• Title/Summary/Keyword: 노인여성

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Satisfaction Evaluation for the Pedestrian Improvement of Street Spaces - Focused on the Commercial and Residential Areas in the First District of Administrative-Centered City - (가로공간 보행증진을 위한 보행만족도 평가 - 행정중심복합도시 1지구 상업·주거지역을 대상으로 -)

  • Lian, Teng;Choi, Jae-Hyuck;Lee, Shi-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.46 no.1
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    • pp.115-126
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    • 2018
  • A new urban paradigm that moves from a vehicle-centric to pedestrian-centric culture should be considered to improve the quality of the pedestrian environments for women, children, senior citizens, and disabled persons as well as to promote community unification by providing general movement rights to everyone. This study was implemented to provide decent alternatives to improve street spaces. The street spaces around the Commercial and Residential Area No.1 located in the Administrative-Centered City, Sejong Special Autonomic City, were selected to analyze and define the status of the walkways and the street spaces. Satellite imagery and numerical maps were used to collect geographic data. Practical and actual surveys for the selected sites were performed to analyze the street status and the pedestrian status. Based on the all collected data, analysis results, and literature reviews, the questionnaire was made, and 315 inquiries qualified for analysis. The physical status of all four study sites was the highest level, Grade A, and green open spaces were relatively sufficient. As a result, the factors obtained from the factor analysis have an impact on the satisfaction of the pedestrian streets in the commercial area. The factors are as followed Design > Convenience > Roadside trees and rest areas > Safety > Safety protective facilities > Transportation and information facilities > Continuity > Basic state of road surfaces > Comfortability, and in the residential area: Transportation and information facilities > Basic state of road surfaces > Comfort > Convenience > Continuity > Design > Illumination and crime prevention facilities > Safety > Roadside trees and rest areas.

A Clinical Study of Ocular Dimention and Visual Acuity Before and After Cataract Surgery Over Ninety Years Old (90세 이상 초고령 환자들의 백내장 수술전.후 안수치와 시력에 관한 임상연구)

  • Lee, Jung-Mi;Kim, In-Suk;Shin, Jin-Ah
    • Journal of Korean Ophthalmic Optics Society
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.275-280
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    • 2010
  • Propose: Due to the rapid growth of medical technologies and the increasing population of older people, we investigated clinical status of ocular dimensions and visual acuity for pre and post cataract surgeries of people over age 90. Methods: From March 2007 to February 2009, we investigated eighty-two eyes of forty-eight patients who had undergone cataract surgeries at an ophthalmic clinic (Ansung, Kyungi-do), investigated maximum corrected vision, axial length, anterior chamber depth and accompanied ocular diseases before and after the surgeries based on the collected data. Results: As patients aged, axial length unchanged but anterior chamber depth decreased over all due to the increase of intraocular lens thickness, and men tended to have a higher degree than women. Seventy-one (86.6%) of eighty-two eyes showed improved corrected vision than before surgeries and forty-three (52.4%) eyes could see more than visual acuity of 0.5. Conclusions: Patients with the systemic disease and accompanied ocular disease showed low vision less than 0.5 after cataract surgery compared to same healthy age peoples. But the others improved correction visual acuity more than 0.5, so the cataract surgery was surely necessary for people over 90 years old and also the presence of ocular disease could have a great influence on correction visual acuity.

Effect of heel Heights of shoe on Muscle Activation of Lower Extremity on the Rocking Surface in older Women (흔들림이 있는 표면에서 여성 노인의 신발 굽 높이가 하지 근육 활성도에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Kyoung;Cho, Yong-Ho;Cha, Yong-Jun;Song, Byung-Seop
    • Journal of Biomedical Engineering Research
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.316-322
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate muscle activation of lower extremity such as rectus femoris, tibialis anterior and soleus according to 0cm(bare foot), 4cm and 7cm heel height of shoe on the rocking surface in older women. 20 older women who did not have any lower musculoskeletal and neurological disorders in the past were participated in this study. Each subject was standing for 15 seconds on the level 8 of Biodex Stability System (BSS) while wearing 4cm and 7cm heel height shoes including bare foot. Electromyography was used to measure muscle activation of lower extremity, and the muscle activation was expressed as a percentage of maximal voluntary isometric contraction (% MVIC). We measured % MVIC of three muscles during 5 seconds except for the first 5 seconds and last 5 seconds. SPSS 12.0 program was used for this study. Repeated one-way analysis of variance(ANOVA) was performed to compare the significant difference among the muscles of lower extremities according to heel heights of shoe on the rocking plate. % MVIC of each muscle such as rectus femoris, tibialis anterior and soleus regarding heel heights of shoe had statistically significant differences (p<0.05). The results of contrast test were as follows; 1) % MVIC of rectus femoris had significant differences between barefoot and 4cm, and barefoot and 7cm. 2) % MVIC of tibialis anterior had significant differences between barefoot and 4cm, barefoot and 7cm, and 4cm and 7cm. 3) % MVIC of soleus had significant differences between barefoot and 7cm, 4cm and 7cm. The results indicate that all commonly responsive muscle on the conditions of barefoot, 4cm, and 7cm shoe height on the rcoking surface is tibialis anterior muscle. We found out that the more heels of shoe high, the more muscle activation increases. High-heeled shoes above 7cm remarkably increase the muscle activation of lower extremity and may result in muscle fatigue. Thus, these shoes may summate risk factors of falls in older women. We can acknowledge that the heels above 4 cm affect each muscle activation in lower extremity on the rocking surface.

Reseach on Transcultural Nursing (횡문화 간호에 관한 연구)

  • Shin, Kyng-Rim
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.454-463
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    • 1992
  • 세계가 일일 생활권화 됨과 더불어 국제교류가 활발해지므로써 횡문화 간호 연구는 전문직 간호(Professional Nursing)에 있어서 매우 중요한 부분을 차지하고 있음을 많은 문헌을 통해서 알 수 있다(Brink, 1976 : Leininger, 1977 : Roberston & Boyle, 1987). 횡문화 간호연구는 서로 다른 문화적 배경을 가진 사람들을 잘 이해하고 그들의 건강을 돌봄에 있어서 더욱 효과적이고, 안전한 간호를 할 수 있을 뿐만 아니라 간호이론 개발, 간호모형(Model) 개발에 있어서도 매우 중요한 역할을 한다고 믿는다. 본 연구는 1984년에서 1987년 사이에 전문적 간호연구지에 실린 10편의 횡문화 간호연구와 관련된 논문들을 발췌하여 간호지식체의 본질적인 과정인 비판적 문헌고찰을 통해 각 논문들을 비교 분석 한 것으로써, 미래의 간호연구를 위한 간호실무, 간호교육, 간호연구 방법 및 간호 행정면에서 그 적용성을 높여줄 것이다. 비판적 문헌고찰을 위한 기준은 Burns와 Grove(1987)의 방법을 참고하여 아래와 같이 선정하였다. 1. 분석대상 : 목적, 가설 진술, 문헌고찰, 표본조사, 방법론적 논점, 결과 해석 2. 이론적 틀의 유도 흑은 통합 3. 발전적인 간호수행을 위한 중요성, 적용성 및 제언 이상의 내용으로 비교 분석을 해본 결과 1984년에서 1987년 사이에 발표된 횡문화 간호에 관한 논문들의 주제는 주로 여성을 대상으로 한 건강돌봄, 자가간호, 건강신념, 수유, 임신 그리고 간호사와 소수민족 노인과의 의사소통 양상 등으로 나누어 볼 수 있었다. 이론적 틀은 주로 사회학, 정신심리학, 인류학 이론으로부터 도출되었고, 오직 두 편만이 간호 이른에 틀을 둔 것으로 나타났다. 1. 10개의 논문의 가설과 목적의 분석에 있어서 4편의 논문은 목적과 가설이 구체적으로 진술되어 있었고, 나머지 6편은 목적이 전반적으로 진술되어 있었으며 가설도 구체적이지 않았다. 이러한 제한점은 각 논문의 연구자가 문헌고찰을 충분히 하지 못하고 단지 수편의 논문만을 제시 한 데서 비롯되었다고 분석 해 볼 수 있겠다. 2. 문헌고찰 부분에서는 각각의 연구주제를 지지해줄 수 있는 문헌들이 충분히 고찰되지 못하였고, 이론적배경 또한 횡문화 이론과의 관련성이 적었다. 또한 횡 문화 연구에 기초가 되는 연구대상자의 사회 인구학적 특성과 역사적 배경은 잘 나타났으나, 이론적 연구와 경험적 연구 간에 괴리가 있었다. 3. 표본추출방법은 문화에 기반을 둔 대상자를 선정한다는 점에서 한계성 이 있었다. 4. 방법론적 이유로는 대상자와의 면담시간이 구체적으로 기술되지 않았으며, 고유한 언어를 통역하는 과정에서 의미론적 문제에 대한 고려가 부족하였다. 면접과 기록과정에서 보면 자료의 기록과정과 분류 및 분석과정이 명시되어 있지 않았다. 참여관찰과 면접방법을 사용시 이에 대한 자세한 기술이 되어 있지 않았다. 5. 연구결과의 적용 및 이에 대한 논의는 상당히 제한되어 있었는데, 수편의 연구만이 방법론 문제점과 앞으로의 연구분야에 대한 전망을 제시하였으며, 특이한 것은 어 떤 연구자도 이른 개발을 위한 적용 및 임상실무적 차원에서 간호에 대한 제언을 하지 않았다.

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Differences in Health, Economic Status, and Social Relations of Female Elderly Living Alone - A Comparative Analysis of Residental Areas including Urban, Rural, Fishing, and Island Communities in Chungcheong Province - (여성 독거노인의 건강, 경제상태, 사회적 관계의 지역적 차이에 관한 연구 - 도시, 농촌, 어촌, 도서지역의 비교 -)

  • Kim, Yun-Jeong
    • The Korean Journal of Community Living Science
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.417-431
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    • 2007
  • This study investigates the differences among residental areas in the health, standard of living, and social relationships of female elderly living alone. The total of 501 subjects(185 from rural areas, 159 from fishing communities, 77 from the islands, and 80 from urban areas) were questioned from May to July, 2006. The research area was confined to Chungcheong Province. The female elderly living alone of this study were an average of seventy-three years old, had a low cost of living, and received little formal school education. Over sixty percent(60.3) of them lived on less than thirty dollars a month which was the recognized Korean poverty level in 2006. The female elderly living alone were evaluated as being in good health, but they themselves perceived their health as being poor. Observed by residential areas, the subjects in urban areas were lower in ADL, and both the urban dwellers and the islanders appeared to be higher in their satisfaction with medical services as compared to those in rural areas and fishing communities. The fishing villagers showed the lowest standard of living for female elderly living alone. The analysis of social relationships as seen in the different residental areas revealed that the female elderly living alone g in urban areas tended to be receiving social supports rather than providing for others, and subjects living in fishing areas and the islands proved to be relatively higher in the exchange of social supports. In relation to offspring, the female elderly living alone in urban areas had a lower frequency of meeting with their children and also a lesser degree of intimacy with them because they lived at a distance. On the other hand, subjects living in rural areas and fishing communities had a higher frequency of meeting with their children and a greater degree of intimacy with them even if they lived at a distance. The study also showed that the female elderly living alone in the islands had a higher frequency of once meeting per three week with their offspring and a higher degree of intimacy with them because they all live in the same islands. In conclusion, the subject living in urban areas appeared to be isolated from their offspring as compared to the other seniors in the study. The female elderly living alone in urban areas suffered from an insufficient network of relatives and neighbors, and they experienced a poor quality of relationships to their offspring. Almost all of the lone seniors in the study had a low score in social activities; however, the female elderly living alone in urban areas revealed a higher level of participation in volunteer activities, group activities, and educational activities. Nevertheless, the lone seniors living in urban areas were not satisfied with their participation in social activities. The subjects living in rural in fishing communities and the islands showed more participation in money-making activities. This study suggests that the policies for female elderly living alone should reflect the differences of regional characteristics.

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Prevalence of Laryngo-pharyngeal Reflux(LPR) Related Symptoms at the Out Patient Department in Korea : One Week Survey (우리나라 이비인후과 외래환자의 인.후두 역류증상 발병빈도 조사(One Week Survey 결과))

  • Choi, Hong-Sik;Kim, Hyung-Tae;Seo, Jang-Soo;Wang, Soo-Gun;Cho, Jae-Sik;Choi, Gun;Hong, Ki-Hwan;Kim, Seok-Il;Lee, Won-Chul
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Laryngology, Phoniatrics and Logopedics
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.87-97
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    • 2000
  • One week survey to investigate the prevalence rate and clinical characteristics of laryngopharyngeal reflux symptoms in Korea. The subject(n=7,704 patients) was newly enrolled patients at the out patient clinic in 90 ENT departments of resident training hospitals and 11 local clinics, which were voluntarily participated in the study 1) Twenty five percent of all enrolled patients has LPR-related symptoms or clinical findings from the examination by ENT specialists. 2) Among e name of LPR-related diagnosis, globus syndrome was e most common, and follows by reflux laryngitis, and chronic laryngitis. 3) Women was more prevalent than men, and it is common in 5th, 6th, and 7th decades, which seems to be related with aging process. 4) Most popular symtoms of LPR. were globus sensation, conic throat clearing, and hoarseness of unknown origin. 5) Aggravating factors of LPR-related symptoms were tiredness, mental stress, drink alcohol, cigarettes smoking, spicy food, and drinking coffee. 6) LPR-related symptoms were more common in professional voice users. 7) In past medical history, diseases of stomach and tonsillitis were most common.

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A Case Study on Effect of Oriental Medical Treatment to an Aged Female Obese Patient (한방비만치료의 여성노인환자 치험1례)

  • Kim, Eu-Gene;Cha, Yun-Yeop;Kim, Dong-Gun;Heo, Seong-Kyu;Heo, Young-Jin;Han, Seok-Hun;Kong, In-Pyo
    • Journal of Korean Medicine for Obesity Research
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.87-96
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    • 2007
  • Objectives : This study was performed to evaluate the effect of oriental medical treatment on aged female obese patient. Methods : We experienced an aged female obese patient. We applied herbal medication(Choweseuncheng-tang), electrolipolysis, auricular acupuncture to her from 26th, March. 2007 to 25th, May. 2007. And we examined the changes of her weight, body composition, body size, skin resistance variability, visual analogue scale of knee pain. Results : 1. Her weight decreased from 73.5kg to 71.1kg and body mass index(BMI) decreased from $29.46kg/m^2$ to $28.11kg/m^2$. 2. Body fat mass(BFM) decreased from 25.7kg to 21.6kg but body muscle mass(BMM) increased from 45.1kg to 46.7kg. 3. Waist-hip ratio(WHR) decreased from 0.96 to 0.92. 4. Basal metabolic rate(BMR) increased from 1,273kcal to 1,314kcal. 5. The circumference of upper extremity decreased 1.03cm and lower extremity decreased 1.30cm but the circumference of the muscle of upper extremity increased 0.41cm and lower extremity increased 0.63cm. 6. The circumference of chest and hip are decreased. In addition to the circumference and fat of abdomen are decreased. 7. The visual analogue scale of knee pain is improved. Conclusions : According to above results, oriental medical treatment could be used safety to aged obese patients without loss of fat free mass. The study is more required to aged obese patient from now on.

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Classifications of Skin Colors on Korean Elderly Women and their Preference Colors (한국노인 여성의 피부색 분류와 선호색에 관한 연구)

  • 김구자;정혜원
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.303-314
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    • 2002
  • The colors of apparel have become an important element to be used strategically in order to give differentiated character at the level of fiber and fabric production. The colors of apparel have a close relationship with the skin colors of consumers and their preference colors. This study was carried out to classify the skin colors of Korean elderly women into several similar skin colors and to analyse their preference colors. Sample size was 471 Korean elderly women. With color spectrometer, JX-777, we measured 4 points of the body; cheek with removing cosmetics off, forehead, rear neck and arm on the interior part near elbow. All subjects had been shown with 40 color chips and answered the preference colors of apparel and the preference colors. Data weirs analysed to classify skin colors using K-means Cluster Analysis and Duncan test. Independent variables for Cluster Analysis were 12 variables out of L value, a value and b value of 4 points. In doing so, we used SPSS WIN 10 statistical package. Findings were as follows: 1) The skin colors of the Korean elderly women were composed of skin colors of YR, R, and Y. 2) 355 subjects were classified into 4 kinds of skin color groups. 3) The average face color of type 1 was 6.7YR 5.1/4.3 and 56 observations out of 355 subjects were composed of Type 1 and of Type 2 was 6.1YR 6.1/4.5 and 166 observations out of 355 and of 3 Type 6. YR 4.8/4.2 and 75 observations out of 355 and of Type was 6.17 YR 5.7/4.7 and 58 observations out of 355. 4) The average skin color of Type 1 was 7.0YR 5.9/4.4 and of Type 2 was 7.2YR 6.3/4.2 and of Type 3 was 7.0YR 6.2/4.2 and of Type 4 was 7.6YR 5.4/4.2 respectively. 5) The mean values of 12 variables between the 4 classified face color and skin color groups showed significantly different except H value of skin color. 6) All 4 groups showed that the most preference color of apparel and the most preference color were 2.5R 5/14 respectively.

Literature Review on the Research and Developments of Korean Rural Living Science -Food & Nutrition- (한국 농촌 생활과학 연구동향 및 문헌고찰 -식생활 분야-)

  • 강미영
    • Korean Journal of Rural Living Science
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    • v.2
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    • pp.1-23
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    • 1991
  • 농촌주민들의 영양 섭취실태에 대한 동향을 요약해 보면 1. 총 섭취식품중 약 90% 정도를 식물성식품으로써 섭취하고 있으며, 곡류가 차지하는 비율은 점차 감소되는 반면 콩류, 채소류 및 과일류의 섭취 비율은 현저히 증가하고 있다. 2. 총 열량섭취는 감소하는 추세이고 총열량에 대한 탄수화물 :단백질 :지방의 비율이 74 : 12 : 12의 수준이다. 총 단백질 섭취에 대한 동물성 단백질 섭취율은 36%로써 질적으로 바람직하게 변화되고 있다. 칼슘의 섭취수준이 권장량의 90%정도로서 조금 부족한 듯 하지만 철분, 비타민 등 대체로 영양섭취상태는 많이 개선되었음을 알 수 있다. 3. 농촌 영아들의 경우는 모든 영양소가 권장량에 현저히 미달되는 상태이다. 이유식품 개발 및 이유 방법에 대한 상담 지도가 적극 필요한 실정이다. 4. 새마을 유아원의 설치 및 유아급식의 혜택으로 농촌 유아들의 영양 섭취 상태는 두드러지게 개선되었으나 철분섭취 상태는 권장량에 미달되는 실정이다. 취학전 아동의 영양향상을 위해서는 유아 교육시설 확충 및 간식의 중요성에 대한 농촌 주부 대상의 영양 교육 확대 실시가 요청된다. 5. 국민학교 아동들에게서는 빈혈의 발생 빈도가 높게 나타났다. 성장 발육기에 있는 이들의 심신발달에 필요한 영양공급 및 올바른 식습관 형성을 위해서는 학교에서 일정한 지도 목표를 설정하여 계획적으로 실시하는 학교 급식의 필요성이 강조된다 하겠다. 6. 청소년기 및 임신 수유부의 경우도 철분의 섭취상태가 부족하기는 하지만, 철 결핍성 빈혈증상이 나타날 정도는 아니고 영양섭취상태도 대체로 양호하다. 7. 노인들의 식품 영양 섭취실태는 권장량에 크게 미달되는 실정이기는 하지만 혈액검사의 수치들이 대체로 정상인 범위에 있고 건강상태도 양호한 편이다. 식품 개발 및 조리법에 관해서 요약해 보면 1. 식량수급의 안정을 기하고자 다수확 품종인 통일계통 쌀의 취반 및 가공적성에 대한 검토가 진행되었으며, 잡곡류 및 감자류의 효과적인 이용을 위해 복합분의 사용에 의한 식품가공 적성에 대한 연구들이 실시되었다. 2. 콩류에 대한 연구로는, 기름을 추출하고 남은 탈지대두박의 단백질 식품으로의 이용을 위해 추출법의 검토 및 탈지대두박을 이용하는 두부제조법 등 다각적으로 식품에의 적용에 관해 연구가 진행 되었다. 3. 발효식품 중 김치에 대해서는 농촌지역에서 제조되는 김치의 종류와 섭취실태에 관한 연구 및 김치의 저장성을 증진시키기 위한 일련의 검토가 있다. 간장, 고추장, 된장에 대해서는 Koji를 이용한 개량식 제조법 및 팽화시킨 곡분을 사용하는 간편 제조법, 비용 절감을 위한 대체원료 이용에 대한 연구 등이 진행되었다. 4. 이밖에도, 병조림 제조방법, 어린이를 위한 고영양 보충식 개발, 생선의 폐기 부분을 이용하여 칼슘 급원 식품으로서의 유용성에 관한 조리과학적 검토 등이 실시되었다. 식습관 및 식생활 관리 지도에 관한 연구에 의하면, 농촌여성의 농업역할이 가중되면서 자녀들의 식생활을 방임하기 쉬운 실정이므로 유아 교육시설 및 학교 급식 등을 통해서 바람직한 식습관 형성을 위한 프로그램이 개발되어져야 하며, 한편, 식생활 담당자인 농촌주부에 대한 규칙적이고 정확한 영양교육이 이루어져야 하리라 본다.

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In a Universal Design Viewpoint Usability Evaluation Research to PET Bottle (유니버설 디자인 관점에서의 PET BOTTLE에 대한 사용성 평가 연구 -어린이 음료용기를 중심으로-)

  • Kim Sang-Sik
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.5 no.5
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    • pp.124-132
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    • 2005
  • While use of a pet bottle with use it is light recently and convenient increases quickly, it is used from the child, also diffusing the user to a pet bottle to people of various classes, such as an old person, a woman, a male, the man in the street, and a disabled person. However, those who are standardized on the basis of the common man with the plan energy of a pet bottle, and cannot attain to the standard, That is, a child and a disabled person may be condemnedto the vague situation that a lid cannot be opened or a contents thing cannot be drunk without external help. And the characteristic of a material and production which are called PET Even if convenience is emphasized for the cost reduction of COST, a design is chosen easily, and even if it calls it the man in the street, the point of coming to experience a situation with the difficult time of use can be found well. In research of a book, problem derivation which classifies entering school and a preschool boy and girl child for a child drink for an object first by the viewpoint of universal design paying attention to such problems, and leads the actual use example of a pet bottle was carried out in true heart, and various notional approach was shown by the solution method.

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