conclusions : After the Visiting Orall Care Program, the beneficiaries of the program experienced improvement in their quality of life related to oral health, overall oral hygiene and functionality of oral.